Weather Forecast prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Freh south to lou'hwrit winds, cloudy and cool lth showers. Vol. XXIX . No. 117 ! 1 Uflzian Government Moves From Brussels to Ostend French Deny That Maginot Line Is So Far Affected v; A xo lorces nave mhwb o i w ;-f:tloa in calm and 2 I :J raer in spile of heavy en- g . .. I .nil vmlmmtlMA MUM ft ilrnralt had been destroyed wlth fifteen Oermans missing. There were German planes oft he southeast coast of England last night but they were driven ff befnri. thev attacked. There was also an air raid near Paris, rne nlari rfVnnnlngr hltth CXDloSlVCS before It was driven off. Whether or not there had been damage or casualties was not immediately known. The British government again warned that continued setbacks might be expected before the malor nH rwislv battle was Joined. It was pointed out that the Allies hart mart nn final Concerted tand as yet and that the great same was yet to come. LOTS OK KKVS MANCHESTER. Ene.. May 17: CP when he pleaded guilty to tight cases of motor-car. stealing Thomas Wilson ;a. was sentenced 'o 12 months. There were 92' car 'finition Vys In his possession. central Belgium and northern France today. A French military statement declared it was a "great inaccuracy" to 'hat the Maginot Line had been . p r ed at any point Except for . ttf ,;ermg aetlrlty. the Maginot (jlVei! LlIC L-.e ha not even been affected by f ? f.ghtlng in a defensive area to Uftr Accniilf U1 rVoDauil !e est of It ThU statement was Kite n Parti In reply to exultant K? claims In Berlin to the ef- TORONTO. May 17:-LMe isnpris-(rr 'hat the Maginot Une had onnvent and twenty lasbes were Vrf punctured at several points renteneet Imposed by Mr. Justice I j a alxty-mlle front and that.MMkay on Tony BeUo and Leon-Germans were no- only seven- ard Dill, convicted of criminally Te miles from Parts, east oi aseaaKtaf the wife of a Royal Can-h city Oeritn predicted there adten Air Force of fleer. HUls broth-r:uli be a major battle The Nasta er. David, received fifteen lashes on (;ri ni to far as to predict the a similar charge War Nail Effort to Win BUDAPEST. May 17: (CP) iif!iL iLn T rtl n n irnirriHtimAnt i I i rwl r t-i t n r Ti tii taenia Germany 1 reported to be maw Willi Wit- uciiimii uu iiiuviiiv uuuiiuuiiiii), m - . as a precautionary measure against aerial action and mov- nT,ZTn tog to Ostend, the German army, with violent mechanized tler o( un5ary pointing at rou-n,f .,i oir ottupkv ntturk. pnntinupd continued its its advance advance aeainst acainst the the Allies Allies in in mania. tin 110 miles sr. away. Uncon- Uncon t ' Parts during the month of .. l:- iooooooooooooooooooooooooovoooooooocKoooooooooc Bflgium It is announced that ! firmed reports from Vienna said that all but the date was set for a ll'htiilne march through Hungary. Roumanla, with 1.600,000 troops mobilized, has ordered oil companies to store at their own expense fuel to ret army needs, poslb1y around 2.000,000 tons. It Is believed this would virtually halt shipments to Germany which Jj already reported to have re-reived only half of its orders. German stock are believed to be dwindUn and authoritative source suggest this is why Ger-manv mut win or lose the war in two months. til The Army l intact Looooooooooooooooooooooooo-oooooooodoooooooo i . s. asldi am r r Bflgun coioirwnueJuwtL J ...itntrnr mw k Derm It was stated that the Ortan dlvistoru were moving i.tird reienUeealy. tookin f(K tt i and with dsr preparaUoo h unter-attaclc. , T s course of the campaign r uei to follow that of W14 ike then, tto" ixiibUltj' It rr h tonit observer 0f the !-c settled In the Maine : I T.e Germans claimed a "me i'n' tot the Allies south of e-but there was no admission bv fc j of the AUlea. If the Oer-rar had formed a pocket, they fcsrt I'iared themselves hi a poH ' where effecUve action eoukl b ,km against them, the French a;' ministry suggested. j T ie German claims of victories ir particularly extravaeant to-( C2 I hey aald that 1100 French j p: oners, including two generals, lial been taken In the Sedan sec-. '-r 'hat there had been an Al- fl retreat from Antwerp to Se-dar that Dutch Ulands of thej Z":and group had been captured I and that there had been Nail vk-'. f r;rs on both land and sea with e cruiser sunk and other Allied ratal losses both off the Dutch j nd Norwegian coasts. One statement was that fifty-nine Allied rAitlt ri s-ttle is raging at Avwnes. north of St. Ouentin. a French High Cemmand com-nun.qur u.. tonight It said that the German attack developed today in a "massiie manner." i MOVING CHILDHKN TO WALKS I ONDON Authorities announce that children removed from Unden to Suffolk on the east coast are to be moved Sun-day the possibility of German to Wales a a precaution against air raids. DUTCH HARBORS BLOCKED , LONDON British naval forces, acting in co-operation lth the Dutch, blew up Holland's oil reserves and sealed the entrances to main Dutch ports before the Germans took control. It has now been disclosed. AIR LOSS CLAIMS LONDON The Air Ministry said that Germany has lost over 1000 aircraft since the Invasion of the low countries began. Allied losses are set at a fraction of the 1162 planes claimed by the Germans. USING BIGGER TANKS PARIS A military source today disclosed that in the break through the Sedan area the Germans used new tanks, larger than those in Poland. BEACHING OF SHIP DESCRIBED LONDON Beaching of the Belgian liner Ville de Bruges, bombing attack three days ago, was described today by crew formerly the President Harding of United States Lines, after a . Canadians of whom two members. The crew Included slstytwo were killed. AUSTRALIANS TO EGYPT CA1UO Great Britain's army In the Near East was swelled today by the arrival of a second contingent of Australians. CHURCHILL IN PARIS PAKIS Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain attended the meeting of the Allied Supreme War Council here yesterday. NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER LONDON King George yesterday designated May 26 as a Day of National Prayer for the Empire, Its Allies and the cause In which they were united. MINE FIELD OFF CAPE PKETOKIA It Is announced that a mine field has been discovered off Cape Agulhas, at the southern extremity of Africa, In waters through which British shipping diverted from the Mediterranean would pass. SOVIET TAKES HANI) MOSCOW Soviet Russia Is moving to draw up an al-liance'of eastern European nations from Sweden on the north to Turkey on the south. This is said to account for an invitation for Swedish officials to attend "important meetings- In Sweden, r WOMEN PARACHUTISTS London Refugees from Holland reveal that even young women were among the parachutist forces which dropped upon Holland' during the ocupatlon of the Netherlands. f-. PROVINCIAL 1 LIBRARY 1 VICTORIA, BCj PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1940. Commission Report Deals With Responsibility for Social Welfare OTTAWA, May 17: (CP Canada's experience In the last 10 years provides, ample proof that unemployment relief should bt made entirely the responsibility of the Dominion government, the Royal Commission on Dominion SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA NEWSPAPER Protest Over current jurUdlcttonto esiabliSb control authorities, unemployment Insurance, when U ssetned advisable, and that a na- - Uona! employment service be set 5 Other welfare aervlees would re- TnPrriln"t'TTIPn t g main a provincial responsibility '.KU IU; mull 5 but the provinces would be placed y . 0 o to financial position to perform HSHTFinCe S those serriees adequately. The o commiM on's financial rlan was n drl"ned ta thor end. "Prorrtnetal rtsnpnslbUlty lor p5 flArirr JviuMbt: deemeu basic snd gmtr?" th rere-t set ctt. Tv-!n,m renrvMislblM'y. n the othr hand, should b- '-'neH an ev'-'km the senrrM rule .and as nrh sbmi'd v strict I- d- credit of the four western prov inces. "Nothing In the history of our Canadian government has contributed more to the breakdown of our system of public finance or has been productive of greater waste than the attempt to hold local governments primarily re- SDonslble for unemployment as well as other relief," the commis sion declared. "Now that the economic of the country Is funda mentally national with respect to the attainment of economic welfare and opportunities for employ-. ment. It can no longer be com partmentalized for the purpose of meeting the costs of widespread .destitution and unemployment .except at the price of financial chaos and enormous waste. 1 "The extent of the unemployment In any Industry or area has vlrtu-r ally no relation to purely local con ditions. The local municipality or province can do practically noth ing to ameliorate the problem nor to hasten Its disappearance. Nor Is the province or the municipality a convenient authority for spread ing the ricks of unemployment over j a term of years, by Insurance methods or otherwise. The ine planning planning oi of public puduc works worss and ana, ! transportation and taxation poll- cles are powerful Instruments with which to combat unemployment and to reduce fluctuations In Income. The Dominion Is the only (Continued on Page Five) Victoria Ship LONDON. Mav 16: (CP! nrnvinrial relations asserted in Its Th Soviet ambassador to report yesterdaay. areat Britain. Ivan Maliky, .i.w y.em "uader which local protested at the Foreign Office authoiiues are held primarily re- today against the detention" of spo:";si-.e lor reHef could only b. a Ruian-chartered Norweg- contluu d at the price of "flnan- Ian ship at a Canadian Pa- clal chaos and enormous wast.' df- -"t. The shio left the The cc-mlsslon considered It es- United States for Vladivostok sential . iso that the Dominion be and touched at Victoria where K.ven lurtsdlethHi or even con- he ws held by contraband auk f Msst m Tami-u enact I u the ore-eft -rsston of Partia-ien s'!r fh-t ltiflatlon - --rwi "a a ccntibUon to Industria' stability in time of war . . . . and to social security and justice in j n la. r fined. But the Dominion should . . oeace.' be given lwiuat Jurixdlet'n to perform efficiently whte- rp-sponsbllltIes are entrusted to It." . Reviewing the devastating effects of unemployment reli-f on provincial and municipal finances, the commission concluded that the load hs seriously strained th credit reserves of at least elht of the nine provinces, and it would appear doubtful whether thev can carry Indefinitely even their pres-'ent shares of relief burdens." Pressure Of Reiliet The combined pressure of lief and depleted revenues jstroyed, temporarily at least. time tt A resolution will be introduced first for amendment to the British North America Act to empower Parliament to enact such legislation." Members were informed they would be kept "fully informed as to Canada's action both In the military and economic field." Parliament will be asked, the Speech from the Throne said, to 'consider measures deemed essential for prosecution of the war and for social and economic requirements of the country." Warm tribute wa paid to the late Lord Tweedsmulr and a cordial welcome was promised the Earl of Athlone. Bulletins COBOURG CRASH FATAL OTTAWA Three and possibly four Royal Canadian Air Force men died early today in a plane crash near Cobourg, Ontario The victims have been Identified as Flight Lieutenant Harvey Jasper of Winnipeg, Flying Officer G. E. Auld of Windsor, Flying Officer Pidcock of Montreal and Aircraftsman J. R. Kean of Windsor. Tomorrow sT ides Hlh 10:54 a-tn. 18.9 ft. 23:05 pjn. 215 It. lax ajn. 4.4 ft. 15:50 pjn. 5.1 It. PRICE CENT Before Germans Continuing 'ROUMANIAN RELIEF IS Advance With . ' ility j gLITZKREIG DOMINION Ul Being urawn into l rap m All Set Sei But ltul Date, It , I SMit Said Oil pnNfTinN Shortage Forcing Desperate X W L S W A A W A 1 London Says Allied Position Serious Though Slightly Better i Than It Was Earlier In Week t British Forces Holding in Belgium East of Brussels Belgians Contesting Every Foot of Nazi Advance WAR STATEMENT AT OTTAWA OTTAWA, May 17: (CP) Latest war ad-;n rrnvommpni liTinrk indicate that the Ger mans have continued penetration along the flank of the Franco-Belgian border but it is expected the situation will be stabilized soon by the Allies, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King toid Parliament today. The communique was read after Hon. R. B. Hanson, Leader of the Opposition, had requested official information in view of "serious developments of the last few hours." PARIS, Mav 16: (CP) General Maurice Gamelin, Allied commander-in-chief, tonight ordered French troops to "die on the spot" rather than cede further ground to the German invaders. In an order of the day, Gamelin evoked Marshal Joffre's words at the Marne in 1914, saying: "Anv unit which cannot advance should permit itself to be killed on the spot rather than the south by a line running from a abandon an Inch of national soil point north of Rethel, France, to entrusted to It. Gamelin said the Sedan area. The French spokes-tnat the fate of the Fatherland, man said the operation was carried that or our Allies and the destiny of out satisfactory. OTTAWA. Mar 17: (CPhln the warld deoends upotf the -battle In London an authoritative JJrt taoamn at t test V the nqw prjB ' ?IJ .Mr,edIW, ' night to have fallen bactalong-a rf nU " tler than 115-mile front from Antwerp to np W(.rtn(Miriav .. Sedan but. despite withdrawals, a military spokesman said the situation in Belgium, was "slightly better" for the Allies than yesterday. The Press Association said that authoritative London quarters "do not attempt to disguise the opinion that the situation is of extreme gravity" and cautioned against "false optimism." Allied troops were reported to be still covering Brussels, an official announcement saying that the British Expeditionary Force was at present dug in alone a canal runnin; south of Brussels. Meanwhile in France, the French forces are said to be holding well but the situation is "fluid'' with the main German colotr,n separated into smaller columns. Latest news in Paris tonight was that the Germans were attacking with extreme vl-lence at the foot of a pocket northwest of Rethel, the advance No official information is available regarding the latest developments concerning the British front in Belgium but there appears to have been little change in the last twenty-four hours arid the British line east of Brussels is apparently Intact. The German High, Command at Berlin said German troops had marched Into Brussels tonight but the claim was not confirmed by Allied sources and dispatches from the British Expeditionary Force in ; Belgium Indicated that the British forces were holding firm east of Brussels. At Ostend. where the Belgium government has been established since yesterday after leaving Brussels in complete secrecy. Minister of the Interior Van der Porrten assured the country that Allied troops were contesting the German ad vance foot by foot and were counter-attacking in numerous sectors. , A uerman mgn v,ummana cuin- France. This is about 100 miles of ;munlque asserted that, "south northeast or raris. Maubege the Maginot Une had Powerful German armored divis- been broken through on a width of ions attacked at dawn against re- sixty-two miles to Callignant, south lnforced Allied troops holding them; of Sedan." This was not confirm-In a huge pocket driven well into ed in Allied quarters who have stat-; northeastern France and against ed repeatedly that the Maginot Line the British-Belgian forces holding Is intact. , the Une north of Namur In Belgium. A German news agency claimed . Yesterday the AlUed forces succeed- late today that German forces were ed In botUlng up the Germans in at the outer fortlflcaUons of Ant-the pocket which Is bounded on the werp but the claim was not con-north by the Sambre River and on firmed In Allied quarters. lca,,asWs ;b.C. WARNED TO INSURE VANCOUVER Rev. J. C. Jack- . . T nnAn son o f Prince Rupert was selected at the British Columbia United Church" Conference here last night as one of five ministers who will attend a meeting of the United Church General Council at Winnipeg in September. NEW CHIEF JUSTICE OTTAWA Rt. Hon. Ernest La- polnte, minister of justice, today j announced the promotion or 3W. JiKtir M. A. Macdonald of the ' " , wi r. ipiiiirpnt nnci cn.orriinnfwi iisa or- - I t'sh Columbia. r.Hi fvoicn .v.v..nn. tr. NORMAN ROGERS HOME qUEBEC--Hon. N'orman Rogers, minister of national defence, returned to Canada yesterday from a trip to England and Frattce. noin t of the German drive in AuAINo 1 KtbUUKttb UKUr; PRECAUTIONS ADVOCATED Commission Says Province "Living on Its Capital," Urges Debt Amortization in Report Made Public Yesterday flTT'AWA Mm- 17 (CP Tho flnnnfinl spfiiritv n. sured the provinces under the fiscal plan of the" 'Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations would pro-vide British Columbia with insurance against the day when its exploitable resources begin to show serious depletion, the commission on Dominion-provincial relations suggested in Its report released yes- Mtent the provlnce has been living on Its capital,-the com-ment BritUh Columbia enjoy, govern- services of superior standard, mission stated. pnrln ia: revenue bei-.g warty "Overhead government cost.-, that double he average but to an im- (Continued on Page Two Si 1 m i 4 r t ii