3. V v o c rz ft a c a PAOl TWO Tat DAlLf K7?S ,1. -iJiU , s ? TODAY'S STPCK5 St. Catherines . Vancouver - Gracia Shoes DU 1 1 i nil. Wins Mann Cup Three Reasons Why You - Should Wear Them ? 1st. Classy styles, plus coinfort- able lasts. 2nd. Durability and built-in arch rests. 3rd. Priced lower per .quality than any similar make on the market. Stocked in Sizes and Widths From A to EEE. Family shoestore ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL ports. Our exports pay for our imports. If we continue to import and do not export we shall eventually do neither.' It will be noted that, in spite of the fact that Britain is fighting for her existence, she is still shipping goods out of the country in order to pay for the war material she is importing. China Holding Out For well over three years the Chinese have been hold ing out against Japan. They still have a large well. train ed army of men in addition to hundreds of small groups who continue to haress the invaders. Japan seems to be no nearer winning the war than she was two years ago. All she has done is extend her lines and make it more dif-. ficult to hold out. . The Chinese are an unconquered people, their only lack being bombing and fighter planes and a lack of proper ammunition. What steps are being taken to change this situation we lo hot know. The reoneniner of the Burma Road will heln China. It is a terrible road but a huge amount of war material has been hauled over it into central China and, doubtless, I more will go in that way this winter and possibly during; the .conu'ng summer. j Canadian sympathy is almost wholly with China in i ner iignt ior ireeaom. inis is not only because Japan has allied Jberself with Germany but because the Chinese are fighting for their existence as a national entity just as the British Empire is fighting for its existence against a ruthless aggressor. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANAQA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers .and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Silver Lead 7tnc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. B.C. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Stora Prince it pert Co. Ltd. Brittsn Columbia , B. 7. riontmiia wn a. TORONTO, Oct. 14: St. . Catherines Athletic recaptur- . ed the Mann Cup, emblematic of the world's senior box la- crosse championship, by de- feaUng Vancouver Burrards . . 18 to 5 last nJght for' their . third straight victory Jn the . final series' which went three games to one. Halftime score was 9 to 3. Last year the title was won by New Westminster Adana,cs. ' . NAVY BEATS PRINCETON PRINCETON, Oct. 15.-Navy defeated Princeton .by a score of 12 to 6 in football Saturday. HOTEL ARRIVALS j Prince Rupert R. Thistle, F. A. Raddiffe. W. O. Smith and J. F. Oliver, Prince Rupert; P. Adams and Charles B. Macfarlane, Barrett Point; C. S. Rankin, William Colquhoun. E. C., ;Lamarque, E. A. Shead, W. Mcln- n, i ! tyre. Capt. and Mrs. E. T. Clenden- CiXDOrtS neCeSSary - - jnlng and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray. r .... ' Vancouver; D. L. Hawkes, Calgary; One of the columimsts in a southern .i paper objects i-ii to LaUra E poney, por.-een: w. b. Canada producing copper for Japan and one reason giv-jGouriay. Edmonton.; R. Dunlap, fn is that Pnna dn shniild rlpvnte her whole effort to war i Smithers; V. G. Barker. R. M. Pes- work We agree that Canada should not ship copper to Japan but the argument is not well taken that Canada should devote her whole energies to war work. Unless Canada keeps up some of her export business she will find it difficult to Durchase goods from other countries. Al ready this country is handicapped over ten per centj through the inequality of imports as compared with ex cott and A. A. Miller, Aliford Bay; George Zabriskie. New York; J. 8. Carr. San Francisco. ' DOUBLE 8&W FOR SAI.K Phone Black 888. in .... niSBtf!! FOR SALE One Safe, Typewriter Desk," Office Desk. Collart & McCaff erj Ltd. MOTORVESSEL "ODD" 32. length, 9.6 beam, 2.6 darft, 15 h.p. 6 cyl engine. Cabin, pilothouse and galley. Sleep 3 comfortably, 5 FOR SALE Seyen roomed house with two lots. Terms. Phone Black ' ' .486. (246) HOUSES FOR SALE ! FOR SALE 420 Dunsmulr Street. ,5 room house In excellent condition. 2 brpcans. Fully modern, .concrete piles. Good basement. $2500. $1000 cash balance monthly. Immediate possession. I 221 ,6th Ave. East. 5 room house. Fully modern. Good condition, 2 bedrooms, large pantry and back verandah. New foundations, fenced garden. Taxes $34. $2000 ,caeh. $2200 -terms with $1000 cash. Immedlae possession. Own-; er leaving town. 343 8th Aye. fast. Moaern 7 room house an 2 lpts. .Splld concrete , loundauQflS. Full .basement, ui-nace, Jlrepce in liyhig room. 4 bedropms. $3000 caih ,pr $3500 terms-$2500 .cash with balance $40 per nwnth at 57. 2 Houses on 1 Lot. 416 and 418 6th Ave. East. 2 .storey-7 room house. 4 bedrooms, furnace. Fully mod ern. Immediate possession and 3 rooms and attic', bath. Whole property for $4000. Half cash-balance monthly. Taxes $50 per year. II. G. IIELGERS0N LTD. 6th Street .(242) ffANTEJ) ADULTS wish to rent furnished suite or house for winter months, commencing -Iov. 1. Phone Red 838. . tf. nilmint An . . i 1 . xiriAjyn iwuins .luuae Keeper dp- j tween 20 and 30. Call after 6 p.m. J 533 8th Ave. West, suite 7. I (247) 1 Falrvlsw. .op. Gold Belt. .21. Hedley Mascot. .48A. Mlnto. .01. Noble Five. 00' . Pacjfta Nickel. ,08A. Pend "Oreille, 1,65. Premier. 95. Privateer, .54. Reeve. MtcDonald, .20. Reno, ,12B. fltUef Arlington, .02. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Cfeek, .MB. Cariboo Hudson. .02A. Oils A.- P. Con., .15A. Calmont, .21. C. & E., 1.45B. Home, 155 A. Pacalta, .064A. Royal Canadian, .09 Vi-Okalta, .85A. Mercury. .05A. Prairie Royalties, .08. TOKONTO Aldermac, .15. Beattie. .90. Central Pat., 1.92. Cons. Smelters, 38.3;. East Malartic, 3.25. Fernland, .03A. Francoeur. ZIVa-Gods Lake. .36. Hardrock, .85B. Int. Nickel. 37.00. Kerr Addison, 2.89. Little Long Lac. 2.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.47. Madden Red Lake. .43. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.04. Moneta. .55. Noranda, 57g. Pickle Crow, 2.90. Preston East Dome, 2.03. San Antonio, 2.23. Sherritt Gordon, .80. Uchl, .39. Bouscadillac, .04A. Mosher. .08. Oklend, .06. Smelters Gold, .00'4. Dominion Bridge, 27.00. Whiffiets From The Waterfront It's the cumuia'ive erlfct .of d vertising that counts. 1 L.J. - -wl .'1 t" i I Tit i i f. Union steamer Catala, .Capt. James Findlay, arrived In port at 12:30 midnight from Vancouver and waypolnts and sailed a lew hours I later for Stewart and otrjer northern point' w'hfince she returned il necessary. ?ai onsnore Doa-i here at 11:30 this morning, sailing mi v-i .win. "&c .iiwu .w . nr 1:311 n.m. so'iitnhotinn llye on board. Moored at Lip- '. setti. Cheap for .cash. Terms to Northland Transsartation Co.'s Um Miss Margaret Fritz HpMQted Delightful Shower-Tea Is Sunday ftt;;io(UJ reliable party. Phone 118 from sl.amr North Coast called ln por vbber an;, Mr. v 11. -;u o u.m. w nwin eunoay on CJaverlng were Jblnt !fHh?r way from Alaska Jo Seattis, Sundi'v afternoon pi a FOR SALE Heintzman & Co. piano. -""i" (243) iRa" ur uaiiaiupnsni aasi over .Canadian National Railways. - - t Held J. A hrst esses dtll'jhtful wMuae larriage twyi vppje piacc , shortly. i The zooms yrere very tastefully decorated with pink aid white Every now and then we wish to caU the attention of th,e public to .the lact that .our coal ls OurcoAt ' n 'itZJfJTr TAI weell full r rvciyfi ft. out wn$f 'VOUlt LIKE ' -THE WAV " 24 Hour .Sejyjce 4a,t .eyjar .Rates Of Xhe proper heat as bur 4on is pu can .quickly jjroip Ahls io y.9u ow.n .jtfcfaistloj .by .phpnUit-- Phjlpott Eyitt & Co, Ltd. PHONE C51 652 .Ml UL" ' II - - 'When you warit .a JleUaWc, .Gomf.ortblc, ))epeid?(hle Taxj Seryiccr-- . PHONE 13 mmmitp peifmxmijanm A gool cotnpanioii allows a friend to express huiiM'lf fm-ly. That i wiy water the perfect companion f povl vjii-ky. It allows vliisky to tell it a own story. Tlic Seagram Canadian Vtliinkie are distilled, aged and blended to meet the Mater test. They are of Mich exiuuVite flavour that men who know good wliikieg refuse to mix with them anything other than plain or sparkling water. It is this delightful and .exclusive f!iHjK)thness that has caused the Seagram .whiskies to outsell all .others on the American continent. SeagjATtis Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S "V Q." SEAGRAM'S "KING"? PLATE SEAGRAMS "OLD RYE" , 16 or., 25 or. anil -10 oz. littles Ffvn $1.25,10 $1M Jos. E.'S 'rap-am ? Sons iJd., Waterloo, (hit, ll ' " ,""",' f Tills dyertlpetnent 4s .not published or displayea by the Liquor Control Uuard or uj aontmi of British Columbia : .reamers. The table wa5 covered airangsd In a ' "with a lovely lace cloth and ner. centred with a sliver basket of Present wei Mi S B3. all flower. and pink tapew. mtS. Hann, Mi C 0:st A brlds's cake was cut hv Mls tea held at nh-home pf th? latter Fritz. The bride-elect was present- Tona Blaln, Mr In honor ,of Miss Mar?a,i Fritz td with a set of bedroom lamps Mrs. J. A. h Mrs. O. A. Johnson and Mrs. Jar.- Husoy. Mrs u Lar i v!s Melo.i ttourpd DftiirJont . Johnson Mrs A. J tt fiejhmenu were served by the Brooksbaak. Mu J R tie jEtryitsurs Mrs. Dan Larson, KUss J- .Christ rwen, Mr H. s h S. E. Pafo:r Mi i 1 Ingrid Hailbcrg and Miss Tona.Mrs. Blaln. Leod, Mrs. A Dythuta tt" iBlaln. Mlsy In;;rld Hi-.o'T- Clavei Clavenii" R Webtw B. C. Furniture Co, New and Used FURNITURE 7 1IEATJBRS In perfect condition, 5 .RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES Sol coal ano AT VEIIY KEASONAJ1LE PRICES; 12 KECONDITIONED TVPEWRITEUS In perfect order. From 1 ELJECJHC WASIING ,RLC11INE In good shaps. Special .!... ..' S5.50" NEW FURNITURE i-uiuLd tiiuiuuiiiLr vrppn. rpn ami uiii . .double bed or 'jslngle bed. tegular $45. wow ie tiiih.t inrii. c Tn all rnlorS 8nu wic aiiicsi, maieriais. very quruuie cutisiruciion JPhone BLACK 324 Next Door to, DC. Clothlen 36 SrtDA 17 8 KITCHEN RANGES - All 2-tone enamel lor wood ani j Made of highest quality material. JSIiS 1 5? From y trnk & I THUEE-iQUAKTKK SIZE BEDS Complete. Special .price . , , i a S of 20 SPItlNG-FUED'MATTKESSESIn all sizes gJfe.D fine materials and patterns; Special materials p. CTitnm r'oiir'in'f i ,ihh in nil new mai"";. h,