h -Jay AprJl 17, 1640. "SlHG A SOKG OF SlXPtMCE, Cheap -that's row we "d AND BEST OF All VIE NEVER HEED TO STAY AT HOME AND WIND IT" "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage pHnr Rupert f ft I M . British Columbia i jr ENJOY MORE LEISURE TIME and have BETTER MEALS with an ELECTRIC RANGE Just put in the dinner, snap the switch and forget it I When you cook with electricity you don't need to hang around the kitchen peeping and poking you can go out and enjoy yourself knowing that when you get home you will find a delicious, per lectly cooked meaL And best of all MODERN electric ranges are cheap and fast. Installed in your kitchen FOR ONLY $4 f DOWN 10 3 years to pay thebalaice NOUTHKIIX BRITISH rOWEIt -COMIANY COLUMIUA LIMITED yB M r ui. who arrived W E Walker, manager of Arran- J. IL Scott of San. Francisco, who. T: nil Vancouver on 11 cannery arrived m th city on has, been paying a visit to the Riv-Queen Charlottes. the Caiala yenerdny aiterpoon erside- mining property In the Port- w day.s at ujp Prince 'wn Hie Naxs Rivei. bum here on land Canal district In which he Is, II -iU:.l a brief bu&ine vimi NOTICE W Wish to Notify Patron- That Our Meat Department It Now Open for UuJne Only lllth Quality .Meat C r:ird, FREE DELIVERY Anywhere hi the City Phone 7GI Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co.Opcrativc Association Mackenzie's Furniture ifc-tr Kett MaUreww-Contalnlng over 800 small spiral springs ..i J erased in cotton. Built for sleep. 42.50 A Slumber Kins Sprint-Built for sleep. 15.00 if Uier Sprint; filled Maltresse- $18.75 l'hone 775 - lnterestedt Is a visitor In the city.) having- arrived on the Catala yesterday afternoon from the north.' He Is accompanied by his secretary, Miss Linda Brand. 18. Announcements All advertlsecaenU In this col-smn will be cburied for a full month at 2bv a word Presbyterian Spring Sale April) Boys' Band Dance, April 17. Moose Hall. Refreshments free. i Toe H Danee, Parish Hall, Seal Cove; April 19. Scout Tea, Mrs. Carter's, April 23. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 1. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Parkin's, May 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armoury, May3.' Moose? Ladies' Dance, May 7. ' St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. W. A. Canadian Legion Spring I Tea, May 15. Catholic Tea, Mrs. R. E. Moore's May 16. j Empire Carnival, Moose Hall, May 23. IDOUA Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows: Mon., Tues., Wed. 7 to 11 p.m. Thursday 7 to 11 p.m. Friday 6 to 10 p.m. Dance 10:30 to. 2 a.m.. Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m. G to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for. Private- Skating Parties THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Don't forget Presbyterian Spring Sale tomorrow afternoon. (91) Mrs. C. A. Berner was an arrival on the Prince George tbw rnorn-' lng from Vancouver. Mrs. John Cannery sr.ru.ed. In toe My on the Catala yestrday after-noon from Mill-Barren the Naas River to spend the summer here. Bert Smith, general manager ,of the Silbak-Premler mine, Is In the city this afternoon on nis way to Stewart. ' Mrs. It. O. Irvine, formerly Miss Rulhana. Wood, arrived this morning on the Prince George to Join her husband here. William Beyhin sailed last even lnu on the - Caul a for a trln to Campbell River, Vancouver Island nolnts and Vancouver. 1 - Mrs. A. E. Warren of Winnipeg.1 widow of the late vice-president ot the C.NJt. western. region. Is In the city today on her way east. The new Anglican mission boat Western Hope II, will be launched at tho Yacht Cl5b on 'Friday April 19. at 2:30 pjn. All Interested people will be welcome. 92 Lieut. Cecil Fitzgerald of the Second Searchlight Battery sailed last night on the Catala for Campbell River where he will spend a two weeks' leave. Jack- Ewen, Boys' Work Secretary of the Religious Education Council for British Columbia, wasj the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today, his subject being . "Today's Youth and Tomorrow's. World." President G. A. Hunter, was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with! a. few guests. City Commissioner Rl S. Gilchrist has accepted an Invitation to address the Gyro Club at next week's luncheon. LAME BACK may result from faulty kidney sction. Gin Pills help kidneys dispose of waitt matter that causes congestion. Ia the United States ask for "Gino Pais". Spills I Uaa In Canada and lb. U.S. Kajalar and naw, larf tconomy alia. u NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprietor -A HO.MK AWAY FROM liOME" Rates 75c up SO Rooms Hot'& Cold, Water Prince Rupert, B.C., Pbene 281 P.O. Box 191 Ernest Meadows, who has been holidaying In the south, returned home on the Prince George today Gapt. W P. Armour sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver Mr. arid Mrs. G. A Rrvant. who have been on an extended holiday lit the western and southern states, "arrived nome this morning. Sitting In his capacity as a city council this morning. City Commis sioner Ri, fJ. Gilchrist gave first reading, to a bylaw providing for :the ratification of a number of transfers of tax sale property. A formal banking resolution in re gard to payment of interest on de bentures was also put through. THRIFT Cash & Carry Phone I'O Ch Money-Savin jj Specials Uuaker Ileal 2 packets Puffed. Wheat, 1 packet. Puffed, It ice-The 3 tor 25c Salad !)reAin'- Miracle Whip Diced Beets- Polly Prim. 17-oz tin Lye Royal Crown. Tin -Diamond A (Meet Her in a Meier Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One COAL 10c 9c COCOANUT MARSIIM ALLOW CAKES Fresh In. Each 20c 25c Catchujv-Llbby's. lOls fifp 13-02,'botUe Toilet Tissue fp Sani-White Per roll Wax KollslOO feet -f Qp AJV per roll: Each New Potatoes First 0p white. 5 lbs. UOK PICKLES Happy-Vale Quarts. Sweet or Ol p Mustard. Jr Radisbes. New B.C. a ffp 2 bunches Carrots Large bunch. Of p 1 bunches uO A.sparaS:us New B,C Fresh Cut Narcissus-- OITn .SUV 2 dozen Friday and Saturday FRESH CUT dflP TULIPS Per doz. Friday and Saturday Free Delivery on Orders $1.00 and Over NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. rilONE 116 PHONE 117 i 1 OIL SILK LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Patterned new spring shades. Blue- red- rust green- black and natural. FULL SIZE. 16-RIB, VALUES TO $4 $2.95 "In the Heart of Prince Rupert." TIIIPvD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 WAN "A Fashion First" At Peoples REVERSIBLE "Two, In One" COATS WITII HOODS TO MATCH Very practical and ultra smart Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ji Two coats in one with hootlg to f match. Stylish tweed, spring coats jC ia new. color pattern with reversl- ble lining that may be turned inside out into a. fine quality gabardine 5 rain coat. 5 I JVV.VAW-VaVAVAVAVV,.W.,AnAV.VVV'V, Your Coal Problems Solved We have In stock a well pre- IffereSd feSSert J&- mml rarrfull rrfiird Coal ftW JUAlW. IKBfrl to suit, jour individual re- ut" qutrement. Vfic oeSb cod Sum As in coal, to procure the ... , . best in Lumber and Building i". - Supplies VKIV - L'li Phones C51 652 otf MSP Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. SAD CEMENT GRAVEL B. C. Furniture Co. We Have Just Received a Large Stock of NEW FURNITURE Consisting of Bedroom Suites, Chesterfields in latest colors and styles, Davenports, Studio Couches, Coffee Tables, End Tables, Dressers with round mirrors, Chiffrobes with glass doors, all at very reasonable prices. 12 END TABLES Q-f Qff Special JJleeFO 4 COFFEE TABLES 50 MATTRESSES In all sizes, 3"3". 40", 4'6". Qft QC Special QD.gD 12 COMPLETE BEDS Bedstead, cable spring and QIC 7? mattress. Special V.lO.iU 7 DRESSERS In Oriental Walnut with round " Gl 7 mirrors. Special tgXleUU 24 COTTON FELT MATTRESSES In very nice 0 A C A patterns at 12 SPRLNO-FILLED MATTRESSESj-Q-l Q fJC to COO CA Very fine material and patterns i?ii03 1 BEDROOM SUITE In Oriental Walnut In waterfall design. Vanity has round mirror and has very Cft! fifl fine finish QOa.UU Phone BL,CK 321 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B.C. Clothiers SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wiling it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Tratru leave prince Rupert: for the Eart Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. for Jri, te.t cell or writ City TTcJmi OJflo, tU IrH At w a. in