. ...... rrL. I I . I a r nf In iff. ut mirA Muf f.Cnonrr. tonight that, while present urns was irate, there was eioe for great alarm." De-Crrman successes, "the arm- 4 Great nrltaln and France ...-I 1 1. r. Urn lllff- M III!, - " UM'CESTKK WOUNDED - . a. I (t,rother of Ihe King, was tonight to be suffering rfi siau wj - - f ranrn.IWirian . k. . .1.. l..t,l. GOKKING'S WAUNINO - .a ttikireas neatny wmo. UAV1NO GIBRALTAR fatn-rtt. ll'Mm.i. anil trra oi liiorauar prsan ic-.-ff French Morocco today un-I fottiDulnorr scheme of M0 TCIlRIKriU HH.i. ammm.iiiv r r r I i d c ni Bklin II. ltnntrt-11 drrtared to that (irrnun plantrt were Trninr n w .. . mini ill L - ..ii . ......... it.. III. hlth had never been wen t Ofrmanjr' war moves were ii'iirj m ti it nv lit w iia a.- a. it i .. rtmlndfd the ix-oplc. could im t... it 1 i -u .......t m than those on the Marne .rviiiinC in me Wl rn ih. r...M.H. I. .1 l inn mill ICIIIIAIII IINU ..VV,wv 111 hn in r:M... I I 1. .1 . .1 i.iiiiiAii Buiuicrs iiaii 11." kiii nrrM iriiiiiiiiK mii fhauted but were keeping he last ounce of their "17 Into nrodiictlon of arms. hfy hould do this to preserve "rjthlnr thev hold dear. Lord fmbrook appeals for co-Ptlon In Increased aircraft '"Auction, Lord Woolton, mln- fr of food, expresses ronfN fn of ability to take care of '1 distribution In event of air turt on the British Isles. COMMUNICATIONS CUT OFF N DON All Mnrmal rnmrnil tions by telegraph and telc-hne communication between n'nd and the Continent were "l " for a time last night. 'tlal ""lay. nriB iicrucu iur wt- Purposes, It was dlcloscd five miles from the French capital. , Alone the A lane River and ai Montdldler the French are continuing to realat ftarce Nail attack. Between the Somme and Cam-bra 1, according to French reporu. there have been heavy engage- menta with the latue somewhat confuted. I A French military apokesman In Id that veritable cloud of para , chute troops have been dropped around Cambrel bat were being 'repulsed as they landed. The aim of the paraehututa U to seize: rail way faeltttts: bridge and com munication linW. - The Brtttoh Royal Air Foree fton-tuiuea heavy bombing activities behind the enemy lines on supply lines, troop concentrations and communication, particularly In the Rhine region. B Milan planes bombed Rotterdam. Holland, today and set oil tanks afire. I "Incredible Mistake" In an important statement before the French Senate today, Premier Paul Reynaud, admit I tint the fall of Amiens and Arras, said that "incredible mis-' taker. had been made which would be punished. These mistakes had included failure to ' blow up bridges across the . Mcuse River In the retreat of the Trench army, thus facilitating bringing up of relnforce-I men Is and continuation of the German advance. The Premier'" I statement was taken to suggest 1 that "fifth column activities In France were more extensive I than might hate been thought. ' nerlln claimed that an import . . . . . i n nhaie oi me campaign iwu now been concluded and that en ctrcled British, French and Belgian armies In Belgium and tne norvn-ern corner of France were faced with surrender, annihilation or being' driven into the sea. The Eiffel Tower. In Parts, hniih GO miles away, could be sighed through pdwcnui iia glasses. ' In London a spokesman said that 'aerman claims of victories were 'greatly exaggerated. Nevertheless, the fall of the Important cities of lAmiwvs and Arras dampened the -nMimism and confidence which APPEALS TO BRITONS had been felt by press and public LONIH.N Rt. Hon. Herbert vraterdav when It seemed that the orrlson anneals to Britons to Allies were definitely In the way of holding back the Germans una stemming the Nazi drive Th rMnmntlon of the German ...w r u.-t drive today followed an eviuc... breathing spell on Monday aufmsi which tittle progress was made as the French, with Brltisn aia. m..-cd to bolster up their resistance for the time being at least, wany fresh attacks ot the Germans verdav. It had been reported, were repulsed witn mc c leaving hundreds of dead In front of the French blockhouses. There has been no penetrawuu of the Maglnot Line proper indeed, there, has been little. If any. attempt, It seems, to ao so. u enemy effort being confined to widening the bulgo which com- (Continurd on Page Three) CRUISER U. M. S. Kffingham Strikes Rock Off Norway Mine Layer Sunk By Mine LONDON, May 21: (CP) The 9S50-ton British cruiser Effingham has been lost after striking a rock off the Norwegian coast, the Admiralty announced today. She became a total loss but all on board were saved. Sinking of the minelayer Princess Victoria by a mine with feared loss of two officers and thirty-one men is also reported. Wheat Market Is Recovering ! PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. . . r : Tomorrows Tides earner, ro recast ;r."e Rupt and Quecri Char-U:ands High 1:20 pjn. 23.0 ft.s Fresh to strong east 14:13 pjn. 20.6 ft. Low 8:01 am. Oft. l rain 20:08 pjn. 5.1 Term. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRICK: 5 CENTS iv Wn ion PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1940. The.e rt-k' o ire tmc af tfv 50 deal: oy tv. , .. i-.a -) uermuu deinkel bomber, loadcc wiUi bombs, fell at C .a clou on me Ei.se x coast. The mines were de. mated by the Impact of the crash. Three civilians were kilted and more than 100 injured. The bombing plane was blown to bits and the four German fliers died. : " - SITUATION Ts1a m w Am rw olav Dorder Now Closed ! SKOPLJE. Yugoslavia, May 21: CP (-The frontier be- tween Yugoslavia and Italian- held Albania was closed today by Italian order. Britain And France Cannot Be Defeated Says Reynaud 1 Reveals Mistake In Battle I PARIS, May 21: (CP) "I have told you the truths Premier Paul Reynaud told the French Senate- today4. "These two great peoples (the French and the ijritish) cannot be defeated. They cannot die. If I was told a miracle was needed to save France, then I believe in miracles because I believe in France." , Reynaud was speaking following his announcement to the Senate that the Germans had occupied Arras and Amiens this morning. Arras is fifty miles from the English Channel and Amiens, forty. Speaking of the German break-through, Reynaud said that bridges over the Mouse had not been blown up as a result of mistakes. He said that the Metiso had been wrongly considered a redoubtable obstacle for the enemy and that was why French divisions charged with defending . it were few and stretched out. He said that the army of General Andre Korap at that point was not so well trained and had become disorganized. Renaud said that no shortcomings would be tolerated. ' , Italian Schools ' Closing May 31 Children Get Holidays One Month' Earlier Than Usual This Year WINNIPEG. May 21: (CP) Gains ROME, May 21: (CPt Taken asj on outside markets boosted wheat another Indication that Italy ex-1 futures more than two cents above pects to be soon at war was the newly fixed mlnlmums on the Win- decree Issued yesterday that Italian I nlpeg exchange yesterday. Final schools shall close this year on May! quotations were 2UC to 2ec higher 31 Instead of June 30. the usual; with May at 72sgC. closing time. IS SERIOUS remier King, Hokere- Reminds Trial Britons Hare Won After Similarly Dark Hours OTTAWA, Slay 21: (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon .Mackenzie King asked the House of Commons today to remember in this, probably one of the darkest hours in the history of Empire." the outlook was similarly dark in 1918 but Allied troops had rallied and won. The Prime Minister said that the situation in France was "more serious" and, after breaking through the highly fortified Allied line, the Germans were advancing down the Somme Valley, trying to divide the French and British armies in France and nelginm. Halibut Sales Summary American 112,000 pounds, and 73c to 9.9c and 73c Canadian 93300 pounds, and 7c to 9.8c and 7c. American Explorer, J4.000, 96.c and munds & Walker. Premier Plans Cana fort will include: 9.4c t 9.4c J I 7.5c, I Royal. Sitka, 40,000, 93c and 7.5c. Storage. Ionic, 16,000. 9.6c and 7.5c, At-lin. Aeglr, 17,000, 9".9c and 73c, Storage. Lion I, 15,000, 9.4c and 73c, Pa cific. Canadian Dovre B., 20,000, 9.8c and Atlln. AUi, 14,000. 9.4c and 7c, Pacific. Peerless, 6300, 9.4c and 7c, Booth. Delmar, 17.0Q0, 9.4c and 7c, Storage. Essential, 5300, 9.6c and 7c. Atlln. Lake Blwa, 7,500, 9.6c and 7c, Booth. V "" P. K.. 1,600, 9.6c and 7c, Booth. M. I., 2.200, 9.5c and 7c, Storage. Tugwell. 2,000, 9.5c and 7c, Stor- lage. Rio Rita, 3,500, 93c and 7c, BAR GOLD LONDON, t CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at !$3734 per fine ounce. fc ar Situation Is More Serious RMAN IK VK (1WAK ) ENGLISH CHANNEL AND PARIS STILL GOES ON fns and Arms Fall to Enemy and Abbeville at Mouth T W .Tl ? . a W IB I Sominc Kivcr is i taimcu io nave iieen uvacncu Countcr-Offensivc Must Come boon PARIS. May 21. The German mechanized army, con- inp its drive towards the English Channel, .swept U Cmiirnn Ifivni willov frulnv unit Amionn !inill i l 4it ;n i r :i r . ...it. nt tVin i'ifni At tVio cinm timn thn ftlll nf Av.l 1 L. .1 kl i I V ' . . . . 1 11 1? i! . J 1 I 1 3 the norm oi Amiens ana in me uirccuon ox v. aiai-sj ar was admitted, soutnward irom Bt. . Quentin. the Nasi drive toward, ' " "" Parts, with flame throwing tanks' m T and heavily mechanized Infantry. vw ha been resumed and. wlih Laon j jt W r VA reportedly Uken. the enemy U ad-1 1 V I V O vanclng on SoiMoru which U fifty-' vn M.KI) roil ALARM" WHERE GERMAN BOMBER FELL WITH CARGO OF BOMBS King Reveals For Bolstering das War Effort At Least $700,000,000 Will Be Spent This Year for FightingMany Steps Being Taken to Aid Campaign Against Hitler i I OTTAWA, May 21: (CP) Canada's war effort will be speeded up through new governmental decisions ranging irom the appointment of two additional cabinet ministers to the enlistment of a third division for overseas service. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King in Parliament last night announced acceleration of the war program. Ihe Prime Minister informed Commons that the war would cost Canada at least $700,000,000 in 1940-41 not $500,000,000 as estimated three months ago. This means total expenditure this year of $1,100.-000,000 for all purposes or $3,000,000 per day $2,009,000 for the war and $1,000,000 brdinary. Additional steps in the war ef- ARMY BILL APPROVED Roosevelt Preparedness Appropriation is Being Speedily Legislated WASHINGTON. D. C. May 21: (CP A $1,820,000,000 army bllL iinnrprpripntpd in neap.etime. won Dispatch overseas of No. 112 army ouk.k aDDroval vesterdav on the co-operation squadron to the Carl- Unlted States Senate appropriations bean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. relieve Hon. Clarence D. Howe, minister of transport, who Is now handling It. Intense Anti-Aircraft Fire 4 LONDON. May 21: CP Intense anti-aircraft fire off the committee. The Senate debate start ed today and the bill may go to the s , Adoption of every feasible method House 'o! Rcp-esentaUves by the to accelerate the output of pilots week mlddie of fof considera. ana air crews irom uanaaa. tlon of amendments. Conferring of special powers on the ministry of munitions to exped-iate provision of war supplies-Undertaking of the raising of a third division. Dispatch overseas sooner than had been at first contemplated of the second division. Formation of a Canadian Army Corps In the field. "Deeds and not words are what the people of Canada are now looking for," declared the Premier who referred to the Importance of home defence. In connection with the proposed expansion of the production of arms. Mr. King said that the establishment- of a .munitions plant was being considered Parliament will be asked to ap- Bulletins AGAINST "FIFTH COLUMN" The local Canadian Legion has communicated with the Dominion and Provincial Commands joining in the demand 'for effective action against "fifth column" activities and the control of enemy aliens as well as a general speeding up of war activities as far as Canada is concerned. MRS. BELTON DIES VICTORIA Mrs. Mabel Bel-i ton, aged 77, wife of Lieut. CoL ' W II Ratio- an. .(... f CI. prove a new ministry of naUonalde-; Rjchard h dead at ence for air. Mr. King announced., Cove where she rM,ded , Hon. C. G. Power, at present Post-j seventeen years. master General. Is appointed as' the new minister for this department. There will probably also , ITALY ACCUSES BRITAIN KOMF Italr irrntn C.rral bf a separate ministry of supply to J Brltain ot continued persecution of Maltese nationalists in Malta where there is a strong Italian influence. Premier Benito Mussolini conferred yesterday with Marshal Badaglio, Italian chief of staff. EIRE PREPARES DUBLIN Certain classes of reservists and airmen of Eire arc being called to the colors to strengthen defence forces. Weather Forecast General Synopsis A moderate southeast English coast depression is approaching the was heard twice this after- Queen Charlotte Islands from the noon mingled with the drone west while the pressure Is relatlve- 7c, i of airplane engines high iy high over the Interior of Brl- overhead. Sea coast residents tlsh Columbia. The weather has Kalen. 13,500, 9.6c and 7c, Ed- said the firing was so Intense been fair and warmer throughout that "everything shook and ,thls province. trembled." No planes could : West Coast of Vancouver Island be seen. Fresh southeast winds, with ln- creasinz cloudiness and cooler with showers. WAR OF FRIGHTFULNESS PARIS, May 21: (CP) Parachutists in such numbers as to constitute a veritable army have been drifting down behind the French lines with felling effect, military quarters disclosed today. Carrying incendiary and explosive materials plus regular arms they have attacked bridges, railroad stations and public buildings. A semi-official report said that the whole region behind "Cambrai" was being burned systcmati- t cally by incendiary bombs." .A