0 JOKE IS NOT IN ELECTION McAfee Say Private Rulnes would .Matte It Iinpolble For llim To Enter Federal Contest IV is absolutely Impossible from -undpoint of my business to entertain th& Idea-of -being a cart-,1 i,V stated W. R. McAfee this r.,3Ti ing when questioned rtgard- hp conservatfve nomination i Skprna in the' forthcoming l.ik'd election in connection with li hi name has been promln-r mentioned. ft';,. the Conservatives Intend . , - to ronriectlon with the m Skeena still seems un- lunar fc A cough due to a cold if no joke. Get Smith Brothers Couch Drop?. (Black or Menthol.) Cost only 10 ytt they're a real cough medicine. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS Wife Of Johnny Weismuller Is Expecting Soon HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 5 The wife of Johnny Wetsmulter, formerly Beryl Scott, society girl, expects- a blessed event soon. TOYS FROM NEPTUNE FELlXOTOWa Bnf.. Feb. 5: CP Children who found hund reds f rubber dolls and other toys4 oi Japanese make on the seashore here thought Santa Clau had eome again. The toys were east up from the wreck of a torpedoed Jap steamer. o."- -aia, There Is said to be a pos-json. who will no doubt be the Lib-rib y that they may not nomln- eral candidate for re-election, and k which case it might be aloeorge Weaver, who has already fight between Olof Han- been nominated by the C C F FEBRUARY SALE at ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Prince Rupert B. C. Store Hours From 8:30 a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. - 0000000000000000000000000000000000090060000000 FIRSTAID Thermal Woo T'.crmal Wool can be used whenever it is desired to 4'pi,. a counter-irritant to the skin tu subdue under-i inn nain or inflamation. It takes the place of lini ments, especially when a prolonged action is re"quir- 8 p(l s iihout nuueccssnry disturbance of the part. g Invaluable in Cases of KH KUMATISM, SCIATICA, 1 II A(J(), STIFF NKCK, ClIlMlhAINS, KT.C. 50c Ormes Ltd. 77m Pioneer Druqjyiats The Resall Slore Phones 81 Open Dally from R a.m. till 10 p in. Sunday and Holidays from 12 to 2 P m 7 lo 9' p.m. & 82 and oooooooooboooooooooooooodoooooooooooooooooooooooooooi SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! llin it OCEAN FAILS ind POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Hupcrt ever niunsnAV, n.is p.m. Trnliu leavo Prlnc Rupert for the Enst Monday, Wednestlny, Friday 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For far,; etc., call or irrlM City Ticket Office, 528 3 r Ave. V-9-40 i St. Andrew's Cathedral, men's banquet, Tuesday at 6:45 pjn. Admission 50c. (31) Inspector C. G; Barber, provin cial police, returned to the city on the Catala last night from a trip to Ocean Falls on official business. H. 8. Ketser of Inverness cannery, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and- Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. her parents, Mr. and Connery. Mrs. John George Little of Terrace- Is a brief business visit to the city.. He arrived from the Interior on Saturday night's train and will be returning home this evening. Mr. Little reports all the saw-mlltt around Terrace busy this Hotel Arrivals Prinre Rupert Oe.yge Little,, Terrace; Mrs. Jack Bulger, city; Private Robert McVlcker. Dundas Point; Private O. W. Bartholomew, Dundas Point; Mrs .Martin Miller. Kalen Cedar Mills; D. M. Shea and Col. E. J. Ryan. Vancouver; If. 8. Kelser, Virtorla. PIANISTS IMPROVING CAPETOWN. Feb. 5: CP South African pianists have Improved since his last visit, Andersen Tyrcr. on an examination tour for the Trinity College of Music, London, said here. He criticized modern methods of piano teaching, saying pupils were pushed too hard In their lessons. Keep up to date ao mie regn- o Marly S o o 0 v a 1 bj a 1 t utx . m uu ju t ji AUCTION Sale Of Household Furnitnre On TUr.SnAY, FEB. C At MI Fifth Ave. West Commencing at 2:30 p.m- sharp Instructed bv the owner who Is leaving town. I will sell by auction the following: Majestic Itadlo Nest of Tables 3-fold Screen Walnut China Cabinet Sinter Dropliead Sewine Machine Hedroom Suite 2 Single Beds Child' Ited Suite 2' Boys' Bicycles Chest of Drawers; Taberettes 2 Wicker Chairs; 2 Lino Hues Tools; Cross Cut Saw Kitchen Utensils, etc. MUST BE SOLD Terms Cash Geo, J. Dawes AUCTIONEER 1 m i ax Bana-fBir: bv; un a2 mv.w3 X H. BULGER Optometrist KflTal Rank Ride. in tiii! M'i'itnMK roi'itr or imiTifH COLUMBIA In Probate In tli MsltM- of thr "AdmlnWratlon Art" And' IH'Ihe MBIIrf of Hie r.ttr of Andrew , .. U H'Muru nwrticrtl TAKE NOTICE that by order of lt Honor Juda W. K. Mbr dfttod the aim! day ot January 190 I M appoints AdnUnltitior of ie Estate' of Avtrvr Irorutxtl VtWT. Iowl. lat or the- City of Print Rupert, BrltUhj clun glnt tlv W Estate are here by reqiurro to ruwuim w w mo-brtuperty wined on of before th 28th day or i-eonwwy iw ww it"! ImleWert to the iwld ErfMe are recfulredl tn idt the amount oi uieu- uuieoiea. mm to me forflhwltlik Otflctal Administrator, Prlnw Rupert, D. C. Dinted the 3Jnd day of January. A. D. 1840. a no - ci r i nrAf NFWS MfYTPQ. For prompt And courteous ser vice Phone 13 TaxL tf. Mrs. Annette Woods returned to the city on the Catala; last night from a business trip to Vancouver. Charles F. Clifford arrived from Vancouver on the Catala last night and will return to Hazelton on Wednesday's train. Tea and sal of home cooking, Red Cross headquarters. 2nd and Funds to be used for local Soldiers miss Isabel' Connery sailed- last. Hospital Supplies. (31 nlghCon the Catala for Mill Bay on the Naas River to pay a visit withi r-1 0UT0F3-, Canadian mother relieve I miseryof colds externally with I """VvSJrS"-- Col. E. J. Ryan, head of winter and doing probably a little contracting company bearing better than they have for the past name which is carrying out few years. the his; air base development at Seal Cove for the Department of National De- to pay a visit of inspection to- the work. United Church Farewell Party who are leaving within the next week for Vancouver to take up fu- ployment In Vancouver and his many friends are wishing him the best of success In his new work. Dally advertising m tne Dafl) News Is sure to bring dally Announcements All advertlseaenU in this col-cmn will be charred for a-full month at 25c a word. Eagles' Bridge. February 7. Toe II Dance. Seal Cove, Feb 9. 1 Legion Valentine Tea, Mrs, D. C Schubert's, February 141 , Cambral ary 16. Valentine Ball, Febru- S. O. N. Leap Year Dance February 23. Boys' "Band Dance February 28. March 1 Tea, Mrs. Bert Morgan's. Eastern Star Tea, February 15, Mrs, L. W. Kergin's. Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mifk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoro c&t GHOCERY SPEGIALS Every Day at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOJIY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 1 and" 19' Opposite Canadian Legion BOYS' WORK MOVEMENTS Are Being Stressed" In Connection With Religious Education Week The- Religious Edflcatlon Council r .Week and, In-conjunctlon with that, the Trail Rangers and- Explorer groups' are holding- "open house" on' Tuesday night of this week. Traili Rangers 1 a distinctly Christian" movement for the train lng of teen age boys. It envisions a four-fold development of boy life 6th Street Wednesday February 7. LiluaT devotional and social. It seeks to- train, boys syythat they will have strong, virile minds-capable of clear Independent thinking; to develop- strong vigorous bodies, and to- lead boys Into "vital religious relationships and .to enable boys to share In the responsibilities of life. The .emphasis Is not solely in terms of development ot a boy as an Isolated Individual". He must find Increased opportunity for expressing his personality in relation to-other groups and Individ uals in. his world. The regular Trail Ranger camp is" a class of boys from 12 to 14 years. The typical week-day meeting consists of six- parts dpening cere- Catala last night from Vancouver Iness "y!?. Instruction, library and soc ial and recreational period. Oh Sunday, the group- Is a class, worshipping with the rest of the school and- studying the lesson. If Ja boy attends another Sunday jSchool other than- the one connect- j ea wim me cnurcn m which mla-l week activities are being carried! out, his continued attendance there Catherine In- Honor of Mr. and SlrsJ w credited, Under no-clrcumstanc-! G. P. Davey Who Ar Leaving t w,n "e be asked to ehange his. On Thursday evening1 last some forty United Church people gather ed at the home of Mr and Mrs. F. M. Davis. Fourth AVenue, to do honor to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Davey punaay scnooi. The Trail Ranger plan seeks, alto to help each boy to live life at its ChrtsUan. best In his home; In his school, In' his church' and on his playground. Erolorers The Exokwer movement Is an ef-! ture residence. .tort to-present a balanced program After an interesUng social even- ot Christian education emphasizing lng Rev. J. C. Jackson, on behalf specially those features whlth can of the church board and congrega tion, presented a silver tray as a token of esteem and respect while Mrs. M.' F. Nlckerson, president of the Ladles' Aid, on behalf of that organization. In a fitting address, presented a purse to Mrs. Davey. Mr. Davey. who has been employ ed with Mr. nellbroner as optome not well be- carried; on In Sunday sessions. Appropriate study and worshlD create the atmosphere In which boys may partfefpafe In play, group activities, social good times land constructive work. The keynote of the Explorer program is service, every Explorer "A doer of the word and not a trlst is leaving to take similar em- hearer only." The unit of organization for Ex plorers Is the Junior department of the Sunday School which- Includes the Sunday School boys nine, ten and eleven years of age.- The Explorer program illustrates those principles which in .the opinion of the Religious Education Council of Canada ought to govern week-day work with Juniors. Tuxir Square . Classes of-boys from. 15 to 17 years for what are called Tuxis Squares. Here, too, the emblem Is four square. It Is based on a1 series of projects. j There Is a special significance In' the word "Tuxis." Each letter has its own distinctive meaning. "T"; stands for training; "S" for service; ' "X" represents the first letter In the Greek word meaning Christ, thus indicating that the program Js'Christ centred; "IT stands for you and "I for the first person singular, I. Hence, the word means "You and I In training for service, Christ In the centre and no one but Christ between us," The boy who takes Tuxls work seriously Is aiming- lo make Christ central in his life. H.G. HELGERSON LTD. 216 Sixth Street See Us For All Kinds of Insurance and Real Estate Notary Public We ha ve' on our lists the Tql-lowinggood buys ORAIIAW AVE. Westvlew, 5-room house, ,2 bedrooms, finished attlcyglks porch, fully modern, furnace; fireplace, lovely view, garden, $2,000 on terms. TAYLOiHSTw 6-roemi house. 3 bedrooms, bath, fully modem, In flue condition, $1600 on terms. . 171 3rd AVE., 2-story-building, 6-room flat above, 3 bed-rooms,. hard wood floors; fully modern, large room below suitable for garage or workshop. $2300. Trt Sfpk Anil firTtJ1 Ood' Rer- a a Fanst Ae' 1U UCCtV STllU uCI YC-jdared lrr5 morning sermon atf'Flrst, ("Presbyterian Church yesterday. C.nA CUvnln k U THey should afco strive to ffelr oth- VJUU WllldLiail tUUl ht to -(W likewise-. Indllff rinierand The true aim of every person who would enjoy a full life is to seek and fself-rlghteouMtes were Tab be deplored, the pastor said 11 I. r Fedison MazdaT I Lamps I L to Save Money M Everyone, young and old, needs H j least 100 wafts light for H B or So m H replace H. Mazda lamps. flB jB 100 win Bm CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC s to Advertising Is an ulV.sfnient. DUE TO INCREASE IN PRICE OP Nanaimo Wellington Coal At the mine ot one dollar per ton and' the increase In freiebt' ratesi commencing January 1, 1940. our prices on Nanaimo Wellington' Coal' will be' as follows Nanaimo Wcliineton Lump Sacked, delivered. Per ton $15.50 Nanaimo Vclliti;ton-. Mine Run Sacked, del.. Per ton $1-T Nanaimo Wellington Lump Bulk, delivered. Per ton $14.25' Nanaimo Wellington Mine RunBulk, delivered. Per ton . $13.00 Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116 and 11? & C. Furniture Co. February Clearing Sale New and Used Furniture 2 Kitchen Ranges At 2 Spic-Span Cleaners Just like new 1 Bed Complete 4 feet by 6 feet 2 Phllco Radios At 1 Connor Washing Machine In perfect shape I large Size -v- 20 10 24.50 84.95' S12.50 12.50 29.50 39.50 New Furniture 3 Cast-iron Cabin Cook Stoves Q-fl Q Qff Special tJ)i.D 1 4-piece Walnut Bedroom Suite 72 50 21 Table Lamps In all shades CO fTA Q9 QCZ OCT Reg. prlce up to $5.00 ?60J9 tp&,UD, $0,VO 9 Chesterfields Fine patterns, and styles. $()5 to 134 rhone BLACK 321 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUlf