It EYES Iieencee for Numounls Full-rue Frames, The Newest In Eye-Wear Reduced Up To Fur Trimmed Caracal Untrimmed Sport 30 Not obsolete coats but new fall arrivals which have proven so popular. Tailored models. A style for every taste and a price for every purse. Offered in the very heart of the season. DON'T MISS THIS SALE! Mail Orders Promptly Filled- EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewclcry Repairing, Hand Engraving k A 1 I .11 Max neiio CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment roner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties COAT SALE Latest Fall and Winter Styl es -Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" , THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 "THE BEST inUESTtnEtlT in EnTERTRinmenT i euer iuhde" This New RCA Victor 19 i I Battery Saver Model is NEW . . . BETTER . . . MORE ECONOMICAL to OPERATE EVER BEFORE! Eight I never before have we been able 1 o offer such values . . measured in performance and operating cost ... as we can give you now in the 3-62 sets. Check these' feature: rinninletp ctin. idird wave broadcast band including if THAN lome police calls, low battery drain, J uiuuiduk vuiuiiic lumrui. ucauuiui Cabinet design, distance booster for more stations. Has the new l'A volt "A" battery, and new 1.4 volt tubes for , longer battery life . . , and many Cther advanced features. Ml TFe carry a complete range of new RCA Victor Battery sets. There's a model for every purse and borne. 'i txi i-i.- -i if it. t;i -vt iv a inveresung to Know wnen reauing me umiy iNewfl that.tho people of the whole district gre doing the tamf. ON WATCH FOR NAZIS Anti-Aircraft Gunners in Northern Areas Profit by Experience in South LONDON, Oct. 17: (CP) The fast-mounting score of Britain's anti-aircraft guners is putting fresh heart and enthusiasm into the men of the A.A. batteries who have not had a chance to prove their mettle or metal. There are still large tracts of country which the German bomb ers have not yet penetrated in force. To the anti-aircraft batteries in those areas the war until re cently was much of a bore. At one Fighter Command air station in 'Scotland, for instance, the gunners have been standing by for nearly a year without even being offered a target. They spent their time rebuilding and reinforcing I their gunpiU, and waiting. Now. they study the tactics and the ac- j cumulating experience of A.A. batteries in the. much-raided south. Proof that much of the experience of gunners who have been firing so effectively in the aerial front line can usefully be passed on to those who still stand by Is provided by an incident at a Scottish air station 'in Fighter Command. Opening up on a single enemy aircraft which flew high over the airport, 'he gunners found themselves in ictlon for the first times since the tart of the war. Their aim could scarcely have been better. The fourth round burst Just beneath the 'aider as It vanished into a cloud. few minutes later an obstruction was discovered on the airfield. It as (he raider's bomb-rack, torn iff by another example of "ack-iccuracy" fire. five tnoudaiiGt riAii: Rupert eople read the Dally News. It ays to let them know what you tave to sell JONES' Fresh Killed BULKLEY VALLEY BABY BAWWW.VV.-.V.VUV.'. I RUMP ROAST- Model B-62 $34 95 complete with batteries. feral An outstinding tilne berauK of low bittery drftin, fupcrb eooe and qualiijr, dlitance booster fat increased lenutivirjr, tiquititely finished table style cabinet, new eaiy -torrid dial, Phone 957 Per lb. ROAST OFF THE ROUND Per lb SIRLOIN TIP Per Jb T-BONE Per lb STANDING RIB ROAST Per lb Phone 957 BULKLEY VALLEY VEAL FILLET of VEAL Per lb. TIP of VEAL Per lb RUMP of VEAL Per lb. VEAL STEAK Per lb ROLLED SHOULDER Per lb lbs. SHOULDER VEAL STEER BEEF RUMP ROAST Per lb ROUND STEAK 3 lbs SIRLOIN TlP- Per. lb. I FAMILY MARKET, Saturday Specials 1 PRIME RIB ROLL QA, Per lb. PORK SHOULDER PORK Per lb SLICED BACK BACON Per. lb SIDE BACON Per lb., sliced AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb mi DAILY KXWI 4 o vj m tm.i I lilt my bttr I like this bund And whtn you try It, You'll undtrsUnd Why "LUCKY" ItMdl The list for m, In fUvour, 3t, And purity. I've bousM II now For many ytin, Thty oil II the "Crumpujnt oi Btcrt". It't tightly named, In my opinion, At the Uititit beet In the Dominion. Handy to serve And lute lo pleaie Juil icrve II 'round Forty-two dejrect. m si BEEl? .Lutheran Sewing J5M Circle Meeting 25c' 1 25c 18c 25c 25c 22c 25c 22c 50c 20c 50c ROAST OFF THE ROUND OOn P.r IK UUK, 25c 20c 35c 30c 25c rivervinine in novelties s I Eva's Novelty I 1' SHOP : ' 65 3rd. Ave. West g) T.l im a muv vo, Purity uarantttd by 00 Bond LUCKV LBGER "The Champagne of Beers" Other Jamout malt birfraftl RA1MER BEER BURTON typ ALE SILVER SPRING STOUT COAST BREWERIES LIMITED Vancouver New Westminster Victoria. This advertisement is not Inserted by or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Drawings in Recent Bazaar Raffles Conducted Last Night Oj"n A meeting of the Lutheran Circle took place last night at the home of Mrs. Chris Jensen. There was a,, good attendance. Drawings from, the recent Lutheran bazaar took place. Miss Charlotte Myrwang was winner of pillow cases with No. 43. Mrs. B. Peterson won a pillow with No. 16 and Mrs. A. Flaten two glasses of Jelly vlth No. 63. Only Seven FURCOATS left which were brought in by customers to be sold. Come In and get one at your own price. New shipments in the latest styles arrived yesterday. GOLDHLOOM The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good Central Hotel Modern Rooms Steam Baths CAFE Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress For Ladies and Gentlemen's TAILORING M T- LEE Second-hand Suits, Overcoats Raincoats, and Working Pants. Bargain. Cleaning. Pressing, Repairing 3dAv. Phone Green 9C0 P.0.975 FRESH SHRIMPS Daily After 4:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK Whifflets From The Waterfront -J Company, Irish Fusiliers, volleyball team took the D.D.S. and T.O. squad I in two games out of three while the I Signals basketball team took the measure of Headquarters Company, Irish Fusiliers. Army Transport took the first r CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coltor., D.C.rh.C. Wallace Block. Phone 610 Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coat Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 MnBHSMrnaMMaaMBv- THE SEAL oi QUALITY i7'""e"'t I GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Trlnce Rupert volleyball game 21to 15. No. 3 Company won the second 21 to 9 and the third and last 21 to 15. Clever manoeuvering was shown by both teams at times in their play. The basketball game was a fasti niinr anH thn Rlirnals camp out on Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug . Headauartcrs 38 to 28. Play! Daly. Cart. Barney Kinnie. leii'r. orv - ,n the first two (yesterday bor Butedale and is due woik- arters. careful plays were j back tomorrow afternoon with the. . . . , Rn.u Hnri thri company's pile driver oujf t which ha,f &s a result or whlch they has been at Butedale for the Pas)jgaIned winning ground. Outstand-month engaged in the building or Ing player'for ,,vr.fnP fho the signals Signals was wasCold- Cold' an addition to the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery dock to accomodate an oil storage tank. The Butedale work has been in charge of Oscar Sather. The majority of 205 passengers who were here aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver consisted of members of the crews of river boats of the White Pass & Yukon Co. and other employees of the company. Among the river boat officers going south were Captains Norman Marlon, Malrolm Campbell, Donald McKay and Joseph A. Gardiner; Chief En gineers John Elliott and William tJ. Vey; Pursers Gilbert D. BLssell and Cuthbert A. Gardiner and Chief Stewart William Garrett. Sixteen passengers disembarked from the Princess Louisa here whlls five took passage at this port for Vancouver. C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. William Hughes, is due in port at 3:15 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. IVOLLEYALL BASKETBALL Army Leagues in Play Again Last Night With Various Matches Keenly Contested In the Army volleyball and basketball leagues last night No. 3 ier who chalked up twenty points to his credit. Line-ups were as follows: D.D.S.and T.O. Guelpa, Roome, Doxy, Mlddleton, Tuthlll, Oliver, Wilcox and Coldler. No. 3 Company Steele, Exner, Cassells, Armstrong, Mathews and Sanford. Basketball Signals Lamford, Peacock,! Coombe, Shannon and Coldler. Headquarters Company Suther land, Mathews, Armstrong, Bernard and Cassells. Melbourne Bussey was referee for the evening, LAST TIMES TONIGlJf ml oiiows,7:oq and 9:00 Brian Aherne Brilliant Star of "Sly Son Mi Son" In A. J. Cronin'i "VIGIL IN THE NIGHT" With CAROLE LOMBARD ANN SHIRLEY (At 7:21 and 3:24) Also NEWS and CARTOON Coming Saturday Only JANE WITHERS In "SHOOTING HIGH It's the cumuiau6 edict of ij. verusing mat counts. Seagram's Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S "VXV SEAGRAM'S "KING'S PLATE" SEAGRAM'S "OLD RYE" Price t for 15 cz. bottles range from Jj.jj M Jj.jj This advertisement Is not published, of dismayed br the Uqatf Control Board or by the novernment of British Columbia B. C. Furniture Co. Netyi'and UseJfiirriiture 4 Reconditioned Oil Ranges-Complete with QtA Cfl pump and tank. From 1 Electric Washer In perfect shape. Special 6 Heaters In perfect condition. From , 6 New Furniture 6 Unpalnted Display Tables Very durable and strongly constructed 24 Table Lamps Latest styles and Q4 AC TO finest shades, real values 22.50 5.50 T0 12.00 12.95 3 Typewriters Of various makes. C99 C A TO 297 flfl From 6.75 3.95 2 Chlffrobes-Wlth 1 round mirror and 1 full length wardrobe and plenty of drawer space, 39.00 neguiar fia.uu, now 30 Sprlng-filled Felt Mattresses Of the very finest materials and patterns, reg. $22.50," now 25 Felt Mattresses In all sizes. SDeclal 16.50 7.50 12 Chesterfield Suites Latest stvles and colors in thn Hnest " . V makes. Qnc AA TO 2AH From Phone BLACK 324 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers Super 1 w ft Deluxe isiiuvn Taxi Fleet THIRD AVENM j V5V For Service j 1 And Dependability j I ' ... nit UAnAAAAA.i(AA'"i'"