f"i.l' no 1 1940. NEWS THE DAILY DP D PUTT r l r i 1 Always order M'Cali urns the Scotch of Superlative Quality ! Dhtllled and Bolthd in Scotland 2C t ox. 3."i 40 ox $5.00 ON... hfet!0 rtiay nine hnlibttVj w a1- faOowa: Om-j trnd MeCsdlum.1 The Washington MM 11000 f. vmour." 40.000. 'pound ftf halibut a( KfteMksAs-. d 0'?c J B ' lerday for 9.3V-and 7.35c. FREE Interesting lntructiv Uilertaininir MacKenzie's Furniture 1 A IT XT MATTRESSES All sizes IT Ml'L'lr Llk'r. ii.pmtiil'i'L'I'C tltill 1rT crtimri .i sleep Phone "75 COAL IANAIMO WELLINGTON FREE I E. PARKER Ltd. In Con junction With The Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd. Are Presenting MOVING PICTURES : The Map Sins deallnR with how Canada enters into thr field of motor car industry ? r tui ttif Koute." showing how science entea into the field of motor car Industry V of Tomorrnw.- which is a trip to the World's Fair at : a m on the same reel. "The Rubber Plantation." the Aswan Rhrrr to the Ford Mtor Company's rubbv.pkntatkm M kin of safely Glass." and also on the same reel. "Trip to llnre Canyon." which U a scenic picture be a picture put out by the Champion Spark Plug 1 :.; the Indianapolis speedwa and boat raclni? ' LSI) AY 22, 1910, MOOSE HALL, .8:00 p.m. Nrf Admitted Unless Accompanied by aouh.s S7.90 S28.50 ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 117 Since 1807 Belgium 41 "HE SCOTCH THAT CIRCLES THE GLOBE hifflets The Waterfront d Edwards. 40.000. Whiz 104c and itPc; Eastern 12A00. Whiz. 9c and V: Vlkinff. 14.000. Whtz. M,c and - aement Is not published or disolayea by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia GERMAN DRIVE (Continued from Pace One) 9V; Ideal. l.aoo. Booth. 10c and i 4c: Aloba. 1600. New Enfland. mencwl uh the peiwiratten j 104c and 94c: Irene J., 1460. San Luxemburt and eastern Joan. 10'c and 94c; Al Junior, A report In London last night that Hitler's tones In Bel gium in the vicinii of Ghent had ben rpsvtedly bta a slower pace. All German efforts to cross the Ausne River have been LOCAL NEWS NOTES Stores to be closed Thursday af- Ben Sampson sailed this after-ternoon and all day Friday. Retail noon on the Catala for a trip to f.rhnntji Association. uzn Vancouver. Provincial Constable L. E. Requa t Mrs. Agnes Underdahl sjailed thl of Stewart arrived In the city from 'afternoon on the Catala for a the north on the Catala this morn- trip to Vancouver, ing, having an Insane patient in his custody. I Dr. J. H. Canon left on last 'evenintfs train for a business trip Mrs. Victor StHMaoy ana mis w Eastern Cannda and the United Thompson, who are in Salvation states. Army service at Canyon City on the Kaas River, arrived in the etty on the Catala this morning from the north. Mrs. W. P. Armour and daughter. Miss Jane Armour, returned home on the Catala Sunday night from Vancouver where the latter hai been attending the University ofi I British Columbia. ' IIiHCh McDonald, road superin-iendent for Atlin district with neaaquarters at aiewan. iraveneai from Stewart to Arrandale on the Catala yesterday, being on his way up the Na River on official bus iness. Thursday 7 p.m. II Talte Notice Thiry Attractive Prize including fifty dollars in Cash. Empire CarnlvaL in Help the Sailer and Soldier. Come to the Empire Carnival I. O D E Doors open 7 p.m.. Thursday. Drawings 1 ajn Friday. Bishop Visits People Of Naas (121) His Lordthip Back Today After Trip to Alyansh, Greenville and Klnrollth J Rt Rev. a. A. Rlx. Bishop of Caledonia, returned to Prince Rupert on the Catala today following a 1 UiL 1 - l , -j, . wttfa tli rufarfao. nlkwliur u im. rr pomis n ponant part in the fighting there. "" du"f The situation was "no better and eJhop arrlved at Kincolith no worse" and it was admitted Su"dy JP000 from Wnsh that there moat be a decirton , The committee of within forty-eight hours. It was hurch a banquet at that BP on hla suKgested time that the German attack was "bogging ,th n an address of l()Wn wcrcwne w nv Lorosnip on behalf Counter-Offensive Due general counter-offensive or me community and a farewell address was given to the mission, by tRer. Oliver Thome. The Klncollth the Allied armies must now come t Concert Band played the marches and indications are not lacking "Over the Top to Victory" and that it is on the way. T5j Allied "Tsombones on Parade" and the ov-reireats so lar, extensive a they (Orture "Orpheus " The Bishop con-may pwib and serious as the situ-'ducted evening service af Klncolith atmn may today appear, have, un- doubtedly. been to a large extent arateRtr wtin a view to conserv- ine strength for a general consolidation The Germans have paid dearly in men and fighting equipment for ail ground they have so tnr Earned while Allied losses have n-en relatively light. Well informed quarters today : denied Gprman claims that Gen- eral Henri Giraud. commander of the Ninth French Army, and his staff had been captured More Confused Than Ever I I An authoritative spokesman , 1 in London said today that the 1 battle on the western irotu was "more confused than ever with everybody behind everybody else's lines." lie said that German communique claims that Abbeville, fifteen miles from the English Cannel had been captured, were grossly exaggerated, later, however, a Trench spokesman said tonight that small detachments of German motorcycle troops had penetrated the outskirts of Abbeville region. RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH United May 22. KELLOGG'S ASTHMA jO RELIEF Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 23c a word. Tea. Mrs. R. O. Large, Eastern, Star Tea, May 29. Mrs. Darton's, The French evacuated Laon, flf- Evening Branch WA. Tea, May teen miles south of La Fere, the 30, Mrs. J. B. Gibson's, town being occupied by the Ger-' I mans without fighting, It was dls-J Qiri Guide Association Tea, Mrs. ciuscu luuuy. tuumiucuij, jviorison s, Mcunae tsireei, least of Cambral and near St.'jurie 1. Quentln and Peronne as the Oer- (man drive westward continued at Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Wm. Lamble. June 5. repulsed. A French War Office ( Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' spokesman disclosed for the first Home June 6. time that German parachute 1 . troops were blng used In the pres-1 p,tjv. Tea and Children's Display, cnt operations. German advance' oddfellows' Hall. Friday, June 7. units consist of light motorized columns supported by planes. I Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Five thousano Rupert people read the Dally News. Jt I pays to let them know what yon have to sell. Sale, Mrs. Murvold s, June 13. Anglican Tea, Nlcholls', June 13. Valhalla Picnic June 23, Mrs. J. W. BLACKHEADS to aUUr Wjr a lmpla mUod that dU-iairm them. Ct two obbcm of jwroxla pamim tram foot druafift. apply with hot, wt ckUt mntlf ow th Uarkbasda d4 rw U1 wecdr vbf tber fct roe. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Plndlay, returned to port at 12 noon today from Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 p.m and waypoints. is accountant season. F. D for Vancouver 'J Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cowle and V son, Bruee, arrived In the city ( J ion the CataVa Sunday night from K ami left Monday for V 1 Pmvlde Cmlorte tor m.Al-.Vfnuv- where Mr. Cowl,! !.ed Forres. Came to the Empire lplaxton Ceiy a visit to the Northern Pyrites property on the Ecstall River 'which he is engaged in develop ing, arrived in the city this morning from the property and sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. THRIFT Cash & Carry Phone K9 Fresh Spring Vegetables Are Rlfht at Their Best At Lower Prices Too Lettuce New BJC r Large heads Cabbage New B.C. Celery Crisp Utah JQq Beets Fresh tops. l.t)s 4 Sp 2 bunches Carrots Large 9(lP UC bunches 3 for Outdoor Tomatoes California, nice IQp flavor Lb. Picnic Hams u'XK, Boneless. Lb. Peas Packed by Royal City. Sieve 5. - 4 np 17-oz. Un lut Butter Nu-Thrtft, first grade. Wrapt Qp OOK, daily. 3 lbs. Tuna Fish B.C. Pack. White meat. 1 Q P Vlb. tin Ginger Snaps Fresh and crisp. lip Per lb. Asparagus Cuttings OOp 1940 pack. 2 tins Macaroni XfO IQp 3-lb. cello bag Brookfield Eggs Grade 'A large. Cartoned. 27C )oz .... Free Delivery on Orders $1.00 And Over THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different I'lant Food Contains Vitamin Bt The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper pro-porUons, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. Malkln Co. (I'M.) Ltd. I Women "Who Care" FOUNDATION -g- PAGE ,THRW., Go To Peoples. FAMOUS " La Linda" GIRDLES AND FOUNDATIONS I Now Exclusive J At Peoples In line with our new policy J or securing only the "top" lines for you, we have been granted exclusive dlstribu- J torhhip for "La Linda" in Prtnno Piinrt f GARMENTS. GIRDLES and BRASSIERES that will mould your lines oerfectly to conform with your demands. J Elastic aide-r,ancls moid nips and thigh into graceful, tapering 'i contour"! yourself Con.uiU our salesgirls 1jt the model best suited to B. C. Furniture Co. Big Savings In Furniture 30 Inner Spring Filled Mattresses Over 200 tempered springs covered by a layer of cotton and of durable ticking. Regular $1750. 12 95 6 Strongly Constructed Couches Can be made into double bed with a heavy Q-f QiOIU Q fJS comfortable mattress. Special Bed Springs and .Mattress Includes steel bed and good quality cabie spring Q9fl 7UtU TO and felt mattress. Size 3-3. 4-0. Special 12 Walnut Finished Full Panel Beds With su:a; filled mattresses and cable springs. TO 1 ,t,U Size 3-3. 4-0. 4-6. Special 4 Sets of 3-piece Chesterfields In all new colois and styles including brown, rust 27T I vUU 00 and one set in red and green. Special One 4-piece Bedroom Suite In waterfall design. Walnut finish consisting of vanity with round mirror, chiffonier, bench and bed. 72 '50 6-Piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of vanity, bench, bed. large size Q4 Q C A chiffonier, spring filled mattress and spring ?HO.UU 24 Felt Mattresses in all sizes. 95 Special - Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B.C. Clothiers SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! uki it OCEAN FALLS md POWELL RIVEI Steamer leave Princ Rupert verj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wedneaday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For arsi, mtc, call or wtiU City TUkmt OJJU, M trA Ap i Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart ofirince Rupert" 5 THIRD AVE, Next to Jleilbrnner's Phone BLUE 907 5 Guernsey, who has been on i wwavwawvw.w.vaww-wj-.wvww V-B-40 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TAS. CATALA EVERY TUES- TJSJS. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 pjn. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs, pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday bjo. If Convenient, Tlease Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Pbon H It t; i 0