PAGE FOUR Commander C D Donald R C. E E. Mason, superintendent of N. sailed Thursday night by the the Northern Pyrites mine, ar-Prmce George on his return south rived in the city on the Cardcna after a brief visit here on official last night from Vancouver cnroute duties. to the Ecstall River. Liberal Rally PHONE 116 Night or Day PHONE In Support of OLOF HANSON MONDAY NIGHT, CAPITOL THEATRE at 8:00 Entertainment Will Be Provided from 7:30 to 8:00 Doors Open at 7:00 p.m. SPEAKERS Olof Hanson, E. T. Kcnncy M.L.A. Ed. T. Applcwhaitc OAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. OVERWAITEA LTD. Rice Finest quality. QCst 4 lbs HEINZ TOMATO CATSUP Per bottle Aylmer Red Pitted 9Qp Cberrles-2 tins Lynn Valley Peaches "I AJO Cp Per tin FRESH SP1NACH-2 lbs Celery Large bunch- "f iOL Cp es. Per bunch Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs 23c J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Kiiz PHONE 117 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars I CASH or C.O.I). Phone 813 Free Delivery on Orders of $1.00 and Over EGGS Grade "A" Large. Per dozen Burns Sliced Bacon Per lb 29c 25c Quick Quaker Rolled "fQp XtU Oats Per pkt. Oatmeal Fine, med- Op ium, coarse. 5-lb. sack"1 Leeks 3 bunches Washed Parsnips 7 lbs. 19c Grapefruit Juice Francis Drake. 50 oz. 25C Castille Toilet Soap OCn lobars 19c 10c 25c SOOTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fares, etc., call or tcrit City Ticket OJflc; 528 3rd Ax. V-9-40 Fresh Shrimp BOAT y.sii. Daily at 4 p.m. v TROTIER'S DOCK COMEDIES FEATURED Jackie Cooper takes a comedy i role in a fast-paci:ed laugh-riddled play of school life "What a Life" which Is the feature of-; ferring on the screen of the Capl-' tol Theatre here tonight together J with a good old-fashioned roll-, 'em-in-the-aisle comedy, "$1,000 a Touchdown,' starring Joe E. Brown and Martha Raye. j Co-starred with Jackie Cooper, in "What a Life" is Betty Field who played the lead in the stage play of the same name. Jackie, in1 the play, is an exponent of the "soft answer tuneth away wrath", school of thought. How his soft' I answers mire him deeper and juvif... U1HI uun.uitjr UIIU1 lie pulls himself out by the boot-; straps comprise a delightful tale. The real charm and merriment of day-to-day high school life Is captured in the film, the cast of, which also Includes Georee Biae- low. John Howard. Janice Logan.' uonei stander and Hedda Hopper. In "$1,000 a Touchdown," Joe E. Brown and Martha Raye under-1 take to put a broken down college1 on its feet by recruiting a handsome football team which attracts a corps of cute co-eds to the school. Erie Blore and Susan Hav- ward head the supporting cast. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C P.honfc 281 P.O. Box 198 Don Wilson BARBER (Late of Nelson's) Is Now 1 Just Eat of. Elfo's New Fresh Stock of EASTER CANDIES and NOVELTIES From lc to "3c now on display. You are invited to look over the assortment while it Is Cpmpjete. Those wishing to can have goods held till Easter MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Dr. R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. B. LLNDAHL Will Continue Practice of Dentistry in Rooms 1, 2, 3 Besner Block THE SEAL ' QUALITY "0 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all ths year rocri payroll In THE DAILY NEWS Saturday Waterfront Whiffs New Deputy is Popular Choice Reduction Plants Close With Herring Fishing Over gives him a sufficient length of time ahead of him to study the problems of the industry from an administrative point of view and to build up a career of real service In promoting the welfare of the commercial fisheries in years to come. In education and training he Is well-equipped for the responslblll has been closely IndenUfled with problems of commercial fisheries and he ij Intimate with freezing, salting, smoking and canning processes. And since the scientific side of fisheries development and conservation is playing a more important part than ever before In successful and intelligent government administration, the new deputy Is well-equipped in that respect. In addition, his personality Is one that inspires friendship and confidence, and he should prove a popular official. The choice of Dr. Finn in the selection for Deputy Minister of Fisheries Is one based on merit and fitness and Is free from any political complexion. He should make a well-informed and considerate ot- nciai. young enough to have the desire to rnafce-a success of the lob, He has a difficult task ahead of him. but he oan be assured of the fullest measure of co-operation irom all sections of the Industry. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McLean and family of Port Edward sailed last night on the Plncess Louise for Vancouver to spend a vacation. Mr McLean is manager of the Port Edward reducUon plant of the B.C Packers which is now closed down until the salmon run commences. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nicholson and familv of Port Edward left this week for Vancouver on a holiday visit FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby chicks from vig orous new blood leghorn breedins stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pul : lets (977.) $25.00 oer 100. Ake Rock and Red chicks $124)0 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mb sion City. B.C. tf WANTED WANTED Capable housekeeper fori three months from June 15. No cooking. Apply stating wages required, qualifications and references. The Dunes, Tlell Post Of-flce, Q.C.I. (72) WANTED-Experienced dry goods girl. Apply Box 33 Dally News. (73) HOARD AND ROOM ! FIRST CLASS board and room, i close in. Phone Black 965. tf. PERSONAL 'how to get a government JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal . Clerk. Customs Examiner, Clerk, Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba. tf. br ting it in readiness for the execu tion of the contract to build two mine sweepers for the Canadian Navy. Relieving the Princess Adelaide which has been withdrawn from servke at Vancouver for annual overhaul. C.P.R. steamer Princess from the south and sailed at 10 p.m on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Union steamer Cardena. CaDt John Boden. arrived in port at 6 o"clock last evening from the south and salted at 10:30 pm. on her ro turn to Vancouver and waypoints Now that herring seining in thu district has been closed down US IS 4. llie Gin STRENGTH ISundtr proof SfWi CONTENTS 26 on miQuim coioofuco -to. lunoomncimo Vht luftit tin diltiUU in the uvtfd ThU adTtrtun-ment U not publuhd or AUpUyrd by the I.lquor Control Board or by Oovrnmeat o Bruub Cotumbi PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Cas Lnjlnes Repaired and Overhauled eaking a general survey of radio receiving conditions along the coast on behalf of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. William Ward of CBR production staff in Vancouver arrived In the city on the Cardena last evening from the south He will be here until Sun day night when he will salt on the Catala to make the round trip to Stewart and other northern points and thence back to Vancouver, tng here again Tuesday southbound. The appointment of Dr. D. B. Finn to the post of Deputy ducUon planU nave 5USpcnded op-Minister of Fisheries should meet with the universal ap-cratiora for the time being They proval of the fishing industry, says Canadian Fisherman m resume grinding when saimon in its feature article for March. Since the retirement of loai becomes available with the Dr. W. A. Found, the appointment of a successor hajlSi..; Deen me SUDjeci 01 controversy, among vanoi sucuuns ui.the herring, the planU will be re the fish trade. The Pacific Coast " "Mr- Nicholson, who has been ac-rtrituh urged that the new deputy be a rviinmhion nr m. nrum countant of the B.C. Packers re- with an Intimate knowledge of Auction plant at Port Edward, will Pacific Coast conditions. Down in be manager o the company's sal-1 the Maritime, the demand was for mon cannery at Shannon Bay. Mas-a deputy who knew something or " lnlet' hteh to be operated the industry on the Atlantic sea- j thta ear- board. All were united In blocking ; j the appointment of a political Job-, CNJl. steamer Prince Rurxrt un seeker, or a lawyer, or any outsider, "'erf.olng annual overhaul at t whose Intimacy with fisheries was local dry dock, was taken on to the perfunctory. In Dr. Finn, a happy , pontoons on Monday of this week combination of all the desired re-: and is expected to be out of the qulrements Is to be found. He Is a water for a couple of weeks. Work young man 40 years old which , proceeaing ai uie local yard get- quiring some attention in the way of overhaul moomnqSrt o ties which he will assume. A seien-1 Louise, Caot S. K. Gray, arrived in oooooooooooooooooooooooooo tist primartlyrhevertheless his work 1 Port at 2:30 yesterday afternoon ooooooooooooooooooaooooooa o Announcing the f 0 Opening of the 2 1 U and I CAFE I g At The Waterfront g TONIGHT O.Mv Jo I'!. ltrnR 7 " " ""-". -'lit hi . I ... iurciit)ols " At:22and J, Plu, Jackie (wf . "WHAT A Lilt (At 7:00 and s I Coming Mon. Tir CHAKLLs LAUGHTOI 'JAMAICA noti: Mallnre Showing Or. 1 ijj J on .nonuay i.Mondj Liberal Party Metiir v GOLDBLOOS The Old Kr' .Have Big Order For Beaver n sl- ruiuic can pay more tbl anyone ric lor all Jar. &l not sell your fon ci e,l irlstfrnnt as. I (JOLIHJLOOM and get 3rl ceni more. Announcing . . . THE OPENING OF Tie Style Shopp (We Clothe You from Head to rood Tuesday March 19 at 9 8- m. With a Complete Line of LADIES' WEAR COATS, SUITS. DRESSES. I1LOI si s, SKIRTS, HATS. LINGERIE, SIIOKs, HOSE Next Door Hulkley .Market, 3rd Ave svanaaataiik:aBHaB1BaHMBBat USED FURNITURE Dresser At Extension Bound Table Each, from Standard Lamp and Shade At English Prams Each from ; nni Dropslde Couches Each from . Woven Bed Springs Each from .,1, Iron Bed Post , . . From RccondlUoned Kitchen Fanges Each from Toledo Counter Scale-Capacity 20 lbs. .. ..,. JZ-guage Hammerless Shotgun Price (;A'ttar- S5.95 n'y"- 3..MK.,,.- $15()0 7-Jewe. Va,ch S6.50 S6.50 " S4.00 ""87.00 85.50 "82.00 "81.50 S21.00 "840.00 820.00 S9.00 86.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE (ireen DIG T1,U) AVi;NlE Slore Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.