5 jar May 11 1940, THE DAILT NTW3 PASS THRCT MVS ANj rs ilholic Tea id Sale Held Tea and Sale at Home of Mr J. L. HUlii i ptre.t of the Oatbo- i .1 delightful ta and king was hW yes-xui at the home ot .n. Second A venae. . -: guests called, be-. .tic host and Mrs. i -.. was In erurfe of . : "ti , assisted by Miss A Dominalo and FOR THC TRADE. MARK LABEL-CNDS FROM PACKAGES OF IALADA TEA i ma m tmi 11 1 1 Snd 10c and th Ubtlend, showing the tea-pot trademark, from any packet of 'SALADA' TEA or Tea Ban to 'SALADA' STAMP CLUB, 461 Klnc St. Wet, Toronto, Ontario, and you MH receive 100 all-dltferent Stamps vlth a Urt Album and a Htt from which vou can choote thousand ot Stamps FREE, FOR SALADA TRADE-MARK LABEL ENDS. Name - Address Town Laren and Mrs. C vlteurs were Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Ward. Mrs. Leo Dolron. Mrs. F. 8t. Armour and the Misses Pulmlra As-tort and Gertrude Turgeon. of Mrs. Frtd Hill and Mrs. J. A Smith. Mrs. Louis A mad to was cashier. A nltlt of a pair of Madeira pillow eases was won by Thomas Trotter with ticket No. 46. RHODESIA'S TOBACCO BULAWAO, May 17: tCP It Is expected Great Britain will take practically all of Southern Ash your rrofer about f if uric Coif fohurn book on liotisvfurnishinga r tcritcfor n copy to: C()N(;oii;um CANADA LIMITED 3700 St. Patrick Street - Montreal jRebekah Dance Very Enjoyable Successful Affair Held on Wednesday Night Soldiers and Natal Men Farewelled The Itcbekahs held a very en .Joyable and successful dance Wed nesday night In the Oddfellows' i IIa.ll. About two hundred were l present. The hall was tastefully decorated with colored lights, bal loons and spring flowers. Delicious refreshments were served at mid night. Norman Moorehouse, master ,of ceremonies, dedicated a number to the Irish Fusiliers and members of farewell to the boys. One of the : Irish Furthers replied, thanking the ' Rebekaru as well as all the people of Prince Ruoert for their kindness m to them while in the city. The . crowd then sang "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" and dancing continued until 2 a.m. Music was by Mrs. DeCarlo'g Orchestra- Mrs. A. Barbc was general con The home cooking was in charge vener, assisted by Mrs. Norman i Moorehouse. Mrs. D. V. Smith. Mrs. O. B. Church and Mrs. F. D. Mor rison. Mrs. II. Tattersal and Mrs. B. Wharton also assisted. O. B. Church and J. M. Morrison were in charge of the door. WANTS RAISE AT 30 I WILUTON, Eng.. May 17: CP John Reed. 90-year-old collector of rates, saying he couldn't carry Rhodesia's record "Virginian" to- on much longer, asked the rural baeeo crop of 34.000.000 pounds In council for an Increase In salary Mf- J Lorn Mc- the present harvest .A committee Is considering It. PEC: "Wo nectl n rug for our Iivinp riMnii, Iut wc just ran't nlTonl ..." MEG:"Ahj1kmI- rnnniToriliiGwioriirii Hug! And CongoU-um is not only economical, it's the rosiest thing in the x oriel In kcrp clrnn! You can wipe up upota in a jiffy, ami an occasional waing keep it marvellously bright and new! You don't have to lack it down either it ntnja ' flat without fastening of any kind!" PEG: 'Hut how could 1 rirrget oncto hariuoiiie with my walls and furnishings?" MEG: "Oh, Congoleuiii dealers have dozentof lovely colour combinations to clioo-o from, and the smartest designs you nrr saw!" PEG: "Then let's go and flee the new Cougolcum patterns today!" fi.U.llcmcinbcr, IauIics, toltwkfor the Gold Seal for lasting satisfaction!" S unwaftwMi gw-wtm y g (7 vV-r MacKenzie's Furniture hh SIZES CONGO'LEUM KUfiS WBaaagpgTTn i i - i -- - r , LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ole Welle returned to the city on constable A. O. Hanford R.CMP. Wednesday from a trip to Vancou- arrived In the city on Wednesday vcr. i from Vancouver. L. 8. Hope, assistant district for-, Mrs. James Boyd sailed last night ester, sailed last mgnt on ine on the prince ueorge xor a iny w Prince George for a trip to the Vancouver. Ocean Palls district, on official du- ties. I Mrs. C. II. Ployart. wife of Cap- the United States. Rev. Thomas Johnstone of from Montreal to Terrace. Col. A. E. Snell of Ottawa, direct or of the St. John Ambulance So clety. In the course ofa western or. ganlzatlon tour, was In Prince Ru Wednesday, arriving by steamer In he morning and proceeding East by train tn the evenifig. While here Comni "--"ioner NJUs reviewed the loral troops, many of the boys turning out for the occasion. DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT Ilibby Rel"s Orrhrstrm Oddfellow's Hall Announcements All advertisements In Uuj cm nmn will be charged for s fall month at 35c von United May 22. Empire May 23. . ; jjjjgjgajpjajJJJ Tea, Mrs. R. O. Large, Carnival, Moose Hall, Hospital Auxiliary TcaNurscs" Home June 6. P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display. I Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, June 7. Lutheran Scwlnr: Circle Tea, and Sale, Mrs. Murvold's. June 13. Anglican Tea, Nlcholls', June 13. Mrs. J, W. tain C. II. Ployart, medical officer Norman Nelson,, manager of Nel- of the 102nd Battery, arrived in the son Bros. Fisheries Ltd., returned to city on Wednesday from LUlooet. the city on the Prince George wedi I nesday from a brief trip to Van-' Thomas Mayo, superintendent for L. W. Kergln, arrived in the city on I last night's train from his studies at Mrs. J. P. Downey of Smithers, Toronto to spend the summer va- who has been on a trip to Vancou- cation at his home here;, ver, arrived in the city on the Prince George Wednesday morning Mrs. W. S. Drury, wife of a well from the south and proceeded by known Whltehorse business man. the evening train to her home in and daughter were passengers the interior. aboard the Princess Louise today returning to the Yukon after an tended visit In Vancouver. Pentecostal Assembly, who has been conducting an evangelical cam- II. V. Littler, manager of the paign here during the past ten days, Stewart branch of the Bank of leaves on this evening's train for Montreal, and Mrs. Littler and Terrace. His wife Is coming out little daughter, after a seven weeks' 'vacation trip which took them to Montreal and points in Ontario, were passengers aboard the Prince George this Wednesday returning north. pert from boat 'to train Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Garrett, who! While here he conferred with local have been visiting In the city, for St. John Ambulance Society auth- the past few weeks with their son! orlUes. Col. Snell. who is a retired and dauehter-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. army doctor, was accompanied by Jack Garrett, are sailing tonight on his wife. the Princess Adelaide for Vancou- . ver- manv J'ears located at At- wm.nm.wr c. r. rom ji win- ,,n Mr Un nipeg. executive secretary oi ine In the Matter or the Garrett are now) nlannlne to take im futum rwi.' Maniwoa ooy ocouw Assowauon. dence in the south in the course of a trip to the Pa- r-fie Coast, visited Prince Rupert on Soccer Sharps Like This One LONDON. May 17: rri ti iiogan of Aston Villa. coach wllh the British Expedition ry Force in France, tells this one. While he was coaching antiaircraft guns, drove off inn raiders and returned to the football field. wv.m i rmivM- the Bennett & White Construction 5 Co., is a visitor in the city on bus- K .of the Royal Canadian Naval Vol- Mf and Mrfc Q A nryant sailed ines.4 having arrived Wednesday lllllMf TlAurva im thalr Hnna-tnro' .. n , n . 11 1 7 1 last mgni on me rnnce ueorge irom Vancouver. from the city. The Noble Grand. or Vancouvcr wnerice they plan to Mrs D. V. Smith, spoke a few words j eed on anotncr motor trip to Allan Kergln. son of Dr. and Mrs. headed by a Lancashire lad who on. ... j U Ottjr ol Prince Bwcxri. rirnnce of BrKMi OotiKntola. Merchant, sad ttiaS sU pti liKl'Syti to H nU Brtati rc requirwj vo prey rntr claims to n, fcr'-t- sad i.t nil persona hsftnK' csamu inet tiy '.a liwr wv re-cjvtrd to fMe tttn jjroperly verified In wt" Vri wth me on or before the SO'h dsy of Jie 190 fslllrm which I -Kdl rr..-ie -t-i,rlHt1rm cf nirh Etmte rasThut retrd ciUjr to olft'm titi I" 4 my h-nds. DATED ! Pr'tw P'Tt. D. C . UUs th day My A. D. 1940. NORMAN A WATT. Offt?1! Admtnwtor, SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining mORA ROr.LEIl AKF.NA and Mrs. J. H. Myrwang. The Varden Singers will appear. There will also be community singing. Reading by Mrs. Arnold. Two brief addresses will be given. AM. ARE MOST CORDIALLY INVITED I Headquarters IS Hosiery At Peoples Semi Service KAYSER HOSE 75c Regular 85c First Quality While our present stock lasts. The hose 4 you've been paying 85c for. Buy a few pairs. 6-Thread Hosiery A reduction to meet present competitive conditions of lower grade hosiery Newest shades. Oasis, Valiant, Burnish, Suave, Dashing White too. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" TII1KI) AVE. Next to Heitbroner's Phone BLUE 907 ZfJ Timely Recipes DAINTY CUP CAKES 2 eggs, separated 2-3 cups condensed milk cup sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking, powder 1 teaspoon lemon extract to the condensed milk. "T! .I " ' bn J,m-.Hemln. thoroughly. Add vanilla. 1";; toke tlmc " for thrift unto smooth and creamy, stoppage. Snread on cold cake. This frosting : covers tons of two 9-inrh. layers or iv Tin; si pkemk roi KT or itKiTtsii ton am 'des loaf cake or about roti'Miu , is cup cases. IN PKOIIAIE "Admlntvtratlnn ' nd I A A fllty rtity cent cent cisatntQ ad. win In Mttnr of thr lttr of Jam In frsiin. TAKE NOTICE Uw bT OrdT oi Ills Hc-r JKy FTiTfr ttsed Slay !5th I was Mrtnfti dinr Vh Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. Darton's. 5feJ? ft May if. Evening Branch W. Tea, May 30, Mrs. J. B. Gibson's, Girl Guide Association TcaMrs. J. R. Morlson's. McBrldeStreet, June 1. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Wm. Lamble, June 5. " Mrs. irn-!wften make you many dollars. Son Of General I Odium In Charge Of Local Irish Major R. M. Odium, son of Major General V. W. Odium, commander-in-chief of Canada's second overseas active service force, has arrived In Prince Runert to Beat eg yolks with rotary egg assume command of he Irish beater; add condensed milk Fusiliers here Other new Fusiliers and continue beating until officers here are Lieut. O. E. well Wendell. Sift flour once, meas- Ryan an(i jjeut. W. H. V. Mature, add baking powder and sift thews. Major W. T. Brown and again. Add grr4uani to llrst mix- capt. H. S. Lamb will be arriving Uireattdftlrbnjjl weTTbYended. Add later. . lemon riftrSet, Fold In stlfriy beat- Major C. J. Strong. MaoVc. D. cn CffR whites. Pour Into small Cannon. Cant. F. C. Pilklnirtnn' tcreavd cur cake pans Bake in 'Lieut. C. C A Nirnn mil r.uf n vi I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v i . A . n .v-. tj. . T-i ... i ir-uenw: uiru ' jju uttjt tcs r . : txjnnauie soccer ; about 15 minutes. Makes about 2. Magic Frosting lTs cup? sifted confectioners' 4x sugar Vi eun condensed milk 1 teatpoons vanilla Add confectioners' sugar gradu- iOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOWOOOCKfWOKKHWH0000 AV WARWICK have left for Vancou ver tn connection with a routine transfer of Fusiliers which has now been completed. Five thniiiMf: r...: rtnprt people read the Dally News. It pays to let them now what yotk Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servlre-3 Heated Cars PA Mm AC DUA LHlflLilVrtii MADE IN ENGLAND Take Pictures Size 3 1-4" x 2 1-4" CHURCH NOTICES! SPECIAL SEVENTEENTH OF MAY SERVICES FRIDAY, MAY 17th, 8 p.m. . AT FIRST UNITED CHURCH 1 i In spite of conditions in Europe, all citizens of Norwegian origin in Can-! ada and In U.Sj will also this year observe the National Independence Day of Norway. ! Appropriate Memorial Eervlces will be held Friday evening. May 17th, 1 at FIRST UNITED CHURCH. The event Is sponsored by St. Paul's Lutheran Church: The Sons of Norway; The Varden Singers; The Nordkap Society and other groups. Musical selections will Include pipe organ numbers by Miss Swanna Ola f son and Mr. Peter Lien. Also vocal selections by Mrs. J. H. McLeod $1.30 Ormes ltd. ZTJh. Pioneer Druqgiats The Rcxall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 5 14 5 1 1 7 1! i ii ' t