G racia Shoes PERFECT FITTING PUMPS With Style and Dependability racia pumps are built with snug ". fitting Heels, built-in arches, in fittings from A to EEE Priced $5.50 to $6.50 Family shoestore ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH CpLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week . Paid In advance, per month By mall' to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year Classified' advertising, per word, pa Insertion . . Local readers', per line, per insertion Newe Department Telephone .. , - K6 Advtlslng Ld1 and Circulation Telephone 98 TAHY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ol circulations THEY LIKE PRISON .1? .50 3.00 9.0C 02 .25 Saturday, March 23, 1940. EDITORIALS EASTP2RTIDE Tomorrow is the day on which Chistians celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It is the most joyous of all the church festivals. Formerly it was a festival celebrating the return of sprint: and named after the coddess of spring, Eostre. The resurrection of the plants following the winter when growth ceases is symbolic of the resur rection of the body in which most Chistians believe. It is a hannv thntiP'nr' that nr snmp fntiiro fi'mp all will rpneepm. There are in Holloway Gaol, London, about one hundred interned German women. Some of these women have been given the opportunity of returning to their own country but they prefer gaol in England where food is plentiful and they are very well treated. This is in sharp contrast to English women in German prisons or camps; Com "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert L(L British Columbia Presbyterian Tea And Sale Success Delightful Easter Event on1 Thursday Afternoon Draws Qut Many Ladles The Easter tea and sale of home cooking held Thursday afternoon by the Ladles" Aid of First Presbyterian Church at the home of Mrs J.- J.' Little. Fourth Avenue East. Thursday afternoon was a very successful affair. It drew out a aeed-ly numoef of ladies In spite of other appointments and the ttn-llrielal results were quite etUfac-toryt 'Tile-Cillers were recetvedvby Mrs. Little and Mrs. D. C Stuart, the president of the Aid. Mrl J. O. Steen wns In chants of tea room, assisted by Mss. Harry Calderwood and Mrs. Slmundsen Pouring; were Mrs. William Millar. McLeod, accompanied by Mrs. E. J. Smith. Spring flowers were used to tastefully adom the rooms. The pouring table was covered with a beautiful lace cloth and centred with daffodils and tapers. Surprise Party Was Enjoyable Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Duncan Are Honored By Friends A delightful surprise party In honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dun the others danced to violin music by John Bremner. The winners at bridge were Mrs. ble in a purified form in a state in which the frailties of 15.? honor tnis me win nave oeen leit behind. Today in Sports PR. RUPERT WON AGAIN OVER FALLS Mrs. peter Laiue. Mrs. h. w. Bicex- wi i i- , In the final for Intermediate ..... .. . . . . .Hcliohtfiil vocal solo hv Mrs. J. H. ...... . movea rapiaiy irom. ena to ena ,: :. ; ." : .",;' , "'nmup ana me unmo uyp nnrf lh(, vriM v.y. nnrf . ....... .am H...k ll . U t . 1 n 1 " I !Hlgh School defeated Ben's News can was held at the home of Mrs. made twelve points for the locals James Hadden. Mrs. John Brem- 00 five field baskets and two per-ner and Mrs. William Goodsell be-'Sonal throws. There were flashes ing the organizers. A very enjoy-'.of pretty passing play between able time was spent by all, half RaV Buresi. Kazu Nakamoto and of the guests playing bridge while' Ron wte but they were effective Leod and O. Holmes. "'r the malnsoring of the Ocearri At midnight delicious refresh- fan team, Ray Burgess, suffered ments were served after which jwhat seemed to be a sprained1 John Bremner, on behalf of thej-'n'tle but he was able to return company, presented Mr. and Mrs.;or the second half. Duncan with tokens of their I The second half wa larrlv n esteem a handsome purse,, wallet 'repetition of the first with the and tobacco pouch: r ': iJ J mtztf locate having n0 difficulty Those present other than the (in keeping the piay largely in were: Mr. and i their control and scorinir effeetivp- Mr. and Mrs. J. ly. The visitors tried eamelv all jBremner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Good- the.wav. however, and did their sell, Mr. and Mrs. O. Smith, Mr., best to make things interesting. auu j .iiuiiiics, ivir. ana jvirs. rr i-rmce nupert, MacPhee and Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Moran, Mr Beynon vied for scoring honors and Mrs. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.' Herbie Morgan was himself again. N: McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Don Arney. besides being a stout Leod, Mr. and Mrs. R. Morin, ' and Mrs. R Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. N. MacKay, Mr. and Mrs Bostrom, Mr. .and Mrs. A. Guyan. I Mr. and Mrs. V Mr Pick, and Mrs. plaints of terrible treatment for some of them comes to) Daigarno, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan! hand, indicating great brutality at the hands of the Ger- Mr. and Mrs. J. Munro, Mr. and man Gestapo. ' Mrs- Dolron, Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan, Mrs. Christlson, Mrs. STILL IN CABINET Premier Edouard Daladier is still a member of the French cabinet as minister of defence. That means no appreciable change in France's war policy, except possibly more active aggression than heretofore. It was an. expression of opinion from the Chamber of Deputies that they will stand for no policy that is not aggressive. It must be real- war and not just sitting, back and waiting for the enemy to come. Similar expressions have been given in England. Knott, J. McLeod and Mr. Gillls. 'Five thousand r people read the Dally pays to let them know what vou have to sell: et Rupert News. Ui! SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue . Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C- Ei Black, Proprietress fCentral Hotel) Our Famoos Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. ' - "' Phone 58 and 558 lv kept from scoring by the heavy local defenders. Half time score was 26 to 8 for Prince Ruoert O. Holmes, Mrs. Christlson. J, Mc.j During the latter part of the first 13 SISTERS CAFE IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 31 Your Patronage will be highly appreciated . IDORA Roller Rink Daily Sessions as Follows: Mon.. Tues Wed. T to II p.m. Thursday 7 to 11 p.m. Friday C to 10 p.m. Dance 10:30 to 2 a.m. Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.nu-6 to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to II p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties GENERAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stone Masonary, Brick or Concrete Work Excavation and Landscape Gardening .Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phone 35 for Morretto or Green 527 for Casey forth with never more than a few points separating the very V n W f q . r ,.u . u, u . " u teams and the issue being In doubt i iiuiuci witiuii was ui uiurc exdtjng than the Senior lnter-town contest. During the Intermission between senior and intermediate gameS, Bert Morjan made presentation of the cup which was received by Captain Helge Holke-stad for High-School. Rupert vs. Falls The Oilers built up a strong lead from the outset In Thursday night's game. Before Ocean Falls was able to make a single point, Sonny Beynon, Herbie Morgan and Angus MacPhee between them had up to the final whittle. Either tide had enthuftaatlc supporters and there was pandemonium on the side lines. Half time score waa sixteen all. The Individual scoring was as follows: High School Klhara. 1 (1); Holkestad. 8 3: Scherk. 3 (4); Morln 1); Santerbane. 15; Bus-sey. 6 1; totals. 33 MO. Ben' Viu- Klanri Rimu 9 111 Knutsen. 8; Lundqulst '!; Clatu- S en. 2 1: Fitch. 7 U): Hale. 3 (2); Orimble. 8 2; Macdonald; total. 32 (8). Johnny Comadina was referee of both games. Andre Letourneau was scorekeeper and Etlo tonelll. timekeeper L1NZEY DAVIES PIIONTS 585 5W5 FREE DELIVERY 6 a JBB. 16 oz. L 35c paaiSravt MBB8k "Aim to Please" Is our .Motto I STJb Thank You I aaaaaaaaa; er lb 25C 8 oz. 20c Something New and Dellciou Wheat Puffs Large sacks. Each- . Sliced Bacon Per lb 25c 29c Wearmoulh Local New Off Laid Egrs--Per doz. "DC Aunt Dinah .Mollasses Per tin Apricots Per tin Peaches, Veal Loaf Uncut " Per lb. 15c 15c 15c 25c Maple Leafs Rangers Annettel ... Knox. Hotel guard, was responsible for seven Rex points, snaring two or three spec- Merchantettea tacular field baskets from long Blue Dlrds range. Macpnee was me Daa Day Big sisters for the locals, being banished for personals not long before the end of the game. Durgess and Nakamoto starred Bowling Standing BOWLING li o I 0 o o o An-, 2 o a a a I o o o 0 o 8 0 o g 8 0 n 0 0 2 3 3 G 7 8 0 10 ter Ocean Falls, the wiver break-1 ternoon from a trip to Vancouver lhg through to score some pretty. .Makes It Twu Straight In District baskets from hard angles during Hoop' Filial With Fifty Point tjft latter half. JuH before the I-raiKlfuli School Captures of the first half. Poote was Intermediate Cup Sent off for personal. Standard Oilers of prince Rupert defeated Ocean Falls at the Armory here Thursday nithtf by a score of G3 to 32 in the second same oi me norifiern uruisn i;or Individual scoring: C$ean Falls Buries, 16; Nakamoto. 10 i2; Lear. 5; Foote 4; T. Kelly H. Kelly U: Nortti 2 Hi;' J. Kelly Hi; total. 32 U2. Prince ""h Rupert Beynon. 15 3V. lechv and Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. , Ji... 4W Morgan. MaePhee, " lum-gumc tuiai series, iiius ui ' Serviteur-were Mm. Robert earner- locals lne nm two Bani on. Mrs. A. T. Ivarson and Mra. Alex i.ht ow exists rviwi ail URKIKt UIC ttl- M .lilt , . totata. 03 13. McRae. Acting as cashier waa Mrs. on the 135 to 75 firty. m. Mcnoooie. point surplus puts the Oilers In a Mrs. M. J. Keavs and Mrs. J. G.jVery commanding position for the McLeod were in charge of the home nal Uo wmeiS be piayj later cooking table. ' at ocean Falls. I During the afternoon there were Intermediate Game 10 (4: Houston. 3 2t; Arney. 7; Stiles. 2 2; Currle. 2; Dominate 6: The Intermediate game kept the crowd on Its feet and howling almost from start to finish as play ID 0 V i 4 3 2. ReV. I. C Jackson: paitor of First United Church, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday af A fiftv cen; ciaMtiro ad. w.li often mafre-you manr dollars. SCHEDUIP Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PtUN9 51 u March 27 -Bankers v r. rj k TO.; I Tome Oil v.s MuJk " w April 3- Banker r Home OH vv D. I 8 it xci April 10-Hankers w jf, .... r BARRYMORE CARPETS Sites 27"x5f: 38"xCJ", VxlW". Wx9'; 9'; 9'xlO'.. ; J'i IV Several trade to cIiooh and over CO different iliri, all different pattern We will appreciate It If you Kill rail' and lnprt or Urge slock of Barrymore Carpets. Juki arrived, MacKenzie's Furniture Phone 775 - v Third Avenue, Prlnre Rupert .oooooo ooooooooooQwooooocrooooaooooooooooooooooccoeoet EASTER NOVELTIES A truly fine selection of chocolate novelties. Never hefore featured in the eitv 9 v . 15c to $3 Any item reserved till Easter on-request. Make yui? scleclibn while the assortment h complete i 4 X SYMPHONY EASTER CARDS An excellent assortment, reasonably price 1 2 for 5c 5C and IQc Cranes ltd. Ptonecr Druq&ijts The Rexall Store Phones 81 & S3 Open Daily Trom 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. ooooooooooooooooooooooodooQoooooaooooocoooooooaoooew 3 1940 C.C.M. BICYCLES The All-Canadian Rtcyclc With the Guaranteed Quality "Rambler" Model For men and boys Rambler Motorbike Double bar C.C.M. Girls' Ricycle Price ...,... $39.50 $42.00 $35.95 (2."c per month extra for time payments) Accessories Dunlop Tires 26" and 28" by 1J. Each SI-75 Tufies . . . .85 "nalloon Tires $2.50 Tubes ; .' $1.20 Hicyclc Lamps With batterfesf : . . . $1.50 and $2.50 Flashlights Complete from . 85c up. Holders 25c Generator Lamp;? Complete $ -l-50 Tire Repair Kits 20c Uclls 35c r