THE DAILY NEWS. ——$——__—_—_- a E [a jal Ka r W.L. BARKER Architect Alberts Block reuse mn ye Savoy Hotel Reasons Why Wm. Manson Must be Defeated THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choire Wines and.Cigars : RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT Gordon Munre ; 1. The growth and prosperity of Prince Rupert is being hampered and retarded by the at-~ cholson Lj tc sn sgn oe ADVEKTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | === — titude of the ‘moBride quvernmnent. te direct ppqeettion, in order to serve the interests of the rival MUNRO & LAILEY ” en application. Servian Labor “Benefit Society |$ port of Vancouver. Architects, SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, 50c No. 195, S.S.8.S. 2. That Prince Rupert can raise no voice of protest so long as she is represented in the Stork Building, Secon) 4. per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All — legislature by the silent and obsequious William Manson. ad Berio Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | Meetings held every ist and Srd Sunday of the 3. That the said Silent William did once or twice gently purr in mere explanation of what prea in advance. Seeneh ini ths Carpenters’ Union Hall this city was seeking from the legislature, but never sufficiently loud to wake up any other STUART & STEW G. VUKOVICH T. MAZLUM. ACCOUNTANTS -:- 41 to HEAD OFFICE 7 . . ee member of McBride's huge majority. are ee | Sr 4. That even on Prince Rupert matters he always voted with the government. Law-Butler Building — Phong etl Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. - 5. That when a respectful petition was sent to him asking when the government wharf Prince Rupert 2.6; horas is Ondne~-0-9- ‘| would be completed he never brought the matter before the house at all, and that this matter $) = ae was brought directly before the house by the Liberal representative of another constituency, ALFRED cares FRED. STORK { H. ©. Brewster. of British Columbia °° “ory tNNETT, Ra 6. That with an able and energetic Liberal from Prince Rupert in the house, such as is Mr. and Manitoba Bars kat seat 1 Alex. M. Manson, the Liberal nominee, this city might shame the monopolists of political CARSS & seven, ‘i 4 representation into giving at least a certain measure of justice. BARRISTERS, _ NOTARIES 1 Builders’ Hardware 7. That the Silent William never brought before the house the subject of the sale of gov~ 3) ofice—Athert Block, Second Ave... Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves | ernment lots in Prince Rupert, but in default gives us his interpretation of what the premier is aie Graniteware Tinware | alleged to have said, namely, that the government was in the real estate business good and WM. S. HAI | hard and as it had passed laws exempting taxation on these lots it ptt eaaiia aie without oe Sane ST expense until the people had made them enormously valuable, and the people could go to. ST. ce tsa SECOND - AV AVENUE 8. That the Silent William is alleged to have presented a petition from the people of the en ont Bridge Wo es Petialty, Ne en ee ee ig ce ee aves OE AE RS RE BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City = SuaTTLe—Puget Sound News Co. { ~General Hardware— e —— nner ee Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar ee Susscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of L.D.8., D.D.g uon-delivery orinattention on the part of the news carriers. Monpay, MARCH 18 city for a government wagon road around Kaien tsland, and that as an ante-election statement Septem of eth Con the painlem Consultation ‘ree fees '2 he is now promising the road will be built, but he whispers in an aside that he does not know Helgerson Block, Prince Ruper = DatLy EDITION. JUST A FEW CONUNDRUMS FOR ™’BRIDE RINGSTERS. the amount of the appropriation. ee Little’s S$ NEWS Agency 9. That these are the things the Silent One claims to have attempted to do in the inter- Alex.M.Manson B.A, W.E.Wi liams,t.a, tip ; 7 Eat: ests of this city. WILLIAMS & MANS You will perhaps have noticed how the organ of excuse of 10. That what he ought to have done and which he didn’t even try to do would take from Barristers, Solic sa ne the misrepresentation of the Skeena district, otherwise called now until election day to enumerate. Box 285 the Trombone, evaded any discussion of that part of the Liberal| CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS | Prince Rupert, BY platform which directly refers to the betterment of conditions G.T.P. WHARF coe eee nina for the workmen, how it drops the alleged defense of the alleged ee ORs | EQOAOR 2 PRINCE RUPERT sandbagger to rush to the defense of Captain McCoskrie and 1} | ° ; scorch the settlers of Porcher Island for their impertinence in ie ea ob THE FOOLISH QUESTION. To the Electors of Prince Rupert . eet daring to get out a petition in defense of their rights, and the pian Seance id Lea utah taarkd senidert I had intended at first to retire in the event of a PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 10%, Exp rest of the ring excuses. Another dose of the Liberal platform . a credit ita iawn; Liberal being nominated, but the dissatisfaction against - - iene might prove salutary to the gasping patient under treatment; fe en nvarmentl Svan a Genk the ring rule within the Conservative party is so wide- its wheezy excuses may at least prove interesting. The dose is Live of (lressed | He never fell behind his rent, spread that I think it only right that those Conservatives GEORGE LEEK & CO, who cannot conscientiously endorse the candidature of MERCANTILE AGENCY in little tabloids so as to be easy for the troubled political And everywhere his good name a etinaiae : e went William. Manson should still have the privilege of vot- COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS ’ Fire, Life and Accident Insurances stomach. : | 4 man of fair renown ing Conservative, and I will therefore remain in the field. Under the head of Public Accounts you will find in the ae og : I have no quarrel with the McBride government and G18 frd Avenue =—Phone 2 8 and Green ii Liberal platform these inspiriting words: Hadid hiskenhkrinvawootseontent. will loyally support it, but I have a strong objection to PRINCE RUPERT We denounce the McBride government for with- | And spoke of no man ill. the great Conservative party being made the tool of a holding year after year the public accounts from ex- |An active force for betterment, petty clique who use it merely for their own selfish ends. JOHN DYBHAVN amination by the public accounts committee Seay ne ST eee el re aa yen avon M age in es eth a manger am At endear’ vill - a : r ? ; ; STOC intent. Manson is the only man whom the government will We advocate the organization of an auditor LIVE K & DAIRY PRODUCE | In worthy ways his days were recognize. We saw how Mr. Manson stood with the government when a deputation was sent to Victoria to 819 8rd Avenue Phone 884 press his claims for a cabinet portfolio. They would session of the Public Accounts committee in seven years? have none of him and they had tried him before. If elect- rer aa te : rs ; Ry : septa ot : ae |But now, alas, he does lament, ed I have no fear of not receiving full recognition from “ry As that committee ” the on safeguard for the proper ex H. WILLIAMSON His conscience is astir: the premier, especially as I will have no personal axe to THE ITROQL O]S penditure of the people’s money, are the people not entitled to Sy Crdeva Suet ik |For though his vote and time he grind, but will work solely in the interests of my con- a report from it? vANCOUYER ac lent stituents. POOL Why are the people held in ignorance of the real expen- ira To candidates on office bent, I ask every loyal Conservative who has the real in- English and American Billiards ditures? Who supplies unlimited quanti- His reputation shows a dent. terest of his party at heart to stamp out utteriy on the Why is the McBride government afraid to have this com- . ties on the shortest notice . . He didn’t register. 28th the ring rule which has cursed the party for the ; , , . ei last few years. Remember, if Mr. Manson is elected the — - — mittee of their own members report on their own work? FAST IN THE ICE ring will claim a vietory and it will be useless to attempt During the past seven years millions upon millions have to dislodge it. Yours faithfully, : . , or. First Ave been expended, with wisdom or with careless extravagance. |\¢™™o™~™--~—~~~"~"~# | Two Steamers Stuck Off North WILLIAM BARRETT CLAYTON. Hotel Centra — 1h Sued Were not the people given the right to know where al! this THE Sydney Harbor. European and American plan, steam on a omntitien Nac cepintai|{ —soyal Hotel Ne erent Siege get Arete ren ee money went to and what for when the committee was appointed ? $1.00 to $2.60 per das If you were conducting a private enterprise would you not} Cor Third Avenue and Sixth St. ee re ove ad ay “ THERE °S NOTHING TOO Peter Black —- Prroprdtr Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapere | Real Estate Loans and Insurance general's department independent of the government. spent. Now why has the McBride government permitted only one Tent e OURECT 10— A man of right good will. Twelve Tables SECOND AVE demand a checking up occasionally, and see that you got it? ——____—_—— arhment steamer Stanicy and the ” eee? FOR THE IRISH Why have the people not received an accounting of the — tergyeatet atbe steamer Bruce are fast in ‘thirty expenditure of their money, and also of the revenues coming in? eee eet feet of ice off North Sydney Har- te HAYNER BROS. | UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Is the McBride government crooked ? Dining room and | bor, Unless the wind veers they restaurant : rill I » there for so » t . Tt : c will be there tor some tme, ne It’s the Emerald Isle is the beautiful land, : . +4: . o/s | —— J Bruce has already been in the ice There's nothing too good for the Irish Premier McBride ran British Columbia into an election two fan eistit davs ; : a or eignt Gays. On the whole of it, Nature, at Heaven's command, years.ago last November. He got all the seats but one or two. ——__—__—____ Has: scattered her charms with a bountiful hand Now he is going to have another election. It looks like a habit. Corley & Burgess, Props AMERICAN EXODUS From Skibbereen town to the Donegal strand, There is surely no need for an election, although his eagerness { ; Fer there’s nothing too good for the Irish. Settlers Leaving States for This| to spend unheard of sums of money does give a handy excuse. —_—_—"—— — : : P es 8 aL Side in Great Numbers. Montreal Herald. ° ° gua i Exclusive Offerings | Ottawa, Maven -42: Immigra- Funera! Directors ard Ave. near 6th St Phone No. & E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmet CHARGES REA E a ee ree Sepsis Ae ee nan Of ap ail |tion authorities report a greater “Owen Roe” was a fighter they never could tame; THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356 ' OPEN DAY AND? HT the ring, is to make its appearance tomorrow morning. It is to REAL ESTATE rush than ever before of Ameri-| As a nation the Irish have glory and fame, eae a oh ame," cecal Stee as 2 a jcan settlers into Western Can- For there’s nothing too good for the Irish be antagonistic in every way, even to its title. It is to be called Lots $1 and 58, Block 16, Section 1;/ada. They report that the eed - “Truth,” and to be a supporter of the candidacy of Dr. Clayton.| #31,000 pair. Terms lber of: settler + heading for i Be : Se _}| Lot on Eleventh St., Block 28; 2,800. jver of settlers now heading for And the Irish are noted for piety, too! Its promoters state that the advertising patronage largely excels | Lot on Market place; $3,100. jthe three prairie provinces is What's sathind tas eiged BGE the trthh. Lot on Second Ave., Section 1; §2.500.) from 10 to 50 per cent. greater In the faraway time, before “Brian Boru, expectations. Sane ' ant Lots 4 and 2, Block 3, Section 2; g2,700,| Han last year, American immi- The faith, by St. Patrick, was planted and grew; eae \fatted to Canada last year to- And the Island of Saints has had saints not a few. Lot in Block 20, Second Ave., Sectic ; 9 a aT : $1,900. Terms. €, Section 2) talled 130,000. This year it will For there’s nothing too good for the Irish Lots 15 and 16, Block 9, Section 5; $2,100) | probab! y reach 150,000. Immi- the pair. % cash, bal Ts.) o ° > - ual. 1 an de yea |gration from the British [sles is And the best of all orators Irishmen are; eae Naa Lot 11, Block 82, Section 5: ) Remember | House. and _iot, Sixth has aes 5,| being retarded by the coal strike. | There's nothing too good for the Irish, 9 75 ‘er , r) Pa r . ’ P $2,750. Terms on monthly payments, | - = ——_———- The of Columbia was heard from afar; And it’s many a hero the Irish can claim; There's nothing too good for the Irish | “Red Hugh” put his country’s invaders to shame; po voice Double corner, Section 6; $3,500. Terms. : There will be two Manson names on your ballot paper. Be | §!\-Poo!m house with lot, Section 6; $2,500. POUR ORE HoueNTe Burke’s eloquence rolled like a conquering car, ref 1.000 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years, 6 per re | And the name of O'Connell's a radiant star a careful to make the distinction between the McBride Manson, who | cent. Naval Budget Calls for Over Two “ag pt Dla ap ata pr seneY ge SOE VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE has been tried and found wanting, and ALEX. M. MANSON, the | 000d Jot on Sixth Ave., Section 7; $600 . , ’ ' Lots 11 and 12, Block 4, Section 7, over- Hundred Millions. le JOHN people’s. candidate, and a true representative of Skeena riding. look street; $625 each. Terms. iver on , a 8.8. yts § sk 3 sec 7; b ondo are 9 The ‘it- f » "1s t i ays is i +0 se; ti-monthly ser To save confusion at the polis put your cross opposite the name H088 49 and 20, Block 34, Section 7; $650 London, March 12.—The Brit And the Irishman always is witty, of cour | Maintains Bt }ish naval estimates, made public : Tri-Weekly Train Service F of ALEX. M. MANSON, which is the second name on the ballot, | /«ve! lots in Section 8 on easy terms shares. |} provide for four, Dreadnoughts, It never at from $7 to $25 per acre | Th 1k i { naa = Agency for al! Atlant | e ave re sarries ¢ Wiiliam Barratt Clayton, of Prince Rupert Dentist Ses ee decrease of $1,535,000 from that There’s nothing too good for the Trish. A. M. Manson, of Prince Rupert, Barrister-at-Law 1} 000,000 to $7,000,000, But it’s nothing but right that it should be that way, | Ve] There's nothing too good for the Irish, British North America ken. We gave them a Saint, and we'll give them a song, Line MONTGOMERY ~sipilianeataiaaiile I am Scotch, but my love for the Irish is strong; exactly as indicated thus: “iene Co. Limited qatens tn’ $10 in the House of Commons today, And his wit is as genial and kind as its source; to Van Arsdol 7 Pare * leaves any one feeling the worse; YT a eee of land in the| ight cruisers, twenty destroyers He makes bulls, but a good Irish bull's a white horse. CTP p Wharl CLA ON Lakelse, Kitsumkalum and Bulkley valleys|}and a number of submarines. For there's nothing too good for the Irish | A. E. McMaster, Gen. Ag! yet scotia —INSURANCE— jappropriation of $220,427,000; a It's the Irishmen get the good places and pay; MANSON ALEX M McCaffery & Gibbons of last year, The reformers ex- Go down to the Custom House any fine day, ’ ° ? THIRD AVENUE ipected a decrease of from §85,- And you'll see for yourself it's the truth that I say; Home Secretary Churchill stat- For there's nothing too good for the Irish. MANSON WILLIAM 1836 1911 led that the budget was prepared PACIFIC ; 9 | with the expectation that other You are thinking no doubt, to the race I belong; EL . William Manson, of Prince Rupert, Accountant The Bank of |powers would construct more . : battleships than they had already You think I am Irish, but that’s where you're wrong; Coast service Famot bay . : ; A Wm. H. Montgomery of Prince Rupert, Laborer 75 Years in Business, Welterweight Chamiponship. For there's nothing too good for the Irish, Princess Beatrice ’ | | Stewart There's nothing too good for the Irish. cpa For al! informat 1s Princess St. Louis, March 414,—Harry : os ¢ ——— — 2 = : dat 9a ™ Brewer of Kansas City and Ray Saturday, March 23r¢ ® — Bronson of Indianapolis have | been matched to fight eight | J. G. McNab - rT Banking by Mail |rounds before the St. Louis Ath- “FROM HOME TO HOME.” Lee red r jletic Club on April 47th for the is a great convenience to those | welterweight championship. es who live some distance from L YN CH BR OS. Tai may be sent in, cash anne hae sais age 7 HOTEL neLYSIUM | The Insurance People d th a | Georges Carpentier, the 18-year- Tawn, or 0 “il Canons trans- }old boy who knocked out Jim The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Life acted by Mail, without any (Sullivan, middleweight champion Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices, Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 ttle For Victoria, Vancouver and Sea General Ages! Cee ene nn es eae ee er eee Marine General Merchandise Largest Stock trouble or delay. ;}of England, in two rounds at Ace vcr ¥ | M 1142 Pender S WwW Vv B.C Plate or ability Write or ask our Local Man- | Morte Carlo last week, Des- ender Street West - ancouver, B.C. Employer's Liability al Bonds : patches described the ‘“‘great en- F actors’ and Persona! * ager to explain our system to Phone 8500, Comer les Written Direct . . thusiasm’ ‘that prevailed at the Lowest Prices m Northern B. C. you. ringside ir told of Eaton’ satis ith . Mack Realty & Insurance freely made that Carpentier is abe Prince Rupert Branch— COMPANY: roe he “coming heavyweight cham- ° Is ep ees F. S. LONG, Manager. a yt on beers ight chan Find It Through a News Want Ad. P.S.— Houses and Rents