aw- o t 15 For Him or Her at- 5 PAGE TXV Bay early while sizes complete are ss Clocks SLIPPERS The Ideal Gift You ceroid not fail ie be impressed, th oar Trondwf al rane ot s&pper If AMILY SHOE STORE LTi The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rEINCE KCPEET - BUTTS II COLUKEIA PaMtated Ererj Aftem&sa. Except. San day by prtoee Hapen Daily rmt Limited, Third Areaae TI F FUIXEr; - - - A Mentor f Aadit bureau vrCveidaUvns mcmbcb or ftii: rtttoitv rat T5 Cea-fiUa Pr to rrriotfyrly rotate K.WW itydhattra at aa ini PAILT EirtTXTS No Dishonorable Peace Pity Fnday Deeeabs- fi. 1S4S. EDITORIAL It i oh- m s deceracv ? r-p sach a thai whkii Unitinsr I Wartorn Family v3 Wj Utirr la EnfUjii Knn A Where Her Son la Canada It Sk Diniar. A) & HSGDSA. 1sl C CP Pfter S he has jt af ir Ireca fait VEtijSessx home g;Trt Ids par-ate have a asp a! 2 5?.rt-aifhfTgB and a efcjci on the r-a mantel art at fte-daa Whec it it U sjb. box Hed TTitk 2 af ! 7&e A copper abxaaneL a pieee of traid-: f ed paraiaoie es?d 2jmI a stoat pk- of sreeafas O-aas jara- sain seat nfcs aa'aatg'gmir Man in the Moon The sale zaoan has been reama- leHAt for aasy happy bsBeyaoons. The pea raay be ntsbtaer thsa the sword bat aot ercrr pen. "I say. Pete, war eizl ,q6U benpOaz in that sort of Bib- Bc23 swa abe was weariBS last I mrhat do yea . oeao. Bibteal flsra? . "Oh. yw kaowB, sort of tow and! behold.- I TEX XJAZ.Y 41 Show Boys How To Fix Motors Hataea's Sen-ire Cwyt larao C. S. Cinpt OrttiBf FracUre la TACOIIA, Wash, Dec C 'CP Las itcdAsc sb aar i!t w- 11, k tar frosj iisene. bxfaciBg powder paffs as site Aaaeri- socae ressndsrstexa sSk stockiag ick joes aa Use m reh ThiwRlmii ike Dnated States nog women. ea$er to aid m na tional defence, are far in the Sa- ;taoE2i Service Iragae Uator Oorps. Pewr's aotfeer can tksIiz!- :a iniaal rorEsnfaattea that woald eadag wpprr at 5 o'clock hi drive ambaSssees asd set assecfa- aafcs in 1 4ot aiakk aas Cvnsd In I rrrrvxA iw e rs-B of Us feeeae A dter tT aeooEn -boecm oa arsay 1- of Ooat-d S :Sb vitfc the aarartite w f vas 3?WBBed tar C2e of ipax cr a dire actBal att m Ibr first at seciac yoaaz. attnetivr iaas in rrrseas caps m their rain, aa- -raJalaed vatdaed bwe-iwd. !,. i i' i i i i i i i i "aa a-aa ""aaaaaaa to if j-Bfuhohinwf at Canp iiarrmy arbere nt . Mtii ARMY FOR WOMEN Lcxirr Of Grospt Finds X Prejudice Afiinst Girl ranahaads : CP A aaditlke Xataaaal Gi 41st DMss ia the belief that before this lis BZTiag a Tzr tamaa tnin AlPrwaotkM saaad. ! The idea of training Uade ygg tTSl daties are setae to aj-d was t.a6 a. troops Same t5 it Toraoto w j near Ciarrsoo, friajlMd to . j . JOf tort aac 71e cj ft Tfre p ki jp far For nrt gbj .,. ute fwr tf,;, a; la ix ind cvertiZM -J:r. riac--:alun to the m.-.:iy urk on , . tana. Tbry mtrned hoa ai .Jieir beadi ard ml c w - p - Thoae tirmg at Ui:'ax : Tbe wait u gtrw 0, qaartertd tn a larre hoose ifca: tirl J in addju r was loaaed Umk T-i: firls iWac they arr i.. -.v were ander a -T-:-r.-c-5ni3us5ried e ' aaM Mr tk cfficer' and lud a solder's aife -- as a Tolas tarr houv-k: tarn atarhaj aith Us creat-saot 8lrnrt and &e read? for aaa- rtorothy Wakot of Toronto. beS a: 6 3 Oirls wee aad .. lr and Mrs. YxA JLf T JPred be- Urm, pitto. ooa ' ;T TT r Tr J can eoeses." ir. wakot work and hefptec in any ' war ' dos- 'who -feA-driver was za 1 . . . J . ' o ant in an mionn iOr I ;iat UI w eveniaf UMf find to tx alaDar shortaae which drtU route marrh or recreation Althoofa tbe wffl be Srts pre- TC expect- 10 30 pjn pared for ovesseas or heatioafaerie . -. SWTDEVS SHIP jeerrie. to Thmia ranted as ojfidaj, j -aieot aatd Dra1 m:m33r frocl aeia- STOCKHOLU. fi , worry The tslghty oak started 1 corps atates this as the arganhm- arfMi f- ifreea a scaiiar sgnrce. tion s aas i general ocnmedlm Is Visitor Here Toronto or-nodens of a S?1 aatet fnaie jnraaian or baenbtoc attack, the t- 1 - .u. raeabers of the corps wHJ tamo , . . into thetr amfonas and bo to their - t, . ,.J dlscipaaed. and they will hold rv,. rw-i v,. v kxstrfLVr"1 Jr Pwccen eoald only be used in a aiBtary forces, and the public at TerT -rftr RrH, Hn. large snart in her khaki Canadian Wo men's Serrice Force aniform. Mrs jWakot aked bow. The offlcia aid "Da yea think any of your girts would be prepared to dear, oat a stabie and haol siamtre?" 1 answered Tea. todeed.'" said tejfcee eriav in h V.ti 7,7 be terkey fori Mrs. atept approval ar Socialist uxmbers sa&?est&i that a veaeeltrez. I " 5p" ' "ery sort of a job a move be Started. Init tbpv were denniv and fdateiv Tot-j ' fara can produce. Today, she said. ed do-, lier they fXed ost te lie bbo-. the oieiJJ jessed in GenraJ a j c . 0. fVf Brttt8h 2 Ho 2dC OUppsitira te aay SKA tZV Jf Q-r Master General of the dr rv son .r .The BririA W be abjed to verr creat f- STStflS iSf a.rrbCTon iffiw. Tser toe Keen hr -stobohb and cbildreB Womn j " llrSJ1. He an. we can,- atid Mrs tiie peorfe k tiat tiere k gometihHig d greater thai !o"a .LSSiS "fJj" tarn are tie Hon of Como fflTaUhlei.t"aS! o?r a -2 oSS iher have taken. Tlify want ao dkaioeoraiAe peaen. irSL. 2 j 1 uillt . uwru nan in iBany places. - i A Mt m I fceerf e drapaay Farmers told her no men bad a- n n hp roar Kailrnan? - - - aBfeT te to sr? a- riiivnr f 2a,hm3 Qa- ryvi" bers I fee C. W. S. F. and tosk Tfie raara& of tie world are ha vine a bad Xt "kst?" I bated hx.-T)rhatis ihe1 athess. r 6- icpi Timm I83 a, Ianner to piek teaa' LH are ther rmfairlv JZ ZZt & htor I., ''r7! 7.! t asked t,; r. ' v7il -f - r; He-a i jafl." t . OTr lor is Dickers aad another unrai. iMVULUUg J.VJ iJitUT liiZI! I Ul WZV jyaOMOB SMQ OB. f JBaWMKBOD OI SatBDUUl 4aairj ttat ha no laoor union to fjroteet is apkirae! Tie soSdwe nnsKa is m,j " to t")- aaai se&tJsai tej- wvorl: oahr reasonable jao. 4Ww tfeef vz. paper ar b9giHe I fed the pressire of ewofeStaofi fmm "rjB Hra from her wj- aarjiaBeg. So far tfek coiapetition has bes not -eerr its- teMe sto eau be laSt m tiat triS carrj- passers at att lu o Ser" ,Rra b?T fa' aaw- s awse uw lxtsiH. at oen a raie as u eompare lav orawy wilfc jaaay of ti present rajhray rates. ProFret k m mKi up or ue trar rtanctjoitf out 3ee the war if over, plases iD be ased araeh more than they are tcay. Yet we cannot very wtffl get akmp n ith-ost the ndtoxzyz. They are necessary for the long hauls aod ezpedaSy fwr the haadfing of heavy shipments. Halibut eoald not xery wel betaken to the Atlantic coast with out tse raaways trflies it -was earned by huge ref rfeera- 5 tion places. Crippling The Enemy Tfe Roval Air Forw ardivitif hawp eaveroUr nAtoA the enemy and, if the British get enough airwlane and trained men, they will be able to smash all the synthetic oil plants in the Reich and also tie .up transportation and destroy oil stores so that the enemy activities which are all based on a proper oil supply will be completely paralyzed. That will mark the end of the German resistance. They cannot possrbhjrf ight without oil any more than they can fight without shells. Just now the British have had to divert nuury of their bomhing planes to help Greeee drive the Italians out of Albania. This part of the war will not last indefinitely. Some people think Italy will sue for peace and others feel sure they will soon lose their African possessions. The Italian army has been hogged down on the Egyptian border for many months. Once this part of the war is settled, fewer British planes will be needed there. More will be available for use in carrying the war into Germany. This is not the time for the British to talk peace. Rather it is a good time for Hitler to try to have the fighting stoned. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New that the people of the whole district are doing the same. FRESH SHRIMPS Daily After iHi jun. "BOAT VTSX. TEOTTEE5 DOCK Mike Colussi Arrordiosiit and Teacher AAA. CerUneate PHONE BED til Mrs. James Clark Palmistry Leeds Apartments. FirU St, Ground Flow Green 25 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 4. Zartm Froprletor MA HOMfc AWAY FBOM HOME" Ba's tie up 50 Rooo Hot & Cold Water Prbica Rupert, B.C. rhone 2S1 r.0. Box IN Sal came to her for 10 more. Her Bttte force of 175 girlsin the B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 4 DRESSERS From 3 COMPLETE BROWN ENAMEL BEDS Fran 8 TYPEWRITERS Of rarious rcakes. From 1 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Jost like new 1 COT In good condition at S7.50 TO $10.00 14.00 TO 816.50 S22.00TOS45.00 $45.00 $3.95 New Furniture H FELT SIATTRESSES-Slzes 3-1, 4-0. C7 Cfl Special . t?.DU 20 SPRING FILLED FELT MATTRESSES QIC K( Of finest jjoahty vAO.DU IS SPRING-FILLED FELT MATTRESSES With sUt Onn striped corericg material 4dU S UNP.UNTED DROP LEAF TABLES Yery stmo&j QJ hunt. Special 1 U.lD 2 4-piece BEDROOM S CITES ComhfJnz oi1x4sizar vanity aai bench, and cliiflrobe, la a-atfrfall noa design 09Z.DU 4 DRESSERS With round Birrors, ia -watnalall P9 Ef design, a real snap - ... . D U 1C CHESTERFIELD SUITES In al colors aad atjs From- $75.60 TO $104.00 Phone BLACK 314 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to K. C Clothiers 1 S y & M 1 V if S If P h o n t w: to EYES ACEOSS B.aTlC STOCKHOLM. Det C c ? faodeas ojfort Is w . : to aw in fee NorU: --. -hope jsatitBedin Svnr v G HaooM of the Sc - F lauyro nuor. am ner ams riomng uetooer. SweW. m were loraserir -waitresses stena- marjae Iosms i.o tracherE. domesUc serran: rierks Tesft. toi&ijng :5 0K SERVICE OF A BETTER CLASS aaaflaaaaaai & 7171 x bbbbV .obbbbw aaaam .aaaaaw (Art Murray) "JUST TRY 99 ONCE" "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL Try Our Famous Edson Hard Coal PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. EDSO.V, NAXAIMO-irELLTSGTO.V, BULK LET VALIXT Offke and Coal Bankers Trotler s Dock Phne 51 Gift Boxes By Yardley of London Priced From $1.00 to $10.00 Lavender Bath Salts $1.10 Lavender Bath Powder; $1.50 Lavender Toilet Water teic, Soc, S1.10 and , . . $1.75 Yardley Perfume . . $1.25, $20, $10 Ormes Lid. Pioneer Drvu&ists The Rexall Store Phones SI ft Open Dally from 8 a.m- till II p-m. Sandayi and Holidays from 12 to 2 P-m- ud 7 to pjn. t H I A 1 i 1