i v f- m ma s i UKrtuucu ftralrd Heavy Sail Defences t of (he Baltic INDON. jurcn j: ai . i.c iriltv announces that a Url- , .i.. .nk Hip Crrmin 1 sUUI'"1 , if,1iUrnhelm. an 8.000 ! vessel, oil inr ifinii v.a,, i umably in the Kattegat, in of heavy Nail naval guards mines. It l me nm i.er- mcrchanl vessel In the war . I I It,, ttrlll.li marks a daring natal feat In of the success! ul penetration i, Herman defences of the Ilcddrrhelm was laden w ith ore from Sweden. It Is. ap- .i. n. nnrnlnr run 111 an uii ... . - i -.mMiivn in niiK at uir iiiiu' i. from Scandinavia to the E IN WARTIME . . a a .if J iimu - - . - - - , i .11. M H. T ma I iniUiiUII til a litiv aw frotect I'rlnce Rupert 7 ' ,1 Hupm Rotary Club. I i weekly luncheon1 ,.(! from Fire Chief n othing of what Is villi to provide for it only from air rr. the enemy wlth-I had been decided r: iiK-rt was the third Pacific coast ln the , ' ' l V Mtt. All VftMW I t all emertervcies LONDON, would be asked to Records of tt of !ilef su gxested that the city a number i hat might become nemy. It was plan liremen to cope with ureal abnormal situation, "cl groups would have ifluence In prearvlng T and sane thinking 'iiuty. then told about tho r Incendiary bombs, hirfly thermite with a a.Mng and the mag-' constituted that 'he effect of causing I" mhtpr. In other words ' T !i" flames. The thcr-J ' : innlted and It caus- 1 ::'sium to burn. The "' i" d ome of the mat-' hw pocket and showed rn -;b rs how it reacted, crcat brine manlfrsterl In the i't' m! fit, only effective ' i4naurvB these bombs was rv them in sand. That smoth- '1 If 1 rr- tin, JIJ 4 - .... uul ulu ,101( tlnU. n if George W. WEAVER Candidate for oKccna Riding Mil Address the Electors Klln.K.. .MOOSE Mill HALL . "wilUAV. ZHIi fit 1 n . Mk IV. SIM FINAIi iULLETINS HUNGARY AM) HOME Count Teleky, Ian Premier, has arrived 3 if ved I I for conferences with I'remier .Mimolini and Korean Minister Clano. KILLED DOWN COAST OCEAN FALLS Marvin Gore of j Bella Bella was killed alter being Xerrlbly mantled when drawn In- to the engine of the fishing boat after his sweater became entangled in the fly wheel. KLICII AM) ROUMANIA BUCHAREST. Itoumahla Germany Is seeking: increased oil shipments and more favor able exchange rates from Itou-manla under trade treaty re-' newal, talks in connection with I which were resumed yesterday j in Bucharest by a' German trade . delegation with Roumanian authorities. There I denial both in Bucharest and Berlin of a ! stiff note having been sent by Germany to Koumanla. OCEAN FALLS SCHOOL FIRE OCEAN FALLS Considerable damage was done by fire which swept half of the twelve-room High School building at Ocean Falls. CROMWLLL KFRUKED WASHINGTON. D.C. James II. R. Cromwell, United States minister. hM been rebuked by Secre tion in the case' tary of Slate Cordell Hull for his lbs being dropped Toronto speech this week. He ex-' rt This Is parti ceeded instructions to the diplo-!ir Air IUIll Pro-l jiuUc corps. There art demands . of which flrei for as much as recall and Im- important sec-1 neachmcnL Cromwell l now at his New Jersey home. . '- 0 .hat. while there 'nr Prince Rupert a..irmed. they must uc uusc conditions ui any time. There CAUSE FOR CONFIDENCE British Critic Surveys Reasons For Nation's Faith FIRE IN PRISON LONDON Dartmoor Prison authorities said tonight that they had under control a fire which started this afternoon when prisoners held as Irish Republican Army members made an unsuccessful attempt to escape. The prisoners overpowered two wardens, locked them in a cell and set the block on fire. RUSSIAN ENVOY HOME BERLIN Alexander Shwhart zeff, Russian ambassador to Ger many, departed by plane ane from from Berlin to Moscow, sources disclosed, arousl jecture that he is carrying . an lm . portant message to Dictator Joseph Stalin. His departure was linked with rumors that another milestone was about to be reached In the relation of Russia to the Rome-Berlin axis. There is no confirmation here that Premier Foreign Minister Molotov Is going lo Berlin for a conference ADOLF THREATENS AGAIN AMSTERDA.M Speculation is heard here of a surprise Easter move by Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany. Predictions range from a sudden and intensive Blittkreig announcement to a smashing new diplomatic victory. MOSLEMS RESTLESS LAHORE An independent Indian democracy as favored by Interesting Impressions of Ger man, Baltic Males ana Scandinavia By .Mrs. Alfred Watt, World Women's Leader High Culture Women's Canadian Club Hears Highly Interesting Discourse On Human Background Interesting Impressions of such muntrlA a flarmanv TJtHiianla aeneraU in thU war have not had. "And modern war Is very much a or nU ideology. The speaicer douot- the same oPPortuniues oi ca;cnin matter ol team worK. the public eye." His reH - v- i . kj. tuiwn icn u.i u "c-. . T. - Smith , "In March British 23: (CD- army cnleis civil war in India, said the leader of the Moslem League Congress In session here today. side of soldiering command of troops. Important staff appointments and posts In the chief army instructional establishments. "It Is especially noteworthy that of thp six mn four have been com riiuineulshed himself as a regi- prince Oeorge for a trip t0 Van- mental officer. u'couver "Since the First ureai wm . armv has had plenty of work to e. S. Richardson and F. K. Rlch- dO bUt ChlCfly m OperUM""3 UIUSUJl. 0 aKat, nuccil Uiianum; i thnca. to which the. islands, who have been on a trip I commanders. I Theory and Practice I "These records." wU Wn f" Charl.show th.t th ,the practical with the theoretical Speaking To-Night In Support of OLOF HANSON Over C.F.P.R. 6:45 A. Brooksbank Replying to George Weaver 7:15 George Mitchell Replying to George F. Cameron .; r . pntnct ruccuM Tomorrow's Tides Rupert and Queen Char- High 1:28 am. 23.0 ft. Fresh to strong . tj . 13:50 pjn. 22.7 It. '3 ra.M t winds, winas, c ciouay ana Low 7:48 am. 1.7 It .lnn nl rnln 20:04 p.m. 2.0 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRiTIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1940 PRICE: i CENTS ociai ygqn is winning gam RMAN MAN IS IS ii -ill i'PICTURING ANTI-AIR ! Aberhart Government Government Appears Annears OF EUROPE RAID WORK Training Of Precautions Squads On Two Coasts Prepares For Accidents, Raids And I Sabotage and comPlete Latvia. Esthonla, Finland, Sweden and antl Norway Norway as as they uiey appeared appeared uur n uermany, Mrs. watt re ferred to the fact that the Asso- dated Country Women of the lion among tne common German o. . people which was apparent before Notts County 2. Mansfield Town 2. ithe war. Farmers were somewhat Lincoln City i, Sheffield Wednes-resentful over Vice Chancellor dav 2 : Ooerlng having exhorted them to .do Impossible things in the way 'of increasing production. Then j there was the proclamation in the Roman Catholic Churches calling upon all religions ln the mandants of the Staff College. The Relch to stand together. In pass-other two have been Instructors at ln Mrs- Ward described a village the Staff Collece and commandants ,n the HarU Mountains where, af- of the School of Artillery. tcr 80 many years' ,nere was tm "All. therefore, have had excep- a K1 friendly sentiment for the tlonal onnortunltles of studvine the English on account of the Dowager Empress, a daughter of Queen Vlc- confidence, 1 branchea and of torla navin8 llved lThe duJlnf f the need should British military says au iu analyzing iMalor-aeneral Sir Charlea Owynn. the lessons of the last war. 'JvT.at,h.er dhnlng years. In the high I I alaa aiaa Uaah I ah ahaaa W ax ff Tf .1 a I I m a.tlu The dUttnguUhed teacher and I may be even more Important, they m ". wrttsr recalU that such men as j have had exceptional chances of where HltIer himself stayed, food WoUeiey, RoberU and Kitchener becoming personally acquainted was Pr and scarce even before were known by name to the na-iwjtn a large number of the rising 'the war- Rreat strength of number of aroups'tlon at the start of the First . generation of specially promising."1 " movemen. was in .ne the lasi war w.e p:'Mninr train for a oner trip to."" " V British leaders were comparatively jrerrace. Junior officers. Though tne posi- lions they reached were import-1 Thomas Anderson, superintend ent they were not as a ruie ui ent of the Tucks Inlet reduction nature to attract attention oi warpiant, sailed Thursday night on correspondent. The able young i the Prince George for Vancouver, officer generally found himself to-1 ward the close of the war In the Allan Cormack, assistant super- was Barnsley 3, Notts Forest 0. I Western Section Crewe Alexandra 3, Liverpool S. New Brighton 5, Tranmere Rovers Southwestern Bristol Rovers 3, Newport County Bristol City 3, Cardiff City 2. Northeastern Hartlepools United 0, Bradford 4. Newcastle United 3. Darlington 0. Northwestern Barrow 4, Bolton Wanderers 2. Southport 4, Carlisle United 0. Exhibitions Bury 3, Manchester United I. Manchester City 5, Blackpool 3. Oldham Athletic 5. Rochdale 2. Stockport 3, Bradford City 0. Accrlngton Stanley 5, Halifax ed if the older people even knew Town 2. what HltleVlsm was all about. They Chesterfield 3, Stoke City 1. accented Hitler lust because thev Preston North End 5, Queen of she was In Germany that every-. Swindon Town 3, Northampton one felt war was approaching. The Baltic States Lithuania, entirely under thei domination of Russia and Oer-'g many, lived ln the memory of the "good old times' when Swedenl in control and when Llthu unncr middle classes of the staff, mtendent of the local dry dock, anlans were free. There were no! particularly II ne nau. p.ct.uuo., sanea inursaay nigni on ine.pieasani impressions oi uermani ... t a. a. n PACT I - ST1 K 4l A S . I 1 I . - 1L . and Russian rule. Even the Llthu antan language could not be j taught and about the only way In' which it was perpetuated was In' the peasant songs and legends which had done much to keen nubile had become accustomed, to Vancouver, arrived from the 'the language and spirit of Llthu-i-.iin.ni - police duties SOuth on the Cardcna last nlght'anla alive. ' U'PTP llLtllalltlaVI"" a a I mnrtc little appeal to tne and proceeded on the Prince John. Mrs. Watt found Latvia the most .public. , , ..Whflt' Then ln hla weesty L-i.. ,.r- Means." the ucn- ine ""'"--.. the cral sketches tne ru, present high commana. of the chle Sir Edmund Ironside Viscount - O general staff: mander-ln-chlef of U General Sir Jonn forces In France; Dl5 Ltaeneral A. P. Brooke and Lt.-bcneral Sir Ronald Adam, corps Russians and Germans had been driven out alter tne last war and, from virtual serfdom, re-j markable strides had been made' ln a comparatively few years ln :Town 1. Everton 4, Wolverhampton Wanderers 2. Doncaster Rovers 2, Leeds United 4J Chelmsford City 5, Luton Town Chester 0, Blackburn Rovers 0. Burnley 2, Huddersfield Town 3." Plj-mouth Argyle 3, Navy Eleven O.j All British 1, F. A. Eleven 1. j J. J. Payne sailed Thursday 1 night on the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. B. Walker of the local school teaching tsaff sailed Thurs- progressive of the Baltic States. "IT Z u-T.l Vancouver. A series of breaking and Incidents along Third Avenue smith & Maiietr. wra- h. hHH . : including based seemingly to a large extent tha11'? and cRae Bros" have been reported to tne Plice- upon the songs and traditions , which had been retained ' by the peasants. Mrs. Watt referred to the young farmers clubs of Latvia. Always looking to the west, the Letts had studied and adopted (Continued on Page Three) O. H. Jolliffe of Queen Charlotte City, who has been' on a trip to Vancouver, arrived from the south on the Cardena last night and proceeded home to the Islands on the Prince John. Returned In Alberta Although Outcome Is Not Certain As Yet EDMONTON, March 23: (CP) to elect a single member so far, a OTTAWA, March 23: (CP) In The Social Credit government of Laborite appeared almost certainly four provinces Nova Scotia. New premier William Aberhart in Al- i elected at Edson in the person of Brunswick, Quebec and British .berta has evidently been returned1, Angus Morrison over J. H. Unwln. uoiumma Air Raids Precautions to power but with a much strong-units are training for service In er opposition consisting of the' Wllllam Aberhart, .the Premier, any emergency, says The National Liberal and Conservative fusion led the 13011 ln CalSafy wlth Mayor Health Review. Most members or nnrw the Tnrirunrint titi ci. planes and submarines thirteen vessels, mostly neutrals, were sunk with loss of life estimated at seventy-nine in addition to some twenty missing. This was within a period of seventy-two hours. The Danish were the worst sufferers with Great Britain and Norway also losing vessels, some of which were torpedoed without warning. RUSSIA TAKES OVER HELSINKI At midnight last night Finland formally 'turned over the strategic Hank0 Peninsula to Russia'under terms of the recent peace treaty. BRITISH PLANE DOWN BERLIN Two German fighting planes shot down a British plane in a dog fight so close to the Dutch frontier that the British machine fell in flames in Dutch territory. Both occupants were killed. Nazi planes attempted to bomb Cramer lightship off the Norfolk coast but are believed to have been driven off. REYNAUD HOLDS ON PARIS There is doubt if the new "total war" of Premier Paul Reynaud can long remain in office owing to its widely divergent elements of political feeling. On a critical vote in the Chamber of Deputies yesterday the government had a majority of but one vote when abstentions were taken into account, the actual vote being 2G8 to 156 with 111 abstaining. With Chamber of Deputies adjourned until April 2 and Senate tub an va imxu im i!irii;i uavison running mm a very ciose 'hese unltji are trained In first uresas available up to early today second' the two far ahead aw. Tneir equipment is modern showed the trend of results j rsingorcond- SSntwarwr& Old Country Soccer i delichtfullv delightfully enllchtenlhe enlightening and and in- In J -T f formal way Thursday? evening at a dinner meeting of the Women's Canadian Club bv cMrs. Alfred Watt O. B. E. of London, England, president of the Associated Country Women of the World and one of the principal leaders of the International women's Institute movement. Mrs. Watt's subject was ,uThe Human Background of the Baltic States." Mrs. J. D. Fraser. president of the Women's Canadian ClUb, was ln the chair and, In all, there wereabout eighty ; persons present Including husbands and friends of the club members. 6. world was one of the few or- l 1 (follows: SCOTTISH CUP, THIRD ROUND Aidrie 0, Hearts 0. Motherwell 3, Clyde 0. St. Mirren 1. Rangers 3. Dundee United 3, Kilmarnock 0 GOOD FRIDAY Southern C Brentford 3. Portsmouth I. Charlton Athletic 1. Arsenal 2 rhelTa l. ulham 4. Southampton 1, Westham United seats Tottenham Hotspurs 1, Mlllwall 2. Southern D Aldershot 2. Radina 1. Brlshtnn and Hove Albion 3, Nor- Starting the description of her wlch City 3. Clapton Orient 0, Crystal Palace Southend United 2, Bournemouth ganliatlons of outside prigln which s. Watford 1. Queens Park Rangers Chancellor Hitler had permitted t;- to remain In existence The speak C II! Jl as of the field. Indications were that four ln- Soclal Credit, 32. I dependents would be elected ln Independent, 23. I Calgary with one Social Credit. Labor, 1. The same division seemed likely , C, C. F., 1. 'in Edmonton where Provincial Prospects are, however, that the Secretary E. C. Manning was re-actual make-up of the next Legls-j elected. Hon. N. E. Tanner, miniature may not be known until af-1 Ister of mines, was. rt'-elected in ' ter the federal election as only Cardston. Provincial iTxeasurer twenty-seven of the fifty-seven Solon E. Low lost his sean War-seats have been so far definitely ner. E. L. Gray, Libei-.,; Jeader decided, seventeen going Social running under the j Credit, ten Independent, the am-, banner ln Bow ialgamatlon of Liberal, Conserva- failed to win. Inajendent Valley-:'.m 5s, ,tlve and Unity movements. Social The system of proportional rep-Credlt was leading in fifteen other resentation and single transferable Independent In thirteen, C. vote has made the determination C. F. in one and Labor In one. of results slow where contests were Although the C. C. F. had failed close. mmmmmmmmm m.m i hm.s.s.sh 1 j War News ! !, SEA LOSSES HEAVY LONDON In intensive attacks Mahatma Gandhi must lead Jo w. nerredUto certalrfolsstatisfae- - orhnsby TowhVshefrieldfUh11ed "shipping -by-Nail, bombing Baronet Runs For Commons Sir Arthur Stvnhouse, Candidate in I Red Deer, Came to Canada 31 Years Ago RED DEER, Alta., March 23: (CP) I .Sir Arthur Stonhouse. National Government candidate for Red I Deer in the Dominion election I March 26. holds a baronetcy that dates back to the reign of Charles 1. He is the 17th holder of the title. A native of England, he became Sir Arthur ln December, 1937, on the death of a cousin. The old family manor is Radley College In Berkshire. Sir Arthur came to Canada in 1903 when he wax IS years old, took a course at the New Brunswick Agricultural College and came west to farm near Lacombe, Alta. Although he left Alberta for a number of years to pursue a mining (Venture ln Mexico, he returned 17 I years ago and since then has farmed at Pine Lake, 15 miles southeast jof Red Deer. I This Is not his first venture Into politics. In 1935 he ran as a Conservative in the Innlsfall provincial riding. That was the year Social Credit swept the Alberta political field. Sir Arthur, who was plain Mr. Stonhouse then, received only 318 votes of the approximate 4,000 cast In the riding. I He is married and has one son and three daughters. His son, Philip Allan, Is a student at Queens University. The daughters, Geraldine, Margaret and Marjorle Kathleen, live at home. A. E. Lowan sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to until April 9, it is expected the new government will hold on that long. Influential newspapers are supporting It ,;i r vrsixa ;miiarsma !: ? i"i An Enviable Record MR. HANSON has served us faithfully for ten years, at tending fourteen sessions of Parliament and In this time only missing two days from the House. The man has resided here for thirty-three years. He thoroughly understands all our problems. He Is actively associated with all our major Industries Fisheries, Forests, Mining and Farming. VOTE FOR nANSON The Man We All Know Skeena Federal Liberal Association of Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 ui laxmizsMistsmsa iibxbjebxh .msrxtusira in rsrra cs 1 b isiaia