July 3. WO. TTJE DAIWJfEWS '..-t - or ALLIED NEAR EASTERN ARMY PREPARED FOR ACTION -vp 1 v Si Years Ago mm July 3, 1915 .... ' miTAiif nf rpiriiitj ;;e Rupert will leave this McMullln announces. Tney c.'s nt.rone nn.ti. cuvr mtAPntv DAMASK .urn onrmlfn U : The Ktnrm t h I maalr jIU aah n( rt ga into training, Major ;erable damage to flowers and trees In some of the gardens, especially where perennials were not well defeated Prince Rup-'st:ake'd- 1 id a bunch of Sweet t3 3 in an independence wuiiami mat were badly twisted ball game at Ketchikan.1 up ana nan of the blooms torn off Anderson was the star of ir for Prince Rupert. I in the development ! Cup mining property Mile Mountain near Haz- Prince Rupert Hope and Miss Hope, aio uic urn ceipmmums were pretty badly mangled. These had been staked early In the Season and fhould have been restaked but this had riot been done. I should very much like an expression of opinion this year as to whether we should have a flower show this year as usual. Some seem to think we should devote all our attention to war work. It has also been suggested that we should not give prizes this year but should devote all the admission fees to the Red Cross. I am sure the execu- Oordon Kerr and Corbln wuld appreciate suggestion.. , from flower nh n-IHa ennfact rninro t rnGP rilKI.. nv utriuw rtncuiai aciiiiik. m. for " - .1111 SILK CURTAIN NETS ii A aji nlll- -iininln mmIm v ItnvlAlla not Light honey shades, values Up to 69c Dollar Day, Q.A AA us iur TOWELS Manufacturers Surplus Stock rvTpn Tiiririchi murpi nrwTivpiv lower . t i t 1.-1. tliU nrp-wnr nrinp von snnuin iuuk. Liua I nvoi In nnnpAtlota ValllP Is for everv ocr.aslon and vou would be nvlcnH in. loir in n ctrtIr All rtrirpri 111 ; Dollar Day Special $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 lliff o nw r iirsrkfs itAon iiLiin nil .iv ami ww if in j iiimr. only, size 5 to Wi. O-t ilA in riiniiiru ham i n ann v i. i w ii An a n aa4 nnMnnnrg in too rni-a r cs r rr t BOYS' CATALINA LASTEX i Lastex swimming trunks lor age G to 16 In shades of Koyal Maroon, Forest $1.00 Btuwtrrs, especially An.ni. MrLenn. Hedlev: w"" "B- " ikenson, city. Central Cumshewa Inlet; E. Ciaude Richardson, Ed- f.:rd Bav Royal ItlllllU LILV . Ulia. 17111 lill III mi if....n. Ytr m O A Jonnson, J. wars Arnold, Cumshewa Inlet; S Holklrk, Vancouver; ir ir , . PURE WHITE exhibitors. Oakland, California, has a Bus inessmen' Garden Club which j meets at luncheon once a week to talk gardening. There Is a mem-i bershlp of 325 but the usual weekly attendance runs to somewhere ar- ound two hundred. It started with ja few enthusiasts who wanted to I talk gardening lunching together. ; Others joined and gradually the ' membership Increased until today It is the largest organization of Its kind. It has no constitution and no . bylaws. There are no dues to pay except that each person pays for hi own dinner and a few cents are retained from the cost of the luncheon. Such a club is possible In solte of the cloudy weather, the roses are coming In bloom. The only trouble har been from the BEDSHtEADS English Jaspe bedspreads, printed in assorted colorings. Size 66x86. 1,00 Dollar Day, , each v RAYON BROCADE Extra good quality rayon brocade. 15 good shades to choose from. $1.00 v Dollar Day, 4 yards for j Extra Specials! BED SHEETS Full size, fully bleached bed sheets. Measures 72"x90" full, goodly quality, hemmed ready for use. 1.00 v Dollar Day. each CHENILLE TABLE COVERS Assorted colors, reversible, fast dye. Size 50"x50". Regular value 100 'P $1.95. Dollar Day, each PILLOW CASES Oood quality, plain hemmed pillow cases. Full size, ready for 100 v use. 5 pillow cases for BEDSPREADS A very attractive all white full size bedspread with all over satin design. A real buy. 139 Dollar Day, each TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 Inches. Silk mixed table cloths, assorted fast colors. 1.00 Dollar Day, 2 for TEA and GLASS TOWELS Assorted colored checks, size 16x30. Hemmed ready for use. $1.00 8 towels for CHILDREN S SLACKS Neatly trimmed navy blue drill slacks. Sizes 6, 8, 10. 12 years. C"l ft0 Dollar Day, pair BED THROWS Good heavy weight throw, large size, bordered. Grey and fawn. $1,79 Dollar Day, each . large number of spit biigs. However, before dark and pick off any slugs roses are not as bad as some flow- that may appear. Others take a "ashlight and make the visit after ers for this. The worst seem to be . ,, ! dark. H.F.P. the tall campanulas. The worms . fairly cat up these plants. The only . thing that seems effective is to crush the little green worm between ! Slugs have been a bad pest In many gardens this year. Many people have used slug killer with I success but there are always some I that get away or that do not like the exterminator. The slugs mes; up the garden pretty badly. Mast gardeners go over their gardens just DOLLAR Mail Schedul the finger and thumb. If gloves are worn the plant is likely to be ; For the East ! squeezed too hard and Injured. Monday, Wednesday, and I In a few days I shall have water llllles In bloom. There are a num- ber of buds coming along and the i first should be out within a week' ! if it is sunny weather. : Friday . From the East Saturday at Fraser & Payne's Windows For Numerous Other Items of Outstanding Value e . 5 p.m Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 11 p.m. For Vancouver-Monday 2 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 noon Friday 9:30 p.m Saturday 3 p.m July 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 27 and 30 4 p.m. From Vancouver . Sunday 4 pjn. Wednesday 10 a.m. Stores Close at 6 O'clock Saturday SWERSILK FULL FASHIONED HOSIER!' New spring shades on hand. 3-thread chiffon, all pure silk and guaranteed ringless. very sheer. Sizes 8V4 to lO'i- C A(l Dollar Day, pair t?X.UU WHITE BLANKETS White blankets, part wool, finished In singles. Double bed size, nice soft warm .quality, extra good value. OA l.iJU Qff Dollar Day, pair PURE WOOL STEAMER RUGS Assorted colors, 100 per cent pure wool. Fringed ends, very useful for bed fl0 CJQ or couch throws. Dollar Day, ea. V ORIENT HOSE Canada's finest stocking Full Fashioned, pure thread silk, semi-service weight. All new shades. Sizes 82 to 10'2. tOKy Dollar Day, pair LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS All the newest styles In satins, crepes and novelty cloths. Values up to C-j A A $1.75. Dollar Day, each JX.VV CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS Lastex ankle socks for children. Silk and lisle with neat self-colored tops. Sizes 5 to 9. Assorted colors. CI AO Dollar Day, 5 pairs for BEDSPREADS All satin with deep flounced border, full size, 88"xl00" In shades of Green, Gold, Rose, Rust, Pansy and Blue. fl Q ff Reg. price $6.50. Dollar Day, each v.vO 50 PAIRS Ladies' Slacks 100 per cent pure wool tailored slacks. Sizes II to 20. ..Finished with cuffs and inside pockets. ..Three beautiful new shades, Orion Blue, Apollo Green and Redwood. ..Regular price $3.95 pair. Dollar Day Special, Q Held In readiness for Instant action for the past several months, the Allied Near Eastern army's period of waiting has now ome to an end as It swings into action against Italian forces forces. A British Bren gun carrier, a rolling fortress for use as an attack spearhead Is shown in action on the desert in Egypt. Behind the gun carrier are Indian troops of the British army. NEW HEAD I OF ROTARY! Dr. Neal Carter Takes Over From Peter Lakie And Names Members of His Committees 1 At the last weekly luncheon of the. Rotary Club yesterday Peter Lakie outlined some of the things, accomplished while he held the position of president. While thej club had lost W. T. Kergin, W. J. J Alder and William Drake and five,, of the members were on active service, there had been eleven new a members join the club two of y whom. Dr. R. C. Bamford and Al j lan Landels attended that day fori, the first time. Therefore, the clubf. had made a gain In membership. I During the year, Mr. Lakie said, the club .had aided the Navy I League, Boy Scouts, Imperial Or-! der. Daughters of the Empire milk J. fund, sick soldiers' fund, the Sal-1 vatlon Army Christmas fund and i the Boys' Tl-nd for new instruments. He congratulated several' w mm" -mm. MM V- V v' ' -j "I tW'7 if members on the excellent work done in various capacities, parti- : - ' aim, w ImMm L rulnrlv VI I, Cnates for taking nrpspnt next wesk. .His. Dlace" would , A. Watt, Peter XAIue. the secretaryshlo when T. A. Mc-ipe taken by6ne of the 'members Waters had Joined the army and!of the. executive: He said he would A. C. Small for taking hold of the Bulletin. He then turned over the gavel to Dr. Neal Carterhe new president. Dr. Carter thanked the members for the honor done him. Unfortunately he. had to leave the city on Wednesday in connection with his work so he would not be FOR RENT FOR RENT Central eight roomed I Viaiicd Annlv 551 2nd Ave Phnnp Rfl tf WANTED GIRL WANTED For general work. Apply Royal Lunch. (158) LOST LOST Sum of money. FOR SALE Phone 227. (159) FOR SALE 16-foot Peterborough l Canoe, A-l condition, apply Boj 11, Daily News. (163) FOR SALE Stove and Oil Burner. . Phone Blue 443. (160) b FOR SALE l vanity dresser, "i dresser, 1 kitchen range, Majestic. 1 McClary Heater No. 45, 1 baby folding carriage. 1007 3rd W. James Apts. (157) Open Till ia:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY w m 1 fas m mm ill 1 . Jr. 4? BRITISH; COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE oi?f VDt) i hot make, any- suggestion., at present but called ;a meeting of. the club assembly lor .tonight ,a. 'W? home.' He also 'menrioived the pas-' slblUty of the club.' .Interesting i-self in the Diamine orreug'ee'chlld- ren In the xlty. m .then read, a list oi. iw, new . .cjommiiveeii us. o-r, ' lows: . -- ' BoarcL-df .director's .and; alms land obi ec ts rconirtee-iP-reslden NWl M. Carter; past resioiiiv, -re. Lakie; ; -isecreury, .w. ,i Ttrpaiea; trpasureri Afei'. 'McRae.ahd -'direct- ors-P..'Hiij.nwyW:'Ri'McAree.an'd' Hubert Ward,- Club!service-rP; H.vunz.eyi.v ..yv-.: Nichoiis;, j'.t:V'Mabdy;;;johft .dw havn; ... ' -. , J. J. Little". R. C St: Clair. Community 'service-W. R. Mc-Afee.Jarhes.'Ciark, James. Qlllett; International service w: P. Ar mour, R; G. Van der Sluys, Max;. Hellbroner, J. H, Thompson. Classification and membership L. W. Kergln;G. A. Bryant, Alex. MacKenzle. Program L. M. Gordon, Alan. Landells. W..Q. Fulton. Public relations H. F; Pullen. N. Boys' work R. W. Wlhsl6w,'C. C, Jacklin, Oeorge Mitchell. ; Fellowship and attendance 3. TV Mandy,J. B. Gibson, C. H.:Hankln-. son, Thomas Trotier. . ... Civic-centre R, "Q- Hopkins, C. : Brlnd, George Eckermari. - , " Club publication A. 'C.; Small, . C. Thomson, Fred'Scaddeiii.' ' Dental' clinic John DybhavnK I? J. Matheson, 'r.;.:C.. Bamford; .."Mlfl E. D.-'Priestly (honorary ).V'; BAK OOIJJ: J-ONDON. tCPThe;iM6htreai "price of bar goid'.on ItKe Wndotti markejvVas unchedtioday at' k j37.5i, per fine ounce.; . , : THE OLD GARDENER. FERTILIZER r Ah Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin' fit The new remarkable' Plant Stimulant In. the proper pro portions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth, and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet today 10c,. 25o Wholesale Distributors' . W. lUMalkin Co. (P.R.),:Lt4,; "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncw Rupert. Co. Ltd. British Colambla