July 5, 1940. PAGE THREH THE DULY HF.VJB GONE WITH THE WIND IF YOUIl HAT HAS Ti1 rV Ml 1J .one wnn inc mnu i immm ii li trim fir v i trance i l::U Tjiaris juonunj ir jf Brock ck and and ha.-.. : 55.00. All $1.95 atts & Nickerson I'hone 315 THREE SISTERS 3 CAM mtors to the City for the Picture UUIili IT 1U1 U1C HUM - i,mi rv.1 Tim nmn fit llnwnv- IHKl' IJII-IIUIB il!3 HIV. where discerning people eat OU 111 iOl 1C LMb&ilIlJUIIIll-U ill The Three bisters Th ogue onoppe M. C. MAIHLL Lingerie rwliW Ronrlv-To-Wnar Hosiery Special Attention Given to Orders from Out of Town Customers ier Block, Third Street r.O. 5 1'KINCE KUI'EHT, B.C. SPORK n npav Lanneu mcai !r Minimis. TClMCri liccn.iuiu nil m pnsv io scrc " S-P-O-K-K Ltd. The Prince Rupert business people featured on this page extend a Hearty Welcome to the hundreds of Visitors who will be here for the Big Super-Feature Picture next week. Call and see them. "Gone With The Wind," Coming Here Next Week, Heralded As One Of Great Pictures Ever There was a day when one apoke of the motion pic-1 lure's infancy. Then, ith trlkics, one said : '.'Ah. nmv the movies are growing up."' Today, with the world-wide re-i lease of the prcat epic drama, "Gone With The Wind," the film entertainment fieUl enters a 'new era. The "growing up" process is over. The film, breathtaking in scope, bears the stamp of full maturity. Starring Clark Gable; as Rhett Butler and Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara, it; does lull justice to tne lameci Margaret iuucneu uuuk,: sticking faithfully to plot and dialogue and fulfilling 'the. expectations of its millions of readers everywhere. ' Running for three hours and forty minutes, the picture opens at the Capitol Theatre on Monday, with a policy; of two performances daily starting at 2 and 8 p.m. and vncnvvnl confo fnv nil nni-ffivmnncps thus Pnnhlinf the, waiting filmgoers to be in their seats at the commencement of the picture. With one magnificently portrayed scene following the other in the brilliantly handled Technicolor, audiences have found it difficult to decide on their favorite episode. However, three of those scenes which have invoked the most comment are the spectacular burning of .Atlanta; Al- li ..:i:1 ,,,V.:nV. V vnl1nnf Qrvllf Vl- U1U laitT piClUMUl d-ictt, WIIIUI utiJitLO mc (jaiiom. uuum- ern army spread out on the ground for medical treatment, creating an effect of defeat and despair that stretches in-td infinity ; and lastly, the amazing dmotional portraiture of Hattie McDaniel as Mammy, and Olivia De Havilland . . 1 H It !1 i? 1 i !.. as MCianie, as tney waiK up ine mnus oi rcu-curjwiuu suiir- operatlon behind way and in sobbing accents discuss the tragic death of the the Capitol. capitoi. The Theatre. Khetts ana scanett s cnna. Hundreds of other brilliant players abound in the case, including LeslieJIoward, Lau- " ra Hodc Crews, Thomas Mitchell. Ona Munscn and Ann Rutherford. HEAVY ADVANCE SALEl Advice from the Capitol Theatre rays they wouldn't b surprised if the advance sale in this city, prior to the opening, might reach as high as 1500. Clark Gable Male lead In "Gone With the Wind" IllOM FA II AFIELD Visitors from as far west as the i Queen Charlotte Islands, east to. Burns Lake, south to Ocean Falls and north to Stewart are coming! to Prince Rupert for "Gone With , the Wind." It will be one or the j biggest attractions for visitors here, . timt, Thp sp&t aDDllca-: in some it""- - ' the Capitol tlons received at Theatre make this clear. SMAKT AUDIENCES In other cities the opening of "Gone With the Wind" has been a gala occasion. In some cities it has been the signal for socialites. to get out tneir . iweuu opera capes and other finery. NOTE: Owing to th Itngth of 'Con With th Wind' pt rf ormanc t will start sharp en th tlmai advertised 2 P.M. and 8 1M. SEEN HERE EXACTLY AS PRESENTED AT ITS FAMED ATLANTA PREMIER! 1 Vivien Leigh Playing Scarlett O'Hara, principal feminine charauiur in With the Wind." ADVANCE SALES The handling of mail orders for Gone With the Wind" reserved seat tickets has become a major the scenes at Tne oraers are filled In the sequence of their receipt. , -J,,,,,,, mmmm HnjMliMw Starts Monday for 4 Days Matinees TWICE DAILY Evenings 2 p.m. 8 p.m. GOME WITH THE mm SEATS NOW ON SALE AT THE HQX OFFICE Box Office Open 12 Noon till 9:33 p.m. Daily All Scats Reserved MATINEES Orch. and Balcony '5c Loses $1-00 EVENINGS Orch and Kalcony ...... $1.10 Loges $1.60 Choice Seati and Prompt Attention Given To MAIL ORDERS. Send Self-addrested and Stamped Envelope. IT Wltl NOT Bi SHOWN ANYWHERE EXCEPT AT' ADVANCED PRICES UNTIl 1941 'Gone Notes About Big Picture "NOT ONE INCH" Among the inquiries being received by Capitol Theatre regarding ."Gone With the Wind" are isome as to whether the picture i will be cut when it is 6hown in :this city. For some reason a rum or has spread to mat eneci. "There will not be one inch cut from the original 'Gone With the Wind film," explains Manager D. ;G. Borland. "We will present this igreat picture exactly as it was .presented at the premiere show-'lngs in Atlanta and New York .City." i SOUVENIR rilOGRAMS Cambrai Chapter, Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, will exnloit' the showings of "Oone With the Wind" here next week by offering souvenir programs foi jsale at each performance. The .proceeds of the sale of the programs will g0 to the Chapter's war work. CHOOSING TITLE Almost a part of the dally life of film-goers everywhere. Is that four-word dynamic title "Gone With the Wind." But, though the readers of the book number upward Into the mil lions, there afe a few that realize that this title was not th,e Inevitable choice it now seems. After working, on the' novel for leven years and revising It for three, Its author, Margaret Mltch-311, had to set about making , a choice of title from the fifty she had at various times put aslfie. Finally, she madehcr choice from the Ernest Dowson poem:: "I have forgot much, Cynara! Gone with the wind, Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng. Dancing, to put thy -pale, lost lilies out of mlndi The Interpretation, as related to the book and film "Gone With the Wind" Is supposed to Imply the loyalty of the true Southerner to his land, In spite of the fact that his interests and fancies .might undergo many changes In the meantime. SAVE ON Food Currc Upkeep Iluy a kH 1 Mili IBVEssL H sH Rclrkcmior NORTHERN B.C. POWER COMPANY Special Discount During the veek of July 8th to 13th the "Exclusive Ladies' Rcady-To-Wcar" will offer tr special discount on all cloth mul fur trimmed coats, suits, di esses and hats in the store Do Not Forget the New Location, 215 3rd Ave, Next Door to Daily News Office MRS. H. S. PARKER See Us For HARDWARE And Sporting Goods KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3 DONT MISS Box 98 Special Sale Attractions at WALLACE'S Next Week Now Is The Time To Get That Watch The new sales taxes will be on all (foods soon. We have laid in a Rood stock of the principal standard makes of watches and can sell at regular prices while the present stock lasts. This also applies to Silver, Cut Glass, Jewelry and all regular lines. We'd like to show you some of the new models of Bulova watches. JOHN BULGER LTD.