If- PsaTaaaiananaaaaaaaaTanaaaaBa naalaj ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES make life Lei Electric Appliances work for you. They can be of gfcat help and save, you time,, money and Farceur; They are the cheapest servants you: can. hire. ILOTHIC SANDWICH T0AS7HH IrwKtr sandwiches, fries ' Bacon" and eggs or a sma stealr, Grand for a light meal' or when guests drop w' unexpectedly. aHCTHIC HEATING m Comes in very handy on cold winter nights. Fully" insulated and' safe. Meal for sick beds. awUCWAFFLclRflil Ideal for tasty breakfasts, or midnight srucJcs. Your family- Mil love the crisp, oldrn grown waffles that this handsome iron tuns- out. Si -s ELE2T3IC TOASTER, Everyone will eat and enjoy; more toast when it is made irr one of these modem electric toasters. Can be adjusted to toast lightv medium: or dark; E12CT3IC CQctEE JMXSt The menfolk; and the women,, too,, will applaud your coffee when ir -m made irr one of these electric caifee-ma leers. Every cup' ut insistently good. You- merely all. thebowtpTuf in the cordV and tfie coffee- makes itself.. seectuic raaif Xboorf to the woman who- does Ser own ironing; Modem dectrie irons are quicker and easier to-use and can be adjusted fbr iron different materials. We Have a large assortment of alt the appliances' shown a6ovr and" many more. Came fit and let us show Hour these electric servants cart fiefp yw and: save yoo' moneys Northern BrifeE Cokalm Poorer Company Limited REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling: at Ocean Falls and Pmveit River $36 RETURN Ileal and Berth fnclurfed leatlnr THURSDAYS tua rrlnes Rupert 1X1 lJLJn I sj Sn.,tnboonf Rate Effective Now Cntif rehruary 23 Return Limit 3farctt IX Canadian National Steamships Freah Lacal Raw and PaafcnraerJ Mflfe VALENTIN' DAIRY photo tsi ' Fresh Shrimp MAT W&L, Daily it f p.m. TRmf.R.'S DOCK FAREWELL li AT LUNCH r4 Alder and W. It Tobey (Siren) Send.flff By Chamber of 0dminerre " ttie principal olUes on the coast tjfc was wlnnlnrr out in snite of idlcap. The coast had devetop- fied slowly but he ceally believed it pwa4. openlntr. up now. The jnvera--! bnent wax recognlzhup its- steategtc iidaiaflbn and it fahea E wasjjound t jo ManktSeafooii iDantt By Moose dooA moimnst. the latest? An Have you asardj inaatrer its. Wosnwts Weekly Wan Be fatal to. 1ms?" Mat gtattrdsy afternoon there- mi aJbttt can't take oar forge afStthertmr rvf member aC ttiej Frinee Osert Chamber of Cam-' A jhtm nmli at ataa He meres' at soestal lanaheon is hanJliitlar wee Bt Mapateoa or of two leading members. W. Xjteen's dead; Aider, aty coram lsieer ami W. H.i . . rather amL drrtslaa wratnH 3a far an E tendent. who are' leavtac the city. I Canada, is oawitni anawt w. it. wmm preataeo. tnmn tn partinsr jaesta Watt spate ofi ttte rrmrrta of the two men wnasea raay tevef inaant: aetlTttte In the oommimtty hamaaaawiLi-"' say "Watt m lw been oetttantUnir. when tne pnMmm seme ajal aewa Mneial goremment decided ts pfeeejaoser ia." Mr Aider in charge of the affairs! ef the community they had made u vtse1 choice. By his firmness and: Hmny. TSte rittermlatton he had iaced t"3na year it wfft. be cfHMtr tn cttg in a. fine financial condition.. Ui wear tMweaF at x. He- had! fkUhftjlhr oerformed Mtdanesr Mr; Alder the dneerp Uianta of :he' e twrante "Hlen a. frtrttlfrnl duties in spite f ooHalderahle positton. Some people had at Omesj w tteafc the ?owar Has community. He- wiicd him aadlP sfl ntK Obk a: Mrs. Alder many jes of hapeeaai ln t ai" i WHt" irr their home in the south. anti ' when- they vUtted the city later, he tea been taUann at HAnm! honed they would find it sttQ. mat- e !. mw? a progress. want hsm He ys tee dhea mfcl Rtrnln? tn Mr. Tabey. Mr Watt annJc he oaetd sesame alrf he was- one of the best tered ne ffiu and most highly respected eittzene MUy wfc tse Mm of Prince Ilunert. Sot only wa Ins " d: of Jttotttn oft ma ipuhlic reaoitt good but he was held antt: f Aort of amura- hr hluh esteem by his own emptay- m0nn wwrmueh tw wild for ... . ytxiift - - ms i- ees. Ms icnmineM of manner ani Mm "FUU- ne aaw an :s deareet him tn. alL Some people a- mat e sklelliw Paw JMml teralmortUfetlmeof aettwttnwew oapna" mm a iwnlin? t retire on their laurel but bBt E aarf hny tats 3e Mn- Milfi. TThnr TT.. In a- new position where his aettvt- Psonie aos wmuhslnn If ttat rat , Qe weald be- increased. Mr. Watt der drUwni saT from tint Whifflets Frcm Tfie V"at2rfrcnt steamer Prince Oupert. 'Lodge tnioyabie tfaougiit his paMdes rather atrtmPt t owcmMdMr asl ttat lam ent but tits aim in earryta? tfeenxi wttatt wdt th pawr OTesniasial out had been of the Wanes. T&eiea" ratepayera of the city owed mm a..1 debt of gratitude: tt was new up ta- the !Dwila ImwiWnaJtu the oeonle- of" the ownmunitsr m m aaat ttfee WM reatHatkM thereaimptlen.of the rtahu of self- haw tmnMdit: ahmtt mum uHinlJBtant ' goremment tn carry oat their dattes iianms t Eomtan. nmanrty , in ieh. a. way as tn iceep the dty after m air aid 1 on the rleht track. On behalf of! we wm x lsd stao at the Chamber Mr. Watt extended tHtWeh gave tody in the had come Go Prince- Supers on and .auled at Z atalfleJc this after-1 ported o X. K. PUkbury. They ar- rived in Port 2-wanrrtan on Christ-' Amorur Suvw who were here in Mcteaa, finnt 'Vaaasuver stor those carlr dayt were John Eyb- the Queen Charlotte SdaHda, asr- havn, JL E McCatosh, ttmaster at to Port at Et noon ffcdaa and wttt Mr Tobey said tjhat tu. his. sew t&yds underwriters, arrtved in. the Tito Ilundrrtl Persons in Attendances at Alfair East Priday Wtht WaaSKBMl T ttUMMtWl llBlli iayj TU Mi UMtas lansoam xm- neeessftfflrA DteHavifMtt ons 1ms, Mac rrinay mvpq nae taws ttnawd innin g..iy by SMtof Hs4ts Or- rjrui Haaty pnaMTrntat tha In 1 1 at ttei Jbe natahflact and l tn ttm vuiaaa. Tny- a rjaaaaaan ts ta aatsauani Aray HaU wnatv a taaaa by Mtafi ratnant reeentton 'wast WBteanm bsmi BaitML r.f- Ite vwttna afflesn imawrfn the1 of ttat Anay. ttte yoana jannte tn Haaar Latui aa aU m: tstUna aaa of tt .loataa. Thar ttat miati at tCtaciaa d Ad- Mrs, sr. a msfg. WOlkuBsi in Slt- OBcauAV"Aam- Saaaoa Ctaaaaf laaant- Ltane wttea-l'y warn. Bffi Aalntaat sad Mts. atfeiCvy ana: ilwafliiai. OaRaay. mada a tztn to iHaatstaa as attaint Salvation Amy' MMHiwiaiingraiMiwaRl I t t-i ii ! i i i i - r J MI Gfe Mtfaay ha emaf miwlilin at t, of Klswrfa far of a tar WRattt-sa & JMm CaetL Soy dimeoit; waits utrra- m naaaw vols war 1M. atnarnwua, mi- W. Btaaaa cthi Qattoa an VraaJ Bcferred ta the interest Mr. TSahey was a merafcer of the ecameer ofi had taken in the 3ea Cadeat the Comtneasa. aajnur, awsnd n see tfi 9,DBSiB OTIHn TONflUlt Boya Band and the Gyro dob. Sne tteens u amis to tke autt ta huaaj aAIOR- Waaa, Janaary K. of his: proudest teufca had been of ttwae Otoe admftattybMta ' ,cp" rta ar "Ta at ,-what he bad done in. ins let&um weU tmntma am thay dinold . honnr tor the boy. Perhaps ha- When it waa antwaaoMt that die' aatarr baarrt aareMR- tnrr bosw of hl own had made Mm Gneees iBaabam -r .wrane lauy iaate ta ,lecn Ho- give other people's bnas a- open, the defeated Otfroer ImcW chance. Mr. Watt also spake ap Ml Btt0e6ta. denidptt ta fly ta Cai-prsdatlrely of Mra. Xahey and her innate. i activities Irr the nty He fteped' bothJ would have a great meaaiwB oC; Jhke warns as aaaw why "i suceess and enteyment to eir wortc flat imttal f man. ftanehmen iandi,oms: i -MT Wall, Jae. ite ant ouu Guests Seply the same aa Mater tm ssaMthuit: Mr. Alder said it was wlta, a feel- w Htf 111 it ttwoah jnu. mrrofadnesshewosleaaltijrPnee a Be a. ZOBaatasan ta wear, aupeis: after several yeanr reMdeaee ldBrf of a deaamMiui and joul her?. He had been stoseiy oonnee- mu h. a. Tamehaiaw. ta be aotej ed with, tfie city anee he first came m wwnee it arunstty. ihwe in lW9. Two jears before he a-aeaHet5boeannB ; (had heard; about the place and he ,ult believed it would become one i Welsh bonka 'a 3m ithers IF NOSE "FILLS UP" AT NIGHT RiirVi Cn SicsassAiCWsy To Git Wsfcsma laflef tvroiw msczrms jnu s uit if trrm bleat sunt mlj in, saioai irftathmz- me jot a few drapa of Va-tnvaa op a& smtrd. Itsutrj c so T3rawjt!y mad became Va-trrwinr is gxpmauy dwisawf to rrjfin! rtlxnraa n ta aoM and iipiyr mrnat; where trannent enngrs-txon Inndrra trea brrithinx. 3naqr tha oomfarc Vlda Vi-cnxscl fjnna... tt'T'gfrtf : Mr. To bey said this was the flat Caps. C 2. Redden. arrUoed in port m mu '"UHMH bjiwiwi I tame he had had 6v say good-bye at 10-40 Ou, mornlac Own nco-j rmtwl jer ion? ay in. one piace. He r, ?owtt aiver and Ocean B"ua w it r 'iiminKTuvm i -U i - . "Ml Tr . - " .' Jiia xstv hi. uirin. m a nnon np Muimru rt HMuar b.. ...... ... - . i , , 4. w ii w Hmm- nr nr pimt rr tllrhrw . north on the Steamer Tess wtt. whence she is due back ltete awnor- r" "ireww umm m wu e.. Captalrt LocIca in charge and re- raw events? seutftnoiuid. JrTl. '!!'''' - m - 'iibih w. s. mm oiMte tat WttJl the supply at flsH not m rTT- 1 9tV- .m Tl M MB. I.. m . j f 1 ii. , " " 1 (ItiitiMIIIIHIWI V uim- c iuu wnnc f w;ix ifiviu. wk utafc uitaH uxstv nrrit ThiSfli! Qmq tuere: They wanted" ttvstay aver fcr wAicfloa ptenos haae Hod mmel"" (the Christmas- itve dance but the me aft ttits week; TMt cterwtea (HV9 "ff IsalWtfyy IVaafTVt 90 Isldpper said the boat would be have been stow and aa ran of aas rranar lajround soon If they remained, volume Has so Car developed in the tr MimM-f. a o. una Cw- - ""r-" -www -iri tw the dance: C.R. steamer Piteee JWia. dt "r- uiry. a. o. .14 sensour .t wrr tr MmuuMmtar. "Port Zwlntrton and later at Prtnee b here anttl BVjtiy otoas at Dtfcanw -- . - Rupert. A&o Ceorje sriciterajn was when she wttt sattl on her sstum run igpukmk enRr nv biibii j-vltlt thent at the aamts" Rait swtt: aver the some: souse. faoardlntf house and was Jhst as ;read7- Co arjue then a he wa to- , oaJ : K. Rotole. new &wneer of s CBI.EUlir.l A. PntUr ATutb-r .f Olir bllnlilttnUnii tint L WntiM-l'. Orf-WMM worx tie would meet with, tout prod- r on the Prince Ruoert thtt '1SJlSM 'KfStCR "XMt " iletn of trvlnj Co ran x railway wtth- mornlnrf Bram. Tincouv-r, behr ' SaT J sLJk out money hut as he had din here an official rfiiv mnutamt dia&&mmr at n.T Here. He- would aTwayy fcofe back ; aiw f1" "v'm,"r iuc W the fencl frlendshfus he had . IclaSJ T J2Z2 raiedhere. tme Mrs; Arthur Dunn, at Mxaett MIS TXXI Dressmaker feyL I tnSSi " K?;JraT Price xvo -ji4uiiiu.i ioc v- aria, vuuw ane g wftt tst5wrhome rrfday night o the same steamer. ir "imto iiirnwn rsur moi is mm airtttf .T rtet-y D94H uut til 9-imhu! L 9oau.us x. w.re. Phone flRXIX MH 51 ST Guild Pridest 6hien Bresident uf Wfimen r-sanizatliin at Prt tnoMn Vns Canmna. aononry khselas miyartlrr I. T. fHlllnanam. dtr- laaaai rtanrwanitfrr of he UraUan; i Prflihint. MS. far !nrtttsm Ontlali aaam- Bn gtPan a ttaarty walaoawi" in - -- li uwaasnr. an. Qiam. Mlaa Martha Senr? aMf ' J Uobh-i m ,5 W 1 0MM. nu Mae. , m 14. "Che tMdd ltd tsM aatawour (dscfa mi afHsanr fttr tJw n- Hta. OaMa Muaara Tluii uiwlanir Sam awt Sraaat 71aa miaaamt. SAa. aulv THw niijaWtail. Mrs. Ambm A. Jonnwan Mta. Mic.w Mia. Oamel Tsdacsday rarruar jj TRACY Stanley and Livingstone Wail aSehaetf Creen. an r jirCedri Raedwu i.U JiS and '( j Cartoon !ut Ctminx THsTKJL - r 3 th .ia nix - 7 0ui? aiftjn. and jew m sure a. Mhat January Clearance USED FURNITURE C-CJr. nievrte H S13.00 Sewinc Sfactoine Tad ramM At WoHn At Hramophnnr S5.00 HVfebe- WesttnghmtMr Itoitln IVater Etmer Wtuhinr Machine. t . . . eettte Wiuhinc Macdini At HaH Stand WUn Puffete At Sfautdaed tamp- At At China Cabinet At Klicaen Tables vVWt talaaa At AX S-pe: Dtnint RoMnt Suite In golden oak. A: $5.50 and S4.00 85.00 $5.50 S6.00 S17.50 85.00 86.00 84.00 85.00, S6.00, 812,50 1 818 S17.50 83.00 837.50 839.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE Stw Oven at $ M aun, CWr at 3 M pun. (RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK 1 1 COD Smoked Daily I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rugert Co. Ltd. British CHtU dci to ncRULsr. l pkjci: or Nanaimo Wellington Coal innt4in Cnat will be as foll.iww JTanaimo Waintaa Inmo- utat deUvertd P 11 jranaimoW.mnt,inMlR4S4cfc!d. (fai pJLT ml jronaim.. W.lllnstna tnmo-autt. oaavwd' r sJT J! I 5anamo Wfllnn Nine Ran Bufit dellvr,4 p JUM Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Panne lit and IK