FAGKFOCB TEE DAILY NEWS ' Pttdiy JEHOVAH'S y COUGHS-dtuoe COLDS WITNESSES POEM Annettes k ASTHMA. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS BRONCHITIS A Pelice On Trail of Banned Orjan-tutioa JiWl Tat ML in Interior 1 can OMIwoy. J Timely Recipes CHICKEN" AND MUSHROOM SOUP rire seep 1 can condensed cream al mashrooa soap 1 can water The Enipiylhe ereaa of xauahroom sows Hrjery 4-5eap tefreaei j 4 2- MOOSE BUILDING -:- Oaro, B rl. of Smrinerv. and Ocn. Ciart: af Barns lake, are Vy -.hese days tereartgttmt v.ues im the BvBdey Valley district of the wet known as ""Jehovah's Witnesses' This far as the coast cities TELEPHONE GREEN 916 was The Grocery Business, formerly the Q. S-, has been taken over by Paul Steavig and renamed the "SAV-MOR" GROCERY The business of all old customers and trial orders from new friends will be appreciated very raueh. S AV- MOR fHOXE zr. ifanager Paul Stegavig BEDROOM DRESSERS k Ksser wiSfti three good Ant drawers. WALNUT FINISH STEEL BED Ceapiete with tabic King and Idt mattress. Ose sfae only. 3-9 P.O. BOX S3 FURNITURE VALUES WALNUT FINISH DINING ROOM SUITE t-ptece brand new dinars rooca suite eenssong buffev. extension txb&f aad stz cpfeertd ehairx QRQ H ODU.DU ItetbelpKses BEDR003I SUITE ; ttHlczter. TzaMy dresser, beneh and f sC- 872.00 S16.00 820.00 USED FURNITURE Chesterfield that converts to bed. Chesterfield Chairs, upholstered t-pestry. large walnut finish steel Crib. English Prams. Doll BBgy Girls Bicycle. Bedroom Dressers. Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood, ranges for burning oil. ready for use, heaters, walnut finish steel bed with spring and mattress, size 4-6. Dining Room Tables. Buffets. Pianos. Radios. Gramophones, records. Books, etc. Come in and Look Around Our Used Furniture Department EIO'S FURNITURE STORE THIRD AVENUE CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 pjn. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FAKE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN $36.00 Tickets on sale Nov 1st. 1940 to Feb. 23th, 1941. Final return limit March 31st. 1911 Far Full Information and ResertaUon, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Arenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines SPORT CHAT The tare of eash proved Toronto -Detroit .- Boston Chicago Rangers Americans Canadiens WD L F A Pis. 9 0 2 37 17 18 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 27 21 14 3 34 25 11 5 24 23 10 Reach ten Cxnsaad people vitb l "want ad." in the Dally News. OWE. FOR sa por SALE 5-piece walnut bedroom suite, radio, fender stool, smafl table- Phone 478. 285 FOR SALE Confectionery and variety store as going business. Showing nice profit and books open to buyer. Good reason for selling. Apply Daily News or P. O. box 938. 281 FOR SALE One 10-Inch band saw and carpenter's lathe and tools complete. Snap for cash. 146 4th Ave. East Phone Red 127. 186) FOR SALE Sedan car. Snap cash. Phone Green 317. for 290 FOR SALE Axminster Rug, sae 9 ft x 12ft. $20j00. Black 821. FOR KENl 286 FOR RENT Large furnished office Including heat and light Dally News. tf.j FOR RENT Room and board. Phone Green 997. (226) FOR RENT Furnished bedroom in centre of city. Phone Blue 909. (288) WANTED WANTED 3-room furnished apartment by December 15 or later. Phone Black 937. 2S9) WANTED 1st class experienced teacher for the Omineca School. Rose Lake. B.C. Duties to commence the 6th of January. 1941. Grades one to eight Salary $900 per annum. Apply at once to E ' F. Mould, Secretary. a$9r ;' 1 COW BOYS WIN HALF unampn jocrey 01 use year banned. Iraa Parke fiTe aSiaiSht win-; Tip Top Tailors' Cup Tiif aM serxl al Jefferson. Bridge Learn U Commence along with other, by Use Dxnta-"3 isn ocmrament In Jaty of this Park 17 150 Tterday. Nut Week Recently people in different puts of Canada awoke one -Sunday. run xiaisaett me season vital 173 wins from 718 mounts. The fat eeadesued eheekrn wih mom to find feat driag the 'i the hoars -fcttozs had " early left liter-m atere on the door Asp. eomwtmg erfcieteaBy f a booklet AKfTYKn Tin "biers 9160. Cow Boys 6200. in Cow Boys are winners of the first half of the Prince Rupert Bridge League, this period of the schedule Kartnr mnrhttri -tV too I list night's play. The second half m3Ch Ier ttefr-honored asree-jwiH jet under the' booklets have h-ea judged way Jollowine MtarTaBd Iatllt broadcasting amcag'CTirisimas and New Year holiday a of a a sTO-erarre bT-TT- nature ana TMtv -,, ,. . I into a saaeeion and stir it -koIL aD tue-tbws mbers of of -JehTh' "Jehovah's 'Wit Wit- suc,Ka. aurauy rat up w ,ww . baseball elubs two years ago to-Ton Tailors' Cno coxnnetttton win Then a fill the ct-cken sfjop a mae asf isay be Itaate w nrosees- at a -fee. stirring constantly This tion w6r Defense Canada Re- ?? TOy ir3W 'or v, th- mirt-r- h pm r-tetk--, .to te "- t "7 Mac-.the first round as follows: Cana- iwsn tn 4m?A h uvi ..i 1 . . an epty sasp can with eofai water Gnfaophoae rewrd. books, let- 1 ZT, rTJI .1 , TZCl JCZ -uaaai ecruoa assocu-ard at this fata the soap mfcrture ten TnMdeU hare been B?k)P P" ! Sons of Norway: Rarablers owly. S to the boffins point fod to seralt-e. between:5"5 J3 rt Jy-andierve. fouTTcfaT aSon' boeae away' ,or Ti Grotto vs. Serves Bo-ata. and Pe The ZZJrZ? , ! ;next tTo 5SOIli Musketeers. Try a Daily Xews TS"at-Ad. ; nc xvapert oncse eague re- D T?r II lrTXTfn, C iHdts 1 nirt ere as follows: JALiJ YYiilVJU I Mosketeers 8500. Canadian Ka- iuu nccreauon Assoaauon 7260 lYUYlLll Mr Grotto 11.500. Prince Rapert Dairy, 4000. Creep a Little Closer to Toronto J f -Vor - Q inos, JUple Leafs in National Hockey PP013 Montreal League Standing CHICAGO, dian Press" crept up a December 6 'Cana T"W rtlt TfoA VCi-nm leading Toronto Maple Leafs in Week-end games in the National Hockey League are scheduled as follows: Detroit ts. Canadiens at Mont real; Boston at Toronto. Sunday Detroit vs. Rangers at New York: Boston ts. Chicago. The National League standing Is as foSows: trague scanning: Cow Boys I Ramblers litUe closer to the '?,".tlto; Musketeers G ..7 .7 .the National Hockey League stand-V,' t,7 -ing ' last night by defeating Chl- 1 cago Black Hawks easily fire goals ' to one here. The New York Rangers went into a tie -with the Black Hawks for fourth place by scoring a close 3 to 2 rxrtory orer the Canadiens at F 65640 64090 62110 53960 55S60. 52400 47150 39010 A 55690 50900 47100 55080 61099 58780 58990 51990 65640 64090! 62110 55960' 55860 52400 47150 390101 ARMY HOOP PLAY GOOD game; of the army and Air Force I teams were run off at the Armories 1 last night j In the first game the Irish Fusl- J liers, under the captaincy of Corp. j Armstrong, were defeated by the ; ,vii Royal Canadian Air Force by a score. 53 to 4. The airmen had the ad- I 8 19 40 7 7 21 34 cTantaSe through the game. The (I .uua squau lacxea team piay. iney were eager, which resulted in too much Individual ulay. In the second game the Scottish defeated the Irish team under St. Gray by a score of 18 to 16. This was probably the best league game which has been played in the Ar-1 rnories by the troops. In the first' Quarter of the game the ScotUh got , away to a flying start by making . the score 10-2. In the second half ! the Irish settled down and, from' then on. tbe game was -something! to watch. The boys had the ball from one end of the hall to the-other and gave the audience some j real thrills. ( A Terj noticeable improvement has been shown In the R. C. A. F. squad. These boys have sprung from a slow working outfit to a mappy. well-grounded team. Referee for the evening was Mel Bussey who was kept busy for two fast and exciting games. The teams: R.CAJ Vlneberg 4. Smyth X Grant 3. Donner 2, Brebner 3, El liot 2, Brooks 16. Irish Fusiliers Armstrong. Forb es. Kelly. Miller 4. Golden. Black. Scottish Martin. Tippet 5. Smi-I ley 5. Dwyer 6. Pritchard 2. Farmer. Second Irish 'WhltUe 2. Rush.! Storogen 6, Kerr 2. San ford 2. Haddock 2, Gray 2. Hockey Scores Pacific Coast Learwe Vancouver 2, Portland 0. SHITS UP AGAIN STOCKHOLM, Dec. 6: CP 1 Sunk in. deep wafer Lq the Northern Baltic during the Russo-Plnnith war last winter, the Swedish 750-tcn steamer Wirgo has been salvaged by a Swedish company. CLNJt. TRAINS For tbe East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days -... . (pa. From the East Tuesdays Thursday's and Saturday 11 djq. Saturday, December 7th 9 till 11 a.m. " Onlj Fnr Trimmed Coats-Large woif coUars. 38 u . CLOCK SALE. 9 to 11 wvu - t9 1 w-. . , . . ..Portland -RejnUar to $2950 S9.00 5 0 8 35 41 lo'jjgfS Central Hotel Modern Steam-Heated Rooms, Dining Room, Steam Bath and Housekeeping Apartments Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Skate To Reduce SkaUng Every Nile 7-11 Saturday 2-5 p.m. Gents 40c Ladles 30c Students 20c Children 7-9 15c IDORA ROLLER RINK ARROW BUS Time Table Effective Dec. 2 PHONE 459 Leaves Leaves Post Office Seal Cove A-M. AJi. 7:25 7:40 2:15 .30 10:00 10:30 1:30 12:00 Sat Only Sat. Only P-L pjn. 12:30 i:oo WL P.M. 1:M 2:00 .3400. 4:30 5:00 6:10 $;jo 6:30 6:45 70 3:00 9:30 ia:oo 109 11:00 110 11:45 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 10 2:00 2:30 3:oo 4:30 5:00 7:00 7:30 10 20 n:oo Arrangements may be made for Special Trips or Partirv 5 Sl TSl 2 For Coats Seal i l size 20 uiar raloe J49a CLOCK SALE, 9 to 11 $2150 25 only - Evening Dresses - 25 only Crash resisten; veivet. crepe, sheers n u. taffetas, satin ar v:ue to $16 95 N'o Tn -ons. No Charges. CLOCK SALE SPECIAL All colors including ; S5.00 Street Dresses Prints, crepes, sheers. ; raevs. Satin Slips Lace trim, blue , plaids, wools. 14 to 44 Remarkable dresses for white Remarkable raloe Sa- - n. 4 ailoccasiocvNotrj-ons.no QQ AA lar raiue $lf0. n charges CLOCK SALE 9 u 11 . QOtUU CLOCK SALE 9 to 11 3C Girls Dresses In Dlaids and plain, crep-s and Striped Satin Nightgowns and raiami. woois Regular values to $2 95 7n uiar value $2.95. 7,; CLOCK SALE 9 to 11 PL CLOCK SALE. 9 to 11 QlQ Pure Wool Scarves Reeuiar values Q4 t Girls' Blaiers Sizes 10 to 14 Res OA to $2 95. CLOCK SALE 9 to 11 OX.UU $2 95 CLOCK SALE 9 to U oLQQ 2 Girls Coats Fur trimmed. QiT (1(1 Silk Hoe Regular Talue 3 pa" - o aa ReeuUr value $12 95 A: OQJJ S1.00 CLOCK SALEfioeHal. 4 r..:, Ol.Ul) Women's Blaierv Pd? checks. pLwn. aU . . ,r i t .v color-. aU ete Reau-i: values :o $4 95 Make Waists Alpine cloth, all sues - p. an idea: Xrr.zs g..': QQ Af a-ar value $2S5. r4 CLOCK SALE 9 : 11 0-5.UU CLOCK SALE Special. 9 to Ii Ol.Utl Annette Ladie Wear Co. Hockey Standings Pacific Coast League NEXT DOOi; C-V OFFICE THIRD AVENTE EARNING THEIR BOARD BERLIN. Dec 6: CP With the exception of officers all Polish and ! French war prisoners hare been wn t r i tm. ! nut to vork an the fnrma nr tnHnt. I . , ... . l, Tf M X f . ! v w ra""5:in:"a .Vancouver 7 1 4 41 a i5j tries of Germany. '.Spokane 5 2 4 24 27 12 ROCK KILLS MIXIR KALGOORLIE A CPt William P. miner, was kd tons of rock fel, foot level of a g WALLACE'S De- Early Gift Suggestions; 1 Sj t Wrapping Tissue Boxed Hankies In a nleasri vr " P I 35c TO $1.50 Tn-wmJt rtf Ctt.-m- TT T- -i U V l O MIIIVIIII J -- a more pleasing oo 0,95 1 assortment. From Fanev Towel Sets All eellooh-r? w Amost practical gift 50CTOS3.953 Boxed Xmai Cards The eaf v-J 1 . t, v ' .1 auie your caru prooiem nc u- - - - -mit -Tno4 AHA n n. From .. Ribbon Ties and String. Tags ar.d S Pleasing Variety - BUTTER MAID DELICATESSEN Ask About Our Health Bread Silversides Block Third Ave. , If you have something to sell, a dassif iec advertjwm t ;ri this paper vill soon let you know if there is a wi) T-Uk-t.'" CI We Have Our Xmas Stock so Arranged that -Making Selection Is an Easy Matter . jl Phone 9 THIRD and FULTON -f v?l 9or it j -.-it a