5 3 ' aU w S aTaut 8 y if ? 9 4 PAGE sir THE "DAILY X27TS BRITAIN'S FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE ON PATROL NAZISM IS 1 EYES EYES . I W CW Ba m EVIL FORCE 2 Shows, 7 t z-, Liceacee for Numeral ts ReT. A. lUrdinif Priest Gives Elo- GEORGE RAIT FnH-TBe Frames, The Newest quent Address at Weekly Rotary Joan nrs ,rr. la Eye-Wear Luncheon r. tvmi.4- f Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heiibroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Yisit Oar Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties GOOD NEWS! BY POPULAR DEMAND "PEOPLES" COATS & DRESSES Continues Another Week! The WRAPPI n T" c a a n . j r" i r- i4) specuu uin av uiwscs ana ea uuu t acic-i i rum ! At These Prices 5T3 ao $10 J COATS 5 Youll agre? wiih us $19 ' a wonderful bargain. S9 S6 to SI! DRESSES Newest- oopuiar $3 3UD Orders Promptly rilled Open Saturday Xlsht .99 ityles. Color ar.d style choice KG makes any gift twi e as attractive Choose your Gift Wrappings from pur large stock including Dennison's distinctive papers, seals, ribbon, cellophane, etc. Tinsel Ribbon 3 yards 5c Tinsel String 0 feet . 5c Silver FoU Paper Roll 10c Dennison's Tissue 15 sheets .. 10c Colored Tissue 10 sheets 10c Seals, Tags, Etc. Pkg 5c and 10c 50-piece Assortment Pkg 10c Christmas String In various sizes and weights 5c, 10c, 15c up Special On Xmas Tree Lights 5Qc Complete (Reg. 75c) in wide variety oi siyies r or uiuuurs aua ouiaoors. sac lo J jv Extra Lamps 2 for 15c and ud I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE f p "la the Heart of Prince Rupert" ij ' Till ED ATE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 99", When Tps Want a Reliable, Comfortable. Dependable PHONE 1 3 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates Al i ft I St I t)3 For a few days only Genuine Noma Lighting Sets and others In K A - . . . . . . i . n ( u J , . n . i nM .a . ' 2 X ac, or Meier Bick In vsrk rH foai ittirat d hiiim vac. lea'i f art. . &t na u W txMrmij rani eta frmiin. m rIMimk (, txt ret. lima D.D.D. rraanfiaa. Grwm. OKtm MrtVt iftfaiioa u4 ttH lUf iikni -GOVfRN!EXT I.IQl OR ACT" lrllon 281 ollre of .KfiiCMtUn for a IWr IJrrnrr XOTTCE UE3TBT GltXH UU on 1M0. LEXA.VDEH J PRUDHOIXUE AppUcact. CHIROPRACTOR SUnle W. Coltoo. D.CPh.C. Will.c Rinriv. Thone 4f Ballinger & Stafford Repairs of All Types Typewriters, Cash Registers, Adding Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Etc Location Corner 3rd Ave. and 4th St. Next CPJl. Ticket Office DANCE EVERT SATURDAY BOSTON HALL, 9 O'CLOCK Raw Furs We Have Orders For and Require Immediately 3000 .Marten, 500 Lynx, 200 Fisher 5000 Mink and 25,000 Weasels In order to secure these articles for our customers, we are prepared to pay you more money than anyone else. We have SPECIAL ORDLRS for Dark and Dark Brown Marten and Small Dark and Dark Brown Fishers and we are prepared to pay you SPECIAL PRICES for these two articles. For Highest Market Prices and 100 Satisfaction, Try Your next shipment to us Do it Now! Thanking you In anticipation, we are, Trappers Furs n-l Standard Bank RIdg., Vancouver, B.C. !: I i- - .v . - JLVLT-W?. A group of Shtish destroyers are sJhoue;d against the sky-line as they pa'XM the mu, .-.--ouo.-ed waters around the British Is:es It is the-r duty to clear the water iancs of any er. j craft. that transports and cargo vessels may make bait! journeys. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade laide. Capt William Hashes, is due in port at 3:15 this afternoon from Vancouver and will sail at 10 pm. cn her return south over the same cute. STOPPED in a Jiff a VAN0ERHOOF Rev. J. M. McConnick. rector of Hsly Trinity Anglican Church In Vanderhoof, has commenced a acr-iec of sermons for the month cf December on the subject of the Second Coming of Christ !Jr. and Mrs. A. E. Price have ar rived in Vancedhoof to take up re si r. j v . t . i n The Vnderhoof Choral Society was reorganized at a meeting on Tuedav night of thbr week at the home of Mrs. R. M. Patterson. A Fred Smith of Fort S JaTies who is now in uniform, has arri from t Vl f tn crtnH o fo-r Anr Hundreas ol ueoole try a n the Daily News ".mn and get good results. Fresh I.ocal Raw nnrl Pasteurized MiH VALENTIN DAWY J. H. BUJLGER Optometrist Boyal Bank tU4t For Ladies and Gentlemen's TAILORING M T- LEF We Cover Buttons for Your Dress By Your Own Cloth Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing 3dAv. Phwie Green 9C0 P.075 SHE TELLS OF LONDON Th time was af Ssrnora. A visiting with friends at Stuart Lake, Eve jand Vanderhoof. a-t crt-' HC'YWOCD.- (t a a a a a a a ! .VT. t 1 1:45 on a Sunday huge crater was held on Tuesday of this week at the was fpared the )mSUtas would fall nome oi Mrs. j. w. u. uay. M,s, Mwnfy ten, 0( rrtaklng a trip ro downtown London to sec Sister Anselme 1$ leaving Vander- ,h. hhtA nl,CpS -n,- .,- 0f I hoof to soend the winter on the idon te not bad- at, all." she ccau. She will be back nere in tne tes. "I think it Is amazing how soring to remain during the con- mtl(.h ot landon still stands. Re- l"e there." Casualties are also fewer than one mlzht be led to believe, says Miss Monney. Eve's Two Faces S Her Money-Maker Arden Of Movies Two Voices fro5 t-j some, dui Also Has music to Eve Arden of the movies. Ehe's- nroud of her two faces so Troud she almost has developed two, voices to go with them. ; looking at the left side you see ,a small eye. outstanding cheek ;bone, drawn cheek. Ehe's the vixen jtype. The other angle Is strictly 1 ingenue. Th eyebrow turns up (more. her chk is full, her right J eye sanies oriKn'iy. "I can look my mood without Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses Harbor View ALEX FRUDIIOMME Proprietor ' An eloquent addrev was given yesterday to the members of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club ant visitors by Rev. A. Harding Priest, western field secretary of the Board of Religious Education of the AneJ'can Church. Mr Priest owed that Nazinn was -n outstanding phasi rt the force of evil that was found to be to a greater or lesses degree all ovr the world. Hitler had taken rosnon of the education system -f Germany and perverted it sn 'hat there was growing up today In that country a rare of ahum: rren who knew Utile or nothing of what thev owed to be past. Th new world order which it W attempted to set un was a terrible challenge.. It contained all the sinister forces of evtL Nazi propaganda and their actions w rul loelcal m the light of their creed. Hitler hid tried to prove tht there wa no Ideal which Former Local Xurse On SUff Of "'. not be set aside by the use of County Horpital Whirh Was violence and propaganda. Recently Bombed M- rV-t auated to show that th" nibeU God was dlsmstin to nMnal P-riHTi. Hitler was -Ud MlK Phvllis M. Moonev R. N ' wste- than Jssus Christ H" wve tt a hl oo,n,, th .V h-for dence. Mr. Price becoming manager renwrly operating room superrteor the Vnderhoof Columbia Pow- -A the Prince Rupert General Hos- Church, both Lutheran and pttal. now a member ot the Rowan Catholic was the treates er Co. in wceesston to Fred Skin- ner?bo. with Mrs, Skinner, is Ieav- staff cf a London County Council arr1er to Nazism In Jie world . eying for the coast to Join the Navy. Uaeritai at Nct? SMth-sts oi: v. wh'ch thrcs b-mbs were r"centJ UnfortoniWv. -d the sneik-r Prhw- n,Hmtntn ni frorTrd by Oennan raiders, km- "ere ?e-md to ho he w kind f ?woT twenty patients as well a. a -- W country and in the -r wee victors in in Vanderhoof on on . . , itnt Qt.t. tv,r. lourna- . . . " . T . " Baoranca ikvjs to ppij to ute ouuuu, Wi w.c flo K.r. roonible for the condition In . rna "a rjacrv mjunng J .. uruCT corroi E3ird for a Horace in ment of the season season between oei een the uie two two " . rpet to the premte. being jvt of drQpped VJm oermanv. This was undermining. fa2etani" TTi Mooney ays in writing to a local the continent I ATue aad n&ax sir tn cjy ... I . . ... friend. The first caused the easu- Mr. Priest spoke of '-he pathetic ; of Prince Rapert upon iaax descrtbtn MervUl Averlll has completed the aMSe5 The second was a miss and and fallacious doctrines of Kirl , u um in-wi mi ana itinera loo of otmoine a neaiea earacc ior ? SSe 'SiJSfftasS: WBtanJ.Ifuuon of the Lakes dU ---ti DtuMct In Uie PrOTlnce of trict. . Brtto OiMmbia. tcr the Je of beer 5 f"T ti glass or by the hotUe for ooa Hnded in a cabbage patch. The Marx and the fact that this was the third was also a miss bat AH- suDreme hour of crls in the con-1 tered the nurses residence badh-' fliet between evil and vood. He urg- . aHhourh -none were injured. Had ed the solkiaritv of th m vtH jtminpttoa on the prraisw or elseirhere. a. s. nituo. oi me otoyuicici ivc- Jt bcen a d,mt nit tne pon.. the nrnt In explaining why 51 dated thu i-.h dr oi Nornber Partment ox Agncuiiure at uie eany ouenM mv-ht have been much France fell. Marshal Petain had. nart of thfi week completed a scr- as on1t. a lew nurses said tht th TOlrit of eaue had pre- !es of meters m this district under were off duty and ,n frr rooms, vailed over that of sacrifice. Farmers' Institute auspices. The villaee commissioners were jr. "H-n lart tMday nlzht in the "How can I pav my debt to the' oast?" Inquired Mr. PrWr "I can mad tn the onrd between th rf it onl mv actions today. nnr1 readen and Tinra' mess- Mv constant thrm-ht mmt h 'tlnar office of G. W Oton. various mat- herself in- I hl" Mteg Britain roon Monney was c n today? Those ters of municipal business being the nurses' measmm having whr reallv serve exoect nothine in taken up. , lunch. All of a fudden debris re-turn De.nite oni hundred "p-t . , , came fljrtng through the windows tator I must proclaim my belief In ; A meeting of t the Women s Auxil- th, and thgre was the ,nto mctwc, work nt the divine srch!Wt At ; tary ir me ianaaian legion was . gpramble tn set outside as it the universe. As a mother said to her ton when she rerentiv n t live at Dover 'You do tn rsting and let Cod do the woTinr:., " "Estate" Course istructlon of St. John's HospitaL norts one hears do exaeeerate the' 1 . 1 I 9 n 1 i damaee so. Of course. It Is true' At VllliS uCilOOl The new skating rink at Vander- there hs been damaee but. reallv. . hvf !c r!irlni7 Anmritpt!m firrf mr411 .a i - - a t j i - i j . i u a lew musra uuwu imic aiiu De nented witn electricity in near future. Young Ladies School Get In New Jersey New Course MORR TSTOWN. N. J.. Dec 6: CP They're teaching a new course at Miss Gill's School for Oirls in th nearby Mendham hills how to live on an estate. The Icsfo teach themselves. They conHst of taking over and operating a mansion of 30 rooms and in nrai of land. The home was that of the late TnVirt nwJ.H 1 1 . i . . v ucii. jiip insurance I Dec. 6: (CP) 'executlvce It was spared from al might be fighting house-wrecking crew at the re-t they're sweet quest of the school. changing expression," she says. "All I do Is turn my head. Saves a lot of bother." 1 1 The Koii5?p Across the Bay' At 7:31 an ' Al 9 MARCH of TIME an Our Special x Ticket or (he II ;, LUJlIMi SAT 0:,li Joan Blonde ! I.r "Two Girls on Bt : AT THEIR LONDON u who rmi!i i The speaker explained that Hitler during air-ra set m a standard of human con- . own Tl, duct wbi-h was a eomp'-f revers- Home s. r ion of thw ethical, n-ljgiou and there te no 3bUEa moral orecrit whirh othr nations on -aiert" hld dear. Today the tiniest tots in Germany were bent to one end by If you vi Use for what thf 'A UHI raila4tr l holiday J a IvUra atc-taa till af 'JimiiaU Ts iwtu "$1A7S KHk OtAW MISS AMIIIC tauter John Bulgci Nanaimo-Wellinglori Itulklcy Valley Alberta Minehead Sootlcss Ltd. ' It Pays to Always Buy the Best Fuel a it r mm t PC T In n i x. v imri --nvif i .iu rnoNE ii6 Gilt