Erne s THE DAILY NEWS. == Grand St. Patrick's Day Concert WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Monday, March 18th, 1912, at 8:15 P. M. In Aid of Catholic Church PROGRAMME MOVING PICTURES PLANO SOLO, Mr. Werner. UREN SRI LAMD HP TOUR CI ERAN ib. 5 050 0.9.8 ,,6.430.0,¢.058 Locke Mrs. Chisholm THE OLANG OF THE FORGE. .00066.6. cw Rodney G, Couture ATER RHE =O) MOLON RUIN 5 .5.,4 6.453 6, 6058.0 :000.0 0d 030.000 Mr. L. Bullock-Webster ee NES 856 6 ib ecblosWie a adie ow 60bd s.0 4 Musical Duality Adolphus (a woman hater).......Mr. Tracy Clementine (his cousin)....Mrs. DesRosiers SRIEEED SEERBERTEN TERIRIN GlRG oc; 6-0.0jeie.w0: esis s.04.6 see 0 oo eOMLOY J. Couture FLUTE OBLIGATO, ‘‘Carmen”.......5 0.0008. Bizet F. W. Renworth VIOLIN SOLO, “Cavatina”.........ceeceseee J. Raff Mr. Graham Kearney ICI ON PARLE FRANCAIS............ One-Act Farce Cast. Major Regulus Rattan........ W. R. Whitley FRO PUNIOSS 6 56. 5:0 i000 Deb 008 Frank A. Ellis Mr. Spriggins............ G. 8. Fitzmaurice PALS CHOTISBING ... 0.554 50:4:0;6:0 00:06 Mrs. Chisholm Angelina (their daughter)....... Miss Moore Julia (wife of Major Rattan .Miss Brown Anna Maria (maid of all work) .Miss Kinkade Committee. Martin O'Reilly, Pres. E. F. Doyle, See. E. C. Gibbons, Vice-Pres. Fr. E. M. Bunoz, Treas. Programme. L. Bullock-Webster R. Koller R. Stage Furnis hings Kindly Loaned by Geo. Tite Stanford E. Tracy Seats now on sale at Westholme Opera House from 2 to 5. Also at Keeley’s Drug Store. Admission $1.00, 75c, 50c; boxes $10.00 | } ELECTORS! Do You Want the Truth! Beginning tomorrow morning there will be published during the Cam- paign a morning newspaper called RUT In the interest of Independent Con- servatism and for the support of Dr. Clayton. For advertising rates and other information apply at campaign headquarters of Clayton Committee { * greal maze oa | he , ; f a aa S quite coor SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Prince Rupert Stewart Knott's Bakery Now Open For Business —CATERER —DELICATESSEN — The Tea Room a Special feature. Ice Cream and Ices, Light Lunches TRY OUR BREAD--IT’S FAMOUS Phone 190 717 8rd Ave. a ee WANTED: We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections Five and Six. Submit your listings. For Sale 1°t 40, block 16. sec. 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance — 12 and 18 months. Look this up. PATTULLO & RADFORD Second Avenue Telephone 83 Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical _Apparatus of every descriptior Graham Kearney, Mer. BOX 974 NEW MARINE ‘MOTOR TESTED | |British Admiralty Interested in Performance of Vessel FPro- pelied by Explosion of Heavy Gil and Air in ere The Daily Mail special corre- }spondent on board the motor ship | Selandia, on her run from London |to Antwerp, described the per- } formance, saying. | “Phere can be no question re-}| garding the interest the British | Admiralty is taking in this latest idevelopment of marine propul- sion, for Engineer in Chief Vice Admiral Sir Henry Oram made the trip to Antwerp as a sequel to First Lord Churchill's visit to the vessel while she lay in the West India dock at London. Sev- 5}; hihi bie css end a The Only Way to Obtain What You Wish Promptly i is. to S a Wart Ad . = SEE ee ct eB UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.C. ut The new steel Riibenger Steamers “Chelohsin ” AND “Camosun” eral famous steamship lines also! Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver had experts on board. “There was a stiff southwest- erly breeze when the Selandia | “Chelohsin ” as follows: - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. manoeuvred out of the docks and “ Camosun es ae Saturdays at 10 a.m. into the river. The way she twisted her way through the traf-| \fic and windings of the Thames was a revelation in handiness. ‘T could take her through the | eye of a needle, said the river pilot. On Saturday night the} wind freshe net to half a gale but| there was little movement and | J, H. ROGERS, Agent vibration was practically absent. | “It was in the engine room that] the experts gathered. There are iP sixteen cylinders, eight on a side, labsorbing and exploding a mix- | ture of heavy oil and air. There} jis no bustle of greasers there and| firemen for furnaces and boilers} do not exist in the Selandia. hi of machinery it t GREAT NAMES AT THE BAR /High Sounding Title of McBride | Rings Out with the World Famed Cognomen Kelly in Court This Morning. oT Great names were among those lof the five l|morning toed the line delinquents who this before | Magistrate Carss to answer to | the terrible charge of “drunk and | disorderly.” There was Frank Fitzgerald, whose euphonious ecognomen recalls days of ancient | chivalry. Frank paid his five and costs as cheerfully as no doubt his ancestors charged at | Hastings There was E. Andy, less distinguished but as prompt with his five spot plus two. There | was Alex the quintuplet frilled whose famous }sounded before a mat of tune- ful interrogation al! around the . Swanson, ready too with Joe Kelly, surname has} Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers Phone 116 WANTED ‘RRL FURNISHED HOUSE { : OR APARTMENT : CALL OR TELEPHONE 318 Approved agreements of sale purchased Continental Trust Co. Ltd. Rees" © SECOND AVENUE enree ts Modern Flat For Rent Convenient roomy apartment on 2nd floor in pisos Block. $35.00 per month. Westenhaver - WINDSOR HOTEL CASE UP TODAY Bros. Further Adjjournment gated —Witness McLean Has Not! Reached Rupert iil Newton Attends mean, No evidence was taken this| morning in the» Windsor Hotel | case. The witness MeLean, whose} testimony is relied on by the} prosecution to corry weight, as| world, must unfortunately spend] lie was resident in the Windsor | seven days in free lodgings for] lhis little frisk. He had no cash. |Last, but not least at this time | surely, comes the great name of) | McBride. Mr Me Bride Mr. | | James MeBride, to avoid confu-| sion—admitted the soft impeach- |ment and was fined five and two| lalso. Never no more for this} | particular McBricdk Ser YUKON PASS RATES | Company Will Voluntarily Make| still have a majority of 444, Material Reductions. Vancouver, March 12.—-It was announced this morning from the | local offices of the White Pass &| Yukon Railway that regardless of| ithe judgment of the Board of Railway Commissioners of Can jada, completely forder for the reduction of rates }on the line, the Alaska and Yukon | publie may depend upon the |} White Pass & Yukon route to as ja privale conference at the police | mission rescinding the} | Conservatives, lsist to every reasonable extent| jand the company will voluntarily jmake immediately a number of reductions and readjustments of certain rales with a view of as- country, CG, J. Rogers, purchasing agent, by President D. L. Dickson of the Chicago, Burlington & Quiney Railroad. Kubiak Won from. Moran. Albany, N. Y., Mareh 414 Al. Kubiak beat Frank Moran, the Pittsburg heavyweight, in a 10 Kubiak won every round by a wide margin, and in the eighth tain knockout, Sexe I to myself, Says |; The News is the paper to bily Says |. sisting in the development of the} This news was telegraphed to| ; were present and a pleasant time }soon after their round bout here last night.| the bell saved Moran from a cer-|} }sround which has been the prop jerty of Mr. Unwin sinee the first for a considerable time continu ously about the time at which the offense charged is said to have taken place, has not yet been able to reach Rupert from up river The Mayor this morning held conrt on this case in his capacity as chairman of the License Com- Asquith’s Majority. The Asquith ministry should counting Nationalists, Independ ent Home Rulers and labor mem- bers with the government. The general election of December, 1910, returned 272 Liberals, 84 Nationalists, 42 Labor and 272 Conservatives Six seats have since been gained by the Con- servalives, so that the represen- tation is now 266 Liberals, 84 Na- of whom eight are in- dependent 42 Labor and 278 tionalists HAPPY HOUSE WARMING Mir. and Mrs, J. E, Unwin Enter- tain in Newly Built Residence. A bright and most successful house warming party was held the other night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Unwin at their newly built residence on Summit avenue, About twenty friends Was spent with music, games and conversation. Tt will be remem bered that Mr. and Mrs, Unwin, wedding, had their pretty litthe home destroyed by fire. The new home which they now occupy is larger and much improved on the same sale of Prince Rapes lots. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS “Th e News” Classified Ads. - ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HE | For Rent | |} FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished| cottage; all modern conveniences, Phone | 20° tw | FOR’ RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave.| | the proprietor of the cigar store cash, bal. 6, 12 and ‘3 Apply Phone 318. |/FOR LEASE- ‘Mcintyre |H Hall; well heated | and lighted. J. H GERS, Phone Insurance UR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Help Wanted YOUNG lady with experience would like position as waitress or cook. Apply P. O. box 965 66-31 MAN wanted, Sweder Bros,, below Heiger son block. 65-tf WANTED—Servant girl; other maids kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. WANT girl attending school to help mind baby from 4 to 8. State what expected Address X 15, News Wanted Houses t Fe tt et ere ee % os = ee One lot, block 5, section 4 $1,005; 9 ' 000 nu i cash, bal. 6, 12 and is MRS. KEITHLY DEAD nt Mints 16, ceetic, LORRI cash, bal. 6, 12 m me One lot, block 14, see | The intermment Will Take Place cash, bal. 1, 2 and at New Metlakatia, Alaska. three lots, block 7 qopueninimeaienin 4 cash, bal, 1, 2 Two lots, block 20 Mrs. Charles Keithly, wife of $6, % cash, bal. 6, 12 One lot, block 6, s¢ One lot, block 28, sect under — the Empress Pheatre, | “cash, ‘bal, $50 every. thos passed away on Saturday after a), ne Jot, block 7, sectio cash, bal. 6, 12 and i lingering iliress. Hayner Bros.| one tot, block 7, sectior have prepared the remains for cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 , ‘ to nt Te “ Two lots, block 21, s¢ shipment to New Metlakatla, cash, bal. 6, 12 tno Alaska, where the interment will) One tot, biock 16, sectio: iake place. cash, bal. 3, 6 and i2 1 Twolots, block 42 = - = ~— % cash, bal. 3 For row boats and launches 0M, \0%) Block telephone 320 green. Davis boat wo lots, block 49, section 8, 84 house. $50 cash, bal. $15 per month | Two lots, block 10, section 8, $345 h $75 cash, bal. $15 per mo. ‘Two tronn = = —— ———————————_ | Two lots, block 16, section 8 30 $75 cash, bal. $15 per m , wr One lot, block 40, section 8, $37 $100 Fort George cash, bal. $1 hg Watch It Grow! Restaurant on Second avenue Farm land at Lakelse, only FOR RENT The Railway Commission has ruled that Stor corner 8 a : the depot must be located some distance ata ler Second avenue and Seventh west from the Fraser River on the Indian erreer reservation Do you see the point? It} Store, corner Second avenue and Sixtb means the location of the depot right at street the east part of the Fort George townsite, near Fraser avenue This settles all con ) WANTED—A rooming house in good lo cation, to rent or lease. Good tenant. | Apply to John Dybhavyn 319 3rd ave. WANTED—Large store with good show} windows in best pero ss locality. Will lease on good but not exorbitant terms Box 217, News Oflice ur tt etree mer ermar ie Real Estate ee tt treet eee emcee WANTED—Best price for lot in Block 39, Section 8 Must sell for cash. Address Box 201 News. tr sees sneer { { [eS Business Chances lw ANTED — Restaurant outfit, especiaiiy range, also bedding and cheap furniture for about ten rooms. P. O, box 105. 9-tf os oes rs sa es es Miscellaneous ee FOR SALI Practically new Underwood typewriter 250 Phone 220 65-6 Graphophone and records; al Call Red 392 62-tf FOR SALI most new J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru .pert. Locator and timber cruiser; govt. land for pre-emption or purchase Nursery stock for sale Phone 305 P. O. Box 993 4t 0 exchange—Thirty acres good fruit land acres and half cleared, for unimproved property in Section 5 or 6 Address be fore Wednesday Jason, News uf FOR sale Finest pedigreed bull terrier dog puppy in town; seven months old born in Victoria, Make an offer Max News Office if se rs rs Os Fe Transfer and Cartage Oe et mt ers te ee ce SMART business man desires partnership or interest in good concern Apply box i, Daily News 56-tf Lost and Found i LOST Black cocker spaniel pup; answers to name Bunnie, Carrigan & Miller pes somsom somes rmcemesesrmermesemesommetle { Personal a rw MARRY—The Ideal Introduction Club leads to happiness. Strictly private, high class and reliable. Best in the West. Address i C. Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B, CU, 24 RE PERMITS FOR AND ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS. Extract from Bylaw No. 10, Clause 4; “The erection or alteration of any building shall not be commenced in the City of Prince Rupert until a permit for such erection or Alteration shall first be obtained from the Inspector by the owner or his agent, and no such owner or agent shall proceed with such erection or altera ticn until said permit has been obtained.” Penalty. Extract from Clause 169: “Any person found guilty of an infrac- tion of the bylaw shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $100.00” Application form and permits for build- ings and alterations may be obtained from omee of City Engineer. at A. E, OAKLEY Building Inspector, TO STEEL PIPE MANUFACTURERS. T enders will be received by the City Clerk of Prince Rupert, B. C., on or before the 25th of March, for the supply of a proximately 3,800 feet of steel pipe, etgh- teen inches in diameter, delivered on the wharf, Prince Rupert information for bidders, specifications and forms of tender may be obtained from Wm, Mahlon Davis, city engineer. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk. CEMENT TENDERS. Sealed tenders will "be received by the undersigned up to 5 p, m., April ist, 1912, for the supply of approximately 1,000 bartels more or less, of Portland ce ment Informauicn for bidders, form of tender and specifications must be obtained irom the City Engineer 1¢ lowest or any tender not pacess accepted ERNEST A. WOODS, ane troversies in regard to the value of the e Fort George townsite and those who have followed us are going to reap a good profit eremi ug er t on their investment. Lots are selling fast; , ’ 5 | pers will be a tremendous BOOM at Fort George this year WITH THE RAILWAY | FROM VANCOUVER TO FORT GEORGE TO FINISHED IN THREE YEARS FORT | GEORGE iS BOUND TO BE THE WINNI |} PEG OF BRITISH COLUMBIA This is the time to act quickly, don’t delay, tomorrow will be too late information free PRINCE RUPERT. rwo lots, block 8, section 1, $10,000 1-3 cash, balance 9 and 15 months : Two lots, block 30, section 1, $14,000. 1-3 Bagease, Storage and Forwar cash, 6, 12 and 18 mouths | Rigs or Motor Car da Phone 317 PHONE 901 PONY PRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHAN DE ER Several lots in section 2 Pwo lots, block 17, section 5, $2,10¢ 1+2 cash, 6 and 12 months One lot wien 7-room house ard cabin, block’ 22, ction 5, $2,600 Offer for} regs gett geauent: 0° **! Crand Hotel. block 28, section 5, 8900 1 Seventh Ave. and Fultor ash, 6 anu A? months Two lots, block 7, section 6, $1,500 each. } 31,000 cash, 6 and 12 months One lot, block 19, section 6, $2,100 cash, balance 1 and 2 yea a i One lot, block 25, $1,400. $500 cash, Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St and 12 months > ge - Is. P Two lots, block 26, $2,800. $1,400, 6, GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor and 18 months | se | | | | Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection cash, 6 and 12 months One lot, block 29, section 7, $500 $390, balance 1 year Gae lot, block 50, section 7, 8700 $350 balance $25 per month block 15 ction 8, $500 1-2 12 and 18 ‘months , block 27 ction 8, $90¢ 1-2] balance ¢ and 12 months | want some listing, we have the men aE non NTN A Yag CARTAGE STORAGE G, T. P. Transfer Agents } Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable buyer OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone & Th. onLLanY | — Sole Agent General House Furnishings Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. AT THI Bex 805 225 6th 8&t. Phone 381 | Big Furniture Store We Offer For Sale *y,rar2i! The Following Property } | | Three lots, Block 6, Section 1, on Eleventh| Open for Business Two lots, Block 8, Section 1, First Ave.| J. B. ROBERTSON yne lot, Block 31, Section 1, th bulic ° 1 oo OMngs, Fraser sirect. | Horseshoeing & General Blacksmithing lwo lots, Block 4, Section 6, Fifth Ave and &rd Ave Two lots, Block 1, Section 2, Atlin Ave. One lot, Block 13, Section 5, Borden St., with house. Two lots, Block 4, Section 6, Fifth ave., with double corner lwo lots, Block 5, Section 6, Fourth Ave./| [wo lots, Block 18, Section 6, Sixth ave wo lots, Block 16, ection 6, Sixth Ave Ohe lot, Block 21, Section 7, Sixth Ave One lot, Block 27, Section 7, Eighth Ave. Corner of 7th St PRINCE RUPERT Nh AND Continental Trust Co. ANNEX Second Ave. LIMITED Real Estate Insurance Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Owned and operated by the a hata sei Grand Trunk Pacific Railway the American and European plan. i th Excellently furnishec wi steam heat, electric light, an° 3, being abso PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. and & modern convenience lutely first-class in every respec { service The appointments an ' ne hote! Ol Mail Orders Promptly Attended to are equal to any NN ene coast. ile International Stock Food : -~ALL KINDS OF FEED Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. THE Westholme Lumber Co. | G4. Sweet Mane LIMITED a $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered vi F. M. DAVIS suis: yr Fait C Jaxpents ring. Also agents oe ine : 4 ” Kids af Building Supplies Sourines. Gasoline Engines anc cessories carried in stock 64-3t City Clerk Lumber and Mouldings © foci’ stachine shop and SRP" «a - Morse and Knox i AC ¢ Whert Phone 186 Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end © Firat Avenue