vr li." " December , 1940. Twenty -Five Years Ago i r.,r Decfmbcr 6, 1915 . r-i m i rip case irom x-uri rising upyins theJattentlon of nf the supreme, court ... triure'Mr. Justice W. A., . ,d The Jury consists of ;. H McColl, P Samuel rrt,v H. J Blake. J. Basso . cj n i j i.MVKisiin and C. T. Heward. Prince Rupert" with so dlcrs from this city locat- TV ;,i ,-ai Sons of Kngland Lodge . . -.-d officers as follows. ;d' 1' Stephen King; vlce- j Slirlford Darton; chap-i Enn'st Unwln; secretary, H. g; ! treasuter, S. M. New-1 f : committeeman, H. 1 Fraser & Spain Shortens Leisure Hours MADRID, Dec. 6: (CP) The government has decided, In order to economize on coal and electricity, to make the leisurely Spanish people change their established habits of keeping late hours. The decision, to date limited to . Ilafcer than life in the rest of Eur . ... fTA ffu4 tmt a . s p MCMoraie, witn worn is aone in y A Pettlgrcw and Capt. tne afternoon and evening. Snan- , is now stationed at lards cat luncheon at 2:30 or 3 .;, England, with the 48th. P.m ,) Thr camp there is call- dine around 10:30 and eo to Daughter Of Dugald Campbell Is Dead Lrr Atkins, outer guard, Meth bell had been 111 for onlv a few davs. auditors, rrea rrt'-man trustees, Payn 79c, 89c, 81.00 es ANNUAL Silk Lingerie Sale i Friday, Saturday, Monday V Vinjtrie is a gift every lady, young or old, appreciates. A gift of ,,iqtrie from Fraser & Paynes will be something you will be J Ti to site, AII garments packed In gift boxes. I VVithtr In price than last season and In some cases lower. Bc- li l I I I hp)le to buy direct from the manufacturer means a big saving ODU SATIN PANTIES -.ed styles. Pair- Tea rose and white. Tailored and ERASSIEIt and PANT IE SETS Satin and crepe-dc-chlne. T; 1 rose and white. Set- S1.00, 81.29, $1.75 $2.25 FKIXCKSS SLIPS- New styles and cuts, satin and crcpe-de-'-:ne Each- S1.00, $1.25, $1.29, $1.75 SIGHT GOWNS- In Raysuede. crepe-de-chlne. silk, satins and nelenese. Assorted shades. Each-- S1.59, $1.95, $2.25, $2.95, $3.95 g I-ADIKS' PYJAMAS -Silk, satins and celenese satins, assort- ihade knd styles- $1.95, $2.25, $3.50, $3.95 ,v Are Displaying In Our Windows Several Smart New Styles in rerfect Filing Garments 1 50c 95c 40c Just say "Three Two please," Bcdroom slippers for father, mother, sister, brother at-Fashion Footwear. Itf) ilndiav J ia brief announcement that hours of bed -quilt, Harrison rteon J H'1111 cnanged t0 rearranse the! the theatre at 11. They usually are 1 trip to Vancouver. in their favorite cafes at 2 or 3 am. i Mr. and Mrs. C. Knap ton sailed 1 last night on the Prince Rupert j for Vancouver. Mr.Knapton is being taken south for treatment at the hands of specialists. 1 J. E. Amundsen, general superintendent for the E. J. Ryan Con- , trading Co., sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on his return to' meeting of the Junior Section Stork and she was the daughter of Dugald 'the Prince canon a. Campbell, representative of the Commerce, Provincial Constable W. W. ter a trip here on escort duty. Go- raii3axiaKai'aitiwi.a3i Phone 957 JONES' I FAMILY MARKET SHOULDER ROAST Par 1h 'STANDING RIB Per lb v ROAST off the ROUND- Per lb. T-BONE Ter lb 6 LEG of PORK Per lb. LOIN of PORK Per lb VEAL lb. LEG OF VEAL RUMP ROAST SHOULDER PORK-Per lb. FOWL Per lb CHICKEN Per lb PREMIUM HAM Whole or half. Per lb Phone 957 Saturday Specials RUMP ROAST Of BEEF Per lb SIRLOIN TlP-Per lb T-BONE Per lb, ROAST off the ROUND Per lb PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb wummmsammmamm 20c 22c 25c 20c 22c nULKI.F.Y VALLEY BABY BEEF 15c 20c 22c 25c $1.00 Fraser & Payne's ?;siHr Annual Silk Lingerie Sale J j fillet of veal- 25C FKIDAY, SATURDAY and aiuimjai a veAl steak- oC GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! -pi, FOR YOUNG AND OLD AshT,.,.Stl29C 50c Cotton Rugs 18x36. Good quality Cotton Rugs 24x43 Fountain Pen and rencil Sets Ca" Karly At- The VARIETY STORE PORK 25c 25c 15c 25c 30c 30c !::!!: . I. TZE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Buy Basketball Tickets how. To Whom It May Concert 285 Just say rrhree .Two please." Basketball Savoy vs. Petersburg T, , 4 ....J a A,, Chest Colds To Relieve Misery Rub on Genuine VicksVapoRub George Bryant sailed last night Mrs. William Cruickshank receiv- vanmnvpr aftor a hrtpf visit here on the Prince Rupert for Van- sid committeeman, Al- ed word by wire today of the death to inspect progress of work at the couver. s:o imb: imb: tnira committee- in Vancouver of her niece. .Miss .Rpal fYivp nlr hasp. ! A. Fuli'-r; fourth committee- Ruth Campbell, daughter of Mr. and D. Lindsay; Inner guard. Mrs. Dugald Campbell. MlssCamp- 1 Mrs. Stanley w. eolton and son Tint hp rpcnnncihlp fnr tVtp rnir. The movement to Vancouver and ent of arfy debts mcurred by elsewhere In the south of local anyone ln my name-aS-frorii this troops on holiday leave has com- date and will increase as .the menced Dated at PrlriCe nuperti B c Christmas and New Year; season ih,. PnH a, n, rwmKr 10m approaches. There are also a number of transfers south and replacements and these also are ex-j pected to soon become more general, j L. RAPP Funeral Notice The funeral of the late John Hedstrom will take place tomorrow, , Saturday, at 2 p.m. from the B. C. j Undertakers' Chapel. Announcements All Advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Second Searchlight Auxiliary Dance, Armouries, December 6. Red Cross Tea, Legion Hall, urday, December 7. Game dinner, December 11. Eagles Bridge December 18. Hill Sixty Tea And Sale Held Successful Affair Last Saturday Sat- S.O.N. Christmas tree and dance December 26. Moose Hall. Genuine Hogrnany Dance, Odd-' fellow's Hall, December 31, THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Kupert Afternoon at Canadian Legion Hall Quite successful was the tea and ! sale of home cooking held last Bat- . lorgeiKeauroMie . iuua, a afternoon by Hill Sixty Chap- HalL tomorrow from 3 tn B. Raffle 285:. 1 ..... . (286), I ter, Imperial Order, Daughters of thp Pmnirp. at the Canadian Lselon 1 n C! Rt. Clair. district forester... .. ..j, i j.j , a time people eat. work, eo to the Canadian Leeion Christmas tree 'kaHmI last nleht on the PrineeRu- . ' . - j ... . ; . . . . " : . . -.- - Daironaee 10 me anait iuu uw. ;umuc aim 5ii in caies. broueht . uecemoer 21. Members navinK.-rvrt for a trln to Ocean Falls on :. ... . widespread public speculation. cfaUdr under 12 kindly give in.fflcial.dutie,: . ' SewS S tte . r t tt t 1 "S"""'" Mm n M .u . ...t.ii 1 I al lea v. j. jjtmico, yiij tuium Known A.eLcnuiaii saivaxe uueiauji.L, in the city on Tuesday night's arrived in the city on the Prince train from Klspiox, sailed last Rupert last evening from Kechi- , night on the Prince Rupert for aikan, being here on business. The regular monthly dinner sailed last night on the Prince Ru- decorated with fall flowers. 0f pert for a brief trip to Vancouver. Rupert Chamber of ordinarily scheduled Capitol Theatre have special f x a; d C Freeman; delegate Canadian Linotype Co., who is well for this evening, is put off for a xmas gift tickets or books in glftj fc-wne Loage. a. n. buver- known in Prince Runert and wppIc owini? tn other events beine envelopes lor cnuaren ana aauus. throughout thls district. on tonight. (tf) At the first of this month the 5SSif;SSS5' Deans of Duncan, Vancouver Is- Pt office at Surf Inlet was re- land, sailed by the Prince Rupert openea auer Deing ciusea ior a last ntght on his return south af- number of years. lne iouth. he had an Insane pa- Br Joseph T. Mandy, resident tlent In his charge. Presiding tables were Mrs. Jack Durran, Mrs. G. W. Abbott, Mrs. R. 1 M. Winslow, Mrs. H. A. Breen, Mrs. .H. N. Brocklesby and Mrs. Arnold I Flaten. Acting as cashier was Mrs. H. L. Landrey while numerous mem bers of the chapter acted as servi-teurs. The home cooking table was .in charge of Mrs. William Reld and i Mrs. J. A. Frew. 1 There were three raffles. Mrs.' David Tavlor was the winner of a! I table centre donated by Mrs. Buch-1 1 . anan. A cushion, donated by Mrs. ",Jack Sutherland, wag won by Mrs. Thomas Boulter. A book of Capl-, tol Theatre tickets, presented by. D. G. Borland, was won by Mrs.' James Stewart. I The tea tables were attractirely New Curtains At j Capitol Theatre Visual Atmosphere of Stage Greatly Enhanced by New Drapery Installation Much favorable comment has: hppn hparH on thp (rrpat Imnrnvp.i mining engineer for the northwest-;ment n of the! ern mineral survey district, sailed, . .11PA ... ran(tn, TnMtP(1 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Arnold sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for through installation of fine sheer last night on the Prince Rupert, a trip to. Victoria on official duties. 'madras curtalns which wltn the for Victoria where the former has He will attend a departmental con-colored llghting eifects, give a very been called on naval duties. Other ference. pleasing appearance. As Is done in local men going south fr naval , 1 the large metroDolitan theatres, the duty at Esauimau on last nignvs j boat were H. L. Lundqulst, D. H. Arney and Bruce Love, Jr. NOTICE Don't Delay Christmas Is Only a few weeks away Before you know it Christmas wilt be here. Purchase your Christmas cards today. CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING, SEALS, TAGS, ETC. Enjoy full selection, leisure In shopping and delivery at your convenience. DIBB PRINTING Company Betner Block Phone 234 GERM ANT'S HELP BERLIN, Dec. 6: (CP) Apart from war prisoners, 950,000 foreigners are employed in Germany and of these 550,000 are farmhands. the,-"1 screen while title matter and , will ductlons are being projected. It makes a fine dressing for the stage and vastly enhances the visual MRS. CR0XF0RD NEW PRESIDENT Annual Meeting Yesterday After-noon of Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Church The annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Anglican Church was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout, Fourth Avenue East. There was a good attendance. The treasurer's report for the past year was a satisfactory document, giving a very favorable account. Other reports indicated a busy and useful year. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Vice-President. Mrs. W. Garllck. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Helen Henderson. Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. D. Sle-vert. Before the close of the cather- 102nd Auxiliary tea. Legion Hall. I1" refreshments were served by December 12 ine nosress. COPENHAGEN, Dec. 6: CP Nettles were harvested lh Several regions in Denmark to be thrashed and used for the same purposes as flax. 1 ..v,VAv fowl Seagram's AiiDue lllllN 13oz FLASK 1 H i ililp 25,., '2.35 J .1 I kH W 1 I This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. t We bought three brand new heaters J, Just so you wouldn't freeze . r.. ,rt We bought three cars "to put them in J t They .answer ; , t I (THRFF.TWn PI .R ASF I , III A M. A WW -W M. mm. -m. - The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease J If you want safety with comfort Call us at I 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' ! J RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE J A Large Shipment of 1 COFFEE TABLES! Radio and Magazine Tables I? Just Arrived S Also a new shipment of Chesterfield Suites in latest tfo designs. Come early and make your selection. MacKenzies Furniture Phone 775 I RAILWAY ! LINES "A Good Place to Buy' CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S S. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT S.S. PRINCESS NORAH-December 9th, 19th, Jan. 2nd, 16th. 30th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from XV, L. COATES, General Agent - Prince Kupert, B.C. I 327 3rd Avenue jfo . C3 A til A. r 4 I... v,: til f .,-17 :;.) . '. : . -1 1 ''I . t m HO .:n i i . Ut r wf . 'Mi