ccm: Se ee The Only Wa ay to Obtain What You Wish Promptly is to o Send a Grand St Patrick's Day Concert WESTHOLME _OPERA HOUSE Monday, March 18th, 1912, at 8:15 P. M. In Aid of Catholic Church PROGRAMME MOVING PICTURES. PIANO SOLO, Mr. Werner. LEARY SUGLEESE PS SUM L USC 6.684 0.55 wh cc bes Cewek ass Locke Mrs. Chisholm LEED OREO SL 5b 86 oie 8 bleléans Rodney G. Couture MP UP EIMINS 55 VING Se bedi aka ba Stanford Mr. L. Bullock-Webster MROPLROS 0 ibxs'g S4.4o 4640 0 8 8 sN s TOR a woman hater). .4 6.35 Mr. Tracy (his cousin)....Mrs. DesRosiers SRE Werk o 64.6 86 86 6 84 eh Cae Molloy J. Couture FLUTE OBLIGATO, ‘‘Carmen’’............06+. Bizet F. W. Renworth VIOLIN SOLO; “Cavatima soos oie ese -ereeeb a J. Mr. Graham Kearney ICI ON PARLE FRANCAIS............ One-Act Farce Cast. Major Regulus Ratian........ W. R. Whitley VAGUE: UNOS. 6 6s Fes asec ts Frank A. Ellis Mr. Spriggins............ G, 8. Fitzmaurice Os, Spriggins. . < os sie. ss: Mrs. Chisholm Angelina (their daughter)....... Miss Moore Julia (wife of Major Rattan . Miss Brown Anna Maria (maid of all work) .Miss Kinkade Committee. Martin O'Reilly, Pres. E. F. Doyle, Sec. E. C, Gibbons, Vice-Pres. Fr. E. M. Bunoz, Treas. Programme. L. Bullock-Webster R. Koller Stage Furnis hings Kindly Loaned by Gee. THE CLANG OF FATHER LEAP Duality Adolphus Clementine THE KERRY Rall R. E. Tracy Tite Seats now on sale at Westholme Opera House from 2to5. Also at Keeley’s Drug Store. Admission $1.00, 75c, 50c; boxes »$10.00 5000 WATCHES: 5000 GRAMOP ONES § 5000 AUTO-HARPS $2500 GIFTS FREE SEND NO MONEY. Simply for selling two cent assorted Picture Pos fi Latest Cinema’ | tod Gold’ Mota and ted Card: We aie five cents, all at two cents each. e ie rel he a Handsome Present 1 you need do is to send your Ke and address and we send ter at once an eee of acetone a catalogue containing over atiful Free Prizes. including Watches, Russian Fue Sets, Phon phs, Ga Melodeons, a 1 Roller oe eet: Rifles, I See ee Genuine Harps, rps, ae, We trust for 28 days with cards. Sel use what you can at two conteeceh. and we wil! reward you according to our catalogue. If you do not eel] a single card we remember you just the same. IT NEED NOT COST YOU ONE CENT OF YOUR OWN MONEY. WRITE AT ONCE—-NOW TO Utah SYRUP. OF TAR te) hae IVER OIL Cures Coughs Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Oil is a great Tonic and not only stops a cough but enables the system to throw it off. There should be a bottle of it in every home. Large size bottle 3¢c. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prep, Sold everywhere. SHERBROOKE THOMPSON quits SNOW IN TORONTO Famous City Engineer Who Re-| Street Cars and Trains Delayed ported on Prince Rupert. Canadian Press Despatch. March 16. Reginald T. many Thompson, for years city engineer of Se- Toronto, iest snow attle and for the past few months! | sla mare earl) engineer of the port, has tendered] jj); his resignation, which has been than accepted, to take effect April yesterday morning and falling. At midnight eight inches had and Telegraph Wires Down. The heay- fall of the yea rstarted is more ;zround. It has already fnothing ja bunch of (down at the ithe new | schedule RINK IS SENT TO BONSPIEL : | Prince Rupert ‘Curlers Certain to Ering Some Valuable Prizes Begins Next | Home—Bonspiel Monday. Prince Rupert will begin to be world as recreation made a athletic | heard of in the that ;} soon as we get this direction, an serves to siart in city so much or so well, We champion Vancouver tourna- and on Monday the Van- people will have ment, couver of witnessing our prowess on the sent a curling rink. Wethave rink from here that will certainly home with them some of cups and bring the valuable prizes offered. posed of A. T. Broderick, . P. MeMordie, W F. H. Mobley. to take place in the to be among the finest ice rinks of the world. testing rinks are: Prince Rupert (4 Fredericton, N. B. Nelson, B. C. (2 Cranbrook, B. ¢ Armstrong, B. ¢ Merritt, B. C, (2). High River, Alta (2 Victoria Club, Calgary East Calgary (1 Victoria, B. C, (2 New Westminster (1 North Vancouver (2 Fort William, Ont. Dawson, Y. T. (1 instructive Motion Pictures. Under this heading comes a very beautiful film entitled “The Landing of Christopher Colum- bus,’ which will be shown at the Westholme Opera House together with several other good reels. “The Landing of Christo- pher Columbus” is a subject that is sure to interest Americans, ant the pictures shown are absolute- ly correct both historically and dramatically. The scene depict- ing the landing of Columbus in world is especially fine and nothing better shown in this city. Arena, has ever been} LEFT ON GEORGE Number of Prominent People on. Vacations to the South. The Prince George left on} time yesterday morning | following passengers: | Ritchie, D with the Schatner, T Hofman, J Shaw, J Young, Judge Gasby, F. G 3 A ireenby, J and Mrs. Tusdale, T. R Love, Mrs. I MeCarmichae Joy,N Irvine, D Mobley Ireland, f Broderi Waddingt Claytor Durand Freed, A Freed, Mrs Haugh, W. é Weeks, W._E her Sleigh, C. H, Evi Stewart, R. Gese WRECKAGE OFF GRAHAM Further Advices Have Been Re- ceived at Victoria by Wireless —Messenger on Horseback. Canadian Press Despatch, Victoria, March 16.—Further advices regarding the wreckage washed ashore at Graham Island were received last night 4 mes- senger horseback from Dead Tree Point wireless station returned and sent news by wire- stating that 20,000 feet of lumber, mostly fir and Cc. M. L., was strewn on shore near Cape Fife, along with a ship’s hatch marked T. V.,, a piece of a dory. There are no marks on the dory, sent on cedar, also STEAM TRAWLERS Petition to Prevent Their Use on Atlantic Coast. Canadian i Despatch. Halifax, March 16.—The Nova Seotia legislature has adopted a resolution memorializing the fed- eral government to take steps to secure an international prohibt- tion of steam trawls on the eries of the Atlantic fish- coast of | Canada, fallen, | le 1.) Street car and railroad trains are BIG CHIEFS MEET advertise a have bowlers other The rink is com- skip; S. Benson and The contests are said artificial The con- tonight} THE DAILY NEWS. SS rere SESE rere ati ~_— ee ee EEE et ts es rs oe | ee om + UNION $.S, COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd The new steel Passenger Steamers ‘Chelohsin” AND “Camosun” Leave a chance as follows: “Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. “Camosun ” | Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 | | | WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE : OR APARTMENT : CALL OR TELEPHONE 318 Approved agreements of sale purchased Continental Trust Co. Ltd. SECOND AVENUE Convenient roomy apartment on 2nd floor in Clapp Block. $35.00 per month. 5 Weste nhaver - Bros. | } | | | | jerk fe KIRKPATRICK IS BACK HOME : | Been on Vacation 1 Trip to Place of Nativity in Nova Scotia. ‘COMES OF STURDY STOCK Octagenarian Father Misses Go-| ing to Business First Time in Sixty Years. Ex-Alderman J. A. returned | j home yesterday ing unexpectedly, having cut probably that din the political game. He went direct from here to Nova Scotia and to his old vacation short, ight take a hat home some fifty miles. from Hali- fax He fou eighty years old, confined to his bed A couple of days before the old gentleman had slipped on the sidewalk and sustained a bad fall. This was the first missed going to his business of- fice every working day in sixty years Mr. Kirkpatrick took a run to New York and from there to Chi- cago, spending a few days in each of these great cities. He next visited Montreal, Ottawa and To- ronto and everywhere found great manifested in the future of Prince and especially values. He returns that realty compara- interest Rupert in reat estale with the prices in this city are impression tively low, New Preacher Tomorrow. Rev. George McKay, who will preach morning and evening to- morrow in the Angtican Church, Centre street, has had a varied career. He was stationed at Fort McLeod, Al- berta, from 1878 to 1885; prin- cipal of Emmanuel College, Prince Albert, 1885 to 1887; missionary along the C, P. R, with head- quarters at Donald, B. C., for years. The last eleven years he has been in charge of Redfield, South Dakota. He is} going to work along the G and interesting severai how Prince Rupert for Vancouver | - Saturdays at 10 a.m. | Modern Flat For Rent Kirkpatrick | } id his father, who is time he had| “DEAD ONES” For Rent las uation I a RENT—Furnished or unfurnished sttage; all modern conveniences, Phone 296 uw FOR RENT—4é-room house, 640 8th ave. | Apply Phone 3138. FOR LEASE—MclIntyre Hall; well heated and lighted, J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116. } ee Insurance ¥ —@ | ae Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. 1 WANTED—Position by middle aged woman as housekeeper, nurse or cook Mrs Constant, Flat 4, Washington block. 2t | Help Wanted MAN wanted. Sweder Bros below Helger son block. 65-U WANTED—Servant girl; other maids kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. WANT girl attending school to help mind baby from 4 to 8. State what expected Address X 15, News | emcee re reese eer errno Wanted Houses en mete me me ere re eh WANTED—A rooming house in good lo- cation, to rent or lease. Good tenant. Apply to John Dybhavn 319 3rd ave WANTED—Large store with good show windows in best business locality wil lease on good but not exorbitant terms Box 217, News Office i ere Real Estate ! Se ee buyers for vacant iots and 8 Princpals offered? Frank A Hays block WANTED I have am I Ave., next WANTED—Best price for lot in Block 39, Section 8 Must sell for cash. Address Hox 291 News, u ter eee ers + Business Chances | teeters tere rea WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially | range, also bedding and cheap furniture for about ten reoms. P. G. box 105. 9-tr rer ae ee Miscellaneous ee eee rere eee | | |}FOR SALE Practically new Underwood | typewriter, form 220; 850 V. D. Allen, | Cold Storage 65-6t |} FOR SALE } most new Graphophone and records; al- Call Red 392 62-1f | J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru- ert. Locator and timber cruiser; govt. pre-emption or _ purchase. Phone 305 4t I land for Nursery stock for sale. P. O Box 993. ) exchange—Thirty acres good fruit land, | bes ane unimproved Address be- u acres and half cleared, for property in Section 5 or 6 fore Wednesday Jason, News FOR sale Finest pedigreed bull terrier dog puppy in town; seven months old, } born in Victoria, Make an offer Max News Office ir ts et es reser Transfer and Cartage | tte ts eet ee | SMART or interest in good concern | 4, Daily News business man desires partnership Apply box 56-tf j ee a it Lost and Found | iescdatasoccsiesdil escheat pomartaaiane LOST Black cocker | to name Bunnie spaniel pup; answers Carrigan & Miller Personal $n MARRY—The Ideal Introduction Club leads to happiness. Strictly private, high class and reliable. Best in the West. Address 1. C, Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. LU, f24 RE PERMITS FOR AND ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS. Extract from Bylaw No. 10, Clause 4: “The erection or alteration of any building shall not be commenced in the City of Prince Rupert until a permit for such erection or alteration shall first be obtained from the Inspector by the owner or his agent, and no such owner or agent shall proceed with such erection or altera tion until said permit Las been obtained.” Penalty. Extract from Clause 169: “Any person found guilty of an infrac- tion of the bylaw shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $100.00” Application form and permits for bulld- ings and alterations may be obtained from omice of City Engineer. St A. E. OAKLEY, Building Inspe ctor, TO STEEL PIPE MANUFACTURERS. Tenders will be received by the City Clerk of Prince Rupert, B. C., on or before the 25th of March, for the supply of a proxunately 3,800 feet of steel pipe, elsh: teen inches in diameter, delivered on the wharf, Prince Rupert Information for bidders, specifications aad forms of tender may be obtained from Wim, Mahlon Davis, city engineer. ——ES— Want Ad. After j — “The News” Classified Ads. ==(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THERB ARE NO HERE— a | One lot, block 5, sectio eae cash, bal. 6. 12 and a8 rete? + $1,000 heossores | One lot, block 16, section 1. 6+ % cash, bal. 6, 12 and 4! An exceptionally beautiful film historical- cash, bal 3, 6 and 12 mo. cash, bal. 6, 12 m One lot, block sly and dramatically correct Two lots, block 42, sect OPERA ~HOUS TONIGHT - ONLY sae ah TONIGHT - ONLY |= Three lots, block 7, secti % cash, bal. 1, 2 and 3 Two lots, block 29, sect cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 One lot, block 7, secti —THE LANDING OF cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 m : Ir'wo lots, block 21, sect Christopher Columbus cash, bal. 6, 12 mo One lot, block 16, sect cash, ‘pal easy ; Two lots, block 49, se $50 cash, bal. $15 eg ie Two lots, block 1( 10 and 15¢ #75 cash, bal. $1 Two lots, block 16, section 8, g3 $75 cash, bal. $15 per mo One lot, block 40, section 8, cash, bal. $15 per m« FOR SALE. | Restaurant on Second avenu e Farm land at Lakelse, orly Fort George FOR RENT. Watch It Grow! “iii en | Store, corner Second avenue street, and Seventh and Sixth The Railway Commission has ruled that the depot must be located some distance west from the Fraser River on the nna reservation Do you see the point? means the location of the depx t right at| the east part of the Fort George eae ite, | eremi . AU er, near Fraser avenue This settles al troversies in regard to the value of the i Fort George townsite and those who have followed us are going to reap a good profit) on their investment. Lots are selling fast; | there will a tremendous BOOM at Fort George this year. WITH THE RALLWAY | powe 301 ‘ FROM VANCOUVER TO FORT GEORGE TO PONY sag mail BE FINISHED IN THREE YEARS FORT | SYSTEMATIC Phone 317 iEORGE 18 BOUND TO ie THE WINNI PEG OF Seat H COLUMBI This is the time to act quickly, don't uel ay, tomorrow} Will be 100 late Information free | PRINCE RUPERT. Two lots, block &, section 1, $10,000 1-3) | | MERCHAN Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agent Rige or Motor Car day or night cash, balance 9 and 15 months Seventh Ave. and Fultor Two lots, bloc 30, section 1, $14,000, 1-3 cash, ¢ 12 and 18 months Several lots in section 2 | Two lots, a “2 imonths. © gs aie a Grand Hotel. 22, section 5, $2,600 Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Two I ts, block 45, section 5, $8,000 1 2} cash, 6, 12 and 18 months | One lot, block 28, section 5, $900 2] cash, 6 anu 12 months > ” . nd 7t Two lots, block 7, section 6, 81,50 Phone 178 Ist Ave. and $1,000 cash, 6 and 12 months GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor One lot, block 19, section 6, $2,100 2] cash, balance and 2 years Vs ig me lot, block 25, $1,400 3500 cash, ° and 12 months Two lots, block 26, and 18 months Two lots, block 30, 6 and 12 0 each.} $2,800 sn 2 08 “LINDSAY mK onths 9, ection 7, $50 CARTAGE and STORAGE ion 7, $7 G. T. P. Transfer Agents per month Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonabie 12 monihs. 1-2) OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St want some listi ng, Wwe have the Th. COLLART Bole Agent Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. 225 6th &t. Phone 381 General House Forni AT TH Big F Se tture Store 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Entrance 2nd Ave. We Offer For Sale The Following Property Open for Business Three lots, Block 6, Section 1, on Eleventh J. B. ROBERTSON street.” os Horseshoeing & General Blacksmithing Two lots, Block 8, Section 1, First Ave. f i Rt and 1 AV One lot, Block 31, Section 1, with build Corner of 7t and oI! ings, Fraser street Two lots, Block 4, Section 6, Fifth Ave Two lots, ‘Block 1, Section 2, Atlin Ave One lot, Block 13, Section 5, Borden S&t., with house, Two lots, Block 4, Section 6, with double corner. Two lots, Block 5, Section 6 Two lots, Block 18, Section 6, Two lots, Block 16, Section 6, Sixth Ave Ohe lot, Block 21, Section 7, Sixth Ave.| One lot, Block 27, Section 7, Elghth Ave Continental Trust Co. Second Ave. LIMITED Real Estate insurance Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Fifth ave., Fourth Ave Sixth ave PRINCE RUPERT INA AND ANNEX Owned and oper Grand Trunk Pat the American and Eu Excellently furnished, steam heat, electric lig! modern conveniences, bel! ‘ lutely first-class in every espe PRINCE RUPERT FEED co, | Big stock of all kinds of | Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. rvice servi The appointments anc ; the are equal to any hotel Mail Orders Promptly Attended to |§ coast. : Agents iia Stock Food :- | Rates: $1 to $3.50 per diy. | } } —ALL KINDS OF FEED —THE- Westholme Lumber Co. G. A. Sweet, Manager: id He quits engineering activities to delayed, take a prolonged rest. His resig- ' nation is not an impulsive but the result of a reached some weeks ago. and telegraph wires are| iT. P The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk, . above Aldermere. ee a See down in all directions. Baptist Services. oe Rey. W. E, Collison will preach Special to Daily News, af Ottawa, March 14.—The Duke decision | | Forty-five Kilied. lof Connaught smoked the pipe of| March 16,-—| peace with a delegation of Indians|'" Me!ntyre Hall tomorrow even- ing instead of Rev. W McLeod, | undersigned up to 5 p. m killed as!from the Six Nation reserve at! ’ H. } ‘Ir D. and D. Equals & and 2. = result of a gas explosion in the} Brantford yesterday. rele C, C. Nelson today pleaded| shaft of a coal mine at guilty to a charge of D. and D.I in: the Province of and paid his fine of $5 and costs.) terday COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered ste Ps) eatin ee ss } pavis : VIS » pa HOUSE Lumber and Mouldings F. M. DA’ Shop and shit's Carpentering. Also age! ts -Morse and LIMITED St. Petersburg, | Forty-five Sealed tenders will be CEMENT TENDERS. re | received by , April 1st, supply of approximately years) oe — —- bariels.., more or less, a | ment Information for bidders, form of | Car agents fo Engines — Gasoline Engin meth der and specifications must be obtained | All Kinds of Building Sepelies Ga cessories carried in stock on the City Engineer ¢ Whart Phone cet nee and Boats for Hire N.E. end © Lon | 1,000] Portland ce miners were Some Uzoaka,) ago the Duke was made chief of King’s regular Saturday night yes-jthe tribes. The Duke replied to| dance, Mcintyre Hall. Dancing) | the addresses of several chiefs, lessons given 7:30 to 9. 2t Saratoy, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ERNEST A. WOODS, 64-31 City Clerk First Avenue