- P OOfUJ 0 4cuwto We Want SWEET CAPS and wt tyu: Sweet Caps are experljy blended from 38 classifications of the choicest Virginia tobaccos. So they are uniquely mild and fragrant Canada's most 'popular cigarettes. Buy a package today. "The purest form in which tobacco can be smoked!" $1.00 tends 300 SWEET CARORAL or WINCHESTER cigarettes or $1 .00 will send either 1 lb. of OLD VIRGINIA pipe tobacco or 1 lb. of SWEET .CAPORAL FINE CUT (with Vogue papers) to Canadians serving Irr C.A.S.F. overseas only. $2.50 sends 1,000 cigarettes to an individual or unit Addratt "SMt Cp," P.O. Bo I 6000, Montrul, P.Q. MacKenzie's Furniture Rl'PERTIA MATTRESS Special features. Insulation. Supertuft double buoyant centre. Q9Q ffe Lifting handles fJv SOFT NAP MATTRESS $24 00 BEAUTY REST MATTRESS Built for sleep tpTEAUWlr PHONE 775 mmoj W A TPH ' For Your New If rt 111 C'nAf Super Deluxe rAlllYP T Taxi Fleet Call- J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank BIAf . For Service , "you have something to sell, a.classifiec advertisement S this paper wiu soon let you know if there is a buyer in in city, TO OBSERVE LOCAL NEWS NOTES NOVEMBER 11 Tonleht's train. One from the Just say Three Two please." East at 11 ociocs, was reporvea Various Events In Connection this afternoon to oe on time. j judge w. is. isner leu on iasi With Remembrance Day Are 'evening's train lor Smlthers toi Planned Just say "Three Two please." 'conduct a session of County Court. And Dependability I Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAJRY PHONE M7 A special meeting of the exe cutive of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the Bri- !Ush Empire Sjrvlce Leajus was held at the wesk-end when plans I were completed for the various ac-itivlties connected with November 111 observance. j It is planned to hold the annual Poppy Tag Day .on Saturday, Nov- mb.ef.fl. This will be In charge cf a committee consisting of the president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, the Muni cipal Regent of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire and the president and secretary of the Canadian Leglon. The proceeds this year will be available for veterans of the last Great War and THRIFT Cash & Carry Phone 179 More Sayings .on r Quality Food Tomato Soup Campell's. Regular tins 2 8 C Toilet Tissue Nile brand. Finest quality. Cp roii Pears Maple Leaf Brand-Dessert, 16 oz. 25c 3 .tins Baker's Cocoa Wlf At 1-lb. Un V2-lb. tin 15c Pork and Beans Bestovall In tomato sauce. i 7f 15-oz, tins. 3 for .Mushroom Soup Hedlund's lO'a-oz. tins. 3 for 28c Strawberries Bestovall. 17-oz. tins. 1?o 1JL Each Ijbby'S Catchup-12-: z. bottle 15c Sardines Cup'n Kidd Brand. Fancy -f A v Canadian. Tin BAKING DAY NEEDS Raisins 3-Crown 9p Australian. 2 lbs. Swansdown Cake Flour- Regular packet 25 c Glace Cherries Red 1 Qf v Handy cello packet Walnuts Fresh stock Cello packets. 35C l'ZIZZZ. 18r. Almonds Genuine Spanish Cello packets 58C IVs 30c Cut Peel Just arrived. mo. 25c packet V2-lb 15c Pineapple Rings All colors. Robinson's finest. ' 2 for Sugar All Indications are for higher prices Have at least a'ri extra 10 lbs. on ntZ p hand. 10 lbs 50 lbs. 53.75 100 lbs $7-25 Lemons Juicy Sunklst. Small size. 15C Dozen Sliced Racon Finest 29C quality. Lb. Free Delivery on Orders $1.00 and Over if T'' STOVE Keeps Steel Stove Tops Bright, It doesn't blacken, and cleans them while hot ALL B. C. STORES Lame Bombardier J. Mof fatt of i the 102nd. Battery and Sergeant E. J. Keniwaly and Fusilier W. Little of the Irish Fusiliers sailed an the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver to receive treatment at Shauhnessy Military Hospital . I Announcements All .advertisements In t'lis ctl-will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Bazaar, Metropole Hall, i October 16. j United Church Supper, Oct. 17. j C. C. F. Dance October 17. ' Queen Mary Dance. October 18. Navy Auxiliary Tea. October 19, Gyro Hallowe'en Itoedown, October 31. i P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, Octo-! ber 25. Irish Auxiliary Dance. Armory Barracks. October 25. ! Canadian Legion Bazaar Nov. 1. Cambral Dance, November 1, Oddfellows' Hall. Salvation Army Sale, Nov. .6. Anglican Bazaar. November 7.. Only Seven FUR COATS left which were brought In by customers to be sold. Come In and get one at your own price. New shipments In the latest styles arrived yesterday. GOLDRLOOM The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good N PHONE 116 ightCouchs eased . . . "dosing". Rub' due je to to col colds withou without VI w on a do on a Aupertl Five thousaiw ttgef. laborers WANTED to attend people read pie Dally News. It . at.,fr., Han pays to let them cnow what you jFraserstreet ursday at 8 pjn." have to for organization. also for those discharged fromt Clarke McLean returned to the unitjs fxon serving. 'city on the Catala Sunday night The Church parade will be to , from a holiday trip, to Vancouver. First United Church on Sunday; morning, November 10. On Sunday T. W. Brown left bn last evening's levelling there is the patriotic show J train for a trip to Smlthers on legal; "There'll Always 'be an England" business. He will return to the city '.staged In the .Capitol Theatre In (Thursday night. aid of the Red Cross funds. 1 Monday. Noy.em.ber 11, will see Mrs. B. Walker of King Edward the annual Eemeinbrainc.e Day school teachine staff returned to parade and, wiih the co-operation the city on the Catala Sunc&y night of the various military, naval and from a trip to Vancouver. air force units, (this years will D5 ; a particularly notable observance, j D, R , at tomMrow.. In the evening there will be thel ,nhpnn nf tha Pri n. annual banquet which will be heldlnPTt nvrn r.,h,i ch an to the Moose Hall. Committees',. ' , fu were appointed to make the neces-L. ,, ,f iu M sary arrangements. Htctrint ' I I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMeekin Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright-and child, after a motor trip south through the'intertor, returned home .from Vancouver on the Catala Sun- !day night. t Sonja's Bazaar, November 8. j Moose Hall. 102nd Auxiliary Dance. Armory, November 8. Presbyterian Bazaar November 14. Hospital tea and dance. Novem ber 15. mm WSSmm Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating: Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 117 Lit CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY II II I Grocery Store CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY Monday, October 14 Confectionery open until 6 p.m. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Opposite Canadian Legion i 3 . CUT I GREEN BEANS vCarcfu)Iy sejecicd, tender and V m of excellent flavor ready to heat and s,erye. Try a tin or two "m I as a change of vegetahle. jk 3 03 HWfl OHWftOCWCHrOtO Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 50's 75 100's . 1.25 250's 3.00 PURE HALIBUT LIVER OIL xk oz. 1 oz. Used Fur .50 1.00 Ormes Ltd. Zriu. Pioneer Druggists The Iteiall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.nv till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. niture IJed, completer-TTvyOrinch continuous steel post with centre pane, .coil' spring and felt mattress, size 4-0, walnut finish. Bed, complete - Two-inch continuous post, coil : spring and felt mattress, size 4-o. Restmore steel folding camp cot, size 2-6. Steel Crib walnut finish, size 25x41". Chest drawers Good size with 5 useful drawers. Monarch range Fitted with oil burner. Monarch range For burning coal or wood. Circulator heater Medium size, for burning "cbal. RjG.A. Victor Radio Small size. Watches 21-iewel Waltham, 17-jewel Gruen, 7-jewel Waltham. English Pram, .doll pram, baby high chair. Kitchen chairs, .tables For kitchen or dining room. Come, Look Around Our Used Furniture Department. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING Phone Green 916 -:- THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pan. If you lose anything, tdvertise for It.