ee TT e = our oF WORK TODAY? (|). NET pies ry —\ Try The News’ Want Ad. \ bal . JFor Boutke \ Way. 4 >, chelohsin -Weanebaay, 9 p.m. . A, EB, C. Z y s\ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist J iv? we VOL. Ill, NO. 65 és PRINCE Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, Marci 16, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENT? —___——— William Manson does not represent the Skeena Riding. He is the Paid Sensi of the McBride Two-Man Government. William makes promises but does not do things. The people know from experience that he is not the man and are solidly united to kill Gang Rule in this Riding at least. THE MACHINE BUSTED THE MACHINE BUSTED FOUND DEAD IN AN OPEN BOAT FOR PURELY CATHOLIC PARTY WITH A BOTTLE BY HIS SIDE LIBERAL CAMPAIGN OPENED WITH BOURASSA AS LEADER GRUESOME DISCOVERY BY CAPTAIN LANAWAY ON RETURN WI H ROUSING EN HUSI ASM CATHOLICS DEGLARE THEY CAN TRUST NEITHER OF THE OLD VOYAGE FROM BELLA COOLA AFTER CONVEYING RETURN- | POLITICAL PARTIES AND MUST HAVE ING OFFICER—PROVINGIAL POLICE INVESTIGATE. A NEW ONE. captain Lanaway, who took | The body was taken by the Everyone Eager to “Cet Down to Business’”’ and to Postpone Pol- Canadian Press Despatch. lature in order to enter the fed- Lane, the deputy returning|eaptain to Wadhams cannery, Montreal, March 16—It isj}eral house, and that a way will olla Coola in his gaso-| Rivers Inlet, and there buried iti i ’ ; stated that a serious movement|be made for them by the resig- | wi t even ligt t at once owing to its con-| itical Talk Until After Complete Organization is on foot to start a purely Cath-|nations of present members of jaunch elurnet as ‘ve t ost t once owing to s co o hn aitiai han tiie, ut siatsan el ait TY tH olic political party with Bourassa|the Nationalists party. ie with a row boat, a bottle oF) ¢ Hon, le «6caplain § says 1e as leader with a seat in the House ——— Sh lia! wine ws aa etl ae MANSON THE LIBERAL GIVES BRIEF TALK — mts! ‘incanue'si| apt enor oer e trove, Some distance ou | y ye age, t x a Catholie demonstration in Win- The Baptist church choir, as- a so jnipeg have written to Bourassa! sisted by local talent, will render and it is expeeted there will be|/the sacred cantata “Christ and a similar demonstration in Que-|His Soldiers,” by John Farmer, Accomplished Anything For This City During His Term at j}bee to protest against denying | Mus. Bac., on Good Friday night Bella | a on the return jour-|was a French fisherman captain espied a row boat, Information was given the pro : ; ; “parently drifting. He eame up| vineial police by The Daily News| Ezplodes ‘Friend at Court’’ Bubble by Showing That Local Representative Never with the launch and] regarding this’matter, and Chief red there Was @ man lying | Owen has made arrangements to} leant : . . * * | the alleged rights of the minority|in McIntyre Hall. All those tak- the bottom of the boat with a |jhave the death of the man in-| Victoria Big Meeting Tuesday Night |} in the added territory of Manitoba|ing part have been doing hard of whisky close to his right} vestigated, his identity discov- The Liberals opened their|plimented the Liberals upon so;meet you next Monday night and|to have separate schools. They} work at rehearsals for some time init fhe natural assumption}ered and cause of death estab headquarters in the old Optimist! great a crowd at their first meet- | present the issues, and then I| declare they can trust neither of| past and are very enthusiastic in is that the man was drunk, but} lished by medical examination Of] jyilding last night with a rally,|ing, in a hall that was out of the shall hope to meet my opponents] the old political parties and that) their efforts to make the perform- examination he proved to be/the remains if this has not al-| jut with tin exception of a few! way, badly lighted and without} also The meeting will be held} a new one should be formed. ance of the first cantata given in a Captain Lanaway believes ready been done at the cannery.) words from the chairman and aljevyen a banner to attract atten-| in one of the theatres. | All sorts of rumors are current} Prince Rupert a success. been dead four or] A trip to Rivers Inlet for the) very brief talk by the candidate} tion to it. Inspire Your Neighbors. |of the most surprising kind to a day is the flesh was dis-| coroner will probably have to be| there were no addresses The The Candidate Talks. “If you make up your mind| the effect that Bourassa and La- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. } undertaken jcrowd was too much in earnest, that this is your fight and inspire| vergne will resign from the legis-| Phone 4. }your neighbors with the conyic-| ister ue speeches lel me}. tion that there is something real i Per tae oe ete te CAUGHT CANDIDATE what I can do,” demanded one of|?”! another man and wish I WaS/io fight for, then we shall win.| carry the banner of Liberalism Only a little time ago we met too enthusiastic to be at work to before, and IT was then speaking Business can go te he deucr s whether Liberal or Conservative, AS SUSPECTED SANDBAGGER intil the 28th so far as Tam con-| | tn ret ean eet NB | ean prosper unless it has a C weaned? Others made similat ing cheers We are ue oes healthy opposition, We want a So remarks and soon they were busy| ‘ght, as we met in the old) nusiness government, and if you BUT HIGHLY HONORED ALDERMAN SLEUTHED OUT) ('eanizing into committees and committee rooms, to find out who] sent to Victoria a Liberal I can Se HUSKY, TERIOUS MAN IN lplanning out the campaigt the fighters are and where they}. romise you that he will accom-| GOVERNMENT EFFORTS AGAIN FAIL TO BRING THE MINERS BY pfprogesaenn ‘Gar eine i dees RESIDENT ‘id ‘ A “ are Next we want to find out) lish more for you than a Con- AND MINE OWNERS TO ANY AMICABLE ee ee ¥ sie mgr ey thence onthe Wai et the is-| survative member ‘has ever. been| AGREEMENT. wie | . McRae presided and!sues of the day. abic to do Cheers | woe a fe in the city all) lice was that a tough looking] .;o-teq off ina hurry. “Come to! “This is a campaign that\. : : eS See ad sasiiees se : < abt wets a Wes egarding the supposed, Character wearing a slouch hat pee Sle at BA cmaitt entitle Gurltatthanmet atin a the last | Friend at Court” Couldn't Do. See eee pe devin of oppagened aoe a . CR W. H. Mc-| #nd looking husky and formid-|;, 4 pustling auctioneer sort of|occasion we fought for an issue| Bowser is a man of common Bs pide : diabecanevanal statement of the Se ees MBIA SQ te lable as well as suspicious had|/.. , ; Savi Cans) a earth al{sense; he is a business-man, Go| Ment efforts to settie the coa'| proposal and said parliament PAN able a } way announced they were not!]that was to a iarg eextent vital strike by effecting an agreement 1 al various late hou been seen in-the vicinity As the }down to the legislative hall and}: , would be asked to declare that a g x tal » Cl ate ) to the oast » issues are r “ z Ai : h ; @ ‘ward ker? Cac apeiraeng tte going to call on the candidate fof the coast; now the issue re} WO @aUR dae AUN RETIN ED Dick | between the mine owners and , Ao re" a speech at this early date nor|more vital to the north end of}I : eae c jemployees have again failed. ng calls by phone McBride nor Bowser can fail to) *° ere : After three days of joint confer- pay attention to it. Present the : ences the negotiations ceased last needs of your constituency and ‘ night. Legislative action is now vou command attention. There to be taken to obtain a minimum is nothing like a man standing : , wage for all underground coal l}sguare on his two feet and show- workers ing that he is a fighter. (Cheers.) |" |” ; f ; : re x) Asquith after an- ought stone unturned to discover a man “ sia eS : a Premier ; horoughly Gil ne ul DSM ARSE ae fighter to come forward and do} cannot expect the south to help Fred Stork and IT went to Vic nourioing ‘last sat the eocuiats a prominent; answering to the deseription) i. chan Cheers us: they are for themselves. We|toria in regard to the Prince Ru- reasonable minimum wage, ac- companied by adequate protec- tion for the employer, be made a statutory term contract of em- ployment for all persons engaged in underground coal mines. The miners express themselves well satisfied with the turn affairs have taken. warding the movements of this) i, have speeches from anybody.|the province than to the southern} uspicious look-' man, Constable Cargill was dis-) hey just wanted to get their|end. The interests of the north-| seen in various| patched at once to investigate fighting men together and make}jern end are not being taken care| ghborhood Investigation of Searching in the neighborhood) the preliminary arrangements.) of; they are neglected, as you all| n every case proved) fo i hard looking fellow in allt would be a short fight and} know Hear, hear, iif we are ila eve as é i looki i 1 uch hat, the constable left no| would be a hot one as far as they! going to have our fair share we l ind in one in re concerned. It was for every} must look out for ourselves. We aperusuamnesipesuapsinnmgpnapapiass pessoas mapieneelo- eam ilderman of this city,| given so that he might if possible The applause tor in the can-| want to see that the interests of| Pert Lighting & Power Company,| = " BR aa Ai \ a candidate in| locate and arrest the sandbagget didate Alex. M. Manson, and it|the northern | of the proy-}a@nd we got what we asked for PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES itical campaign) His errand, however, was frult was evident a few words were! ince are prot: d in the legisla-|the city, We found businesslike —— | das the mysterious! less Phe only persen he could desired from hin He first con tive halls Cheers I hope to|!sen who asked us to state our) “The Escape from Pessimism” | was rung into the| gomery, Socialist candidate fo right and frankly said so, Your)! 44 9 m., in Church Hall, “Suffer- " fron cope tees pad Roary Se a ee Remember 7 Rennes ae present opponenk ing and Retaliation.” W. E. Williams on Borden] and fine physique ol the labor had accomplished nothing. + | Names Given of Several Anarch- 7:30 p. m., in Empress Theatre, “T have nothing to say about | ists Believed to Have Been all but arrested.| find at all in the direction imal i cast They listened to us pa- Topic for Sunday Evening. last night an/| cated was Alderman W. H. Mont : tiently and decided that we were wie eat distance from)| candidate that brought him ub “The Escape from Pessimism. | : he supposed sand-| der the lynx eye of the law as There will be two Manson names on your ballot paper. Be my opponent as a man, but as Key, F, W. Kerr will preach at | xeing Outrage he was wending his homeward) eapeful to make the distinction between the McBride Manson, who jour representative I have lots to) poth services. | | essage given to the po-| way toward Borden street has been tried and found wanting, and ALEX. M. MANSON, the say, and so have you. (Cheers. The club meets on Wednesday, GOVERNMENT IS NOTIFIED Implicated. people’s candidate, and a true representative of Skeena riding. [{ is up to us as business men to) when the Bethany Girls have} To save confusion at the polls put your cross opposite the name eel a good business proposition. sharge and will give a concert| 3 408 BAYLEY'S ‘LUOK of ALEX. M. MANSON, which is the second name on the ballot, ‘The lots in this city owned by the oe Japanese ‘tea. Positive Evidence Lacking, but | ight Offered Him if He exactly as indicated thus: government are valued at $413,- Ballots onaohurch union may| mienng Sonera Suspi- ge“ el ext Thursday von a rae Ne Ne i Be be. secured and handed in on| mee ¥: re to expect that a good slice Of) sunday for the last time. The| . wren. : MOTORMEN I f ft CLAYTON those thirteen millions shall be somUlake Taenitlt of the balloting| onan — peapwch) lo vy Burns ts hol ool altel : envi ack 0 o : ° ‘ . : : : Rome, arch ia ositive a William Barratt Clayton, of Prince Rupert Dentist nt back to this city? (Loud) wit) be announced after the even-| 1 a Alien, the latter now being the applause Ought not the B0V-| jye service evidence is lacking, but strong Masters and Mates on Smali| mateh with Joe Bayley and Billy ernment dock to be presented to |suspicion exists that the attempt sites sanawed |: ause.) | amma a ag er }made by Antonio Dalba to assas- Craft Need Not Be Cer- champion lightweight of Canada MANSON, ALEX. M. x the city? Renewed applause. NEW JOB CREATED made by onic | tifloated. el Chi If you work hard from now until |sinate King Victor Emmanuel was He wants them to fight in G A.M. Manson, of Prince Rupert, Barrister-at-Law election day you will accomplish | — P re | the outcome of a plot long ar- SHIPPING ;Ango. \Gnl Soap” ge results that will surprise my op-| Commissioner of Trade an jom=| -anged., The Italian minister at ACT IS AMENDED house Local fans are asking merce Appointed. /Berne recently notified the gov- why this event could not be pulled MANSON, WILLIAM neti ee - ’ lernment that he had been in- an Special to Daily News. leanne? i lot against the 1 s 0 of the} Accountant rhen what promises to be a| y 2 jformed of a plot agains Tons Used in Fishing or Behave, “bt Aer ee William Stenson, of Prince Rupert. very successful campaign was| Ottawa, March 14.—The gov- }King. He notified both Premier Freighting. ; question It is too big an affair | }ernment has created a new post, | Goilitti and the foreign minister, » elub to carefully mapped out. it agli aaa a: } MONTGOMERY SRE ant AE ea | that of commissioner of com-! Marquis Di San Ciulano and gave wa, Mare! dimmed ster | handle f Prince Rupert's leading hotel—| merce under the Trade and Com-|them the names of the anarch- Aron Minister Golly Hill arrived here in ad-| Wm. H. Montgomery, of Prince Rupert, Laborer NOR SBP s merce department. Richard Grigg,| ists concerned in the affair. Applies to Boats Under Hundred 7 ocured the assage of} erat Se y, 4 j : ne ot vanee of Bayley to look after aAVO cue tne “eaaee ibe Geena donde ee ert ee resolutions in the , the coming - | ' :p rj St day Bayley’s interest in the ‘ mr , , lagent at Montreal, has been ap-| Today the ease of William rh is expedient to amend contest Bayley 7 Se ARBITRATION TREATY is pointed to the post at a salary | Crutchfield, charged with an ugly eon re et . of $6,000, fYense, was heard in camera a ‘hada Shipping Aet } ro th Beatrice ans | ’ "= i rf SBC lo ‘ that wertifleal . shall Rrined ‘eorge ig. SRV. YRS ORT” lieacaisient Taft Will Not Accept 200 REWARD Se eee lthe police court. A number of i masters aa rn | , ; 2 ; i : i rave evidence, . li is he required for masters or| mM } Senate Amendments. | cae The event. of the season, the}small boys gave ¢ i { j aking Good Recovery but | ny nell 3 " : ‘les upon sailing ships of not Baptist Church Devotional. | Will Not Preach Tomorrow. City of Prince Rupert will! 3) Daffodil Ball given by the Daugh-_ dec lared by hows ap tome al a than one hundred tons.| Services will be held in Meln- Chae es | Canadian Press Despatch, (3 pay a reward of two hune $iiers of the Empire on Easter, offense has been going on for oe Ned by auxiliary power| tyre Hall on Sunday morning aH Though badly bruised and | Washingio March 146 Fre dred dollars for evidence | Monday in the Kaien Island Club.| two years. so than steam, and employed] 414 o’elock, and enguiss a real naturally atiff and sore after Le: vitaren intel Malaaeinial wi toh aaiil lead 40 the ii a x in Ashing and partly in}in the evening at 7:30, Sunday | his fall subsequent to the aa place between President} viction of eee oe = “riage of freight school at 2:30 p, m, 1$ supposed sandbagging the lien tt and Mr. Bryee, the British| saulted the Rev. . H. Mo- me other night, Rev, W. H. Me eho _ Ad ‘nd this leads 40 pr ti the night of March | LIBERAL EA UARTER “uiilba mibue i Leod is today making the Ataitiatthaaanads x ss } [ [ ) ies the report that Mr, Taft has abou aa PR very best progress possible Me: m t to aecepet the arbi- ERNEST A. WOODS, | E RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES A a COMPAL: ADOMbns decided ni i 8 City Clerk. oe Ndi : S dA d Seventh St Georg feet ere. Sea ’ Zliration treaties with Great Brit- '$ Old Optimist Building = -:- econd Aye. and Se : h h orge Kerr is looking for a stack of Bibles four fee Dr. MeNeill, who is attending lain and Franee as amended by } eee : Ce ae oe "4 ro wisn ae his oath that 4 » cavera fenting him, eee fae the sonal It is said the Presi-|== ————— S| =a es Fc cas Vilh business until the 28th,” sa a iB ing that ah Mc ae * is a dent believes the treaties to have Spring miliinery opening Tues-| i‘ , inf as We as cou yOSSIVIY : a aeto f ke them n . ‘ a rn > , been so impaired as lo ma f t Ve ssday, March 19th} “ircumstances indicate that dead one found drifting had be expected. He will not, Pet ena nraveltativel jel: q ty and Wednes¢ y, Me ran a een holding a Gor { ll | be able to preach 3} "°°" as J and 20th, A, M, Barbeau. & a Conservative rally. iowever, be able to rac eke bssndin lie a ey The Tory ship of state is down at the Marine lron Works. on Sunday. eT The Sons of England Lodge, \' lixed-over Progressive cogs are ssing ‘ ‘'’ forge , Nor- : : : Finance Minister says oity oan wail afford thal two hun- ee | Prince Rupert NO eed a ' sills ee 4 mana at Tare There will be a number of interesting addresses in support dred ay! == SSS liphursday next, March 21st, 8} waydance » K. ' , ; : Mayor Newton didn't say a word twenty minutes ago Wanted experienced boat|p. m., in the K, of P, Hall, Helger- urday, aaron ee 2 . Pe i. of A. M. Manson, Liberal condidate, and the Liberal cause 5a) ; ’ . . ’ arp. : s ¢ wu res Now running—The Phantom Sandbagger; or, the Mystery builder. Apply ©. M, Helgerson,}son block sharp iood musi t f ‘PERDERIC ra kk Sec ’ ! ne vited, At OF the Borden W ay, | Ltd FREDERICK V, CLARKE, See.! ments, All are invited 4