PAGI TWO HARTT and ' CLARIDGE MEN'S DRESS SHOES rrired Frea $6.50 Greb Work Shoe SJkd TfcracLaai Frird fnn S3-95 Juk ui J3 Shoes fr Mates and Caii-iren Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. TVSCZ ECfttT - BXIT15H COLCMBIA Pshiihcd Erery ASeraocn. Except Ssrday. by Prince Eapert D&Sj Xcas. Lolled. Third ATeaae K. P PCLI.ES Virigfeg-r.-Tttar sucscEirnox kaixs CZj Tttzj. iy eirri-r ytariy pcri. paal m iirxace Pxid a Airiaee. per sasC By "- to xH pirli of Hrrti't-. CcExbo. the ErSfch Frnafre aad ITrHed SUtes. yearfy pericd, paSi is adTxaee By ITaS to aB other cmtrin. per year 'f ADTXETlStNG KATXS CasSed AdT-er2se-3i, per -serf. pertiserSaa SS Local Eeadera per Se per lr-vrtw AdTertiszar aad Omititi Teiepboae Neva Deaxttaeat Telryboese Mraaier t Aadit Bsreaa of Crribtio VnfTTX or TOT ClXtMA.' rtt esBeret TE2 DAILY JOT-" GERMANS KEACH CANADA HIT AS PRISONER tNDER Gl'ARb I. he flrrer shov this yr is a they Suit -pCad bo drfierrre: je held in the Erhftrrjoc Maem; 1 part of Utrtedm aad cae-s av - a die tuata-Or-H day of thiiish leaves -a! a Uiae are in tab Friiiy. Ass X 154- aad it seesu hardly -crth whi ,lBJfcg thm that -jr Baavrer Ji eaJ to aks a asaA aoed ar : Ynvr n v rrvpr U-T U. r L t. I ftrxu aad 5hT ?iiB aroc- ! Wkea R. Lv Maitiaad, Leader of live Opposition. wasit.x ooad 3y be sade rery par .r- here ikis week he quoted a passage from live Bible: ""He esaae. thai is sot with us is araiasi H5. apphriue k to the prei?,t " Jitm peiide haw b aorrsed b waraOKace. arar-atiW a alaari of a ssull dark eaterpu There are soise people who do not baiet-e ra war am. rr. j tec prartiea ai sy think that Casada had do right to enter this conflict THer'fna thu pe. They boredhuc -he vroiM have allowed Germany to overran Great Britain isua asd dervyed the uooes; a -aritioct so miicfa as lifting a hand to help prerent it Tiieiil ' presusaWy they would have acted ia a similar manner i' iae rf br-toward the United States. Thev would allow their friend? to perish or surrender their liberty. However, their re-gious coflvidions are something over which the ceuntn ! has so right to interfere. But, as Mr. Maitlasd says : "He who is not with as is against as" at a time like this. Mr. Maitlaad, when here, referred to an editorial article in the FederatioBist, a C.C.F. paper with eonski-erabJe cirralatien in Prints Rupert. Since the beginning 'The 'They rjasb mU5 Cfcarte Fr1 as sSirted on (he rfbw ha: a- Tfe cte list be is- won 32ap. thaC T-iMnrw Sraflaa4tioiaeaK leaatpasaaaxerrbersafSheBarii-f Shsrs hare beea bad sew rJ.: lilfi iT Saefety DJOirHeaa. ir -rtl The wiMB jsarte-:.-. tt sraw toB jejm nasi the cm- bobb o:. a the rrmrvn ac-jKi-: fextexaly . tasted, ther t.-. .- 7- -i thesa Keats 1c be he aos eff-mr Is k veral xetii saaee I Kit care bat stee fcujer a -leip TL-.-Md m uWFfcfchMity toailhanJ- is o aach mid land tea Seao aiin!esBft5 asd oae reasaa they tired sad aeread to the w s beeaese I hze had atne oppor- deas. 11 this tM bum; canad b I tr ret j mm see a-sat swa are; rany at we ja-asaa 22 fvz I kae-a- a srooJd tea great help. pot sany irias tooi late troe .. - ihe nod aad. dogfe-fl. bt S I haa-e- beea es&igaed trr aod-uac cjwer mspeelim. the agil-iri"atiaf S Mite start- U the bseae of Uf. ad iirv J Uisy eeopfe have teeo ill i Hi it p ASaa. Tlh At r awn,, aat lir j. kj wpi Bhes. Try ir? jm& tix iraBry Base. S Ixr I - ta fdB r n One aanj ht n&bie k mm? xod look dma bteca a a. aad xaother " 9rer- Seat dif I saa amtr Ok kofcai aaeter I have -3JeaT a eaJi asd tfeea I suy (ef rex tad. These EStes hae been - dcasiaf every year he five ar ate 'jwia bat they da aat jeesa to ia- The scicaatBac ai the boxes ai I a39 hate m at the Jr. jobb xnsaj aoot -ahKh are ha bad JgryOag iiK2 iffnim ad K id te sttatl vt-;ts before ThT a J Ha a-ntii-r rr t-t Tbese hxTe been other mrzjiif of b ase! ouus.' Ms tecsereral yean ci.i-.rsj are. pzrSrslaxry y Otuae BatUBO. toojw jaro ataa. pbjA of a-Bieh I an -vo aawm saa sreaas; m tmpMtea eowites the rt of mcir m! fe x ixa -"V -adre. S399km -r. fi Wrh n r landyH hwtse oa Grahaa Awbsc Tse red Moots iri'T-.c -! i rn i -i t r. i it r i r iiJim JOae bhnsed lut year bai satiaiK s rta 309fStettfaasdaoet2dsseasaaL It iszs been tablocafcrseTeralTOli and 1rt ereryahere. Ifeie snaa be erer far the season. b,t 1UidT'4 treaty feet hhjh. a F. P. Tfee aaier 3bVj hare dose bet-tsr th year tbas-iasS. Riffi pUnt ACSsTE FISH ST OCT hat bad a sber bloaas aad srovw AEltnH- Aaims 5 jthese hare teea larrer thaa hi .cp, is-iBch aCet jozped Lcf rraj?ti I 'vsd rr-rnrrrerxl srtTm-- -Jlr0tt?1j 4 porihoie --a a "V" -lRtSienKs. 1 axcM sot tzsiesj .i- rrr-r r-r- r.'rr- 1 they are puced a pa-iaaren po&d F"h-; -"y.- "T". iFOX &AIX-M39 Dodge Csifiota, oct Lh Wfc2knesss of Bntisc It T tae Empire. jibes at eY-j Apply uarey-a ceaiectaoct-erytiaag. taking a somewhat similar position in the con-i ery. fBct to thai ofmosl CCS. members of the Legislature, i , IZ. .. . . . - . . - IFOR PT.rV-FJght raca fary-zaoc- Tais is not the Urse for recnimnatJons r pohUcal i-- i ds-f i- era hoaae .three b-droass aith pates. Many rsemters of tie CC.F. party are as loyal as ! tsx iou fenced sa Phase Biaet any person in the province aad as annoas to help. Audi yet there mast be many who approve the attitude of the FoasAL-sarifice,2- toot k Federatiofiist or they wocid not continue to subscribe to it, but. v-x caabe eeaas considering that it does everything possible to undermine' Yacht Gas. Ters to resabie pabhc eonfkkace at a time when confidence and unity ef Phone eresga c. purpose is needed. ; m' THE BELGIAX KING ClVs siFI E 0 FOR SAJLh FOR REm It is too early to try to discuss the war effort of any board Piwte Grtea sn. tr rXatioa or person but the Belgian King, Leopold IIL, has, : through a friend, issued a statement which summarized ! WANTED is somewhat as follows: I waxted-a eosp-iest boraeteep- "The decision to lay down arms on the morning of; . Persaeat poo. Box h. May 2S had been imperatire owing to the unbearable po-' ptX"1 srtjon of the Belgian army. The troops were encircled be- yond hope and- were unable to cet effective assistance FOUNIi from the Allies. The decision was taken in full aereemnet Jrooeh. oroer can hare ,;tV. ,) n nAi f t,,V.r t ntt tu tr: saselqrca3hatthnaiiy Neaa n'kU Oiiu WU OUIJC Ul. UiC UUC1 Ui 2UU1. J.JJC JTVliJg acted fully within his rights under the constitution. Anv . statement to the effect that the Allied commands had no; been kept informed was not true They knew the plight of the Belgian forces which made it imperative that the;, cease fighting. The King might have left by air and sought refuge abroad but he preferred to share the fate of soldiers and people." A lenethy defence of the Belgian king appeared recently in The Standard of Montreal written by a Belgian who was in a good position to obtain information. This article gives in detail the events leading up to the surrender and draws attention to the fact that supplies, ammunition and drinking water were lacking and an epidemic of typhoid had broken out Sir Roger Keyes, British liaison officer, asked the House of Commons to suspend judgment on the king who was "a very valiant soldier." The Belgian array fought gallantly and deserved the highest praise. asd payutg for this ad. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Cotton. DXJThX. WaOace Block. Phone tH HafiB Hm Serricc Ecpairtnx Stares, ofs,.nec-trkalJ ArpUaocea. Oil Bmraers Cleaned. Flaabinr and raiatinf 221 Scrrnth Art, VF. Pbone BLACK T1S I Th aderS3eiel is cot p-bU4& or CipUyed by the Lkjoor CoBtroi Beard " r . - MacKenzie's Furniture August Furniture Sale Siiaiimi's Steel Bedstead, Simmon's Cable Sprint. SiauMa's A11-relt !attretf As; us? Sale. 24 75 Sin tie Eed Coesplete 3 feet siit size oaly AEni & eoapiete Rie 77S Cezass ba-re iasied in Cavi, ist User eo se prjar.- :. war arul ire s.wt-. zr throci trxai jheds ia Qaebec aa their 'say to C jmbbc pracc. i?s Caraciar. xAt. -r revealed ft tbe text i--'? of G-crriia prtssa i had acmd from Great Bhtam said -?:r-. j3dxa, alrea. pnrv??sttr aad sary sen- At r aht, one of live Xan pnscnert gets at Cxsada fresa a ais petixie Mrs. MacCaHum Honored By Wj. Farrfl Tea Testerday AXttrawi At Baa f Mn. X A. BiaUa On Tbsrsday afteraeoa the tades of the Arigfii-an dsrch Woesea'i is a shL The ""' r Arraae. to bid adieu to Sirs. F A. UifOBsri. a dereted asd Xhfal attrttr in the AExSary darms her resdeace is Prince Rspezt. llrv Hstoo aad lira C V. Erttt. Tire-presdeat of the ATrWiiry. reeerred 818.75 r.T THIEO AVEM.T "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage be creaHy ssiased aad a nj the vtsh ot her friesds here that her oiosra as TTi ulr n-yn voaid be a hapf ooe. VCra Thocsas Aadrev aaa Bcneral tsnsa at the affair. i raited by Mis. VT J Greer aad Urs. W. W lOs H. M. Oaftes QBE, Ura C aad Ufa, C. E. Ombbi -aaead CARDIFF. the gsests aad dsrini; the after- . Z . .. Jaaea. 70. UacCaam aith a fery pretty pie-"Te cf a local scene, a token of lioonri The thr aaprenataoo of her -rak. lira. erea- had '. r :--;h Ej said thai llr? UacCaHna voold mbm; Via. J. G. Johns. to. J. H. ruaiB. Ufa. R- E. Uarv Ifra J a MAG15TEATE HXED Wales, Aag. J: CP of BSaaaaaan aaacat-rre year. Dr Alfred aas n&d $e0 ahea charted a--. corrrtxly ofleriac a ?:ft of 5 :o a ? serjeant Canadian Plane Goes Far North Learn EdmaUa Fmr Nnk Cay Of ktria To rkk. Ca CospU EDitONTOiS, AafBM A riaarttia Airaays here yeoteraty ea a fSfht to the north cape In the Areor Ocea 2 009 - s. v ay Harvard gradoa'.M at" t. Un Lioeoai VTaohbarr. a been enfaged in tarjr r aork there It all! be -js norJi a Cartadtan 3 - acne ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE ( BaOdint. Third Arrnoe, rrtnee Ha pert Hasrs Um I 5 u. to 5:24 pja. Fhe&e GR1XX Sit Used Kitchen Range In first class condition fitteo with Imperial Oil hur-ersad copper coil fur hot water. For quick sale S - . Small Size Piano ?od make, wonderful tune aiwl good looking f ny home. August Furniture SALE New Furniture 3-Piece Bed Outfit 2" post in walnut finish spring and felt mattress. Sale Price with centre paneL Breakfast Suite Consisting of buffet, drop side table and four chairs. Sale price la 26.50 27.50 CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 pjn. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. rnday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Tares, etc. Call er Write crrv TICKET 01 ncn. SZS THIRD AVE. Atenta for Trana-tanada Air lines