,.t . TSBC DAILY WfiWB PAGE TRBKI t'VR yuUes. one-fourth at baitng well niter each. add chocolate In same i. i-ontlnue beating 1 minimi!! lthtby thickened. jar. cover tight)'; place lator Byrup will keep i ulld this year od that the city has vd property In net although MARK It a good jn to use Smith Druthers Cough Drop to rtKeve a cough ilue (o a cold, 10 M SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS Timely Recipes CHOCOLATE SYRUP .lute syrup is the base lor ,( k hot drink:. It eon be kept wiui and combined with scald-:,i;iK when needed. ,,, 5 square uiMwecWntd iKMdate n sutiar up hoi water .oikv nutshtly beaten hix:oiaU over hot water; Nippon Young People Meet Music Enjoyed Al Monthly Educational Catherine Saturday Evening At the monthly educational meeting of the Nippon Anglican Young People' Association Satur day evening an IntereaUng pro-Jgrani or music wu rendered by the members of the club anted lukewarm. Add sugar to uuenu. Those con- .rnnit until sugar is dls- trlbutlng to the program were . Itlua Cll. II...... mi .. hi in lukewarm. Add,"" w mimw tinny ana mioki Yamanaka with classi cal numbers while Donular snnes were played on the mandolin by the guest artist. Fred Maehlda wno was accompanied by Kayzl niswo with his guitar. The meeting also dealt with lm- Use 2 tablespoons ,,,orum ou me president cuo milk. Makes 2 Bclwo Kuwahara was In the chair. Interest Taken In Real Estate More A mlty Than in., lears. Recorded Here l Hotel Arrivals Prince Itupert C. Dick, city. Mr and Mrs. II. L. Prtng. Surf Inlet; Thomas W. S. Parsons. Victoria: 8. F. M. Mtodu?. Jack Dalkln. II M. Stevenson, II. P. Cahltl. Harold Lannlng. C P. decided Interest be-'Moan. W II. Benott and O. O. -al estate the test few.Mowatt. Vancouver; J. B. Rarclay, nun has been the case Pfter Trtanre, L Nordtand. R. years The city has Bartlett and 3 T. Jolland. Blll- n Fotirfch Aveoue al- mor . Larry House. Barrett: Wll- irnm tne iTesoytetian , iram Hanson. 8mlthers; Charles i K Chrurtensen on M Adam. Stewart rstood the purchas-' It Many people have been asking the prices and securing other Inforrria- offle- Uon which Indicates that Interest is ing anythtn about being taken ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Gerards English Toilet Soap 12 Floral Odors, Cuke :$ CaUcs Cashmere Boucuet Soap And One Medium Bottle of Cashmere Bouquet Lotion Hoth For 25c .lerRcnx Rose and Violet Glycerin Soap I Cakes For Orm Pioneer Dru.qg tats The Itcxall Slore Phones 81 U K Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to.'S p.m. and 7 to 3 p.m. a o o o o o o o o o o o o a o 0 o o o o o o o o LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous vice Phone 13 Taxi. by this evening's train for Port & slngton after having been In the city for a few days. O. P. Tinker Is leaving on this evening's train for Rochester, Minnesota, for consultation and treatment at Mayo Clinic. Frank Loekwood returned to the city on the Venture Saturday af ternoon from a fur buying trip as far down the coast as Hardy Bay. Even Evenson of the Ideal Cleaners Is leaving on this eve ning's train for Rochester, Minnesota, to take treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Currie are leaving on this evening's train for Rochester, Minnesota, where Mr. Currie will take treatment at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, returned to the city on the Cardena this morning after a trip to Ottawa to attend the annual meeting of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Charles M. Adam of Stewart, who has been on a motor trip south, arrived In the city on the Cardena this morning from the south and will be here until Wednesday af ternoon when he will proceed north on the Prince Rupert. the pleture "Stauley and Living ston" with Spencer Tracy Is of his torical and spiritual significance. Special matinees tomorrow (Tuesday) for school children and adults at 3:45 p.m. (18) Examination For Inspector Of Steam Boilers And Machinery Competitive examinations for Inspector of 8 team Boilers and Machinery will be held at the Office of the Chief Insepctor of Bailees In the Workmen's Compensation and Labour Building. 411 Dunsmulr Street. Vancouver. B. C. ommenelng February 26th. 1940 at 10 am Application forms and further information may be obtained from the Chief Inspector at the above address. A. K. BAKER. Civil Service Commissioner. I News is sure to bring D o! suits o a o o o 8 Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge January 24. Presbyterian Burns' Lakle's Jan. 25. Schubert's, February 14. ser- Oust Ross la leaving on this ev-tl. 'ening's train for Rochester, Min Tea, Mrs. Barns' Day Banquet Jan. 25 Oddfellows' Hall. Sonja and 8.O.N. dance Jan. 2G. Masonic Ball January 26. United Voung Ladles' Tea, Mrs. Clarke McLean's February 1. Noooaooooooa' Catholic Tea Mrs. McCaffery's aoooooooooeioaoooooooooooooooooooooooot":'c":'OOOWWMWtV(1,rftry j THL CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY QF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers 'ELEPHANT Hrand Cheini- of . .... . i , cnls and Chemical fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate. Supcrpnos phatcs, Monocalcium Phosphale Inducers and Refiners of TADANAC Hrand Metals . ,. Gold Silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony mm 21m. !) Ain Ruinhurlc Acid and Sulpnur jfowal Office ami Works Trail. B.C B. O. N. Masquerade February 1. Hospital Ball Feb. 2. I Legion Valentine Tea, Mrs. D. C. I Cambral Valentine Ball, February 10. S. O. N. Leap Year Dance February 23. Boys' 'Band Dance February 28. Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. nesota, to receive treatment at Mrs. flpm-frp Rasi'v returned to the 'Mavo Clinic trip to Vancouver. H.G. HELGERSON LTD. 21C Sixth Street See Us Tor All Kinds of Insurance and Real Estate Notary Public We have on our lists the following good buys 5-ItOOM IlOUSEFully modern. 8 t,h Ave. E., near school, SKOO.OO, quarter oath. C-KOO.M HOUSE Modern, concrete foundation, 4th Ave. W $3000.00, on easy terms. 5-UOOM HOUSE With one acre all cleared, own water system, garage, chicken house, large garden with fruit trees, all buildings in excellent condition, taxes $17.00 per year. In Comox, Vancouver Island, central position, $1500.00 cash. Malcolm James Elder was fined $10, with option of seven days' Imprisonment, in city police court on Saturday lor assaulting Jean Paul Roche. ATTENTION 8CHOOL CHILD-j What PoUuS Get rl I T Like lira. "Hvulhiui "Ooodbye Mr. lr Chips' vtilna"' REN For Front Menus Calortat Are Reduced A Bit For Men Serving Behind The Lines PARIS, Jan. 22: CP) The French War Ministry has publish ed the dally ration allowance of French soldiers serving on the l western front. It consists of; I Bread. 20 ounces (or 2$ ounces I of biscuits or 18 ounces of oatmeal bread). Meat, fresh or chill ed. 14 ounces (or 10 ounces of canned meat). Dried vegetables or rice, three to four ounces. Salt. two-thirds of an ounce. Sugar, and three-quarters ounces. FIND NESTOR'S PALACE ANN ARBOR, Mich., Jan. 22: 'CP) Fire-scarred ruins uncovered In Greece last spring by Dr. Carl Blegen of the University of ; . Cincinnati have been Identified the Daltjas those of the palace of Nestor. dally re-1 ancient Hellenic sage and king, It's the cumulative effect ol advertising that counts. J. H. BULGER I Optometrist Hots) Bank Hldr COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 65 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor "A HOME A WAV FUOM HOME" lUtes 11.00 up 50 Rooms, Hat & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.O. Phone 281 r.O. Box II Boys Band Given Dinner And Dance Happy Affair Staged Last Friday Night In Oddfellows Hall city on the Cardena this morning! ine uaaienows nau was me from a trip to Vancouver. i Provincial Constable and Mrs. E. lKeDe lasl nmay mgnt or. a ae- 'J. Kldd returned to the city on the "Bhtful banquet, social and dance r-atne p. Champagne is leaving uaraena wis morning irom a brief " Spiritual Values Being Neglected Band and their friends. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all the boys and girls. Mrs. Harry Wanamaker, Mrs. V, Sorrenti, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. J. A. McRae, Mrs. Theo Fortune and Mrs. Hanford Perkins were active in connection with the serving of the banquet. - There were short talks by Mrs. J. O. Vlereck. Mrs. O. W. John stone and Robert Oreenfield. Elsa Kraupner and GUda Campagnola gave tap dances. V. Sorrenti was In charge of the games. Harry Wanamaker was master of ceremonies and Mrs. Carr presided at the piano for the dancing. Pastor Sees Little Room Belnr Left For Christian Service By Most Of People From Work And Recreation In the development of the phy slcal and mental side or life, many people were today neglecting the spiritual or eternal side, declared Rev. H. O. Funston, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, in his morn ing sermon yesterday. The . grow ing tendency appeared to be for people to leave little If any room Irom work and recreation for the service of Christ at a stage In the i one Un-! ground coffee, more- than onei ounce. Wine, nearly two pints iora i similar quantity of beer). Tobacco. between half an ounce and an ounce. i This food ration Is equivalent! to 4.100 calories. For men behind L ' the lines it is reduced to 3.337 calories. affairs of the world when such service was so vitally needed. There appeared even to be- a gen eral Inclination on the, part of parents to encourage their children to recreation on the Sabbath rather than Christian observance. Was this, asked the pastor, why chuiches were gradually becoming emptier and even many who at tended cud not do so -wlth true Christian understanding. Five thousand people read the nays to let them have to selL CHILD'S ''Rtrpett Dally News, it know what tou COLDS Relieve misery direct without "doiinF". QMSls Useswltt-tctme' VICKS VAPORU1 NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) GROCERY SPECIALS Every Day at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollar Have More Cents" Phones 18 and 19 Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL QUALITY 1" GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the oIt salmon canning eetnpsny with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert UNZEY & DAVIES PHONES 585 586 Butter First grade. QC i lbs. for Brookficld Sausage Per lb. 25c Pork Patties They AP. ar tasty. Per lb. Cream Chews 2-lb. pkjr. ... Llbby's Prunes Per 2-lb. pkg. Baby BeU Per tin 55c 2dc 15c Stilton Cheese Is it 2's, each 25c and 50c Lettuce California. Qn Per head Oranges Per dozen 20c 25c - 30c Uonw Beaut ys (24 QC gX.OD P.r tat 20C""1 25C Sprouts Per lb. Bananas Per lb. 15G tec Local New Laid Eggs AAfi Wearmouth's, Doz. JL 7 S B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture For really low prices it will pay you to come in and look over ouz large stock of household furnishings consisting of Kitchen Ranges, Bedroom Suites. Dinettes, Chesterfields, Heaters, Beds, Springs and Mattresses, etc. 1 Singer Sewing Machine Q4 A Cft OII.DU r good shape 2 Sessions 8-Day Chime Clocks $995 Ilcul sntp. 1 Bed-Couch Vacuum Cleaners gQ 7 50 4 Kitchen Ranges In first class condition. $20.00, 22.50, 824,50 and $27.50 New Furniture 1 3-Piece Chester.! ield In latest style, tine pattern, at I Chesterfield -lied and 2 Easy Chairs At S Cheats and Draw From $98.50 89.50 S6.95 10 S9.50 Phone BLACK 524 THIRD AVENUE Nest Door to B. C CloUiiers SINGER SEWING is always in season but there's so much more to be done at this time of year. SPRING TIME IS SINGER TIME Slake and Keep Your Ume Modern and Up-To-I)ate wiU SINGER SEWING CURTAINS, DRAPERIES SLIP COVERS, ETC. Easy to make on a Modern SINGER Every Woman Needs a Good Sewing: Machine SINGER is it Sec the Newest Models at Our Store Liberal Allowance Easiest Terms As Low as $3.00 a Month If you haveBomething to sell, a classified advertisement in thia paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city., .. . t