k. in LOSS IS LOWER thin average losses. F.S SET IN BASES Air Force Effectively At- PfttU!A Af f 1 . 1 ! iH waitujus V 1 1INIIAII9 III North Africa and successful attacks were . fte Anglo-Egyptian Sudan yesterday, Inflicting casual-3011 the enemy. A 114 nc fl 111 111" TOM MIX J IS iH I ni 1 i.if. Accident Arizona, Oct. 14 : . noted outdoor screen ac- e7' car" day, was killed ""uraay m n n,itnm,-.ht!f. eighteen miles south of ll" Arizona Th. 01 ntrol on a rfftf,,r nnd urned. Mix .i .HI yUUltlU Whei-ft Via r'..n In u ltl hls Possession &$ WeU M conslder lewelr . Picture career of nT . we "me of .the ad- h Y 1 ln m,re recent e had been enratrA n igures MIT HARD Exploit . fi . f t 1 A m tj ranean ISO Contact Uelween Major Iccts the others being the Achillea and I Exeter which drove the German pocket battleship Graf Spee Into 1lfnnUUM In a knttl 99 TT... .... .. trrnini ami's iuimusiiw;i . . - Sank By Enemy During . " ."l mlt that an Italian submarine was sunK-. Aircraft also figured in the battle. Italian bombers attacking the British naval vessels. According to the Italians, two British planes were brought down with the loss of one Italian. There Is no London confirmation. No Racial Laws Against Jews They Will Be Denied Offices In France NEW YORK, Oct. 15. William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, has told Former President Herbert Hoover, who is organizing European relief, that It would be asking too much of countries. SPANIARDS TO MEXICO AT ENEMY FROM AIR Even Weather Conditions Do Not Deter British Airmen From Effective Attacks Berlin Again Made Target Air Force To Military Objectives Throughout Reich STETTIN BOMBED LONDON, Oct. 15: Stettin, seaport for Berlin and one of Germany's chief shipbuilding centres, was subjected to "par- Week I " D""5U. "umirany iaus w ticuiary effective" bombing by Iconiirmreporw inKomeoranavai the Koyal Alr Force ,ast nIght engagement between British and lh, Alr ,,.. ann..nreH Th- nt shins totalllne 31.094 tons near Malta. A British crulspr of .. l suburbs, seeking out military objectives. Tho long rane British bombers, winging through the moonlight skies, gave Berlin two air raid alarms. during the night and loosed a rain of explosives on the city. Several Royal Air -Force planes braved anti-aircraft fire to swoop so low that the roar of motors was plainly heard In the streets. Northern and Western sections of Berlin bore' the brunt of the attacks and many persons were removed from the bomber area today, Le-Havre on the French coast was - also bombed, starting fires and I explosions. I LONDON, Oct. 15: (CP) Heavl-j High lest bombs used so far in this war I by Britain were dropped Into the heart of Berlin by the Royal Alr' the Royal Alr Force and. VICHY, Oot. 15: There will beWce earlv Sundav mornlne and ranous positions, in the France although they will be ex-campalgn against Egypt, teluded from high public, financial . uimii.tu iui-iujm iicwsyapt: uiuta. imia, a n I 1 i- t ri . i . . a we set at Italy's Drlncl naval onx, ucngasi in (MAINTAIN station, among warc-j Dl II f1 If A Tll7 inn ihmivi a .v.in i . am i . ova A!, tv,.... i .-. .... iuu,c 111 It. fil STBal. j.nJ . I I orth fi i -.i- American I.ahnr Head Says It - timiuaigii. uii-1 . : , if itrA..u t. Akltnv Tnn Iliirh of ' were marto nn nnnthpr muuiu m M k.v" ... .' . I Rrltaln In Lift It wjiiin ll-ll r I1W I 1 1 nn. , arge vessel and a quay at the Saturday night raid many im portant poriant targets taxgow were were hit iu, Including mciuunig sections of Berlin bore the brunt of last night's attack. There was also another effective two-hour raid on the Krupp's munitions plant at Essen. In all, forty targets In the Reich were attacked. On the Channel! invasion coast there were attacks! jon Ostend, Calais, Boulougne, Dun- kerque and LeHavre. Last nignt Calais was bombed for four hours. All the way from Norway to Hit Hard Flying through dense fog and rain, the Royal Alr Force bombed German naval stations at Wll-helmshaven and Kiel and the port of Hacburg during the week-end Great explosions occurred at these1. ithree points. At Hamburg a petroleum factory was attacked. One Hundred Refugees To Make Another raid was made on De Homes In Mexico Kooi in the Netherlands near Den Heiaer navai oase. The Royal Alr Force J bombed " PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTOR lAi.B.C. wilier, Eolecasi Tomorrows TTdes ltetoJ& Prince Bupert and Queen Char- ft High 1:10 am 20.0 ft. 5. nlands- Moderate east to ; .ftW 13:15 p.m. 21:0 ft. Low 7:15 ajn. 6.0 ft. nun " A. 19:44 p.m, 3.9 it. J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS D COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I CENTS AAA. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1940. PRICE: wo Italian Uestroyers Are Mink MS. Ajax of River Russia Is Not Satisfied In Balkans Plate Fame Another Fi nMTWN. October 15: ("CPTriG Arlmiralrv an. ' w, i aha r n o r n iv i ii iiv o n n i. riif irnimvt irMsr CPU lUUay iiiuv juA uuuu ihu iiatmn ucouuv" 111 L11I7174V4 - wim tit VII w VIIL-ULVIIIVIIVO UU11I1L IV extensive sweep of the eastern and central Mediter- 1 11 I I ... I L- 4.lAA.fr ' I ' L. Jl 1 ; un 1 . I -J XI 1. Al , h rnn rr i mi ii i i m i i r ti i f'i i v u-jwi t n i r mn. of the Ajax with the destroyers constituted the ' main action of the Mediterranean . tmrtiem and ne rnnfatt mat vim4a kA tween main British and Italian .forces. The Ajax is one of three cruisers' in War First And Talk Of Aims After, Churchill Says; Are Fighting For Survival LONDON. October 15: (CP) P-ime Minister Winston Churchill toM the House of Commons today that the time had not yet come when any official declaration can be made on war aims beyond very careful general statements. "We are not fighting the war merely to maintain the status quo of Europe but, among other things, to survive," he said. "When our capacity to do that is more generally recognized throughout the world, we shall be in a position to take a further view of what we shall do when victory is v, on." Meanwhile, said the Premier, winning the victory was a matter of greater importance than discussing war aims. WAS CHIEF RAIDS ON OF POLICE SCHEDULE .k by enemy actlondurlnge Neptune type and an Italian ; RoyaI "porce ZoX? - - - - .... I'IWRV IWV .ore than half the average boats are reported to have been toss during the previous sunk. The Italians claim that a tittfks. the Admiralty said. British aircraft carrier and a sec- 4 two or three weeks of ond cruiser were- damaged and ad- Passes Away OTTAWA, Oct. 15: (CP) Sir Percy Sherwood, aged -89, former chief commissioner of Dominion police, died today. War News DEGAULLE WELCOJIED DUAL. General DeGaulIe, leader of the Free French forces, continuues to receive a great reception in the French Camer-oons. Sunday he presented colors to two Cameroons regiments. CHINESE VICTORY SHANGHAI The Chinese Na tionalists claim to have recap tured lurea from irom the me Japanese japaacM; the ic im- mi- Shanehai and Hankau. Fourteen Japanese planes are claimed to have been destroyed at an airport beyond Hankau in a surprise attack. ANOTHER INCIDENT SHANGHAI Chinese gunmen fired on an automobile containing several Japanese naval officers, lending further to the tenseness In this area where re- France the raids of the British) ports have been heard of the bombers extended. Near Trondhelm in Norway a German supply ship was set afire. Transports Sunk i Near Lorrent In the Bay of Bis- Great Britain to lift the blockade of j cay two Nazi transports are re-Europe and enable Hitler to. secure ported .to have been sunk by the for his armies food that wouia asjunusn wiui ios oi mice innrtort for nponle of sub ugatea; oerman soicuers. Japanese Intention to take over the International settlement since the assassination last week of the puppet mayor of TRIAL AT Homes, rne nrst win wtiips on October 17. They win De- o " C "T C u made an admission of snooting tne raid rM lasiea an jioui tuiu juiuoi come MeX cani c Uzens . and t will obJec.,men. after the civil war. Night Strafinj Identically Same Time Evening EIGHT NAZIS DOWN LONDON. Oct. 155 (CP) German raiders reached the London area six times up to early after noon today, but each time were driven off, leaving rescue squads free to dig into wreckage of the capital's fiercest night attack so far. By noon the Royal Air Force had shot down eight German planes .over the southeast coast as the raiders came in successive waves. sion of weakness. Incidentally, these machines, with their much less bomb carrying capacity, did less harm. Saturday night's air raid on London was one of the lightest nighf. attacks since the Intensive air warfare began six weeks ago. It commenced at the usual time soon after dusk but did not iast so long, being over about midnight after Injured. Considerable property damage was done. Water and gas mains were broken. At 7:30 Sunday night Nazi aircraft were again over London for ' the third raid of that day and the 208th of the war. It was the thlr- tv-seventh consecutive night of A CCI7UC bombing for the British capital. The AnulZiCiLJ evening rtfd started quietly but MEXICO CITY. Oct. 15:-Presi- .f Iter, whose bodies were found ln a .klrtlT .gradually the anti-aircraft fire . . . grew ln Intensity and the attack Is Before Cranbrook Court . thp fler-est tn date. cnargea nun snoowng .casualties were heavy and so was, TWO Mcii iiorVioo-o P1cflwrir In Pnfflflnrt nnrl J ' also ii Wales, there were raids, CRANBROOK, Oct. 15: (CP) There was a laree scale dogfight Committed for trial at the. end over London early Sunday evening of the week on a charge of murder intensive anti-aircraft fire held the of John Lundie and Harold Fores-!. larcelv tn the out- dent Cardenas has authorized per- ,Jf "I" X.th ,,rh fnrr.e'burned house In the Windermere, Monday nlght.a raid was als0 ... .maaaa r. I fATU-I ettdb Ui tfwu.vft. " . ...11 . . t . Jn... l-'rn n L- Kirl.- . . . t . mission to iuu.wu i that . . th b, u co uid uld j,. fe-lt on on ym ' "s"''""" heavy and productive oi consiae eces now ln France to come to JJeMartJ vester a 21-year old Indian will able ydama d casualUes, U w, Mexico to make their urchjl Ky leave rac ,.- a11Nlaw -i-ht. iv,t Th h.'upei'" opening nere waay. ptx:i BAR GOIJ) LONDON, LONDON, tCP) tCP)-The The Montreal Montteal ttiie on ieTOe X1m"-lntives and several casualties were invic ptvyiu 7i-,.(V , lecuveiy avtacsca Dy "ie o.iusa .price or bar goia on tne wmaon Soviet Not Advised of Nazi Plans In Rumania, Tis Officially Stated This Despite Statement in Rome That Advance Information Given and Plan Acquiesced In Reds Would . Control Mouth of Danube MOSCOW, October 15: (CP) The Soviet government, through the official Tass News Agency, declared today that it had not received what it considered satisfactory advance information of Germany's plans to send troops into Rumania. Official Russian reaction to Germany's move through the Balkans was indicated in denial by Tass of a aispatcn m a uanisn newspaper asserting that the Krem lin had been Informed In advance of the German plan and had acquiesced to it. Meanwhile Moscow officially admitted movements in Bukovlna on the Rumanian frontier but stated of Britain Begins at that there were no aggressive in- Each tentlons. Billion For t War Is Voted LONDON, Oct. 15: (CP) A Reuters reported from Bucharest supplementary vote of credit nv that artvs had been repplv- tor 1,000,000,000 for govern ed there from Bessarabia stating ment war expenditures is an-that Russian troops had advanced nounced In a white paper, into Rumania. Canadian Press wu$( ' unable to conflrm-this. The Reut- ers dispatch said that Soviet troops. . were reported to have moved south-j ward from Bessarabia and to have crossed Chilia at the mouth of the 1 Danube, the most northerly branch , of the river, advancing to Sullna on the mouth of the central arm. "Reports suggest that Russia Ls DESTROYERS SAFE OVER answerlng the German occupation More United States Naval Vessels nf Rumania hv mnves tn iraln nnn-1 rn. flrAaf Rrltatn riar1. LONDON. Oct. 15: (CP)-Alrrald trol o the entlre Danube delta,". England alarms of the darkness hours the dispatch asserted. sounded almost "on schedule" every MeanwhUe conversations lengthy LONDON, Oct. 15:-More of the night now It """iaw being held at Ankara between 'destroyers whkh have ac. night in succession they come at tlie the TurkUh forelgn minlster and quired by Great Britain from the same time. 1 the Russian mlnUter and reports United states have arrived In Eng- Hopeful De!ePmen ,are current of an early military al- land. British officers paid tribute Last week saw hope ul develop- llance between and Greece condition of the ships ments In connection with the Nazi here was a rumor today that exceHent order ta whlch air raiding of Britain, says an offic- aermany was offering Russia a they were turned over. The de-. ai staiement. mry mimbc oI influence along speclal spnere encountered weath- . . . stroyers a heavy -v. lc and tnp f fnrr th that t th tnft pnpmv pnpmv Zl Y i W n - i i i i i I "WUJCia ' an essential power station and gas portant town of Matang on the '"IS Lhter clanes thf Dardell,es and worklng t0,er on the way across the Atlantic works. The northern and western Yangste River half way between rather th" ,ur than bombers was an admls freeze out Turkey. but functioned splendidly. Among 1 Bulletins ST. LAWRENCE DEVELOPMENT OTTAWA Prime Minister William' I.von Mackenzie Klne last which there was twelve hours of I night announced immediate steps quiet. One famous square was hit. looking toward a joint Interna- and several persons were killed ana tlonal power development on the International Rapids section of the St. Lawrence River and diversion of additional water from the Niagara River for power purposes. Both moves, the Premier said, were designed to ensure adequate power suplies for defence FAST TRAIN IS WRECKED London-Liverpool Express Comes to .. Grief Several Killed and Injured LONDON, Oct. 15. Nine persons were killed and six seriously Injured when a London to Liverpool express train, roaring past a way sta tion at high speed, struck a barrel which had fallen from a platform. Into France following me clia'-;l . Rrm and Hambure as well In continuation of the campaign to market was unchanged today at and and others others derailed. derailed. The The dec dead of the former Spanish governmcm re ef- cripple the Nazi war machine. $37.54 per fine ounce: I eluded members of the engine those who manned them were sailors who had been through Dunkerque and Narvik! During a gale- on the ocean, one of the destroyers effected the rescue of the crew of a Royal Air Force plane which had been forced down. NORWAY TO LAY CLAIM Quisling Expected to Makei Announcement Regarding Faroes, Iceland and Greenland I STOCKHOLM, Oct. 15. Rumors 'are current here that the Quisling government of Norway will soon announce that the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland com6 under the control of the new Nazi Norway which will play an Increasingly 1m-I portant part In the future of Eur- 'ope and the North Atlantic. The Faroe Islands and Iceland and Greenland were under protection of Denmark following the surrender of which country to Ger many last spring Great Britain took charge, placing troops In $H, Minister Had r Narrow Escape LONDON, Oct 15: (CP). Ernest The' engine burled Itself ln the Bevln, mlnlstec of labo?, escaped ground, two cars were telescoped .injury last night when bombs in- shattered the windows of the room craw, where he was sleeping.