THE DAILY NEWS. THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, 50c | per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY. $2.00 per year. Contract rates | All| .. Savoy Hotel Cor. Fraser and 6th. © Choice Wines ar | RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT i Cigars | Séevialh tchie Benefit Society No. 195, S.S.S.S. Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | Meetings held every ist and srd Sunday of the in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorKk—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. en ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are. New York City ‘Sarumpay, | Mance 16 DAILY EDITION. WORKINGMEN SHOULD CONSIDER PLATFORMS. the vote, There are three candidates making direct appeal for vote of the working class, what known as the labor a straightout Liberal, a Conservative and a Socialist and labor fteader. What they offer in their platforms worth careful thought and study. Take that of the first named. It will be found in our inside pages. Read carefully from the words “A Provincial Department of labor to be created and free goy- ernment labor bureaus established” down to “The minimum wage, the eight-hour day and six-day week on all government- aided work,”’ and you have the whole platform so far as it refers to labor. Prince Rupert has but a few industrial premises at present, but they are coming, and it is well to have laws for their proper control and sanitation. Nor in this part of the province do we have any child labor, but the present system employers’ liability insurance, as the plank states, heavily upon the employer and is a frequent source of injustice to workmen and their families. Instances of this will naturally occur to you. Some measure of protection is afforded workmen now by the Workmen's Compensation Act, but it is limited in its scope, both as regards the classes of employment with which it deals and the amount of compensation paid. The result is that injured employees or the relatives of men accidentally killed are apt to seek the larger awards which may possibly be obtained by actions brought under the Employers’ Liability Act or at common law. To meet the claims, that out injuries, merely hazardous occupations, industrial insurance companies have come into existence with which the employers compound for ihe whole risk. Industrial insurance companies, however, have no bowels of compassion. They are in business for the purpose of receiving the highest possible amount in premiums and paying the least possible in losses. They fight every case in which there appears to be the slightest possibility of winning and the result is that of the money subscribed by the employer but a com- paratively small portion goes for the purpose for which it was intended, that paying ample compensation received. The Liberal platform proposes to adopt a of the German system, to the cost of which, however, it is not proposed that the workmen or employees shall contribute. In brief, it is suggested that industrial insurance shall be supplied to the employer at cost and that the whole of the money paid by the employer to the government, which will be less than it companies, should be available for compensation, is or is of bears arise ol or ur ur of for injuries modified form its the would be to the insurance proper purpose, the settlement of claims for cost of administration being borne by the province. fortnightly toward the of is a relieving high cost of everyone aware, make the result that those who pay at all pay for those who do not pay. We hope to see the day when the man whose wages are computed by the day or week will receive his pay in hard cash once every seven days. The institu- tion of such a system throughout the province would be lent to an advance at least of 10 per to those who now receive their cheques only monthly. These are among the planks of the Liberal platform it will pay the workingman to study between now and election day. Payment wages step the wage-earners from at least some part of living. Monthly settlements, credit system inevitable, as is with the equiva- cent. of the is making a There it He has repairing his political fences, the candidate Skeena river. William Manson, campaign trip up the had the road gangs at work there and all there him to do is to look over the a suggestion or two to the road boss here and there Rupert there was absolutely nething for Mr. Manson to do. and the ring did their possible at the federal election, but handsome majority given to Duncan Ross the city be an impregnable Liberal stronghold. ring, iS easy. work and offer In Prince He the to is for showed The morning organ of the Conservative party comes out this morning with a defense of the alleged sandbagger of Rev. W. H. McLeod, “Dirty Politics,’ ‘‘Despicable Now the re- spectable Conservative newspaper, the Empire, which is servile tool of the Manson gang but an independent exponent of public opinion, yesterday published a full account of the alleged sandbagging incident from the lips of the popular pastor himself, without a word of comment. There's a difference. Tactics.” not a As to the result of the British Columbia elections, Premier McBride may lose forty seats, while he cannot possibly do better than gain one. At present the opposition consists of but one member,—Toronto Star. ’ Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. month in the Carpenters’ Union Ha G. VUKOVICH, Secretary T. MAZLUM P.O. Box #1 President —e-++-+-+- f FRED. STORK } = Magazines :: CIGARS —General Hardware Hardware Oxford Stoves Tinware Builders’ Valves & Pipes Graniteware SECOND - AVENUE — oo 4-4 +-@-# — & Little's NEWS Agency Periodicals :: Newspapers TOBACCOS :: FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF —When You Require — Live or Dressed out YOUNG PIGS OR ANY KIND OF LIVE STOCK & DAIRY PRODUCE —WRITE DIRECT TO— H. WILLIAMSON 357 Cordova Street, East VANCOUVER, B.C Who supplies unlimited quanti- . ties on the shortest notice . . oo 88) | | | Lot on Market place; = Royal Hotel Cor. Third Avenue and § Sixth St. i— Rema The Finest Rooms. | | The best equipped | | and steam heated. | Hotand cold baths. Dining room and restaurant Corley & Burgess, Props rea rere ee ee Exclusive Offerings —in-— REAL ESTATE 52, Block 16, Terms Block 28; $3,100 section 1; Lots 51 and $31,000 pair. Lot on Eleventh St., $2,800 Lot on Second Ave., Terms. Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 Terms. Lot in Block 20, 31,900. Terms. Lots 15 and 16, the pair. % cash, bal Lot 11, Block 32, Section 5; $1,000. House and lot, Sixth Ave., Section 5; $2,750 Terms on monthly payments. | Double corner, Section 6; $3,500. Terms. | Six-room house with lot, Section 6; $2,500. $1,000 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years, cent. Guod lot on Lots 11 and 12, look street; #625 each. Lots 19 and 20, Block 34, each, Level lots in Section 8 on easy terms. Agents Prince Rupert Building & Invest- ment Co., Limited. Stock issued in $10 shares. Agents Terrace Townsite., We have several blocks of land in the Lakelse, Kitsumkalum and Bulkley valleys at from $7 to $25 per acre $2.500 Section 2; $2,700 Second Ave., 1 an d2 years. Sixth Ave., Block 4, Section 7; Section 7, Terms, Section $600. over- 7; $650 —INSURANCE— | Uptown, | East side, | They take }much Section 1;) | | Section 2;] Block 9, Section 5; $2,100) 6 per} McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE | 1836 The Bank of 1911 | } April British North America | 75 Years in Business, Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Banking by Mail is a great convenience to those who live some distance from town. i cisco, | jwill make Deposits may be sent in, cash | drawn, acted by Mail, trouble or delay. Write or ask our Local Man- ager to explain our system to you. | Prince Rupert Branch-— F. S. LONG, Manager. or other business trans- | without any | Reasons Why Wm. Manson Must be Defeated 1. The growth and prosperity of Prince Rupert is being hampered and retarded by the at~ titude of the McBride government in direct opposition, in order to serve the interests of the rival port of Vancouver. 2. That Prince Rupert can raise no voice of protest so long as she is represented in the legislature by the silent and obsequious William Manson. 3. That the said Silent William did once or twice gently purr in mere explanation of what this city was seeking from the legislature, but cever sufficiently loud to wake up any other member of McBride’s huge majority. 4. That even on Prince Rupert matters he always voted with the government. 5. That when a respectful petition was sent to him asking when the government wharf would be completed he never brought the matter before the house at all, and that this matter was brought directly before the house by the Liberal representative of another constituency, H. C. Brewster. . 6. That with an able and energetic Liberal from Prince Rupert in the house, such as is Mr. Alex. M. Manson, the Liberal nominee, this city might shame the monopolists of political representation into giving at least a certain measure of justice. 7. That the Silent William never brought before the house the subject of the sale of gov- ernment lots in Prince Rupert, but in default gives us his interpretation of what the premier is alleged to have said, namely, that the government was in the real estate business good and hard and as it had passed laws exempting taxation on these lots it could hold them without expense until the people had made them enormously valuable, and the people could go to. 8. That the Silent William is alleged to have presented a petition from the people of the city for a government wagon road around Kaien Island, and that as an ante-election statement he is now promising the road will be built, but he whispers in an aside that he does not know the amount of the appropriation. 9. That these are the things the Silent One claims to have attempted to do in the inter- ests of this city. 10. That what he ought to have done and which he didn’t even try to do would take from now until election day to enumerate. W. L. BARKER Architect Alberts Block 1 Ave | H. Gordon Munro MUNRO & LAILEy’” Architects Stork Building, Seco STUART & STEW ART ane AUDITORS Law-Butler Bui I Prince Rupert ge ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars a Bar CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTAR . Ere Office— Albert Block, Second Ave WM. S. HALL, L.D.s.. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge W ork a Spec All dental operations skilfully tre sai talty, local anasthetics administered for oleae traction of teeth. Consultation free ot Helgerson Block. Prince Rupert. _ D. DS, Offices i-12 Alex.M.MansonB.a., W.E.W Hiams,B.A., Lip WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicito Box 285 Prince Ri Ts, ete. LITTLE OLD NEW YORK. I had intended at first to retire in the event of a Liberal being nominated, but the dissatisfaction against the ring rule within the Conservative party is wide- spread that I think it only right that those Conservatives who cannot conscientiously endorse the candidature of William Manson should still have the privilege of vot- ing Conservative, and I will therefore remain in the field. I have no quarrel with the McBride government and will loyally support it, but I have a strong objection to the great Conservative party being made the tool of a petty clique who use it merely for their own selfish ends. Do not allow the ring to persuade you that Mr Manson is the only man whom the government will recognize. We saw how Mr. Manson with the government when a deputation was sent Victoria to his claims for a cabinet portfolio. They would none of him and they had tried him before. If eiect- iving full recognition from ‘will have no personal axe to the interests of my East side, west side, All around the town, Crooks are holding victims up And knocking others down. Busy bands of outlaws, With revolver, blackjack, knife, | Rehearse their favorite college} yell— } “Money or sO your life! downtown, No matter where you go, Dead of night or broad dayiight,! They'll try to get your dough. They come from other To gather in the fleece; rhere’s no one to molest them—} Not even the police. stood places to press have ed I have no fear of not rece the premier, especially as I grind, but will work solely in stituents. I ask every | terest of his party at heart to 28th the ring rule which has cursed the party for the jast few years. Remember, if Mr. Manson is elected the ring will claim a victory and it will be useless to attempt to dislodge it. Yours faithfully, WILLIAM BARRETT west side, epn- | Button up your coat; rhey'll get your watch and mone y| And they'll surely get your} goal. life They go about well heeled; You're just as safe in New As on a battlefield. J. A. F. in New York Herald. who has the real in- stamp out utterly on the oyal Conservative very easy, York CLAYTON. To the Electors of Prince Rupert: ipert, B.( PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. POXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M LON., ENG’ GEORGE LEEK & CO, MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 618 8rd Avenue Phone 2 3 an PRINCE RUPERT id Green 25 JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate Loar and Insurance 319 8rd Avenue THE [IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billi SECOND AVE ards Twelve Tables Cc First A Hotel Central Sey fisArs European and American plar heated, modern convenie« steam Rates ANOTHER CHANCE Johnny Kilbane Will Take Abe Attell Again. a) | | | | | | on!) | | March new feather- Francisco, the San Johnny Kilbane, on, has announced willingness to give his de- rival, Abe Attell, an op-| to regain the title, Lali Day as a nt date. Meantime he give himself aj} Weight champ Knott's Bakery Opens Sat. March 17th —~ DELICATESSEN Light Lunches his sated portunity -—-CATERER The Tea Room a Special feature. {ce Cream and Ices, TRY OUR BREAD-~- IT’S FAMOUS sug- fe vp resting con- ve said Phone 190 717 3rd Ave. —— ANNOUNCEMENT | intended $1.00 to $2.50 per day Peter Black Proprieter HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Directors Funera 8rd Ave. near 6th St E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer Kilbane’s | will soon land rest. needed on the stage tour CHARGES REASONABLE him land, in his native cily of Cleve- where his friends have THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT planned a rousing reeeption. SAMUEL HARRISON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED RIOTS IN CHINA |Mutineers Still Looting Oianiiel North of Pekin. Special to Daily News. Pekin, March 14.—The mut-} troops now pillaging the country of here, and | the conditio government | appears check the mous are iorth n of the powerless fo | Prince Rupert and Stewart movement, which, in the opinion | VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE of the allowed | legations, must be — to burr | itself out like a fire. 8.8. PRINCE hd Maintains Bi-monthly serv and Queen Char Stewart RUPERT MAN TO MARRY | Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical Apparatus of every description Graham Kearney, Mgr. | | N. Scheinman Leave for | to Wed Girl of His Heart. j Another Prince Rupert man is} Tri-Weekly Train Service Prince Rupert to Van Arsdol For all informat A. E. McMaster, Geo vad. c 1. ' Wharf Agency for all Atlar received | Mr. 4 | from his Gottstein partner, to wed notice leaves New on the Olympic for England. Mr. Schein-| “whe wt | KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY on the 417th THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. Scheinman that he York today London, nan is to be of his choice and will spend a_ long} honeymoon making a_ tour of| Europe. He will return via Mon-| treal and thence to San Fran-|} from where he will reach| Rupert. Bride and bridegroom} HARDWARE Choicest Udubee and cigare— MONARCH MALLEABLE =~ Savoy. Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. j , ri) cess Coast service Famous Prive Line Princess May | Friday, March 15th at 9 & ™ | J, G. McNab _ B.C, iver af For Victoria, Vanco General Agent Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Lia Bon Contractors’ and Personal © Policies W sitte n Direct Mack Realty "& Insurance COMPANY. P.S.~ Houses and Rentals is