THE DAILY NEWS. - A Ratice a ee = SEE — meen ee es | 4 PAPERHANGING HUDSON BAY |JAP MENACE i . i C REORGANIZ ON | HIGH CLASS - ED PACIFIC) A S QUARE DEAL if SIGN WORK coniemen adv og it emen Adventurers to Extend| Unprotected Coast of British Co- ; OUR SPECIALTIES Their Operations and Their lumbia Becomes a Subject ° 7 eae Retall Stores, of Consideration. B t ae | = ——— alnter Oan | Pain arising SILVERSIDES BROS. BIG RETURNS FROM LAND|IF JAPAN SHOUD RESENT = ee Sa ae a d - ORI ee, ioe REAL ESTATE BROKERS ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE | Rheume , Bronchitls, P.9. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN | === <= SSS erage neers | | | Lambaee, Sorel, desea he Town Lots Over Four Hundred| British Navy Unabie to Protect or Cold, ‘Backache, tS ee es eee Cee one Yow" This Coast as Fleet Is Re- WE HAVE A CLIENT Nf Bruises, an ear Previous. : oe A TY Ho ct ccm eae Cole ttle quired at Home For Two Lots in Section One Between 7th and McBride | Cramp, The reorganization , . WHAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE ; | Soreness of rganization of the Hud- Newcastle, Eng., March 10.—| ————— + the Limbs afte ey SMITH & MALLETT son's Bay Company, which is eae here ‘sg other day, ae Will give close attention tw all, whether great or small | is best treated by US THIRD AVE understood to be proceeding 2ercy, former under secretary for i o1 LIMAN’S according to , F adic ‘ind ‘ Sass ian \ ’ Ww _ Mi bigs s given 140m Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and || the old country and which will foreign affairs, Cipesee: d Japan- : Agents New York Life Insurance Co. Phone 387 Bilimen REF ale Sheet Metal Work result in the formation of an ad- ee ai geste i _ re ot eee Ee : pages, (illustrated i Office: 8rd Ave. Workshop that the position was a delicate ‘ placed inside car ae oe Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts viscry board in Canada with|one for Japanese immigration all bottics of Elliman headquarter he , ; atric , I ° ° i 29 & 4/4 The 1eadguarters in the west, is be-| had been restricted by the United | REP. kletaleo contains »|ing awaited with a great deal of} States and our own overseas do- Planks in the Libera! Platform | ) other information of euch inferest. The company has al-|minions, which Japan might re- TEMG RATA. Pert Paena Synge. d \ ti meg? lor Fire | ways been a very large money|sent. Therefore, the defensive Abolition of the poll tax. i . tto m Git ' . ? | Aid and other purposes; + ere Church Services - maker and the proposed expan- resources of the empire should Exemption of improvements on all lands paying taxes to | also for its re - in res- | sion of the old corporation's re-|be co-ordinated, If we had not the provincial government. s pect of Siok Moom Be.) SS SSS ee tail store trade, which is under-|fleet units on the Canadian Pa- i isites. Liliman's added to 3T PRE , : rf ; ; Readjustment of taxation. ar Doth ts entails: Oe ee ene stood to be one of the chief fac-|cifie coast, Canada, if attacked The relate of the exemption of incomes limit to $2,000 he Lia services every Sunday in the in soe ae Sis tai . i Pe ) > . ’ m P Empress Theatre, 11. 4.m. and oe ae ( > gectanepiee = the o = oe , eur owe be Provincial department of labor and free labor bureau. Animals Bible Class at 2.30 p. m. reorganization is anticipated to/saved by the United States, for Thorough inspection of all industrial premises. Ailments may in many fe | REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PASTOR still further increase the earning|the German menace made us un- Complete prohibition of Chinese labor Saba be relieved or cured a is Se a e capacity. able to do anything in the Pacific. A comprehensive system of industrial insurance ; by following the instructions | lL THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH An indication of the profits at-| The British line of battle was Extension of the scope of the workmen’s compensation : Ciinea E. FA Booklet | ROYAL for ANIMALS wr Gerdes erate Deller eT ULC ene coe Sanunistration of the) required {8 ome ee act to cover all hazardous empioyments | Spee fount eos ' Seo the Elliman E.F.A.. Booklet er ee Plea EN tered regard th [oe Oe cen naga ee a Complete prohibition of Oriental labor. HO LLIMAN’S price UNIVERSAL for HUMAN USE REV. eile, Glass 2.90 p.m. , PN. Nn enter eS ; [a Roe a enraeae eI al A minimum wage and an eight-hour day for government Vn, 2/- & 3/6. 828 the Elliman R.E.P. Booklet | -W.H.MeLEODB.A B.D. Pastoa || Landing the Hudson's Bay od THE RISE AND FALL. '13 and government-aided work. - found exclosed with bottles of ELLIMAN'S THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH pany sold portions of their re-|| ioe Immediate construction of railway to Peace River, the Biltman,SonsaCo..Slough,England. | THE NAME 1S ELLIMAN BETWEEN CENTRE ST. AND 2nd AVE. serve town lots for 416 per cent.) — : island and the interior. Services every Sunday, at, 11 more than in 1910. In other} — oa aie cart bth Construction of government-owned elevators = ” on aan ords ‘ 2 nes zed | ATi sips ile s sweetes iss. 4 “Thr OBTAINED OF ALL DRUGGISTS THROUGHOUT CANADA | silts a erie ein: ene aoe es bn ah oe tor ea ila lagulla toes fa exdittant maine No public land for speculators. . i Fe Ar Ce ARE " $7,830, Or $820 each, In 4) . . : oe ives ? , ’ im methods of preventing timber waste. i —— . lots realized $134,520, or $1,180) x ale ee ae ‘ =F e fi \= =/ each. like The total receipts from land} up saihal : i > a townsites sales for the nine piles ; f LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, Light and Power months ending december 31, When his vote : | ; : aie 1914, exceeded those of the cor- or UIC @ the is all com-| | Bkeena Land District ~ District of Coast : | | ett senesy Canada’s responding period in 1910 by But when count Hauees. For all coming soon Estimates | about 5 per cent. But for the plete, Take 2otice that 1, CARULINE JOHNSON, of Vancouver, B. U., LOccupalion married ES se ow given for wiring and fitting for io sorr v¢ . 3 2 electric light, power, bells, phones period of nine months just com- No sorrow can he miss | Owner will dispose of the following | Wella, intend to apply for permission to oh soles Hae ’ ' ’ .d the far lands realized $20 | As he drains the cup of bleak! |purchase te fuliowing described lauds; wa eating, etc | ple tec re larm ia § é pe dates | . e » | Couunencing at & pUst piauted at the e Stock of lamp shades and gen- an acre, instead of $13.50 an acre defeat } ts In ection 2 | SOUL Welt Curner Of 208 8006, hence sousn eral electrical supplies carried during the previous year, or a 35 When his vote |nortn 60 Chains 10 the southeast corner of | : ‘ Rh 6 8 3 : g ; saat 6 ; ij Canadian Business Men are immensely Ad hae, evauhe ii walls sags | ; _ |Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains along : pleased with the new “ Rego” Lounge Suit, W. R. LOVE P ee eta : fe et tee down | Lot Block _ Price Equity | ehains giung west line of Los S062, eoeios 12 1s g 1 re rights “Ha!03 alu es e 0 OL 8U62 eLce built upon the most up-to-date American wyntctrica! Contractor | Beside af ee on like ly and 2 16 $2100 $787.50| west 40 chains along south line of Lot SeRa iy’ makes, A atltae «Tiled Kty ulton St. and 3rd ie. re hitherto neglected, the Hudson's tt 17 16 1050 401,95 | 88% te Point of commencement, contain- NViodel by d 4 a aul . o . . : a 2 Rie 1is. -<0 ing 50U acres, more or less, (Empire Gold Medallists, 1911). The Bay Company has still some 5, Bee gs oe 57 & 58 12 2050 750.00 | " “CAROLINE JOHNSON, rz 000,000 acres of uasold land, s E e K. Carr, Agent, : 7 Anyhow “the line is enjoined Dated Dec, 93, 1011. 66 99 which ought in time to realize, Pub. Jan. 18, 1012. ae : is a restful variation from the | We can offer good terms on the Equity Michrs SDd BL LERBUANEET EO TT ie Skeena Land District—District of Coast “FROM HOME TO HOME." magazine, is the name of a _ Massachussetts — They gotta wesierly to mouth of Falls River Siougn, MONTREA | yublication that 1as ¥ nt Ce a , j then following bank of Said slough easterly L. }monthly publicatio quit kiddin’ my Sacred Cod. to point of commencement, to contain 60 C ( ; or $100,000,000. In addition its] 4rawling I don’t care a snap “the! Wg sg hata vege Molice that kathleen Agnew of Mon- Ee | % . ’ ia a | a real, occupation spinster, Intends to appl | eorgeto lownsites nc. ie freehors Beans ae: | for perinivaiua id purchase ‘ihe following ' | ‘ ia > is a | described lands: '% e }erty still unsold, and rising daily : G Commencing @t @ post planted at the $ f both in value and extent, are M’NAMARA DYIN a en 0 t witness pust of the northwest corner of Lot ; , awml oO t : pat ue | ey eo | 63S, Hauge 5, Coast district, distant 13.73 e e |even today estimated at upwart ; a ty Bink a chains suuth from the noribwest corner of : , @ x d namiter Slow nke SECOND AVENU liv suid lol, thence West 40 Chains more or is made specia//y for Canadian requirements ff | HOF SLL BOUD00. . aicican | CIR ae Teena tne aoe et Pe as See + 46 a ” | . sompanys Cé é - . pce vw and is ‘the suit of the year.” Made exactly 1p oe ee . } mouth of Falls River Siuough, thence fol- ‘ ” y } um r sisted of 100,000 shares of £10, | iowing bank of Falls River siough easterly behind mere on oe oon mea j ; each Its unsold goods, stores, Los Angeles, March 10,—That aud northerly to point of Colimencement, viata j &e . ‘ eo : : lo contain 4U acres, more or less. : me tage i aye Serene aes ev furs, ships, steamers, cash bal-|J. B. McNamara, confessed syne 2 KATHLEEN AGNEW. ws c “Ren oo hie | M Idi lance, ete, appear from its last] miter of the Times building, will nese bebtuatt tc is ee wd b a | ’ ott $ | ou Ings balance sheet to exceed $5,000,-{ serve his life sentence in San ° Pub. Feb. 10, : a eae 000. This amount is exclusive of| Quentin in a brief time, is the) Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. Prince Rupert Land Distriet—District of See ee ed . | ; the sum of $2,000,000 which, by| belief of Malcolm McLaren, spe- Coast. right price. “Rego” Styles Cictoie fas A large stock of dry finish- { ea ’ aan s ial Burns “agent. who cemeort No. 63 Take notice that 1, Lemuel Freer, of ° > £ ) € Ae rarned 8; Cciai u Be * Ss . ee, ae d set the London fashions ing lumber on hand. Boat July, 19141, had been eal é ae oe nee Meets in the Helgerson Block energy ey fi &e ooeups tions broker: 0 & Duty Free. | lumber a specialty. Delivery extra revenue or: income, and|that the prisoner is slowly dying ‘i ; Ppply Tor periiuissivn $0 PUrcnaRe yet they cost no more (and | Baa att re ‘ , : a E T d Evenin ihe followWilg Gescrived iands: f \ ee ee aims made at short notice, which some stockholders thought] of tuberculosis. The detective very Tuesday Ev g Couumenciug at & pust planted on the often less) than ready-made prices. | : i : : sa t he other day and says| All members of the order in the | s#ere iu @ northerly direction Irom Port ‘ | O dnhhve anther tk aay should have been applied to swell] saw him the other day anda say: rag Nelson Cannery, marked L. F,’s S.E, corner, Write for our Style Book FREE. | Ee eee that dividend by £4 for each £10|that McNamara, light when sen-| city are requested to visit pany gad Bain ey ip ag Per garetts iio exer itionaieneceenceibanipenateteaapnneenennncerasene eA AREER PTD 7-1} x m . a oa esl, nce 2 [Hains 50 Oo shore ©. F © hea Main tes tallartae meaeaiins ok the wea Call on us before ordering. share. Instead of this expected] tenced, has lost fifteen pounds. | the lodge. inence east along le shore to point of tell ait io pmareact sess " wearing on Hustrates all j | pr cedurt af he last general | He has been employed exclu-| ee ae ment, Containing 40 acres, more ; s Send for it RE E—and we will post it to you 0 ‘ ms ‘ NIIGTAS J } _ miei ; ie! a with a five selection of “ Rego” patierns and the “ Rego | meeting a res ition enabled this] sively in the jute mill, MeLaren| A. DOUGLAS, N. G, : y LEMUEL FREER. simple self-measurement form Bee 5 : : 5 2 7 es W. G. BARRIE, Sec. Dated Dec. 7, 1911. : és 99 OFFICE: $2,000,000 to be devoted to fur-| says, and the flying dust has so} Pub, Jan. 5, 1941, i REGO CLOTHTERS, LTD. | |ther development of the com- seriously aggravated his disease} ‘ iS : aoe ; Dept. 0 P.O. Bex?’ Montreal. EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. | Patan ts tank that there is no hope of his ré- SONS OF NORWAY Shae. AON Deen ot SOE | ecw 2a Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. pany.S Preval sor : : ok Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew of i | - a covery. /Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7| Prince Rupert, B. Cs occupation civil en- : —————— Bisa ty : : p gineer, intends to apply for permission to | HOUSE AND HOME. ip. m., at 349 3rd ave, All Nor-|purchase the following described lauds: | | A Few More Slogans. lwegians are welcome Commencing at a post planted at the : | MR - z . i . f southwes corner oO 0 635 ange LINO IO J 2; 4 . the woman's Missouri — They gotta quit) Coast district, thence south 40 Chains more ii | I House and Home, bie 1 kiekin? my dog aroun’. ee or jess to east bank of Hocsali River, thence i 7 : foltowing said east bank northerly and ' | | | }made its appearance in British California—They gotta quit} acres more or less. v . t . ara- > 4 ~ AUGUSTUS . AGNEW. THE STANDARD is the National) @,jymbpia. It is the only maga~| poastin’ my Grizzly Bear. ie : tiaecaniaal ieaiiniade Dated February 1, 1942. W. AGNEW HO | EL ELYSIUM | Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion] ying of its kind in Western Can-| New Jersey—They gotta quit ressmaking p 9 Dated Februai jof Canada. It is national in all its} ada, and w appeal directly tO} .nasin’ my Octopus Cleaning & Pressing Work Done) — tages ene? a) ween i , a E Skeena Land District—District of Coast, i Sid. Sykes, Manager uims. the women. In general appear- Kentucky — They gotta quit soo HOPE Binh nse 3 a 4 ; sa satisfactory, , $e eb ay Ras aan fo ack _ ake notice that 1, Michas Beganis, co The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. | It uses the most expensive engrav-| ance it is eminently satisfactory.) .pjashin’ my Likker around, 533 8th Avenue Prince Rupert) o¢ Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per” ‘ » SUP WORN ate mt , : ae hein } ' rinted ne book paper, well Texas—They gotta quit bootin’ mission to purchase the following de- Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. ings, procuring the photographs from | prill ae we exa ; G0 * = SN = | scribed lands: ai ilienthe qworid illustrated and having an e@X-|)1y ponkey aroun’. Commencing at @ post planted on the / 4 7 ee eins three color cover design. “ay -ork—TI ee it north side of Williams Creek, where the cellent tm New York—The gotta qui kitimat branch of the G. T. P. Ry. crosses 1142 Pender Street West . - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500, LP ALA LOL LAL AA LOL articles are carefully selecte | ; | Ate articles are. caretully gelened 600) The departments of the maga-|)-yo5¢ekin’ Wall Street aroun’. Williams Creek, and about tem (10) chains its editorial policy is thoroughly | h that they will be pas fiom the creek shore, thence south 30 \. a ; zine are such (tha : ‘ Illinois—They gotta quit ham- chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north ndependent, Pe ad y re » housekeep- 5 , ae ue sina 30 chains, thence west 40 Chains to poin learefully read by the house I merin’ my Whitewash Brush. of commencement, containing 120 acres, A subscription to The Standard|,., pw. short stories give gen- errr They rotte more or less, en: Ty Kansas They gotta quit MICHAS BEGANIS. | costs $2.00 per year to any address in| 4.9) peading, while the different) )auehin’ at by Blind Pigs. 9 Fred E. Coweli, Agent. | Canada or Great Britain. Subjects that interest women, Ohio—They gotta quit handin’ : Pa rOO Bohs 84400245 IIOP ern aor een ‘ . a leuch as beauty culture, hair-|),, pje Shelf aroun’ P, r R 1 sui : : 1 é . ees ee a iS TRY IT FOR 1912! dressing, millinery, dresses, pat- Rupert—They gotta quit com- Skeens and. enn ig ee i} Montreal Standard Publishing Co, | ters ald siyies, home furnish- mandeering the fishin’ cruisers. Do you have anything left S aiecheaa Tea owike Taecort ,ed Iannds: 5 iiss dccmiirk teadiods ings, home Ising, paunennay a for yourself at the end of Commencing at a post planted on the e ubli phy ¥ ; i : “as vo . “ ; $3 Pte : ing, recipes, etc., ar dealt with We do not hear much of Andy the month, or do the grocer, Nee latars “aacua at Pt Tia ' : & : __|by writers who have had experl-| Garnegie and world peace these the butcher, the baker, the shake bol ese EP ahoen thane OUR nN min SAR = = ee ae ‘. . > oat . f 5, > , : t ILLUSTRATED CATA- rt] ence in their respective lines, days. Italy, Turkey, China and coal man and so on get 30 chains to point of commencement, con- ; GUE opens the best quality cs ERIAL C NE WOR House and Home should be Mexico have driven him into re- it all? CRIN 199 SOEe mm AUL, Cereal i] the largest assortment of i IME MA HI KS numbered among the auconatyl tirement. If so, then you are living esta aaa Fred E. Cowell, Agent, BC lications of Western Ganada, 4 aici ay dat pt. 34, . ' ines on’ the market. H . Bi k & 5 Fs ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS pe . iy hich ae === fae: om you evel ee Pub. Dec. % ' ‘ i : #se|H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert|!t is (horous rd ‘ 0 1@ SOM as an avenue O Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. : weddings will soon com- M@NTY DITKS ONS FF] H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert|! wry respect, and the subjects! [HP COUGH MUST BE CURED padape San hia Kine Soot sens Land District—District of fasaias, , Limited— ese | Up-to-Date Equipment, Work and) ever) mania , . ' ; of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, ' ch attention throughout ll d Sil iths G Prices Right. Engine Work are dealt wilh in such a capable of living? lintends to apply for permission to pur- TO @ 7, aan te \ , \ er { Ly Ck . : Si aaa US et ros chase the following described lands: Province, From our many Jewellers and suversm & and General Repairing. manner that they cannot nd a THE SYSTCM BUILT UP. Buy a few acres of land Commencing &t & post planted about ‘ . ssiste “e ) 3 2 . ¥ ~ 5 : > seve a 5 ; > you can choose with little Ren & trerty i Shop, Hays Cove. ibe of great a intaon ae where you can raise your seven miles distant and iB an essteriy ats i Managing Director se } in the home, Needed he ‘ ; ; own vegetables, and some to sight miles north of Alyansh Indian village ible an appropriate gift at : B.C ce Agents for Imperial Gasoline Motors. woman ' OF ad and Covell The function of Mathieu's i nf f ae eight & 498 90 oP ot 7s alan vi aes, iny price you may wist Vancouver =~ *~: | Phone Blue 259 - P. 0. Box 957/)5 apprece’ P, asinal syrup of Tat and Cod Liver Oil | Sel) Hosiaes; wis Ree eighty chains, thence south eighty chains ge oA , ay en ee eee @ woman who sees the magazine is to do this double duty |? supply your table with poul- ihence west eighty chains to point of i ‘ard will bring our Illus- i eS area ; will become “its friend. This fact The Tar nites tha cough try and eggs, where you can CORMAPOCMADS, «on EWING MACRAB. a6 ale Catalogue to your address. & should assure it a large circula- The Cod Liver Oil strengthens grow your fruit, where you nated Ook 84 iota? Rutter, Agent. & Write for it, and save money by * tion and also attention from the the system. }g can have a cosy home in the Pub. Dec, 14 c '@ from the importer direct s ew great body of advertisers who No other agents equal these, | fresh air and sunshine, with ! r direct. 7 : } nts | - —$——— ne *, ‘Os » the worth of such an ex~ : -ombination is so success- | no rent to pay. stock the fine . sla si 2 realize | ; no other combination 1s so success- | ; ae te a ; « the finest cutlery lines 3 cellent publication. A sample ful as Mathieu's Syrup of Tar | This spring is the time to LAND LEASE NOTICE ii Sere 2 Knox copy may be obiained by enelos-| 314 Cod Liver Oil. act. See me about ~ Ae 3) ' t ott , 1 . ’ : : ; anh a Porcher a ° ing two-cent stamp to House an¢ So wonderful is this remedy 160 acres on orcher Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 i oe a : Ae 8 were ; . Ber ice that I, “hristian G of ‘om “ Home, 347 Pender street west! that it is shipped each season in |$ Island. $15 per acre, 2,000 8) prince Rupert, B.C eeneinn mitox eae ae Vancouvel it car-loads. Large bottle 35 cents. in the Bulkley Valley, $7.50, ent, intend to, analy for percalesion to lease 70 i" ote ssaenaeennnanemannla | Sold everywhere. Let me write in your next eras at thie post planted 1-4 mile cost : z , s | , t th og 2A aay of the Tyee 8 -ation, G.T.P.Ry. and approximate’ e } Mr. Roosevent § hould hunt up| _, When headache and fever are prose’ te Insurance Policy. of Soe Sao Gcaticm, Cis. ay: Bae Aonuma ea y Jim Jeffries and have a long talk| jfeduce the fever and ailay was aie. ek Serene peewee tee oe, aes ee ‘; } ORI ISNE > Hs ~ | * ‘ : | Y |, Sherb , Que. chains (more or less) to railw grade, : e al ews | BESNER & BESNER, PRopripTors with him about how to train for Mathieu Co., Props., Sherbrooke, Q GEO LEEK westerly 25 chains (more or less) following said » Ade } Distributore for Western Canada. ° grade to point of commencement and containing ' | The, Nor Enis, Wotan Aine ibaa uciers (a “‘come-back.” | Jim thinks he) Inc., |$ 618 3rd A Prince Rupert $| © see more or ess | lmprovements, vieie BEDS 80¢ UP | knows now, although he missed | Foley Bros., Larsen & Company, Inc., | ve, rince super’ eae ip LFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE And Get All the News | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER? |! first try. "WINNIPEG VANOOUVER — SASKATOOON | Yerre Teele ean We