i - i "Ll yogf coi float awy an a tong." "Accompanied by a St Cap ol count?' SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES ' Tht putntfamt in h'uh loba cn It imoltd." (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can ItlUe for I'rlre of One J M. ncracrpmeni Tonleht's train, true from the 2 10 n iw SmhUv School Su LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's, tf Miss Lillian Davles left on the Princess Louise last night for a trip to Vancouver. Come and hear the sacred cantata "Christ Triumphant" (Bruno ItuhnT tomorrow night at 7:30 at I C. W. Towgood has arrived here ' from Esquimau to take charge of a naval wireless station. His wife and two small children will arrive In prince Rupert next month. Ideas from America but for pattern of institutions and the or- .1..L . . siajllzattnn thov hurt in tn flrMt ( 'at-ement of their turn the eit i. ih. ,... 'hlp was virtually " necessary. It! - Edith Emily to Mr (Louise yesterday afternoon from wa brave atid cIevitr lnel tidest son of Mr trip to Vancouver. oomg m creating sucn ' a uttM tt m so short a t Trnfn nnt anH S?. . n."7 W ' twenty years. Mrs. Watt . v T, ?f, I L U.? aitrVm'"- "J gave some Interesting Impressions place quietly on Nw U fre to bring dally re- the national life of the easy easy ulu FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH E T. BRANDT II.A. B.D Mlnkler Eattrr Sunday 9rTfet 11 00 am "The Klrnul llBpc" 12 IS Sunday School Immortality" Mr Brandt the preacher. You(Are Heartily InrHftl to Attend The Salvation-Army Speelal lUMer Sunday Servlee Meeting -Speak Captain tnm HtW "The Way of Complete Sawnder" going people always late and never in a hurry. In the Riga market place still remained the Russian tendency to show off. For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. tt Mrs. A. J. Watkirison sailed last ! night on the Princess Louise for a trip to Vancouver. First Presbyterian Church, by an employment Insurance augmented choir. (70) Election Committee. MU Winnie Tucker, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancou- ver and Seattle, returned to the city t on afternoon. the Princess Louise yesterday A Cl C. F. vote is a vote In of national health and un- C. C. F. from that quarter in winning their independence. Oa Scandinavia Moving on to Sweden, Mrs. Watt said she gathered the Idea that Swedes, Norwegians. Finns antf Danes would always stand together. They had much In common In Slanguage, ideals and customs and In Esthonla was a different type 'all had had to fteht for their In of people possibly the most fas- j dependence. Sweden was not so clnatlng of all In the Baltic States.! democratic as Finland. Sweaes They were less austere and gayer were a ceremonial people strong and they looked towards Paris, on etiquette. There, had been a They were not afraid of Russia great many classes in Sweden but because of its inefficiency but they It was to be gathered that this were in deathly terror of the Oer-1 class distinction was breakln? mans. Mrs. Watt told of Tallin, a i down. All women wore uniform Ibeautlful city, distinctively north-.drew. tm, reminiscent of Peter the I Turning to Norway. Mrs. Watt Oreat with heavy architecture 'said Norwegians had been Muatc having a Moorish touch. ThejGermans in the last war but they f : people were charming and alert, had not approved of the Hitler They took nothing from Germany regime. They were a highly educa- j?r. Russia, but were determined ted people. One was amated to that theirs should be culture and(find among a gathering of women organisation of western type. Thelrlfiftv who had graduated from national achievements had been university over fifty years ago without violence or terror. Proud The speaker knew nothing like they were of having achieved by that In any other country. There toodwtll resulU which Hitler had was an Idea that the position of ( ...yfrai reque i ;!h Yonn PropW Group will required fear to accomplish. One was a feelln? of bitterness between btauuful Easter tblriu. -The CMIIie of the Crosi." Juddered to think what would the oeasants and the better off a dr tmntlted oi -"rman will be given "The Pllirlm's Journey" Corner 8tli and 9th Ave l'Mt M.nwinc l'ator Re. 131 4i Ave. i -Plne "lark 9il Vn, OrianM Mr. J. II. M.vrwam. Sil. Sunday School EAST EH SUNDAY, March 1 n 00 a m .--Festive Service hi Norwegian l-' 15 pm- Children' Fatter Strvtrea Special Music by Varten 8lngm 3 00 p m - Eater Services at DUby UUiul 'jJ p m - Divine Services in Enelhh at Church EASTER MONDAY. yUrth t5 8 OQ p.m -A Sacred Concert Will Re Olvrn in miMr. Peter Lien Director 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a m -Morning rrayer and Holy Communion Anthem "For the Olory ot the Lord" 2 30 p.m. Children's Service 7:30. pjn Evenlnff I'rayer and Sermon hannen when Russia again took people. There was an idea that over. 'the position of the peasants was In Finland not sufficiently appreciated In na- Mrs. Watt went oil to a descrip-itional industry, ttore of Finland which she had j Mrs. Watt drew from the Baltic visited after a flight from Tallin land Scandinavian nations an. ex- to HelslnkL There had seemed to ample of how mixed populations be a close connection between Fin- had worked together and learned hind nnd the Scandinavian coun-;to co-operate In building up their tries. In view of this Finns, while .countries. It was something " that there was talk Of It, would not' might be emulated in Canada acknowledge the possibility of war j Original cultures and traditions with Russia. They prepared In the;of the people who came to Canada n Charges-Oliver Collection will be taken in me mvcreai oi a muniry wmcn was n reai eremnllflcatlon of 3 lajid of dem- of congregation FRIDY March 9 ocracy and culture. Withal a d Inrormjl Program will 'be given by Junior Luther Uftgue at rhnrmnv. rnle with fine sense ' h",w- tn"v wohlnocd their Metrooole Hall at 2 00 pm .Meellnga rnn,e roeh M Sibelius, sculp- Service, and toer Cordially Inrllrd Attend Our llors. arllsts and writers. t FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist Miw Swanna Olafn A.T.C.M. Leader Senior Choir J. S. Wllon Leader Junior Choir 11. T. Lock Minister Rev. J. C. Jackson loveiw modern city of Helsinki for the Olympic Games with never an anna rent thought that anything mlsht Intervene lo prevent them from belnir held, Fine, courageous. allant. healthy, strong and clean Hvlne, the Finns were the people I Mrs. Watt was Interesting Indeed In her descriptions of concerts, athletic demonstrations and 'dances and community activities jsuch as weaving, dyeing, apple pressing, spinning and canning around the Community centres. v Murfr by the Junior Choir, "When O'er the Steept of ouvei jIJfre WM Q complcte example of ini iiianino iha rvirvrninn 11. ai. nvwiw w The Continuity of Life" Musle hv V, R.nlr. rhnlr Anthm "Thla Is the Day Tnai , j v wvaiavft - .11 h Lord lias Made " Sermon "An Argument for lmnwrtaiii) ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. I. Gibson, Dean Choir Leader, A. J. Lancaster Organist, l'eler Lien rural co-operation. might be retained for the benefit of the Dominion at the same time as real Canadian spirit and cul ture were built up. Tnere were things that Canada might gain by adapting the best from all coun tries. Above all, toleration and kindness was required If people were to live together In peace and harmony in the world. Tribute To Speaker Mrs. Fraser. In her opening remarks, expressed the pleasure It was to have Mrs. Watt as guest speaker. She mentioned the high honors that had been conferred upon her not only by the British but by the French and Belgian governments In recognition of her work on behalf of women. The women's institute which she had founded had spread to twenty-nine countries In the effort to bring about better International Meals In Finland were extra-iunderstanding. among women . Af- oramaruy gooa ana cxleii5ivc lou. t lhe. address Mrs fYaspp duly M. . UM.t.lMM Alii .1 J A rt f Tl . " inere wiia nuutiuii uumw m wvii-mark that could compare with them. The farmhouses were the homes of cultured people. It was amazing what the- Finnish women had time to accomplish. They were also organized to back up the fighting men. Mrs. Watt alluded to the ten dency of the Finns to poke fun at the Russians owing to their inefficiency and ineptitude. As for the Oermans, FlnrilT'wer appreciative thanked Mrs. Watt Miss Lillian Halllwell presided at the piano to accompany "O Cana da" at the opening and "God Save the King" at the closing of the meeting. RAK ti OI.II LONDON, (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at of assistance they had received $37.54 per fine ounce. Pioneer Wins Bowls Again Scored Clean Sweep Over Alley J Cats Last Nljftt For Further Improved Position i Pioneer Laundry, undisputed leaders In the standing- of the Mixed Bowling League, scored ay clean sweep three games to nil victory pver Alley Cats Wednesday j! night while Mowopes played off! (70) their end of a fixture against!? Franks and won two games to one. ! A George W. Weaver, C.C.F. candl-' The league standing: date for Skeena In the federal elec- Pioneer Laundry :21 12 tlon, returned to the city on today's Franks 15 15 freight after a campaign tour Mowopes 14 13 through the Interior and will be Alley Cats 1 20 here until after election day. . H. V. Littler, manager of the HockeV ScOtCS Stewart branch of the Bank of ' Montreal, and Mrs. Littler and fam- NATIONAL LEAGUE PLAY-OFFS lly arrived In the city on the Prince George Thursday evening from the George F. Cameron. National I north and sailed on the Princess Government candidate for Skeena Louise last night for Vancouver en-In the federal election, returned to route to. Montreal and 'other points the city on the Prince George ,!n the East where they will spend Tnursday night after making theia vacation. . round trip to Ketchikan and Stew-1 an in connection wiui me cam palgn. riCTUIilNG. OF EUROPE (Continued from Page One) We with to deny the rumor that has been maliciously spread around town that a person, to obtain work at thp Drv Dock ha ti have a let- ter from Liberal Headquarters. We have In no way Interfered with the hiring of men there. We have ask ed the CNJ?. to take men from Prince Rupert and' surrounding dls 14 M reponea "'trkti first before brfneihe them m this afternoon to be on time. uriuwn wun ius principles oi per-, . ,- sonal liberty. Ta build up a coun- Ia" , . . M, Percy C Miller, r. JtinBea nd , Rk rp try In such a short time, dlctator- pcrt, B.C. ' 70) Thursday Rangers 2. Boston 4. Toronto 2, Chicago 1. Friday Detroit 4, Americans 5. 23. Announcements All adverUsemenU in this col-nmn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Daffodil March 25. Orange Ladles Sale, April 3. Eagles Bridge, April 3. 21 15 1 $ 14l io V I Tea, Mrs. Parkin's Band Parents' tea Mrs. March 27. S. O. N. Fishermen's Dance, March 28. Hogan's Farewell Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. Hill CO Dance, Moose Hall, Apr. 5. United Spring Sale, April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April 13. Toe H Dance. Parish Hall, Seal Cove, April 19. Scout Tea, Mrs. Carter's, April St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. Empire Carnival, Moose Hall, May 23. NOW YOU CAN a BREATHE! CJtar CoIJ-CJovQd Htad VutQukkWay Clear that tormenting stuffiness-breathe more freely! Just a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol that's what you need. Feel it go right to work bring real comfort. This treatment is successful because Va-tro-nol is ortire medication containing several essential relief-giving agents plus ephedrine expressly designed for nose ana upper throat. Next time I " don't wait for a cold to get a head start. Used at first sniffle or sneeze. Va-tro-nol helps L vtrtfc J keep a cold from ... dexlopirff. VATR0-H01 I ix tiik siTRr.Mi: coi'kt or nnuisii rOU'MlUA IN THE MATTER OP RAONHTUJ HARRIS otherwise known m RagnhUd Pedcrsen and RagnhUd Pedtrsm Harris. Deresnt, AND: rN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINI-TRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE Ut lttr of Administration of lh Estate of the bov Dnsnittd formerly of Prtnce Rupert, British Columbia, who died &t Vlktaz. Alberta, ou th 15th day of November 1939. we duly granted In my favour by His Honour Judpe Ffrher on the Mtti day of March 1940. All persons indebted to the above Estate are r quired to pay the amount oi their In-debtedness to me forthwith and all persona having claims ag&tnet the above Entat are requested to file them with me before the 30th day of Aprtl 1940 filling which distribution will be made without reeara U any ciaoma oi -warcu I ahaU not .then have notice. DATED at Prince Rupert, D C, this 15th day of March 1940. NORMAN A. WATT. Nolle of Intention to apply to Lraae Land In the Quem Charlotte District- of the Prince Rupert Land Recommit ui vision, and alKiate a the entrance to Noden Harbor. B.cr., east or ueofge rani dlrertlr frantlns let 443. Q. O Ja. Take noUce that I, Samuel Leonard Slmnoon. of Naden Harbor. B.C. oocu- patton Cannery Manager, intends to apply for a lease of tjie following described lands: Conenclnir alt a pcet planted at the N. W. Comer, lot 443. Q. C. thence switherly along high waier mark to the S.W. corner Lot' 443: thence westerly to Urw Water Mark; Hie nee northerly alone- low waiter mark 15 ehalna more or leas: tlience northerly to point of cotnmejiremeiit. and. roKUUnlng .3 terra. mrr lecs.f 8.VMUIX LEONARD SIMPSON. Daitmt February-31st, 1940. Outfitting the Children for Easter Isn't Such a Problem If You Gq To The Cut-Rate Shoe Store Little feet feel like singing, encased in these fine, sturdy shoes for boys and girls. Every style the young folks favor Is Included and sizes for alL Fitted for super comfort and correct posture. 75c to $3.45 THE CUT-RATE SHOE STORE THIRD AVENUE The Rupert Men s and Boys' Store BOYS' SUITS With Long Trousers $6.95 To $12.00 Small Boys' S2.00 to $5.00 With knee trousers. Sizes for boys age 4 to 14. Styled like dad . : I n .1 n. t -a colors and patterns. Stripes, 5 tweeds, plain blues, greys, etc. All styles. Single and double 5 breasted. Popular belted and J pleated backs. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE SIXTH STREET BOTH STORES OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Coal! Coal! . Coal! Winter- Arechilting. nnayoizr- codlbirt needs refilling. Foothills Bulkley Valley Nanaimo-Wellington U'e are equipped to supply any of these coals promptly, carefully screened and graded to size Phones 651 G52 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Kccondilioned Underwood Typewriter 1 Reconditioned Remington Typewriter 1 Monarch Typewriter In A-l working order 16 Reds Complete Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 4-6. From $12.50 t0 $16.50 2 Washing Machines A-l condition 1 Baby $25.00' $39.50 $29.00 $27.00 24.50 $5.50 1 Five-Piece Dining Room Suite Genuine oak, round table with 21 50 New Furniture 5-Two-Tonc All-Enamel Kitchen Ranges Of very frlmakes 364.00 t0 $109.00 6 Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites In velour and SSk. $69.00 10$98 12 Spring and Cotton Filled Mattresses From $18.75 t0 $22.50 Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE VWvWWAVAViVWiWVlflMiWAVMWWWtWWItt . I UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prinze Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERT TUES- T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Doe Vancouver, Than. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert AfenL Third Ave. Phone M f It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the. whole district are doing the same.