PAOE TWO TUB DAILY NEWS CAMPACS If you. have not seen the new crepe y soled steel arched, ventilated designs assuring the maximum comfort, wear and durability in the very latest styles, you are missing something in summer footwear. Ladies and men's. Priced from 2.50 T0 3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor News Department Telephone . . 16 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau st Circulations Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance .. By mall to all other countries, per year .... Classified advertising per wgrd, pi? insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion t?AILY EDITION city TWO WORTHY ORJFrr? Today in Sports NAVY WINS IN SOCCER Defeats Dry Dock In Opener Dominion Day Cup Series Football Scorers Dick Cameron (Velvet) 2. J. Campbell (Dry Dock) 2. Martin iFusiliers) 2. W. Ferguson (Navy) 1. II. Dickens (Velvet) 1. Potter (Fusiliers) 1. C. Ferguson (Velvet) 1. Vink (Velvet) I. R Smith (Navy) I. Borland (Navy) 1. well contested with both teams staged, playing a clean and pleasing brand of ball. The teams were very evenly matched and it was well on to the end of the first half before Navy managed to break through Dry Dock's strong defence when Ralph Smith scored a perfect right foot drive. With the score one-nothing against them. Dry Dock strived t feverishly to score an equalizer but SPORT CHAT ..-. A - trwMifHt on Vf nesdav nbTht cawed postponmentjtreme preseure when fie phase ?JWa; Muuklpal share ot the scheduled opening games of the season for the Prince Rupert the Western Fsant er, th 31-year-old Tarteton Baseball Scores National Lea cue Chicago 5. Boston 4. American Leacue Boston 7. SU Louis 5. I eanilat MHMnt 1 1.518 30: ToUl B. C. innvm WARNED (Continued from Pw i ,w, ajs swajestsi. ssMussauaa sa,ev v- Dock met in the first game of a portuntiy ior practice at tne aim- ticn oc we remaining resources knock-out series for the Dominion tralian golf gymkhana at Mel- and the development of ways and Day Football Cup with Navy em- bourne. Australia In aid of the mean of strengthening the eeon- erging victorious by a score of two Royal Melbourne Hospital when a amy for the future." ish. Columbia residents have iJlMHi. 1- . -1 A. i . 3 iaic r uie scoring column, mcx iavi-( vet dht The lady visitor who was delivering lectures in the uId avf lt-NaTy went tw ahead lakis. playing the left wing for Dry this V.eek. Miss Gaultier of Quebec, was advocating StSrinJ1lV?wn,a"y ? Navy's goalie many try- tt.. .r.'- A l7 J Al A " uu" 'K momenu. IWO WOnnV OOiectS. UIIC was X tiuscx uuuci maiming aim ey handled the hall In TW T-v. r,. u.-ji.j 112.SS1.0W I of re ef exploitation posses," a-r Total 7W.oog uaiit to local governments, eo(. 090. i In most years the province would gain and the Dominion would lose substantia My mare than was indicated above "Transfers Nel Tart-ton,, noted British boxer, - aectcsUy of amjartkttnc debt " onuw is expound? the to. and outa of burred far developmental pro- LnLT', the manly art to British soldiers on tects and particularly for those such t A clever fight- M the Pacific Great Eastern mil- . " U a way, vokh have already proved 111- " -- "-e . im- man or original ideas ana is re- advised and uaprodaeuve. uerore - "7", 7 , garded as a nrst-eJass coach. the beat of the retraces are ex- Sli-, ? ,1 k..,.i .1. , . form natloml rata, would leave f"M "Provincial and .... .u r. , r., d.h.', r... h.ri si. a. i. th. ..mii... municipal British Columbia "evidently did not need an adjustment grant to nothing. The game was very special event for club- throwing was However, "in the meantime. Drit- .JL rs.. . . vT" ' . " -. .... u i i-i- ....j .. vtees eo4d be maintained and de- """"c Vl wi-cuon ana toent and conservation ex- bttter communal service than has p-nd;tures be brought up to pre-the aveiaae Canadian elUsen and depression levels on provincial lhar havt shown a willingnass to ..xation siiahUy lower than the maintain thee standards by sub- Canadian average. British Colum-mttUog to higher than average tax- bia Uxpayers would be saved be-t1- twen 4.000.000 and J5 .000.000 TIM cemmlasian warned agains xh proposed budgetary expectation that the "fortuitous tion basis 1938-Mi coincidence of econocnie evenU of Provincial revenues. $3) .000 .000 ...c .w urcaoes wokd provea BxpendU " 9.0C In their favor, the Dry Dock for- Navy along with the old reliable, af would pass. 02 wards threatened continuously but Bill Murray, gave a very good ac- This Is the effect of th- com- -25 were unable to crack Navy's defence count of himself with his sure kkk- minion's oublic finance plan on of Borland and Murray. With the in?. British Columbia on the basis of play travelling up and down the "Scoop" Bury. Dry Dock's new.1937 res. as grrni In the May 17, 1940. field at a fast it Prt: pace appeared al- football find, plays a hard game most certain that sooner or later and. without a doubt will non m-! Credits fiflP t A a m Krii1rl canto , a ai a . appreciatKia Qt the French Canadian by the. bnglisn penalty area. From then on Navy ry Dickens and proved himself quite ttoll costs. $415.0eO: 8tnklng funds speaKing ccopie oi tne country ana tne revival oi ine an- cient handicrafts of the people of Quebec and of othe: -parts of the country. In regard to the relation of the French-Canadian :o the rest of Canada, the speaker urged that there should be a mutual spirit of co-operation and tolerance in regard to language and religion and all other questions 'hic might come up. With that we thoroughly agree. There is no good reason why there should be differences. Usually the politicians have been to blame. Both English-speaking and French speaking politicians have shared that blame. Evidently the people fell for it. It is. up lo the people, both French and English, to cheek up on the politicians. In regard to preserving the native handicrafts, we have spoken of that often before. It seems too bad that tm natives in the industrial schools should be taught to do cheap tawdry work, like everyone else does and wholly negiect the native arts. We need a revival of native handicrafts in this part of the country as well as in Quebec. HOLDING IS WINNING If the Allies can hold the Germans from advanc'"" they are winning the present war. The Germans must win to keep un their morale. They are of different stuff from the British and they react differently. This is especially true when they are fed up as the Germans have been, on false propaganda, false news despatches and false radio broadcasts. They are bound to get some information as to the real condition of affairs and find out that their god that they have been worshipping is only a tin god. WHISPERING CAMPAIGN One of the weapons used by the enemy in these war days is the "whispering campaign."1 lt is a campaign initiated d h iends o. the uermans in enemy coun: ries and 13 designed to make people douht their leaders, their defenders and the righteousness of their cause. It is carried out by suggestion. It points out the defects in the .British campaign, the weakness pf the French, the unreliability of the Allies, the nobility of the Germans and generally carries on a quiet barrage designed to help the enemy. In Canada this is illegal at the present time andany person carrying on such a campaign is liable to be interned. According io general repot t, there is a lot of this going on in Prince Rupert, Hitler's friends have been busy but this sort of thing cannot be. .allowed Jto continue. There has been a great awakening to the danger of this sort of campaign in all Allied countries and steps are being taken to counteract it and to deal with offenders. (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One bolstered up the defence and was capable I Dominion. errtee sBUned by Relief to employables assumed by Dominion. w.i 08 ,ooo; savings on tax collec- $853,000. Relief works charged to kVV vV v V VI Srv-1:"! v . O fef H b.iM.lki.lI.UiU M 1L " ,.n lfnl. loo. lot mtmf SH Your children need the extra nourishment in ALL -WHEAT Active, growing cbil.lren burn up -vital energy much faster than grown-up. That's why ihey need the important vitamin, Lotly-huiMing protein, energizing carbohydrates, and valuable mineral contained in Kellogg ALL.TTIIEAT. And they love its delicious flavour. Ak your grocer for two packages of Kellogg's ALL-WHEAT today and get your first boul now in either a rich orange or lustrotM green, art you choot. Youll want a ulxAeul! SEE YOUIt GKOCKU TO. PAY! He .loc not lie many gla bU, anl Mill waul a nmjl-te act. Iir XlO IHMl fMiflf nintl.i. in r9,nnt...url .rj . , . . .,,.-., , .M..l..l j -j . out.u. - iui vim- awe mj noKi me lemu unui uk insti hih mim wivanHMieaus $900 000 ,ed in favor of Navy. whistle. to British Columbia will be re- 100 1 In the second half, with the hill Borland, olavlne defence for peated." The differential advant- " (battalion Friday. M .MACriK FOR MASCOT DfblU I PUCKAPUNYAL. Aut- Tae transferred to Dominion. 17 : CP TUputed t , are easily borne irom the surplua $jgrg,ooo, Former aubddlea in- ot muth promtee am! of abote-aTetur wseatc-a and a eUiMat murtm grant. $l.M4.000; ;ultable training u, . hute capital InTeatment program. Total. MXAOO. ,cook." a young mni; mar Drore erttha hm oT av- ininmvmmi m Hiuncil rwd- !doPtfd M mascot trr nu rMOHirM remain ana nrw m- w-. i n4 w - uw. uTiwi v i wiwmBwm q. . vestment taperi off." it went on. Ior , national adjustment grant.! "Services and a standard of llv- $a.&l3.0OQ: ToUl. $12-1.000 I tn esUbUshed and financed by : treaUng capiul depletion aa cur- Locl Improvements rnt income will be SObieet to ax- Relief assumed by Dominion, The province for yeara to come Softball League. Three Sisters, were wwiki hate a per capita Income to have played the Grotto and higher than the average but It Stone s Clothiers were to hate met would also b mow wlabte aad Irish Fusiliers. vulnerable The coanmisalDn warn- ed Handyman Home Senice Painting. Repairing, Garde nlni Ugbl Dclivtries Kav that neglected jcb tf -t now Phone (iretn 6:j (or th Handyman. THE SEAL QUALITY 5J GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salrnon Packed y the m(t tlm canning ccossqj tth to iQ the year rr rr0 t Pvtne Kasrl LINZEY & DAVIES Grocers IK EE DLL1VEKV Phone 115 5 fi H It; COCOA " i; ' rcrt 'rlb. tin At)l' FRESH GINGER SXA!S- OCp 2 lbs FIRST GRADE BUTTER QQq JJ lbn ,.... C. & B. NUT LOAF and CHOC. CAKE 4 Cp Per tin ORCHARD CITY TOMATO JUICE Buy now. Per tin ; RICE PUFFS OCn 3 bags FRESH GROUND COFFEE fftn Q1 1 5 It s delicious. Lb. .. Ul3 lbs. v-L A" Friday And Saturday SALE Matched Sets- No. 7005 TWIN SET Consisting of one 20-incb Pakrite and one M-inch Vanity Case. Regular gS?. No. 7017 TWIN SET Consisting of one 20-inch Pakrite and one 10-inch Vanity Case. Regular r5: 314.45 No. 503G TWIN SET Consisting of one 20-inch Pakrite and one 18-inch Fitted Case. Regular $rM: $23.00 No. 7019 TWIN SET Consisting of one 20-incb Pakrite and one 18-inch Fitted Case. Regular SS27:60-. $21.75 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose nulldlnr, Third Avenue, Trlnce Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN M