Weather. Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate north winds shifting to cast, mostly fair and jpool. Vol. XXIX.. No. 157. First ITALIANS LOSE OUT IN RAIDS Seven Out of Nine rimes Which, Attacked Cairo Brought Down I Natives Killed at Alexandria j ALEXANDRIA, July 5: (CD-Fifteen natives were killed and sev en were wounded yesterday when Italian planes showered bombs over Alexandria In two attacks on Brl-tUh and French warships. Most of the bombs fell into the sea. Among 'other points one bomb dropped on the estate of King Far-ouk of F.gypt. From Cairo came a report that, seven pnt of nine Italian plane. I which had engaged in an air raid there had been successfully brought j down. MAY BREAK WITH ALLY; London Would Nt Re Surprised if Petain Declared War As Itcsult of Oran Rattle tion to the French government. Reports in Geneva say that thu Petain government Is to break off relations with Oreat Britain. RETURNING TO CANADA Major General II. D. G. Crerar to be Chief of General Staff in Canada OTTAWA, July 5: (CP) -Hon. C. G, Power, acting minister of defence, last night announced the appointment of Major-General II. D. O. Crerar, senior combatant officer of Canadian military headquarters ln Great Britain, to be- vice chief of general staff In Canada. Fofrner Premier Badly Injured Paul Reynaud Unconscious For Week After Auto Accident BORDEAUX, July 5: (CP)-For-mer Premier Paul Reynaud was more seriously Injured In an automobile crash than was at first "believed. He was unconscious for :a week, ' TO NAME MINISTER;: New Head of Dominion Finance Portfolio to be Known Monday-Kins; Speaks on Naval Coup kenzie King told the House of Com mons today. French Ships , LONDON, July 5: (CP) Can- adian naval men in training In Great Britain may be assigned to French warships which have hn sd7rd hv Oreat Brl- tain. Among men of the Royal Kln5 Canadian Navy now in Great r. Britain without ships are those from H.M.CS. Fraser which was sunk off the French coast last week. They have express- ed a desire to continue service In a body under their com- mander. Capt. Wallace Creery of Vancouver. FIVE SUBS Speaking later on the action of v, Mnwv nirainst the French LONDON, July 5: fiPet vesterdav. the Prime Minister. Ministry statement says that five said It "cannot be regarded as greeted against France but rather it was an action against ships aireaay days last month and in each case for practical purposes German and, oil patches indicated that the sub- Italian Instruments of war." marines had been uestrojea. Death Penalty For Treachery In Canada Provided; New Law Being Introduced in House OTTAWA, July 5: (CP) Primo Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King gives notice that on Monday he will introduce a bill in House of Commons providing death penalty for treachery and life imprisonment for acts to assist an enemy. The measure will be called "The Treachery Act" and it follows a report by the House committee investigating Defence of Canada regulations. Any peace officer may arrest without warrant anyone suspected of having committed or being about to commit an offense against the Act. Under the act an enemy alien may be prosecuted by court marshal and treated as though a member of a military force. If anyone is convicted as a member of a military force, whether an enemy or not, he may be shot rather than hanged. LIBRARY VICTORIA, r ! Tomorrow sT ides 4 mmm PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1940. Y u cu i iih.s- hear the roar of mo:o..i and the thud of gun-, as you lock at this photograph, me of tui ni"-t uiuiual to come from th- war so far. Very ,-?ldom. Indeed, have we seen a photo gra,)h matk uiider mudern war conditions which actually shows the men at whom the photographer and his null'.-, an? shooting. This one daes. The photograph wa; snapped from a British Falrey "Battle" bnmber dining a strafing attack on a German ammunition train in Flanders, in the Dunkirk area. Men from the train can be seen sprinting across the fleldr at the Right. Smoke Is shown flying from the midst of the column, and from ; he road along either side show where bullets from the bomber struck. The wheels of another cart c&n be- seen Just under the Joint of 'the plane's tall and fuselage. i protest Is Made 'GOVERNMENT j: ; : NEW GOV'T Diplomatic Developments Following Taking Over of Fleet by RrlUlu . Rritish Press Approves Of Steps LONDON, July 5: (CP)-The Pe- Taketl Xo Assume. Contiol -Of tain government of France having French Fleet already betrayed lis "fight to the death"' tally, may toon come to a LONDON. July 5: (CD The Bri- complete parting of the ways with tish press, practically unanlmous-Oreat Britain. It may now sever iy, supports and commends thei diplomatic relations and possibly British government for the meas-may make a declaration of war. ures taken in obtaining control of j This would be the outcome of the the French fleet. Britlh seizure of the French fleet. From Berlin comes word today that the Reich government has been officially notified by Premier Henri Phllllppe Petain of France's Intention to break off diplomatic relations with Oreat Britain. The French charge d'affalrs In London protested to the Foreign Office today over the British action against the French fleet in the IS COMMENDED'. May Move To Mediterranean, the protest being submitted on behalf of the Petain OTTAWA, July 5: (CP)-The new government by Roger Cambon who finance minister will be announced has been In charge of the embassy Monday to succeed Hon. J. L. Ral- slnce Ambassador Charles Corbln ston who was sworn In late today reslenprt 1at week. After deliver- as minister of national defence sue- ing the protest. Cambon Is reliably ceedlng the late Norman Rogers, reported to have sent his reslgna- Prime Minister wimani ujw. IS FASCIST 4- ... . Rumania Lines Up Definitely With Axis Carol To Abdicate? BUCHAREST. July 5: (CP) Carol's new cabinet an nounces its foreign policy as Fas cist In "complete co-opeartlon and, sincere Integration" with the-Rome-Berlin axis. This Is described as a realistic policy. I Believing that he may be held responsible for the loss to Russia of Bessarabia and Bukovlna, about which he feels very keenly. Carol is believed to be considering abdication of the throne in favor of his elehteen-year old Prince Michael. New Russian Demands Reports that new Soviet troops If OTD rWITl have arrlved ln Bessarabia sharpen- Halibut Sales Summary American 205,000 pounds, and 7.5c to 95c and 7.5c. Canadian 67.500 pounds, and 7c to 10.3c and 7c. American 9c 9.73 Sunset, 37,000 9c and 7.5c, Stor age. Masonic, 40,000 9.1c and 7.5c, Storage. i Wizard, 40,000, 9c and 7.5c, Royal. I Narrona,, a.zc ana, Storage. Mariner, 15,000, 9.4c andJ.5c, Booth. Wireless, 14,0(V, 9.5c and 7.5c. ! Storage. Aeglr, 17,000, 9.9c and 7.5c, Pierce, 17,000, 9.8c and 7.5c, Booth. ? Canadian Atlln. Arctic I, ; 13,000, - 10.1c and 7c, Storage. v . . V. . . . "v, wtww, v.,y u.,v. v, Pacific. , , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISB COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER BIG BULK ! OF FLEET IS TAKEN White Ensign Flies Over 250. Vessels of Former French Navy IONDON, July 5s (CP) The white ensign of the Royal Navy of Great Britain now flies over the great buIU of the former French , navy. The Daily Herald says that ii . iv '50 French warships have now fallen into Rritish hands. Since yesterday still more units of the French fleet arrived at Scottish ports to drop anchor. It was disclosed last night that either the batleship Dunkerque rr Strasbourg, although badlyl damaged, had escaped from the Battle of Oran and had made her wav to Toulon; French Mediterranean coast port. It was also announced that not a single British ship had been lot in the Rattle of Oran. One British naval man lost his life in the eneagement and injuries were very few. Rritish sources described situation of French fleet at Alexandria "in abeyance." It Is not known when the French will make the decision whether or not to join the Rritish but "we know that no French ship shall ever leave Alexandria to surrender to enemy." The French commander at Alexandria was said to . have beehrglren' tht.ftm-UH-as the Admiral at Oran before the British sank French naval units. OVUJANS ARE SLAIN Eleven lose Their Lives in German Raid on Portland British Retaliation LONDON, July 5: (CP) It was son disclosed that eleven civilians were killed yesterday when a oerman plane raided the British Naval base of Portland. Later yesterday further German air raids -were carried out In north east, southeast and southwest sec liEiLJ iYV7 1 LlU eded Balkan tension and have led ' tlons 0l the Britlsn ies DUt damage I to beliel that Moscow is planning was very slight and there was no 'new loss of life. demands on Roumania. Russia . . , . ... . Attacks by British War Planes on ; tnrrpaslne'.v1 Attacked by anti-aircraft fire and Effective ald to be taking an Increasing. Submersible, Prove fc (CP) An Air German submarines were attacked by British warplanes within five stern mana wwara iwnnuuuiu 'bombers was shot down Into the liticat developments. sea. ' Air Force Retaliates The British Royal Air Force kept! I up Its end ln the air raiding by, I again visiting Germany last night .and effectively raining bombs on lines of communication transports, oil tanks and other military obpec-1 tlves. All planes returned safely.. Tonight's Air Ministry communique said that the Royal Air Force yesterday bombed Hamm and" Em-; merich ln the Ruhr and also scored . hits on hangars at Amsterdam and j Brussels air ports. i SUSSEX IS UNDER BAN Public Barred From This Part England Other Areas Also Closed Three Paid of Toodle, 11,500, 10c and 7c, Atlln. LONDON, July 5:.. (CP)-The Annabelle, 9,000, 10.3c and 7c, Storage. Southend, 17,500 9.9c and 7c, Home Office here today banned. ..the public from entering any part of Sussex and a large part of Hampshire including the naval base at ' Portsmouth and shipping centre at Southampton, The banned area also Includes the Isle of I Wight and a small part of Dorset, High 1:27 a.m. 21.8 ft 14:19 p.m. 19.8 I. Low , 8:09 a.m. 1.1 f;. 20:10 p.m. 6.0 tt. PRICE: i CENTS 3 Attack Upon Gibraltar NAZIS FLEE BEFORE BRITISH AIR ATTACK Times Bombers Visits But Did No Damage As Result Enemy Came Over Three Times Starting in Early Morning -Bombs Fell Into Sea Defences Functioned Well When Called Upon GIBRALTAR, July 5: (CP) Airplanes attacked Gi-braltai three times without success today. They were the first air raids of the war upon "The Rock." The raids started in the early hqurs of the day and searchlights went into action. Several bombs fell into the sea and there were to casualties or damage. The defences functioned adequately and well. Was Only Thing Great Britain Could Have Done WASHINGTON, D. C, July 5. S?nacor Key Pittman, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, says he believes every loyal man, woman and child will con cede that the British government, ORDERED TOFIGHT Marshal retain Told French Fleet At Alexandria to Turn Coat BORDEAUX, July 5. Marshal Henri Petain, head of the German-ejontrolled puppet government of Fiance, ordered the French fleet at Alexandria to fight its way out of assuming control of the French ? K fleet, did the only thing that could be done under the circumstances. there are reported to have already Joined the British with whom they jare.tlghtlng. . WeatherForecast Vancouver Mans General Synopsis The continues high off the British umbla coast and Is relatively low over southwest Alaska. The weath er has been fair and warm through out the province. pressure Si! New Explosive VANCOUVER, July 5: (CP) J C. Lawrle, Vancouver chemist, ha3 West Coast of Vancouver Island turned over to the government a Moderate to fresh northwest winds, new explosive of the naptholene fair with not much change in tern- type like nitroglycerine which may perature. , prove useful for war purposes. FINAL BULLETINS URUGUAYAN APPEAL MONTEVIDEO A stirring appeal is made by the President of Uruguay, In which there is believed to have been a considerable Nail influence, for strong and active Pan-Americanism in order to "stop Hitler.", The message Is addressed to twenty-one American nations. President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States Is seeking a fund of $500,000,000 to assist In heading off possible totalitarian economic Influences. IS STILL SILENT NEW YORK Arriving to spend a long week-end at his Hyde Park home, President Franklin D. Roosevelt refrained from making any statement as to whether he would run again. He will not break his silence on this question until after the forthcoming Democratic national convention at Chicago has a feed upon a defence plank which will fit in with his viewpoint. The President prescribed a program based on moral values as to how world peace might be obtained. Meantime, he admitted that the present form of democratic government In the United Stites was not as efficient as totalitarianism which, however, did away with legislative and judicial functions, something which he himself would never, consent to. OKDEREO TO LEAVE BUCHAREST The majority of British oil men have been ordered to leave Roumania as the government presumably moved towards nationalization of the country's oil walls and expropriation of British and other foreign powers' properties. NAVAL BATTLE' POSSIBLE MARTINIQUE Possibility of a naval battle between the British and French off Martinique, a French island, is. seen. A Rritish destroyer squadron is now blockading the island where there are known to be some French destroyers still firing the French'flag. There is also a shipment of United States-made airplanes and a shipment of gold at Martinique destined for France GERMAN CLAIMS BERLIN Germany claims that its submarines and aircraft have been active Against British shipping, having done considerable damage in the way of sinking enemy ships. V a 1 ,vAl