LONDON, July 11: (CP) A new I Emergency Powers Act extending ;,th.r t.h Government's author- ty was Introduced In the House IC Commons yesterday Dy m. nun. IClement Atlee, Lord rnvy &eai. The bin provmes aor spcwai I courts In certain areas to bring to trial and punish offenders "as I ny be required by the military 1 situation.'' ROUMANIAN SITUATION UNSETTLED I Hungarians from other parts of noumanla. Meantime, there were reports from Istanbul which said Russia intended to make further tncur- ONE DRY iwork. PROVINCE Prince Edward Island Decides to Continue Prohibition : CHARLOTTETOWN, July H. Complete returns In the Prince Ed- TarH Telonrl llnn- nlflhl ult.l rflOWed that this province was to remain thnilanrf iinlut tnr orMlHnllPfl DrO- Mbitlon and eight thousand voted for sale of beer and wine as bever ages; 1TAI.IA1SI nOVATION RVTlMtTV Aova1ln Tnlw 11!' The Italian Tesldents In this1 coun try have made the second sun stantlal donation toward var emphasis Is on multiple rlfle-call-bre machine guns. Britain's bombers have heavy defensive armament. Variations of the standard armament ( n nl 1 1 H 1 r fr lito rf Mnnnn ViaVP I been employed on some types, Bri tish and German, The word "can non Is a general term lor large bore, shell-firing machine guns. Here Is how the famous British B) .types compare In armament with their German (O) opposltes: Fighters H. wasai -lane attaclcs on CARIBOO TRAGEDY Three Tersons From Saskatchewan Killed And Three injured u. Automobile Leaves Highway . ..rtiTiTco Tniv 11: (CP) Threai persons were - - three lnlured in a uw"' aeddent accident on on the me v Cariboo "7 Highway wr POUND STERLING ,Lfl Tvhn palled the fortl tnestauon. the station. But BUk the , . tram ,, on.wnwu j V.f went over had left yesterday when a car th have travelled .. . viurtipfi to tne ; ., . .... in mtns. the roaaway an" i- tana ine svauun " railway tracks below. All the victims were from Saskatchewan. new vork corrEit tude of the British troops "marvel- 1...... M ennlraa et H nrivate carriea from the battlefield witn pout -j - j Vioail wounds. banaageaaua - He was blinded in one eye but, when. ... -,i .,r.c v3ripri and he found tne ot"c , ...... he could see, he told ner cneenuu. "Oh, I have one eye, sister." Whenever ambulances arrlvefl-!u. t,.iai wns hombed. she said. uwpiVH, " tilt; , . , . . "The Red Cross is the thing the Germans want to oomo oui, vi ... rVia rtAlarpfl. 151.CIIUC, "v- . . . nnthir was left behind when she failed to receive orders that a mobile hospital was to be with her were four wounded British officers. She drove with them In a motor amDuiance u to a seaport 30 miles away. The boat on which they were to embark had ocen Domocu. They -proceeded, to another port to ,ipi! hurl rendered it unus- - awiu iiii.ivj . . ..,rie -ui TTvontiinllv an ambulance train new YORK. July u.-wvv' "r """" rr'T' th.v . tnnu. tnpm IO Ijacuuc n"- v "-j WHEAT PRICES CHICAGO, July ll.-Wheat prices PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.r - - - ; The laicsi propoaj an n and Italian foreign ministers noi u rorwarfl guns, lour rear guns. ui. ,. at AUstraUa and the" Unl- - ,1 Dornier. 17; two fixed gunS. two " ; " n .eonomte COUn u.c .r. an. moveable guns. fpr thft nurnose of establishing "VeJ? InWrn-d trt .m,tr,nn.UIhltflrth Whit oi niuuwuji6-MMiin"4. ...... Sergeant McClinton to prevent the Nail organization nn i from wrestlne control of the gov- lYllSSlllSf in HCUOn lernment from him. was today or- tlon. I dered released. Carol ls still try- . ling to maintain stability between officer IT ! A h Iron Guard and Communis CasuaUics- 'Llie AJ1 ..A.. From Belfast .a. .u w arest vesLerdav in an ODen car, invert,, Belfast newspapers record that Rmimania it. 9. renorted In Sereeant W. A. McClinton, rjromeri some quarters, was stiffening her 0f sergeant J. H. McClinton of rtslstsmce against Hungarian de-'thfi Britlsn Columbia police force, m,nil. t7l 1 .nn.Ai.nt If II' H B hn. nf :uuuiu9. ciicwaicrt, wucii J, mlSSlng, ale Was a aiicmuti v said she might be willing to cede .the Irlsh QuardS and prior to that to Hungary portions of Transyl-was a mem'ber of the Metropolitan Y- I I. . , 1 Trt.Hivnt.tQn) - -11 1 VnA iua which are larneay iiuaisano,.- jjce a,tacrica 10 ocouaiiu InnniilatdH nnnnlilcH mild urlth onatrlatlnn ronatrlntlon of of I.. h-j .... for active axflva service cprvir.R against Roumanla by occu- transferred to Vancouver Is-lons Pying the Carpathian Pass at the'. mouth of the Danube River. German newspapermen in Bucharest commented: "Let Russia take wht trio ttmriti tinur. Germany will take It from, her next spring."! I Reports were current today in official quarters' that Roumanla would resign from the League of Nations. He on (Under Bombing War Sisters Show Heroism and Tell Of Fortitude of Their patients LONDON, July U: (CPl-Nurses who returned with the British Ex-...j.n rv-rn from Flanders was called up i MA ol the dogged . courage or the outbreak of war. 'wounded soldiers and of constant . vt McClinton niiMtftn wrtel .. nM hospital unctfnl units units CAPiroonf J UC a gVWI. w - , mi UlUliL. HVVv chief of the district detaenmeni by German airplanes, of the provincial ponce ucic to a few years ago wnen ne Advised by Germany Not) to Upset BalKan rtppiecai: MUNICH, July 10: (CP)rr Leader of Hungary were told by 1 German .ir.e , i.,h traHn rpiatlons rpintinns between Deiween - the inc - 1 t i.... . a t, , ... sources saw. Ileidtr OI Iron Guard Released " B U, " vv" two countries. .This counvry wu From Custody-Carol Strives Sun'- kk" 'u'rltke tod-ffl0if8""basless wivn wic. - To Rttsln Equilibrium-New a suns Unlted 8tatCs than at prCseni ana Demands Made ,B) Vickers-WclllnRton; one for- any movcment toward closer econ- , ward (tun. four rear Runs. (G) omlc reations meets with favor BUCHAREST July U: (Crf- Jurtkers 88; three gun positions. ,here The difficulty may be to get loeritral Ion Antoncscu, leader of n ,V ,,7 thc authorities at Washington w IRoumanla's Iron Guard, arrested Vnm.froonf Vlr-i linfnniview It witn iavor. on Tuesday as King Carol moved UClgcam muv,i!iiiuiiav It ls polnted out that the econ omic cnange su&scaicu v, . affect the present British connec- Is Arrested As Communist Secretary of Canadian Seamen s Union Charged With Being Member Of Outlawed Party MONTREAL, .July. 11: CP .' Jack Chapman, secretary of the Canadian Seamen's Union, has: been arrested under, the .Defence . of Canada Act as beMg a memper of the outlawed Communist rariy New York Stock Mart Is Weaker Softening Of Values Recorded In Today's Trading At Uotnam irew vniiK. Julv 10: New York stock prices showed a downward trend yesterday with tne, lnauswiai average off . at ui.ji " off .19 at 26.40. Donation To Red Tomorrow's Tides, High 6:35 a m. 18.9 ft-19:10 p.m. 19.0 ft. Low 0:25 a.m. 5.9 it. .mith winds, mostly cloudy and cool r 12:35 p.m. 5.8 ft. light showers. few th a NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRICE: .1 CENTS- XXIX, No. 162. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940. niTICU DI AMCC ITTCTICV ' FAITH OF THEIR CREWS; , SUPERIORITY IS PROVEN Comparisons With Nazi Equipment Show Number and Calibre of Guns Carried by Various Types of Aircraft LONDON, July 11: (CP) Experience in full-scale' MionincT nf thn "hlitzkrinrr" Vina instifiprl fnn-! fidencc of the Royal Air Force in the technical superiority! Hup to their arming, design and the manner in which NEW POWER FOR GOV'T UpKUl Military Courts Emtriencj u England In UP Wal i In In current British lighters the (B) Hawker Hurricane: eight ma chine guns. (G) Heinkel 112; two machine guns, two cannon in wings. (B) Vlckers Spitfire; eight machine guns. (O) Messerschmltt 109; four machine guns, one cannon. (B) Boulton-Paul Defiant; multiple guns in turret; also Bristol Blenheim; nest of guns-under fuse-hfge, one gun in rear turret. (G) Messerschmltt 110; four forward Canada Needs More Men-All Between 19 And 45 Urged To Take Training OTTAWA, July 11: (CP) Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, and Hon. C. G. Power, minister of air, last night called for more men for the Canadian army. Col. Ralston said that 40,000 additional men were needed for the Canadian Active Pnwer said that many thousands were wanted for part time training m the non-permanent active militia. ' Col. Ralston said that every able-bodied man m Canada from nineteen to firty-five years of abe and "perhaps over" should have military training. Those i,.f fn fim miiuia f n rpopive trainine in the evenings would spend perhaps two or three weeks m camp, inose caueti up laiei mmci hwu"" would probably spend six weeks in camp. . . Major Power said that every man of military age should- contact local military authorities sind be ready to drill two nights weekly at local military headquarters by July 15 and be ready for carjip by August 1. If military establishments were not completed by the voluntary method, the men would be called up by classes. MORE TRADE HUNGARY WITH STATES; WARNED 1 Australia Suggests Economic Coun cil To Settle Matters Of Trade 1 ..... i-t tl'ilh I! S. . . inu nw" guiu, vwo rear guua, ku toiuiwu. t I nomb" . CANBERRA, Australia, July 11 (n Hand ev-Paee HamDden: two' r. 7 V . ,- .ui. ,. ; Bulletins " i TWELVE NAZIS DOWNED LONDON The Air Ministry announces that twelve enemy planes were shot down and many more damaged during reniwed heavy attacks around the English coast today. i IRELAND DISAGREES LONDON There appears to be possible uerman mtmiuu.. Premier Eamonn de Valera of Eire Is determined to maintain strict neutrality. Lord Craigavon, .Premier of Northern Ireland, fays neutrality would be "repugnant to the loyal soul of Ulster" which la determined to maintain its pres- i ent constitutionality at the side of great Britain. FRENCH FISH BOATS TAKEN HALIFAX A French fishing fleet from the Grand Banks off Newfoundland has been escorted Into aCanadian Atlantic port by Canadian naval vessels. CURTAIN EVACUATION LONDON Owing to lack of steamship accomodation, the plan of evacuating British school children to Canada may be considerably curtailed. It is sussest-ed that the United States might send ships. ITALIANS ARE LOST ROME Two hundred and twenty Italian and Albanian of. fleers" and men were lost when the Italian molorship Paganinl burned and sank June 28 oft, Dur- ai7.o. It is officially announced., lThr cuie of the sinking s,,.riqi u, -rj 1 disclosed. I Cross Sent By 1 Telegraph Creek vAwrmrvKR.. Julv 11: (CP) The provincial superintendent of Red r announces receipt ol a dona tion of $205 from' the Boulder Creek Mining Co. at Telegraph crees. Halibut Sales American Gloria II., 14,000, 9.7c and 7.5c, Rtirapp. Ponlidee. 30.000. 9.3C and l.X, Rooth. Vnrpmost. 40.000. 9c and 7.DC Storage, Canadian Teeny Mllly, 14,500, 9.8c and 7c Atlin. J. R. (holding over) 9,000, offered 9.5c and 7c by Pacific. LONDON SILVER LONDON, July 10. The London silver price yesterday was 21 15-16c. AIR liAID ON ITALY LONDON The Admiralty an-nounres that an Italian destroyer and a thulk.of the type generally used as a depot or store ship" were sunk yesterday by the British air force in a raid on an Italian harbor In Sicily. All British planes returned safely to their bases from the raid on the Italian naval base. BRITISH SHirS HALTED BUCHAREST Twenty British hln of tonnage totalling 4tf,000 are reported to have been halted by Roumanian authorities on the Danube as they sought to depart through the Black Sea towards Turkey. FRENCH SHUFFLE GENEVA D.JLB. (German) nrai nrencv renorts that Albert . . i PrclHrnt nf ' j t ion on the totalitarian basis I There may be a plebiscite. NO DEMAND ON TURKEY ISTANBUL, Turkey Official Russian quarters said today that Russia had no intention of making demands upon Turkey. Denounced as "nonsense" was the fear that Moscow was about to ask concessions in the Dardanf iua nr h Haiicasu region of Turkey. BIG SHIPS UNDAMAGED LONDON The British completely denies claims by Italy that serious damage was done by aerial bombing to the great British battleship Hood and the aircraft carrier Ark toyaL Bombs fell close, the Admiralty admits, but there, were no direct hits, no damage and no casualties. NEW R.A.F. SUCCESSES CAIRO New and successful attacks by the Royal Air Force on several Italian bases in North Africa are reported. MALTA BOMBARDED ROME According to Italian claims. Malta has again been vi olently bombarded by the Italian Nazis Ease Up On Raids; Lost Numerous Planes lnBig Battle Thirty-Seven Enemy Machines Estimated to Have Been Disposed of Yesterday With Five More Today t nvnniM T1ir ll (r.T Five flprmnn nlanes were little little chance chance of of an an agreement agreement be oe- uuuuu, y v , 7 V.r i "T a. , J -.-i.-j ........... n,. .! ' V,. 1nrn tnAnxr in q rmrl nn d smith PflMSt KinffllSn DOIT. Northern Ireland for common de- yatcbers saw three bombers plunge into sea and another . ... I t I I. Ik. (... If . . . 1 11 I ' 1 J 1 C A 1nH JlMM lence oi tne nvo.ii nn tViP shnrp whilfi a fighter made a forced landiric and the crew was captured. The raiding Nazis sowed bombs in the Midlands, in the southeast and southwest', HUGE SUM IS ASKED r Another Four Billion Dollars Sought By Roosevelt For Defence ASSENT IS Is . WASHINGTON, D. C., July 11: (CP) President Franklin D. Roosevelt , asked Congress yesterday to authorize an additional $4,800,00000 for defence in a sTiecial messaee asserting "we will not use our arms In war of ag gression or send men to take part la" a European war." The request brings tq about $10,-000 000,000 the funds asked this session for defence. i GIVEN BILL In yesterday's intense aerial bat tles in the Dover area thirty-siven German raiding planes were either ' shot down or disabled. Fourteen are known to have been shot down and 23 are believed to have been'sb badly damaged that they would b9 unable to reach home. Two Bri tish fighters were shot down. MANY CITY LOTS SOLD Transfers of Property Authorize by Commissioner Sitting a3 a city council 'this morning, City Commissioner D.;J. Matheson authorized the following several transactions In city tax T 1 HIT 1 IP rTr I sale nrorjertv: IIAVlAlir, 1U I acaveaalle.tot.52. RAIL LINE, Section 1. $730. Flnat Authorization Given Measure, $243.75, lorun mjraii"" , -, . Block 1, John Olsen, Lot 3 and 4, Block 2S, Section 5,- $2M.-'ftim John BTirnlotls, Lot 25, biock-j, 'Section 1, $110. n.iVi.h n.M.r. tu iin Railway Line John Furnlotls, For Short Time' Lot I Block 5, Section 1, $50. . , JH iirmit'n Tnnsc t'.nt V. 9ft ft'nf SS. . imam u u.iw, v j - !ii Block 34, Section 1!, $2150. LOt " LUCERNE, swttzeriana. JU1y it: ? f- RaUroad sources SoS20, Block 20 4 ruptlon of traffic on the rail line , . through Brenner Pass between Ger- Uan'Sind Betty chrUteriseh, and.Italy. The cause was not , many Lot 11,12, B, Block 3. Section to o, $607i. i, . ascertained but it was reported that Ll 2' jm 3 'there had been a line damaged by J?g ' Action 7, British air raiders. m&X Section 7, $75. - f I John E. Morris, Lot E. Vi of ,23, (Block 3, Section 2, $236. Stanley E. Parker, Lot ii. Block 35, Section t $600. . Owen L. and Jessie K.Murray, .int. W li. of 8. Block 26. Section 0, U.naUlll1g U11CI14UUJHIV... I arctciouil, uv u w, .w. surance In Canada j 15, Section 7, $135. Roderick McRae, $115. LONDON, - July 11: (CP) Royal. Fred Rlffou, Lot 23, Block 28, Sec- France and be succeeded ny Assent was given, aitei uon o, v ' Premier retain. Former Premier the British House of Lords yester-; Walter Bushmann. Lot 31, Block Flandin may succeed Petain as day. to a bill amending the British 7( section 1. $110. Premier By a vote of 5G9 to 80 ,North America Act to empower the. Jas. Greer, Lot 18 and E. Vz of 19. .l- .:-i A.cmWi vrsterdav Canadian Parliament to pass an nwir 20. Section 6, ut I1C . - , i . Mv,omo . j t ft m l 1 .dnntpd the new French constitu unemployment uuiauw noy u. n. uuimuiu, r, CANADIAN DOLLAR NEW YORK. July 11. The Can- .Jl.n Inllar mat nnntpH at 85-VnC on Block 22, Section 7, $90. ' Anthony Bussanich, Lot 1, Bleak. 1 36. Section 7. $90. Geo. Ferguson Jr., Lot 35; 37, the New York foreign exenange -Block 37, Section 7, $107.50. market today. a. and P. Foss Nellsen, E. V, of 22, air force. were destroyed, 1 ; Block 1, Section 8. $82.50. . HONG KONG AND AUSTKAL.1A . SYDNEY, N. S. W., July 11: it . - . proposed to double the present' (lmiTal lS air service hptween between this this country country and Hong Kong. Three British planes I yed, it Is said, and two 1 Italian planes failed to return. U.S. BASES IN CANADA Disappointed Sir Andrew Cunningham Would I Have Liked to See Italian FlrM I It Out Rather Than Run WASHINGTON, D.C. It is suggested here that naval and air LONDON, July 11: (CP) Admlr-bases be established by United 'al Sir Andrew Cunningham, com-States In Nova Scotia and Ber- mander-ln-chlef of British naval In the Mediterranean, ,des-ing forces muda as a measure of strengthen- coast defences. crlbes the naval action in the Med POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS LONDON Under Foreign Secretary Butler suggested to Parliament yesterday that there might arise complications in the situation in Eastern Europe, as affecting the relations of Russia and he axis powers, which would de-ract attention of Germany and Italy from Great Britain. lterranean mis weev as uioay-polntlng" as the Italians ran for shore defences instead of remaining Iti flirht. It. out. BAR GOLD LONDON. tCP) The Montreal nrlce of bar cold on the London market was unchanged today at $37.54 per. tine ousce, ; if