ouT OF WORK TODAY? try The News’ Want Ad. Way. THE DAILY N Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist es ed IU, NO. 66 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., Monpay, MAROH 18, 1912. SS PRICE FIVE CENTS HOUSE OF COMMONS TAKES UP THE COAL STRIKE BaiTISH COLUMBIA DELIVERED TO RAILROAD CORPORATIONS, CHARGES SIR CHARLES H. TUPPER: Noted Conservative leider, ii in Susi Ldtihativt Severely Excor- iates Legislative Acts of Province That Give Away Lands and Rights of,the{People to the Trio-Headed Octopus That Controls the Govt. From the Vancouver Sun. No keener criticism of the pro-! government has yet been by ittered than that Sir Charles vert Tupper, who has in subjoined interview made a state- ment to the Sun which should be interest to thoughtful every who takes any interest in flairs f the railway especially valuable, the criticism of the gen of the gov- no less sharp. with sialion ver said: nothing analysis ‘ il policy the Sir respect to of 1910, in the his- rations, colonies or relatively such ex liabilities have We all rejoice rous condition of Brit- h Columbia, and believing in its a progres- { corps where - and ed. a, desire those our it de- oncurring with eady to mortgage mable extent, greatly to be with sparsely set- situated as we are, rial tract to admin- exists generally such a reast ww me that a th an impe . { reckless nt any speculation this spirit ex exte that proposed the | railway | |penditure for hastening | |development will be overwhelm | ingly approved by the electors. This regardless of the results in- | volved, } ‘We must not overlook the fact that the majority of the vot- ers are practically exempt from j} the prevailing system of provin- cial taxation, and under these circumstances a bold and reck- less and unprincipled government has the opportunity to squander public money, waste our re- sources and involve us in titanic burdens, The argument I ob- served used for the buccaneering policy in the last general election in British Columbia, when the government was in the hands of }one railway corporation, It was lthat we had the money and the warrant the then involved, and if one liability believed |in a prosperous future for the province there was no risk. We had a government which was able to do things. The same ar- gument is pul in service for ad- ditional outlay and = additional guarantees, “When the government is now in the hands of three railway cor- porations, those of a religious spirit who are not carried off their feet by visions of millions of money, reduced freight rates and all sorts of philanthropic | lumbia works to be done for British Co- by the railway corpora- should thank Heaven that | circumstances the rail- time being have been merciful their tions, under the ways for the FEARFUL EXPLOSION Several Bodies Were Blown Over a Hundred Feet. Special to Daily News. Antonio, March 18. persons are known dead as a result of the San Four to be explosion | | teen in the Southern Pacific engine yards here this morning. Some of the bodies were blown over a hundred feet. TEN SEAMEN ALL PERISH Wreck of U.S. Fishing Schooner “Patrician” of N.S. Coast Re- sults in Loss With all Hands. Special to Daily News. comparatively in exactions Shelburne, N.S., March 18 ‘At a time when railways are| Ten men were drowned when the so successful in the money mar-| American fishing schooner Pat- s an extreme statement that|rician was wrecked on Bull Rock, no better terms could have been| two miles off Jordan Bay, near made, or a more reasonable pol-| She burne hey are the captain icy devised |} William Harding and nine mem- Party government has long| bers of the crew of the Patrician. ceased to exist in British Colum-| Deir fate was told by the survi- bia For instance, with its in-|Yors Of the schooner when early ception there was the ayowal of | today they reported the Jordan | the principle of government] ‘2S! i ownership of railways in British} DAILY NEWS AGA N SENDS GOOD NEWS INTO THE EAST EXCELLENT “WEATHER BOOST” FOR PRINCE RUPERT AP-| PEARS IN AN ONTARIO PAPER, WHICH QUOTES FROM “TWENTY M INUTES AGO.” S er time at Prince Ru-| Prince Rupert during the entire | is the heading in the Wind-| winter season is of course quite] Wee Record over the fol-| correct As residents in Rupert £ first rate weather boost} know, work on the Acropolis Hill} the city. The Record says:| reservoir and pipe trench, build-} In the Grand Trunk Pa- ling work, railway construction | ile Railway’s terminus on |work and avery considerable | February ist the thermom jamount of conerete and cement] tered just 64 de |work have all been carried on} Frees in the shade and it is }without interruption during the | stated that there have been |winter. The progress of the gov | “nly two inches of snow ernment wharf was not hindered} there during the entire win- | by weather, ter, while the temperature | In referring to Prince Rupert's Has only been below zero as a “summer climate’ the Ree- ‘uring a single week, lord is right. Since the end of lhe Daily News under a |January the atmosphere has been ne ACN Prince Rupert | more summery than in many an l'wenty Minutes Ago" puts advertised summer resort, The the matter very trenchantly: lother night, after weeks of su- Thermometer in sunshine }perb sunshiny weather, there registered 66 degrees, still | was a sharp little fall of hail, A "ising. Big sacrifice sale of j few clouds crept up and citizens siickers and overshoes.” wondered if the vanished winter From this it is very evi- were on the way at last. But “ent that all construction today we have still the unclouded Work, or indeed work of any sunshine and spring-like air, ‘md, can be carried on Morning rime is the only indica- throughout the entire year in tion of winter at all appreciable ‘i this summer climate.” in Prince Rupert at present, W ao ene lusion come to by the x ot aii i Weekly Record that work| Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. ' kinds can be carried on in| Phone 4. ——— — fia tna meemmmmrgananaaestr sso fg Che wearers of the green this afternoon are declaring ‘Memselves “forninst the (McBride) government.” has ae you see the blood red banner the Socialist candidate : ink to the breeze? beret 'reless from Hazelton that Doe GC layton is playing merry with Farmer Manson's political fences, lumor that Hilditeh is appointed postmaster not yel con irmed, George Kerr failed to find Bibles enough to take that sol PIN oath on, soils Ming zak heard from the Faleon, commandeered to the ‘le hunting expedition. MOP oee. Columbia. We are now in the| NEW BUSINESS HOUSE hands of a government owned by} oy See railway corporations Store to Be Opened as Soon as “Any mountebank who suc- Location Can Be Secured. ceeded by the influence of party or otherwise in gaining office Among the eommercial trav- could well do all that is being|®!ers coming to Rupert Fred W. done for the railway kings. 11} Renworth is one of the best needs but to do their bidding and| known, For DINGLESR: <7 OBES he retain power until the deluge jae looked after the interests of comes. If matters under the act|the Ames, Holden Shoe Co, Mr. of 1910 become troublesome he| tenworth, recognizing the poten- can bring on another election ana] ti alities of Prince Rupert, has promise increased expenditures | Coneluded to resign his position before exposure comes and be and engage in the retail shoe re-elected, Does any one sup-| 2usiness. pose Laurier could have been! Associated with Mr, Renworth beaten in September if the G, T.|‘*!! be Mr. W. J. Jefferson, the p., C. P. R. and G. N. R, had unit-| firm name being Renworth & Jef-| edly supported him? | ferson., Mr. Jefferson has been} }connected with the Wallace Fish-| leries at Claxt for over eleven 4 }years and is y well known in the north the present he $200 REWARD jwill not ta active part in the firm, co ng with Wallace City of Prince Rupert will %) Pros. in charge of their cold pay a reward of two hun- 3) siorage plant at Alberni, dred dollars for evidence $) 48 sur as a location can be which will lead to the con- $/ secured and stock arrives the new viction of party who as- 3] firm will open up. sauited the Rev. W. H. Mc- $) r eT Zeod on the night of March $, (irand hard times “ball given 14, 1912. under the auspices of the Cooks ERNEST A. WOODS, and Waiters’ Local 825, A. F. of City Clerk. iL., McIntyre Hall, Wednesday }evening, Mareh 20th. 3t | ae . ————| The event of the season, the Odd Fellows’ social evening ad-| opand St. Patrick’s concert, West- vertised for Tuesday night has} hojlme Opera House, tonight at been postponed until further no-|] 9-45 it tice, ieee The Crutchfieid Case. After hearing in camera evi- WEST INDIES’ idence relating to the serious leharge against William Crutch- field, the Magistrate adjourned RECIPROCITY the ease until the 23rd for fur- 3 her investigation. Strong Protest Acainet the Meas- Wanted experienced boat ure Entered in New York—Mer-| builder Apply O. M. Helgerson, chants Fear Loss of Trade for); jj Canada’s Benefit. : Declaring that the enactment| of the proposed reciprocal trade § agreement between Canada and HOMESTEADER ’ the British West Indian Islands} 0 ! will work havoe with important} ATTENTI N! lines of American business, a} special committee of the New| Settlers and homestead York Produce Exchange has|% seekers throughout the urged the State department at|§ whole district of Skeena are Washington to take immediate} 3 either calling in person or ee 13 sending written reports to ‘lour, the chief Commodity in} which the produce exchange is The Daily News Ot induaeions interested, has aroused the mem-| done to them by the Momrice Sone shf tha “AkieeE TnAlan trade. | government and_ its ane The proposal, it is said provides] agent, William peepee s for admitting Canadian flour into} News desires - oat ~ the West Indies at a sro Seine Aa know that it will continue te of 24 cents a barrel. Such a receive all such evlGanony step, it is declared, would raise a} duet write your aed barrier the American miller could| not surmount, The in this community several millions of dol- it is said, loss of busi-| | ness also} would be lars a year Best room in town at the Savoy. | | | sign your own send to The News. If you live in town and do not care to write, just phone 98 and we will be pleased to call and get your story. | READY FOR ATTACK Turkish Fleet Mobilizing to Meet the Italians. Special to Daily News. March Turkish fleet mobilizing for the attack | of the Italian fleet, which sembling off Mitylene for tack on the Dardenelles. Constantinople, 18,— The is | antiquated ready is as- an at- REWARD OF BRAVERY Chief Officer Thompeon and Boat Crew of S.S. Tees Compliment-| ed Substantially by Under- writers for Heroism. Special to Daily News. Victoria, March 18--Chief Offi- (Special to Daily News.) London, March 18,—Premier Asquith announced today in the Commons that the minimum wage bill will come up tomorrow, with second and third readings the following days. It is likely the government will have a strong opposition to the passage of the measure. cer Thompson and the boats crew of the steamer Tees have been awarded a bonus by the under-|= writers for their heroic effort to} reach Estevan when the steamer | stranded at Kyuquot last Decem-| ber. One month’s pay is being | given to each member of the hoal’s crew, and a suitable com- pliment in substantial form to the chief officer. GERMAN STEAMER LOST Two Passengers Drowned off Coast of Morocco Home- ward Bound. Special to Daily News. London, March 18—The Ger- man steamer Axenfels, which sailed from Rangoon for Ham- burg on February 1, is ashore near Ciries Point, Morocco, ac- cording to advices received here today. Two persons are reported drowned, but others were res- cued and landed at Ceuta. The vessel is badly damaged. Don't forget the grand St. Pat- Westholme Opera at 8:45. it rick’s concert, House, tonight GERMAN MENACE Winston Churchill Admits That It Is Real. (Special to Daily News.) London, March 18.—Win- ston Churchill, in presenting the naval estimates today, said he was sorry to refer direct to Germany, but was compelled to do so. Britain would keep up her power standards at whatever cost, and unless Germany retard- ed her program SBritain would go on constructing. FEAR U.S. A.IS TAPPING LAKES Port Arthur Board of Trade Pro- tests Against Widening of Chi- cago Drainage Canal Lest Level of Lakes Be Lowered. The the reported enlargement of Chicago drainage canal caused the board of trade of Port Arthur to petition the govern- ment asking that immediate steps be taken to proteet Canadian in- terests on the Great Lakes as they fear that an\ further diver- sion of water by Chicago will ulti- mately have the effeet of lowering the waters of Lake Superior and thereby rendering useless many of the existing channels and ne- cessitating a great deal of dredg- ing being done at the docks, The Port Arthur Board of Trade has taken the initiative in securing} the co-operation of all the other cities on the Canadian side of the) lakes in a combined request to the government for immediate action to protect Canadian vested| rights. Grand ealinianl aad dramatic entertainment in honor of St. Patrick's Day, Westholme Opera House, tonight at 8:15. it COAL STRIKE COMES BEFORE HOUSE OF COMMONS TOMORROW PREMIER ASQUITH ANNOUNCES THE THE GOVERNMENT MINIMUM WAGE BILL—STRONG OPPOSITION TO MEASURE EX- PECTED—TALK OF GENERAL STRIKE MAY 18ST. More railways have curtailed their services today and hundreds more men are thrown out of em- ployment. The talk now is of a general strike of all trades in May, when the unions meet in joint conference, Miners Strike in France. Paris, March 18.—Many of the Many of the British miners]... . cee signify their intention of return- RU ner: ae pangs one ing to work this week, despite have voted to strike despite the their leaders. The association’s| decision against a walkout by the loss to trade union funds, out-| federation. The union officials side of the miners’ association,|are attempting to prevent a was last week over a million and] spread of the movement, but seem a half dollars. to be unsuccessful. MONKEY SCRAMBLE NOW Latest Ballroom Menagerie Sen- sation Invented in Gay Paree. returns in triumph with the prize to his partner, Warm, MERRY WEDDING IN K. OF P. HALL Young Scandinavian Couple Uni- ted by Swedish Pastor on Sat- urday with All Wedding Honors | and Festivities. }