SOUTH ATLANTIC NAVAL BATTI P LONDON A naval battle IHjS between an unidentified German vessel and the British auxlliaJy cruiser Carnavon Castle, a converted passenger liner of 20,063 tons, has resulted In s ight damage to the British vessel with wveral of the crew Injured, it is announced. Shots were ex-changed at a distance t0 ten miles. fceyen Full detail, 0f the battle are not yet available. ITALIANS ABANDON SOUTH ALBANIA ATHENS-Victorious Greek troop, smashed into Santa Caranta and Argirocastro, Important Italian base cities In Albania, during the night a, Premier Benito Mussolini's vanquished forces fled In panic and complete disorder t0 the north. The Italians arc, apparently, abandoning all of southern Alban-ia and that a, quickly as possible. The capture of Santa Caranta and Arglrocastra constitutes the greatest Greek victory since the taking of Korltza on November 22. The blue and white flag of Greece flew from the city halls of both citie, today the Tascist forces took to headlong flight, they endeavoured "to fire both town, yesterday but, coming In from the outskirts the Creeks advanced so rapidly that they were unable to remove or destroy all their equipment. MUSSOLINI REMOVES WAR CHIEF ROME Premier Benito Mussolini ha, removed Marshal Fie-tro Badoglio as chief of general staff of the Italian Army, replacing him with General Ugo Cavaliaro. Dissatisfaction of II Duce with Badoglio's direction of the campaign in Greece and Albania, which has developed into a fiasco, is believed to be the cause of the change. Badoglio has long been regarded as Italy's most prominent soldier. He directed the Ethiopian campaign and became known as the "Duke of Addis Ababa. He has had a prominent part In the directing of the war against Greece HISTORIC BOMBING TARGETS LONDON Terrific anti-aircraft fire today drove back wave after wave of Nail raiding planes In an attack upon the Important south coast naval base town of Portsmouth. Unfavorable weather during the night curtailed the attack upon London and elsewhere In Great Britain since yesterday. There were two alerts In London before midnight but nothing of consequence developed. It ha, been disclosed that Windsor Castle, Greenwich Observatory and Holyrood Castle In Edinburgh have been the targets of recent Nail air attacks. Three bombs dropped in the grounds of Windsor one on the goh course, one near the . tennis court and one on the bowling green. At Greenwich a high explosive bomb damaged the priceless revolving globe and the famou, timepiece. Bones of ancient kings and queens uf Scotland wre disinterred at Holyrood. The remain, of Mary, Queen of Scots, are among those which have reposed there. PASSING OF GEO- ALLEN rrtiident of Great West Life' and Cinadian Hudson Bay Head Dies In Victoria VICTORIA. December 6. (Cana- fan Press) George William Allan MONTEVIDEO, December 6: (Ca- anti-aircraft fire and bad weather If Winnipeg, president of thejnadian Press) The British armed having combined to frustrate It. OmtWcst Life Assurance Co. and. merchant cruiser Carnarvon Cas- The raid on Dusseldorf Wednes-Afcman of the Canadian com-, tie, damaged in battle with a Ger-iday night lasted from 6 p.m. until H of the Hudson Bay Co., died . fo btal here today. PRESIDENT UNDER WAY Ithe engagement when the German it Sea Again Today Following H,raider outdistanced her and said. Visit to British Island Colony of Jamaica KINGSTON, Jamaica, Dec. 6. Concluding his visit to this British Island colony, President Franklin D. Roosevelt left today aboard UJ5.S. Tuscaloosa In continuation of his tow of Caribbean defences. His Prince Rupert-overcast, south-wxt point of visit was not dLsclos- least wind, fourteen miles per hour; ed. .barometer, 29.65; temperature, 43; Except to visit the site on Port-1 visibility, twenty miles; light chop, land Bight the use of which United i Island-ralnlng. south- States has obtained from Great Bri- east wind, twenty miles per hour; tain for the establishment of an air, and naval base, President Roosevelt flW not go ashore In Jamaica. lie Inspected the large fleet anchorage j and the ground for an all base. j Mr Roosevelt entertained Sir Arthur Richards, Oovernor of Jamaica, and Mrs. Richards and family aboard the Tuscaloosa at luncheon. The United States consul to Jamaica wa also present. The President got an actual sight of war operations by seeing a. Brl-tish steamer which had on board lx hundred German prisoners of "ar enroute to Canada. TIME STILL MARCHES ON imaging of Greenwich Observa-to'y by Bombing Has Not Put Famous Ball Out of Commission LONDON rwpmhpr 6 (Canadian Press)Althoirgh the Greenwich Observatory was damaged in a re-Cfnt air raid, the famous time all continues to function, It as Rinsed today. . IS HEADING INTO PORT Carnarvon Castle Due at Monte, vido Monday, Being Given Permission to Make Repairs There man raider, Is expected to reach Montevideo Monday, aDnarently seeking repairs. It Is learned that the Uruguayan government has granted permission for her entry. Informed sources place the scene jof the battle one thousand miles .northeast of Montevideo. Naval isources believe the ship broke off that the fact that the Carnarvon Navy Castle was putting Into port lndi-'the cated that another warship has out taking up the chase. TODAY'S WEATHER visibility, ten miles: sea rougn. Lansara Island raining, south east wind, twelve miles per hour; barometer, 29.36; temperature, 42; visibility, twelve miles; light swell. Dead Tree Point raining, southeast wind, 27 miles per hour; barometer, 29.47; temperature, 46; visibility, five miles; sea rough. Bull Harbor light rain, southeast wind, 21 miles per hour; barometer, 29.94; temperature, 44; vis ibility, six miles; moderate swell. Alert Bay southwest wind, 21 miles per hour; barometer. 30.03; temperature, 44; visibility, 15 miles; sea rough. Estevan overcast, south southeast wind, twelve miles per hour; barometer, 30.09; temperature, 46. Victoria overcast, soumeast wind, ten miles per hour; Daro- meter, 30.21; temperature. i. Vancouver overcast, easicujr wind, seven miles per nour. Bar ometer. 30.20; temperature, 44 Prince George- clear, soumcny wind, ten miles per hour; baro meter, 29.95. NEW YORK corrER NEW YORK, Dec. 6:- Copper was unchanged on the New York metal market yesterday with March closing at 10.95c per pourfd. Vol. XXIX., No. 288. - as ft 1 A 1 LIBRARY 1 Warv 1 ews She Wmm NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH Tomorrow sT ides High 7:59 am 18.3 tl. 20:12 pjn. 16.0 ft. Low 1:00 ajn. 7.3 ft. 14:03 pm. 9.0 It. Greeks Sweeping Ahead BLOWS BY OUR SIDE HEAVIEST Last Forty-eight Hours of Aerial War Has Been More Costly For Enemy Than For Britain NAZIS RETURN TONIGHT LONDON. Dec. 6: (CP) After inactivity through daylight hours, the German air force swooped back on England with darkness tonight. Plane, are reported over southwest town, the industrial Midlands and Wales. An official statement discloses that German bombers, sweeping over in waves, ltll'M a number of persons and Inflicted heavy damage to private o-ertv In the south coat naval base of Portsmouth in a rnn,"T't rated three "nour assault. i large number were left home less', i LCNDCN, Dec. 6.- Far hravi-r! bfbws have been delivered by Ore-it Britain a-iainst Germany in the air war durin? the oast forty-elaht hcurs than Germany has been able to score unon Britain. V , bonds, A concent rated attack which was bearing attempted last night by the Nads' ,1JfH?u? M untU after mld" last nght--mouth onithe naval base city of Petty inlght I- believed to have been In ! the nature of reprisal for smashing ; blows delivered by the Royal Air i Force on Turin, Italy, and Dussel-: dorf, Germany. It was suggested in Berlin .that, it was but the start of a campaign to reduce BritlMi naval base and that further attacks on Portsmouth might be an-' ticlpated. As it was last night's attack resulted in little damage and! ifew casualties, effective British! 6 a.m. and was continuous through- out that time. Tons of bomb3 were dropped and many fires were left behind, extensive damage tc the Important German centre being evident. In addition to explosives, leaflets were dropped on Turin and pictures showing actual damage which was done to Taranto naval base on the recent raid there by the British air arm when a large part of Italian fleet was entirely put of commission. Last night, on the whole, aerial warfarp was at a low ebb owing to the unfavorable weather. Nevertheless, British planes crossed the Channel to drop bomb3 on military objectives In Holland and France, two of the planes falling to return. There was another duel of big guns across the Channel yesteiday. SURVIVORS ARE LANDED No Details of Marine Disaster Ull Australian Coast Six Lose Lives CANBERRA, Australia, Decem ber 6 (Canadian Press)--Thirteen survivors of an unidentified ship were rescued from the wreckage of their vsesel on the Australian coast last night. The sunken ves sel was not Identified but it was reported that six members of the crew were lost. No details were given. ONE NEUTRAL NAVY STOCKHOLM, Dec. 6: (CP) The Swedish Navy is being reinforced at lsh d stcrll was rapid speed - October launchlngsat Qn New york fo Including three mine-sweepers. exchange yesterday. LIKE FATHER LIKE SON MELBOURNE, Dec. 6: (CP) First father and son to have their "wings" in the Royal Air Force are Flight-Lieutenant R. U. Hoddlnott and his son, Pilot Officer W. Hoddlnott. PRINCE DUSSELDORF HEAVY HIT Object of Most Intensified Raid Yet By Royal Air Force LONDON, Dec. 6: (CP) The air raid of the .Royal Air Force on Dusseldorf railway yards and factories Wednesday night was the longest and most Intensive yet carried out on a single objectlv by the British. It lasted rrom 6 p. .m until 6 ajn. and tons of bombs were dropped. , 1 PROPOSAL I ' REJECTED ICompu'sory Non-Interest Bearing Bond Purchase Not Favored ' OTTAWA, Dec. 6: CP- The "ouse ot Commons yesterday, by a d'v;on .145to l9' voted down " iwmuu nu- erat'" Pf1 ma.k,nS compul- TODAY'S STOCKS ( Court j 8. D Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, Caribci Quartz. 2.20. Dentonio, 0A. Fairview. .00. Hr(ilr "iscot, .55. Mlnto, .01. Noble Five, .OD'-i. Pend Oreille. 1.80. Poneer. 2.05. Premier, .85. Privateer. .53. evcs Ma'idonald. .17. Reno, .12. Rlief Arlington, .02'2. Salmon Gold, .02 "4. Sheep Creek, .85. Cariboo Hudson, .02iA. Oils A. P. Con., .09. Calmont, .23. C. & E., 1.40. Home, 2.40. Pacalta, .05. Royal Canadian, .092A. Okalta, .70. Mercury, .04'i. Prairie Royalties, .07. Toronto Aldermac, .15. Beattle, 1.15. Central Pat., 1.95. Cons. Smelters, SS.OOi. East Malartic, 2.85. Fernland, .02. Francoeur, .44. Gods Lake, .40. Hardrock, 1.02. Int. Nickel, 34.00. Kerr Addison, 3.50. Little Long Lac, 2.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.30. Madsen Red Lake, .64. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.21. Moneta, .53. Noranda, 56.00 V4. Pickle Crow, 2.95. Preston East Dome, 3.20. San Antonio, 2.55.. Sherrltt Gordon, .80. Uchl, .30. Bouscadillac, .03. ' Mosher, .O6V2. Oklend, .08. Smelters Gold, .00 VS. . Dominion Bridge, 25.00. POUND STERLING NEW YORK. Dec. 6:rr-The Brl- CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, Dec. 6: Wheat prices were lie lower to yac higher on J.'the Chicago market yesterday with 1 December closing at 90 lie COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, Bulletins MRS ORCHARD DIES Many old friends in the city will learn with regret of the death in Vancouver on Sunday last of Mrs. Jessie Emily Orchard, wife of Wallace C. Orchard, who was for many years general agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway in Trince Rupert, having ! left htre nine years ago. Mrs. Orchard had suffered a ' number of strokes but was able ! to .be about until last Friday when she 'was seiied with the final one. Besides the Widower, Mrs. Orchard, who was 73 years of age, is survived by a son, Fred, and a daughter, Mrs. Edward Mayon. The funeral took place . In Vancouver Wednesday afternoon with Rev. Roy Mainwaring i officiating. ! 1 CAPT. KINNEY DIES VICTORIA Capt. Charles P. Kinney, retired veteran master mariner of this coast, passed away here yesterday. DEATH PENALTY BERLIN According to infor-. matlon received here, Premier Ion Antonescu has decreed the death penalty for those instigating or leading rebellions in Rumania. There is no appeal and execution must be carried out within ten hours of the imposi tion of sentence. , ., ENOKMOUS CONTRACTS WASHINGTON Contracts for --a.lo combat ships are now bein? carried out in the United Stat s. The total value of $3,-yfl".0f)0. Ships are coming off the ways at the rate of one every twelve days. A total of 162,000 nrr -niHcycd in the shipyards. Crn'trucl'on time has been speeded up to 35 months for cruiser and 21 months for destroyers. ROME UNDER FIRE? ROME Reuters said that the Rome radio went off the air at 6:40 p.m. Silence of radio is a . familiar precaution against air l raids In Italy. I GREEK SHIP DISABLED l NEW YORK A Greek vessel has sent out "S.O.S." messages from 400 miles west of the British Isles, saving she is disabled in a storm with 29 on board. TO HELP BRITAIN WASHINGTON Unjted Slates, in making a $100,000,000 loan to Argentina, does so on the distinct understanding that Argentina I will extend a $160,000,000 credit to Great Britain for purchase of foodstuffs. Thus the making of a direct loan by United States to Great Britain vill be obviated and it will not be necessary to amend the Johnson Act. Sir Frederick Phillips, Under Secretary of the British Treasury, arrived here today to meet the United States government and explain Britain's financial status and her war needs. DETONIA PROTESTED , VICHY The United Stales embassy , is reported to have protested against the German detention of the former embassy reception-I 1st Mrs. Elizabeth Dec; in on 1 what are described unofficially as charges that she aided British officers j to escape from unoccupied France. GERMAN PEACE BID BUDAPEST A German peace i proposal for the ending of the 1 war between Greece and Italy is ' reported to have been delivered through Turkish authorities to Premier John Mctaxas ot Greece at Salonika. DECEMBER 671940. GO WITH BRITAIN Southern Dominion Arranges Closer Ties With Free France Possessions AUCKLAND, N.Z., Dec. 6; (CP) The decision of the French possessions of Noumea and Tahiti lo rally to the cause of General de Gaulle and Free France has resulted in closer ties with British possessions in the Pacific. Following the plebiscite In Ta- 'hiti, Moorea and Paumoto Archl- pelago which resulted in an over whelming vote In favor of General de Gaulle 5564 votes to 18 for the 'Vichy eovernment-the New Zea-'"" Ui ""T.r other0,1 dePfture on the Fascist inva- land government on behalf of governments of the British Com-'mcnwealth made contact with the new administration. This was done through a highly placed government officer. He vis Ited Tahiti, where he found the new Governor, M. Edmond Mansard, in office, assisted by members of the late Governor's Privy Council, who had r-een largely responsible for the dec'sicn to support the Free French movement. The Governor and his advisers aopeared to be firmly in control of the situation and to have the support cf the great bulk of the popu latian. Their co-operation with the -new eaiana representative was most cordial; I is intended tnat New Zealand. .ci2. ania, shall maintain contact uith me rermory. prime Minister Fras- er of New Zealand, stressed that Fren:h Oceania was not in any way merely a British protectorate under the supervision of New Zealand. French Oceania was being administered under the authority of General de Gaulle. Mr. Fraser said, through hU anpointee. and was freely and of its own desire, co-op-erat'ng with the British Commonwealth In the present struggle. Effortr are being made in New Zealand to increase trade with Noumea (New Caledonia) and ship with exDorters and Importers in the French possession tTh"u,ikof Ne Caledonia's sub- stantlal nickel ore output will prob- ably E t0 Nnlted state3- HOUSE TO PROROGUE iSession At Victoria Concludes TodayAnother Sitting Before Spring Election Expected VICTORIA, December 6 (Cana- dlan Press) The British Columbia j Legislature is proroguing today; after the Lieutenant Governor, 1 Hon. E". W. Hamber, gives assent to sixty or more bills. Among measures passed during 1 'the 28-day session was the Teach- ers' Pension Act, replacing the 11929 act and giving all retired teachers pensions of not less than $50 monthly. Another bill gives municipalities i . A $250,000 in the fiscal year ending,! OlICC At UCCfiH iMarcnoi.isw, ana annually inere-t after not less than $450,000 to be distributed on an equitable basis. Although there Is no official indication, some believe that another session will be held following the Dominion - provincial conference at Ottawa In January with the possibility of a provincial, election late in spring. BULGARIAN BORDER CLOSED SOFIA Bulgaria has closed her frontier to Rumanian refugees and, possibly, any move kouth-ward by the Germany army. Refugees are fleeing out of Rumania to Hungary. PRICE: CENTS BOOTY IS CAPTURED Creeks Take 1000 Prisoners at Ar- girocastro and Considerable' War Material BITOLJ, Yugo Slavia, December 6 (Canadian Press) Dispatches reaching the Yugo-Slav border to- day said that reek troo?s had occupied the Important interior Albanian town of Argirocastro today after heavy fighting, taking more than one thousand prisoners. Considerable war material is also reported captured by the Greeks ff ey swept into the former Italian base which was to have . . . 1 IL. I I sion of Greece which has now turned Into a complete counter-invasion. Earlier It was announced in Athens that the important Albanian r?. Z ' , Caranta) had been occu')lEd' -T Italian U-Boat Has Sunk Greek Destroyer, Said 1 ROME. December 6 Italian na val authorities -o.lalm -that tin Ttnl. ,an suhmarin has sunk a Grfc MedftSran- a'n waters' " 'r ' . AIR TRAVEL IS GROWING Y JMore People Handled by TransCan-ada in October .Than September WINNIPEG, Dec. 6. Figures for ers flew with the national air ser- vice that month as against 373(5 In : September on Increase of 323. Only the peak vacation month of 1940 made a better showing. Air mall continued the steady increase that began last July. The " October load was 94,164 pounds, an" all-time record, more than four tons over September and showinfr;p. steady Increase since mid-year. Air express fell from 12,776 to 10,249; pounds. The decrease was attribute able to one point Ottawa. Jjc The passenger figures presentedr show actual passengers carried and not tickets sold as heretofore. No sign of a seasonal falling off in passenger traffic was evidenced in the statistics released by D. B. Colyer, vice-president. The new Toronto-Windsor service has proved to be one of the belt patronized services in the T.C.A, system although It was established only a few months ago, sjJd Mr. Colyer. New District Of Falls Is Opened Announcement Is made, of the establishment of a ney, district with headquarters' at Ocean Falls. and, with Corp. h.f-A. N. Pot-tcfrtonjoj pqen Falls, IpyKaige. The Ocean Falls" district, coming under Prince Rupert division, take,; In the coast from Butedale to Smi ;hs Inlet including Bella Coola end the police boat P.M.L. 7. Corp Potter-ton Is well known In Prince Rupert, having been a member of the old city force here ia the early days and also having been" for a considerable time stationed at Stewart. 1, at