PAQE TOUR THB DAlLT N2W3 Expert Optical Service Watch Clock and Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS. DODIMEAD-Optomctrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest in eye-wear Phone SGI for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STOKE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Basement Floor for China, Cut Glass and Novelties of All Kinds SAND vn FROM REAL ITALY London. May 21: (CP) In a f5.6 VOTE FOR HANDSOME MILWAUKEE, May 21 KODAK 35 fU f3.5 $16.00 $27.00 37.00 These new Kodak Miniatures are the picture sensation of the year Take perfect pictures in black and white or full color Kodachrome. (Projector for Ko-dachrome 22.00 extra.) Be Ready For May 24th SPORTS PICNICS PICTURES Don't Forget Film Tennis Ralls Picnic Plates Reach Ralls Roats Etc. FLAGS and DECORATIONS npwwHHRanaaaaaiEKsaBBesBaanHHBiiBVBVBBVHBMHHBBBiaw Your Coal Problems Solved We have In stock a well pre- Werff'Sd eSSOTt pared carefully screened Coal yoUSiou(terftt to suit your individual re- 2fo6t!ta o.& qulrement. tAe&est" cod.6urz best In Lumber and Building (X "ii- Supplies (KV, Thoncs 65 1 C32 Philpott Evitt ...... & Co. Ltd. CEMENT GRAVEL British Racing 90 P.C. Normal Flat Events Mostly as Usual Though Some Changes of Venue LONDON. Mav 21: ICP Brl- - i tain's incurable racegoers will have a good season despite the war. The ' Jockey Club, after government consultation, has decided on an exten-' Ision to the present flat racing pro-' i I Pram irhlrr nrnviri 71 rlava rot- '$&r.'i 7eari .without iMA'5?Hyiked- after ta 04 .irtvejiTaorf I m For full particulars apply SIRS. DUNN SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP N- Massett. B. C. Handpan Home Service Paintlns. Repairing Gardening Light Deliveries Have that neglected Job done now. Phone Green 620 for the Handyman. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress If You Want QUALITY GROCERIES Low Prices Prompt Delivery Leave a Trial Order With Us Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents- IDORA Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows: Monday and Thursday Pal Nltes, 7 to II Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday, 6 to 11 Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m6 to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can D Made for Private Skating Parties kilts led Canadians Originals Made Heroic Fight Famous Orchard Action 25 Years Ago In First Circa t War In Dy H. H OORDON Canadian Press Staff Writer For the second time in 25 years Germany making the northwest p. BUI " .... f " . M -J . uj 0 .WW m , . . , j . I i i HKKttKHWO00iW then will be the Hardwtcke !' iSaTuHeafd g 5 Stakes, Queen Mary Stake. Britan- I"IJ !L .he HOW MODERN IS YOUR PLUMBING? Is your bathroom a model of convenience and beauty? Are you proud to show it to your guests? You can achieve both these aims by having us modernize it with quality fixtures and fittings. g See Our Latest Models of Kitchen Sinks f SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED g Phone 171 PLUMBING and HEATING P.O. Box 271 j Easy Terms Arranged if Required o 5 nla Stakes and Windsor Castle vV 1 "ve- g Stakes. g. The mid-May acUons In the Fea- Sj ; - 'tubert area were Inconclusive. All S! c p n .t,n,.. n- . . 'ruted in severe losses and few Cant S K o2t I ri"c"iLo. ,n were entirely successful. The cap. .P011 ture ot Ordhard." most not- o at 2-30 tM, g aVd othirnh'"5"1 ab,e of lhe ratk'5 hleh S way r'J..a.?d northf Pom !h!r 2 and sa!1 the l"c Canadians a"aians took ook oart. part, on on th thi S of he vnvt! at s E i " "n"nUatln n'ht 20 brought them un - . der aer w1tnerln machine-Bun fir o I Plan Your IjHoliday Now. . But the overseas soldiers gained the position holding It j fol- 1. a -at. The SANOAN CAMP near M. 5 " .Dn". "tme mbard. sett offers a splendid holiday for SJ?,afhf, ,uU f iet young and old-good bathing a'SSS? uV Iminutes walk from River or Sea a'?U,nKKl " thr?URh' a,thoush suf ibeautlful spot with Jnarat frm patl and Uges or Tents fully equipped Ex- macnT Bun r,re- y trenches Client meals tFl?t at the 01 the Room at reasonable rates. Store I on premises for camoers. ibrimin. 7nu and other .t operations re- ton, out-door games, beach and'!" f in the caPtUfe of several boat picnics. Bring your friends 7"da ot ittn' but by and enjoy a real vacation a-ifh MiMay 25 slr John French, the enemv 1ln ' or to orove the decisive stroke ,that the Allies had hoped for. Conditions at Festubert handicapped the artillery. Outclassed . in weight and frustrated by Jnac-, curate maps, the gunners were unable to silence the enemy's bat-' .ca ur Dreaic down his defence From May 18 to June 1. Canadian battle casualties were 03 nffir.r. and 2,230 other ranks. j "The Battle of Festubert takes IV TIIK .MlTKi:tK COI KT Of IIKITIMI COLUMMl.t ix ritonm: In (fir MiUit of hr "dmlnl.lrtl.,n Art" And In the .Mailer ! lhe Mt.le of Urn-Jamln Irrcuxni. TAKE Ntmrv. k. k. N-j ... .Honcr juj,e PWhcr fatLnl lUj 15th ! " ftPJwtnted Ailrotrltr.tor with the m-xi or um wute of the btte OfnJmln Pergujn. Iorrd. Ut of, tfle Otty of Prtnre Ruprrt provlnre of IBrltMh Columhi uv,...t .- ... ll Jxtbotm Imirtjtrt to the aald Ette w-e required to fnj their clilou to me forthwith Jl that all person hiving I uie mia TjCjtft trt re- ; quired to fM hn properly yerlfled ""'4 " me on or oelore the JOth tUy of Juii 1040 falling which I hll imke tftatrlbutlon of iwch Bate hevhvt moard only to d!m then In my handa. DATED e,t Prlnre Rupert, B. O thji 18th day cf May A. D. 1940. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank BMf. """"MSSMMeMsBania. "Our Famojj Ed.iun Alberts COAL Itulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Welllnjton Coai nulbley Valley Wheat and Grain SKKDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED VC0. rhone'58 and 558 Man in the Moon For over eight month we have. hn nt war and not once have we I had to dodge a bomb or flatten out to avoid shrapnell. Even the Indian of the United State are burninc anything that looks like a Swastika. My repct for Indians U inereautne. . . . . v i . I ii ih ii v is is maKiiiH uir uuiiiiwrok ' i-HH u...ti ling Deiween June I and August 31. " . ... . ? "r ? oi ouiuj: ,T 1 uaKuU.. nZZ nelhbor U,hbor on on one aid got rid or his irt n Ha&r itlitmnt 10 - trllra al nt Rrit-flin This lr90 per cent of the peaceUmc allotment. w11 itrlk' B??lnl baby grand. Ascot will move over t- New- a&aln nave brought wars horrors t.. - ot o w .w . market June 21-22 because the As- . . . . ., . , .. , , to t. the countryside ' where r. 25 years ...... cot course is unavailable. It will .,, . ... ago Ainea lorces lougns success-be ,, ... Ik- . . .... . a meeting without tradiUonal . .. . Zj. .the races will be a substitute for n ... ' the Gold Cup. The course, however, . , . . will be two miles, a half-mile short- Gany's present bll zkrieg has " object ve as he operate er than ordinarily because that is fe limit of the summer course at .ton8 of..thc iPrmf. of 191V e.n Neu-marVpt 11 was ma i uanaaian troops ioi I suonose so."' "But I got no re)if from that, for my neighbor on the Oliver side had a grand baby. "Can you guarantee thU wrinkle cream?" ' "Madam, It would smooth corrugated iron. lowed up their heroic resUtance in ,mle feow markPt mil in,iH. t, r me na oi xpres Dy ir0 I . uMi nlavHnir K nff In tfiKKnrn business letter from Italy an Eng- 'some enVious fdlw-mar analyzed Ifj"" !"f iih J.4'44added hUng at Fetubrt. n nrm ouna a roued-up slip the all-time high vote for 1 :"T Mayor e7ventry Z Thrut lnt 016 heal of conniet of naDer with a mpaxava n Tin on n-i r..i j . , ' o'eniry Stake biaices. Queen Etna- .. . aon i. ; ui. V ,m V T""."1" cgier auu iuuna me in-,.. . ..... . mree weeKs alter losing half Its ? ,WnhichAhe"8 fanslatlon crease in his votes from women St stts Wokingham combatant stTtngth at lhe b Go Ahead British-Hit Very was 15 times greater than that . . reinforced 1st Canadian Division Hoya? HutTfan VQ a Stakes, will , Jnn. 1: iaeKS aegnea as part or the Al dlan Forces anti- out I You may have beard about the who told hla mother that he had found out why chickens come out of eggs. "It's 'eaute they's afraid they'll be batted if they he said. SCHOOLISOY FARM CAMPS LONDON. May 30: (CP) Th Ministry of Agriculture is considering establishing a schoolboy camp system across England tt help with the hay and grain SPY-WATCHFUL DRUMMERS BIRMINGHAM, May 21: CP Commercial travellers are considering measures to prevent Oertnan spies moving about the country as salesmen as many did in the First Great War. ana succeeded m.u place as the most unaaUafac tnrV MmMll nf Ilia tat ....... w. w uim vim t i j ... ln Uad 'd'an Division in the War." Col inree Killed Dattaiionx thi ih i j cv... . I anl16lh 1th thC I3th ,n suPPrl!the Official HUtorof thena i led iea the the Canadian Canadian advance irln fM.lj. .. . . . I ginning Sir John French had o looked for a major success qukkb achieved by 10 divisions with the 2 ammunition in hand. At the end. o In writing to Lord Ktchener. he S was reduced to the indefinite pro- nouncement that only oy employ- families. .mmander-in-chief. called a haltVinz suffleient men and .ffw-nr TODAY'S STOCKS (OourtNJ a. D. Jcrurton 00.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .08. Bralorne. 8.05. Cariboo Quartz, 2.00. Dentonka, .014. Gold Belt. XL Hedley Mascot, J5. Minto,. STlVt. Noble Five. .00? . Pend Orielle, 1.05. Pioneer. 2.18, Premier, 22. Privateer. SO. Reno .32 U-Hei Aritngtoo. .01. Sheep Creek. 3. Oils A. P. Con., .10. Calmont, .21. C. & E, U7. Freehold, .02 Vi. Home, 1.43. Royal Can. .15. Okalta, .70. Mercur'. J03 Vfc. Prairie Rsyattie.. .13. Toronto Aldermac. .15. Beattie. .04. Central Pat..,1.7. Con. Smeltert, 30.75. East MatarUc, 2.70. Femland, M. Franeoeur. M. Oods Lake. 20. lUrdrock. 6t. Int. Nickel. TOM. Kerr Addtson. 1.91. Little Long Lae. 2.00. MeLeod OoekshuU. U0. Madsen Red Lake. 8. McKenite Red Uke. .M. Moneta. M. Noranda. 51 00, Pickle Crew. 260. Preston East Dome. 1. 64. San Antonto. 1JM. Sherrlt Oordon. .82. UchL 40. BotiscadUlae. .03. Rmeltera Gold. .OOM,. Dominion Bridge. JS.12. liia "r uiHiHT anrf in JAMES STEWART "Destry Rjj,, Again" With MARLENE IUETRICR CHARLES .VIN'MGEi MISCHA AltR (Al 7 :30 4b 9: AUliEI) Cartoon -A Iliuntlnt v, Wln C. "round FKUh' Bristol Bay Strike Ends ?c Ulrnicnt Rrichrd Rfi.... ,.. n . l nrry upersiori snd Wstkm KETCHIKAN. Ma 2. pule between lin-, operatert and workr 1 titled on the b , ,,i ilerms. according to id Jhere. Strikes at tn t iicie are noi Maritime Worker f, , 7J Old Country Soccer NtthfWm Bradford 2. IUrroQi " Mldltnd Hlrmlnghatn o U . . In the Oreot War"i0000000000000oooooooootcooooocoocoooooaooaw wat French efforU In the 'ammunltton' for a longer period Souchez sector further south had would It be possible to break ,won much valuable eround but. through th? Uemy's prepaid viewed as a who e th ffn.i- rvin. ' LOW RAIL FARES ... or ... . VICTORIA DAY Between sll Stations in Csnidt ONE-WAY FARE and ONE-QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP (Minimum fare 25c) COINCi MAV 2J to 2 P.M. MAY 28. RETURNi Lv. destination until MONDAY, MAY 27. Utlrua SND MILOI en mviucii at usual rates Tall liWMlwa f,tm a.y Aeml. Fresli Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN IJAJRY PHONK M7 Niffht or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servlce-3 Healed Cars IL SHOOTING GALLERY Adlolnlnr IDORA ROLLER ARENA v rir.t wn. . . I . . IQ wtvai, carvwuuiu oi aavsnc-.o ing seven miles had dwindled be- tween the 9 and 18 Mav to hoom P of advancing 700 yards; at the be- o GERARDS England TOILECSOAP 12 FLORAL ODOR3. Special . . 3 no ror I ooooooooooooooooooooooo6ooooooaooooeooKoooooKK - . I mmmmmmmm III Ormes Lt 2?" Ptoneer Drtuigats The Resall Store Phones II Open Dally from a.m. till 10 o.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 pm 7 to 9 p.m. L II snd "RUPERT BRAND Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlncw Rupert British ColumM