!:i H! PAO A wu TBS DAILT NEWS WATCH OUR WINDOWS For Broken Lines Week - End Exceptional bargains Family shoe store ltD. The Home-of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert pally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor By mall to all other countries, per year . 9.00 Classified' advertising,, per word, ptt Insertion 02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion -25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone . 98 i News Department Telephone ........ JW Member of Audit Bureau, ot Circulations DAILY EDITION MUST no ox Monday, February 5( 1940. EDITORIAL USE NEW FLAG In connection, with the arrival of the first Canadian contingent in England it became necessary to use some 5 i." i .! t-" ii ii nr.' r 1 uisiinctive- ensign; uiscussmg mis me Winnipeg rree Press says r , "It was casually made known that Canada has a new flag to be used overseas in this war. In reporting the arrival of the first contingent in Britain, the Canadian Press referred to "the new white ensign of the senior formation of the Canadian Active Service Force, with its maple' leaves and its fleurs de lis which flew from the masthead of the flagship of "the fleet of transports. The Union Jack is in tne upper quarter next to the staff. "This is very interesting. The new flag was approved Most Of Games Are Postponed LONDONv Feb. 5: CP All but one .game In the English and: Scot tish Football Leagues were post poned Saturday on account of the severe cold and snow conditions prevailing throughout the British Isles. In the one game of the southwestern" English Division Ply mouth Arsyle won over Bristol City ten to three at Plymouth. A fiftv cer.l eiassltica nd. often make you. many dollars. I IV I There is evidently good sense in the words oi Oliver ! Stanley, war minister m the Chamberlain government, $ ' .. .. ... . . iit "i"! when he said that it the war stoppea now it wouia De 101-lowed by an uneasy peace. In fact it would be no peace at "alL ft would be- simply an adjournment of the war.. It goes without saying that we all want peace but it must be something more than a return to the jitters period". Hitler is an adept at securing concessions without fighting, for them. He would like another opportunity of doing that but he will not get it. i FRANK" FOLGER wJ'i Hand BOXINGS. i 50c - 35c .MOOSE HALL-THURSDAY, FEBRURAY 15 Prelims Start 8:30 Match Ends Approx. 10:45 ADMISSION Gentlemen 50c Ladies and Students 35c Prince Rupert, Weight ICO lbs. Vs. STAN NELSON I6th Can. Scottish. Weight 170 boxing' events DON McCOUVER- (153 lbs.) Vs. PrlvaUr A. L. McDONALD (Kilty, 160 lbs.) ELMORE HANKINSON (154) vs. STAN SCHERK (150) In The Heavyweight Class HOWARD HOUGAN (175) Vs. ALISTAIR CKEKAR (170) 50c Tickets May Be Bought in Advance From Any of the Boxers WrWAWWWAW CUssiFl t D FOR SALIi FOR SALE Cary safe In good. condition Apply Dally News bv the government just before the headquarters staff of HOUSE FOR SALE 5 large rooms side of Canada1. -Bub it is improperly used-on land (except for sale 28lft-troliing boat with on our foreign, legations-and on Canada House in London, gear- cheap for cash. Phone for which' special authorization has been given),, and ey- ,R?412- ' !f- erytliihff mut be done properly and according to regula- for sale Boat with 5 up. Kei- GYRO CLUB SCORE IS i Miftch Todd ;!; Handicap ! Totals MAIN WRESTLING EVENTS Ansus Apartments Darrow THOMPSON $,52 "I" 16th Canadian Scottish iS.McLeod Chamion of Kootenay Dist. . j Taylor T Welsht 180 lbs. vs. McMeekln GREENFIELD f ,Huf p ... .. V Total... . ... ui isearcniigni uaueryt : .Champion of Interior of B.C. Weight 175 lbs. I il Gyro Club Morrison ...... Brocklesby .. Dungate Ji; Large I Asemlssen I; .Handicap Ji Totals i I Canadian ScottUh ! Klrchhoff Thomson Akehurst . ,. j Donaldson ... ..Renearts Handicap Totals LEAD, DECISIVE MAYMolWtpef,6ommtitel'BawKiit N York Kaneer Beat Montreal Lractie by Scoring Clean- Sweep CanaUiens .Nine in n in Victory Over Canadian L .National Hockey League ScoltUh . '. NEW YORK. Feb: 5: CP The Gyro Club scored at clean- sweep most decisive score so far this three games to n victory over Can-season in the National Hockey adlan Scottish at the end. of the League was recorded here last week to move Into the leadership night when the New York Ran-ih the league standing. The Itn- gers blanked the lnng-iufferlng perlal Oil scored two clean sweep Montreal Canadierur nine tt nil. victories, one over Angus Apart- The Boston Bruins, at Boston, 'ments and the other over Canadian had no difficulty In disposing of ScottUh In a postponed fixture, to the- New York Americans seven to X'.wawjswav.swas Join SaV0y Hotel in a tie for second one. . puce as far as games won Is con- In the third National Hnckev ARFTI TNi cerned. High average scorer In. the League gome last night Detroit Y T lVl-nJ 1 Ll 1 1 VJ . vpek.end Dlav was Dr. It. N. Brock- Red Wins and Chicago Black . . ... an I. 1 A nil nunrllmn lesby dftJyro Club with 193. The individual scoring was as fol lows: Imperial Oil If Klnslor ............. Hartwig ' Rush .' ? I w Srore . 1 .151 143 172 125 141 24 .133 177 125 142 129 ... 8 719' I 184 183 ...173" 136 158. 4 .838 i .121 ... 82 91 .115 .162 .... 30 C01 i 1QQ 121 153 r 143 200 U4 jrii- 2 97 144 148 140 14J 8 C83 i 169 199 165 133 163 4 830 111 li8 150 126 186 30 721 140 191 24 811 3 97 199 159 155 146 4 810 3 tie at Chicago. Saturday nteht nt th" Mini" 3 lf 0rdens in Toronto the Chl-203 cago Black Hawks won a hard-127 fought three to two victory over 129 the Toronto Maple Leafs. SEA HAWKS TAKE LEAD 107 . 580 Seattle Has Half a Game Margin 175 In Pacific Coast Hockey League J32 Now Over Portland 8 .59 SEATTLE. Feb. 5: CP-Seatt!e Sea Hawks have taken their turn 3 147 to lead the standing In the Pacific woasi iiocKey ueague as a resuu of a seven to four victory over Portland Buckaroos Saturday night. The Sea Hawks are now one point or half a game ahead of Portland who, In turn, are half a game ahead of the Van couver Lions. The league stand- in ing to date: r. ... . a . a a .a ... a. .. a .. oea.ui . .. if i u ai io Portland 13 2 14 73 79 28 Vancouver 13 1 14 86 95 27 Canadian Scot- Postponed play ed Britishers have many new daln against Imperial Oil) 1 Klrchhoff 143 Thomson. 75 Akehurst 125 Donaldson . ' 133 al Renearts 147 f . 4UtlUILUrl fJ :;iBankers Win the first contingent left Ottawa. On other occasions,. the and bath, full basement, harbr!ri Mollrmo flnrrnf thp rjirmrluin mnrfhant marine hna been iispd ntir- view, garden. Phone Red 412. tf-'UVCF lYldlKlIlS 2 141 116 93 113 189' 30 Totals ...... ,658 682 The league standing to' date: Gyro Club Savoy Hotel rmperial Oil C.N-RA. Printers Moose 135 94 154 134 30 617 C10nin. tne airmy.. rlence tne SUUtlen improvisation, X: the vm engine in excellent, oraer ana j In a postponed' Five Pin Bowling lace ot this new national emergency, of a distinctive Can- -iuww w-.new sk.u, Buhk League fixture fn)m wedneiay adian.flag. Evidently it was recognized that it would have; -bargaln' phone:8?J- ll Bankers defeated Maikih. by. a score been absurd, for. this country, with its claim to nationhood. P sale Radio special, 1940 !el,;0eeB1am" ee "e J J and with all. that it proposes to do in this war to justify vLSr that claim, to send forces Overseas without any flag, of tery on display at Northern B 'ership by a long margin, the vlc-their Own. " C Power. Co (32) iory advancing Bankers from fourth of emblem tHe wllar ,nU runner-uP "ThisspeciaPauthorization an for the par- 1 iicuuti; wuuiu nevex nave uccn tu. . purpusu neuessary, ne individual' scorlnK waj as collide., but for the Tnterminable delay in; adopting a Can- WANTEDiFurnished' or unfur-j0nows: adian.flatr for Use onland, The opposition to this, and the- "lsne?;h.u" mtch l or iMaikinx J 11 Phonc curious fearthaHt might help to sunder Canada from the Myrwang' f. tirim family, have now almost all disappeared. But w r Vr .n,"Wr . ti are sure uat tne vast majority oi Lanaaians win. De- in- "ucau goo "worked a- terested. in the fact that our overseas forces have a Can- piy boj 2?; Daily Newu. (32) L&ndeis ... 104; adianiflag; and that they will heartily endorse this action- - Jk-v- stegavig wc and' will hope that this or some other flag will soon be FOIERENl skinner atithonzed for general use on land." for rent 5 oom riat, t uiiy mod-.-vvithers SIT'Zaci ern, hot water heating, elcctrle TrindIr:in ing- MacKenzie's Furniture FEBrCARY FURNITURE SALE , cnESTBRFlfeLD SlJtTKS All at sale prises and on easy termi. 24 END-TABLES Walnut? finish. Special Phone 775 $1.95 siove, jiner naroor view, cenirauy . Totals' a 102? located. Collart & Mcqaf fery Ltd: Hankers r Pnone- - "Hume .175 - Pearson :,.,...,....154r t rv&tr . LMSr , Conrad .-. .165 LOST Between- Wallace's and Tyler . 203. Chris Mllh. bunch of kevs on. MeHIn., 136- chain. Finder olease- leave nb ati HandlcapL HandlcapL. Dally New- 89 tfk Totals-, OtZ- r. iw. "159 134" 129 1ST 103 834 t 113 104 178' 105 107- SO. 846 9 5 4 3 r 208 134 199 176 124 ioa 919, 3 279 181 I3T 169' 131' 89 980 ftPyiy! : Five- thousand uk- Hupert' FOUND Four keys on ring. Owner people read the Dally -News: It' may have same by paying for this pays to let them know what m . advertisement. . t.f. hav to .sell. . - I ixnrxint rnnn - LONDQN. Feb. 5: (CP Ration ties on their menus. Venison sau-133 sages, one of the supply ministry's 102 -latest." grill well. "If you remember 106 to give them good time." cooking 131 instructors warn. 181 30 693 W L Pts .9 3 9 .8 1 8 8 4 8 .7 1 7 5 4 5 .3 6 3 .2 10 2 0 12' 0 Scored Two to One Victory In, Five Pin Bowling League at End . of. Week J' TRY At Our Risk! CHEsfcOLDS MUSCULAR ACHES -d PAINS MUST PENtntATt rASTEH I BRING QUICKER RELICT I PROVE ABSOLUTELY STAINLESS I OR YOUR MONEY BACK ! NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) I DORA Roller Rink Dally Session 2:00to 4!30 Children 6:00 to 8:30 AMultr 8:30 to 11:00 Bejlnnei Given1 Special Attention Oiir Famous Edson Alberta COAL ; Bulkley Valley Coal I NanaimD' welllncton coal ' Bulkley Valley Wheat and ' ' Oraln ! PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and S58 Seagram's Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S "V.O? SEAGRAM'S "KING'S PLATE" SEAGRAM'S "OLD RYE" UNZEY & InONKS585 58G 11LCK COD Smoked 0(1) Per lb. UC. GAItl.lC SAUSAGI- f)(fr Per lb BltOOKFIELD SArSAGE Delicious. QCn A Per lb. LFJAC NEW LAID Qftp FGGS-Perdoa ,dUt CHOCOLTE flelp ECI-IRS- Per lb. (i It All AM WAFERS Ofto Perl,kg WOODCOCK TURNIPS OCT 10 lb for pe.ciies-Per tin 15c Price for a j oz. IcixUi rangr from fin to S t Th1 atlvrrtli-ment tt not publiuuo ur dismayed bv the Ltqun Control Board, or bv Uie Onmnrnenl nt RrtlUh Cnliimi.it DAV1ES CUT GltKK.V IlKANK gg, rititiTY rr.ouit: o-i os 01.03 49 lb. r. k n. tea Per lb. PEAKS 2 tins for 55c IUIK!CS LAYER CAKES-Fancy leing Kach FRESH GROUND- JQa Cffe Per lb. SIIPLI.FD WAIAITTS Off 6 Per lb. Apricot Per tin 15c 25c Collins' Diaries for 1940 One Month. Lat(5 Delayed in transit on account of the wan Collinto popular line of Diaries have' jimf arrived. For Office -Home or Personal Use 1910 is an important yean Start your Diary now SPECIAL. DISCOUNT of 10 per cent off. all diaries for 1910 Limited Slock Only Available CoalT Coal!. Coal! Winter codlbin needs refilling lis!. ,ri 1 iilWkVf warn I TOW"- Foothills niilkley Valley Nanaiino-Wcllinfilon We. arc emilpped to upp')' any of' these coal prompt carefully nfrrrnwl txA graded' to Pljonrt C51 652 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd.