F1 .8 TAQX TWO G racia Sh Three Reasons Why You Should Wear Them .1st. Glassy styles, plus comfort- able lasts. 2nd. Durability and built-in arch rests. 3rd. Priced lower per quality than any similar make on the market. Stocked in Sizes and Widths From i a n F iV 10 nun. AMILY SHOE STORE LTj The Home of Good Shoes When you want a Reliable, ComfortabK Dependable Taxi Service PHONE 13 21 Hour Service at Regular Rates Every now and then we wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that our coal is Our cod tv mafe you very weWe'ftit out kvnoff I 1 VOUlL LIKE The wav TuEYTREATyoo a "hot proposition" The coal we sell is as full of the proper heat as our ton is as full of the proper pounds. You can quickly prove this to your own satisfaction by phoning Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE C51 G52 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.SJJ. CARUENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver. Monday a.m. If yonvenieDf, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone S6S "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Kapert J. H. BULGER Optometrist Co. Ltd. Koyal Bunk Bldg. Brlttsn Columbia Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE M7 I Mr. and Mn. John McLeod sail ed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. J! . mlffflrtTlMrTl I I J.I I II II. I i iimii'i'im L25 C ALOHA WINES CUSSIFIE FOR SALE V ' ' '' " ; f TKZ DAILY KZfra " , - 1 4 Thii aJvmisemfM ii not . pubiidxil or dUplayfd by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Thb advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia FOR SAL? Seven roomed house with two lots. Terms. Phone Black 486. (246) FOR SALE 2005 Graham Ave.. 7 room house, furnace, excellent! condition, 2 lots, harbor view.' $2600 cash, $2700 on terms, $1000 1 kkdjCOWl il m IMPORTED FROM K UNITED STATES ELECTION The present trend in the Un-letd States seems to be toward the re-election of President Rcosevelt next month. This trend is shown by tlu Gallup polls and in other ways. It seems I to be accepted in .many .Miumers',) that Roosevelt will get another . term. ' And yet we have known elections before where what seemed to be the general trend .was .up-, set. This has been true 1" Con-ada as well as in the United States. .Much will depend ,on what happens between now and j election day. President Roosevelt seems to be lying .low. He talks as little as possible and is not likely to be heard from much in the next two or three uceks. Being on the defensive, the less he says the better. One cf the main ideas sweeping through the Statts is that Rccssvelt is the better man to handle the affairs of the country during the war into which it is surely being drawn. He has been quite satisfactory in that respect so far and will con- ; tinue to maintain the honor of ' the country without rushing Into conflict for which it may be ia but poorly prepared. , It is pleasant for Canadians to 1 tefleet that, whichever party 1 wins, both are pledged to sup-port the British In the present struggle and to prevent the Germans or Japanese getting any foothold on this continent. THE BURMA ROAD esterday China commenced the shipment of materials over the Burma Road bound for the United States and Great Britain. Seme of this is mineral for the manufacture of munitions in payment of the Chinese debt to those countries, particularly the United Stales. Food' supplies and munitions are being shipped Into China, .a continuous procession of trucks using the highway and passing at suitable points on this .narrow route as it travels along mountain ridges and dips here and there into valleys and up again. Thousands of coolies al- cash, balance $30 per month at i ways at work. improvine .this 5. Now vacant. H. G. Helgerson) highway can be assembled at Ltd. (243) any point in a very brief .time J to repair damage caused by Ja- V ANTED I Panese or ther enemy bombers. 1 Tho?e who have watched .ants ADULTS wish to rent furnished' instantly ret to work to repair suite or house for winter months, ant hills will realize how the commencing Nov. 1. Rhone Red I Chinese coolies will instantly set 838. tf. to work on that Burma Road to BACHELOR wants housekeeper be-tween 20 and 30. Call after 6 p.m.; 533 8th Ave. West, suite 7. ' (247) WANTED 2 or 3-room furnished suite. Phone Co-op Store, 764. , (245) WANTED at unce, single bed, com-plete. Box M8. Dally News, (tf) WANTED Salesmen to sell Calendars, exclusive territory, big commissions, attractive popular line one of Canada's cldsst and favourably known Calendar ! Houses. Write today for partlcu- replace any portion of .it that may be damaged either by wash cuts or bombs. Night and day they will work and the Japanese havp tint rnniifli hombinr nlanes - . . - , . . . to spare for the job of trying ' to keep the highway out of J commission. i Timely Recipes LOBSTER SALAD ROLLS 6 hot-dog rclls, I cup canned. h:r ftakffi (8 ounep tin). M lars Truro Printing and Pub- r finel ch celeryi llshing Co., Ltd., Truro, Canada. icnopped rwet pickle ,4 cup iiney (245) i BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and 997. Board. Phone BOARD and Room 4th Avenue West. 965. FOUND-Small pup strayed office today, immediately. FOUND Oreen (246) j vacancy, 400 Phone Black (tf) black and white Into Dally News Owner please call NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A IIOMK AWAY FR(M HOME" R'.es 75c op so Room 'Hot ti Cold Water Prlr;pe Rupert, B.C. ?boue 281 P.O. Box IN CANADIAN ATONAL RAILWAYS Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursday 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains J.eave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc,, Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 TOIRD AVE. PHONE 260 Agents for Trans Canada Air Lines This advertisement Is not published or dlsplayea by the Liquor Control Board or by tu OovenrtJ Road To Hunter Basin Mine Now Almost Finished SEVEN SET , HATPlOTSi cvfTTHPR ir- Th Mahsav women' hata nrer crazy? Eve . I felt beret, pulled .dew velvet band and :.. , gold clip. The pillbox oft. . t domed. Jn ciav: r lajte on new ei.tnr" NFW YORK Oct. 18: CI- Who 1 miles of road that has been under i Ttar analytical liat.deslrner. has, construction from the DeekrtJlud m that Jitst M there are ll.cn i there , the h. i !, VnKr Reln only seven oasic sioryniow.w y we, "ui. w1(J. a. on:'. mine hes bcn going forward wlth;are only seven basic p'.oU for hats.jrln a chang, , :.. satisfactory speed and ;t li nowi most signer in thecal form by en."-..:: cossihlP to drive a car rkht to wori can do no more tnan playibr,ni with a band oi t 41 1 PC - tl I I :he mine although the road Is not! variations onthe seven themes, he crown towers t,,qu;: t, contends. The seven are corn.Uwo daisies m ,;. yet completed. Another two weeks , will brrequlred to finish the work. ) toque, turban, beret, pillbox, brim , Qne dejlgn i;;)w Favored by pxceptlonaUy line j8n"-, A either calot T or q,: .: 4 VnrV Aon. ,unrv. New York shows One designer a weather for this time of the year H . .-i . . tnii trlrorn In a hlark rllamnnn vpl. 1 w comraciors nave ian auvan- i - - seasons pompadcu) lit tage of. their opportunity and depends foi "variety on gros- hln a y fap , . ,;, J. . j. . prnln hand nir and a tifw-looklni? I . . . H nave na p Prrr, w.u. - -- ----- " " , "V ; -Jdltlonal black Pc-. at, their undertaking. .v-vjU .v. ( k hat It. is exuected that machinery! A variation of the toque is a .will soon be taken to the property sheared beaver. It has character- and that work will be carried on "C l0tlue aP over me ioreneaa, , with a much Increased staff dur- i ut takes on calot tralts wlth a Ins the coming winter. 'Jersey iack-of-the-.head cap. A, ; towering toque effect is nchleved - - wttn a ieatner. chopped cucumber, 1 cup Thous- On one turban the designer piles ana .isiaira or piain aressmg. .me arapery rugn, toque iasmon, Scoop out rolls, fill with the and, as a revolutionary touch, he lobster mixture, replace tops, makes it cover one ear, reveal the These rolls are grand for picnics other. It Is In absinth green Jer-or awy outdoor eating which h sty. something to bear in mind for Whimsical? Well Now ; next summer. This mixture may be A beret Is shown pulled Into ev- J used in finger rolls to be used as ery sort of shape by whimsical hat salad accompaniment. designers. The model Is a black ..AS AT U RALLY as you use EE PHONE rHEN-you wish to talk to a person, you can walk or travel miles to do it. But, with exceptions, you don't. When you wish to pay bills or make purchases, you can carry around with you a bundle of cash or a sack ; . of coins. But, with exceptions, you don't. (Lin the one case you use a . -.telephone. In the .other, you use a cheque pn. your bank. In either case you save time and effort by using a convenient modern device. And you use the one a naturally as the other. Canadians do make extensive use of the . ... service! ;of the chartered banks. Q Deposits in chartered banks at the time the last return was made to Parliament, totalled $2,530,000,000; cheques issued and debited to individual accounts in August, IStfO, the most recent, month for which returns are available, totalled $2,457,706,218. 'These -figures show that most Canadian .business is done by cheque and t , illustrate the extent to which the people make use of the banking system. The banks take pride in the modern services' they provide for your con-J .vehience. : war, as in peace, Canada's Chartered rln rupted, their useful services safegua we uauuii pusintss uooki LiMiiiiAiiug with freedom as the only , sure basis of Banks .maintain, uninter-ruing depositors' funds; nc forward to pe enduring prosperity. J THE CHARTERED BANKS OF CANADA n