1 C t 3 PAOf .TWO iPLiO-PEDIC AltCH SUPPORT ' Street Dress Shoes Mre constructed iand designed to jjgive thefoot the maximum amount of support and still have all the beauty of style which have made them, so famous. Carried in -Black, Brown -and Blue in 'fittings from AA to 'E width Family shoe store ltD The "Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H.F. PULL EN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES - Classified Advertisements, per -word, per insertion J02 Local Readers, per line, per insertion 25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 'News Department Telephone 86 'Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN I'KESS The Canadian Press U exclusively entitled to use for republication, of ill xwm despatches credited to It cr to the Associated Press In this gaper and alju ihc " ..local news i published therein. Ml rtehla ol republication of special despatches therein are also renerved. iDAlLY EDITION Monday. June 24, 1940. 4fMBaaiaaaaBSBBIMBaaaPSaiBlBBBBBBBaBMBBBSBSBBBaaBSBBMSBMBBBBBa M ED1TORI Al S 'NOTHING SO DISGRACEFUL We xan think of nothing so disgraceful as for a Canadian to be (giving information or sending aid rto the enemy at a time like this. Germany has been working rt?-tularly through traitors, securing Information and receiving aid .from people who are citizens of iome other country. Evidently .to. many people the oath of allegiance is only another scrap of .paper. They are not .desirable citizens in that they bring idis-crttlit.on people of their own nationality ,as -well as on Canada. Because -we are a new country does not mean that people can with impunity turn against -the country of their adoption. AUSTRALIAN ACTION Australia does not take any 'longer .than Canada to push through measures needed in-providing for the protection of the country. The Australian House of' Commons soon' passed the conscription hill asked by the Prime Minister and the Senate followed suit. -All parties have united in the comiron cause and are pushing forward preparations to meet anyteventuality. In New. Zealand where-the country is controlled by Labor, there has been even great- ! er activity than in any other Empire country. CORN IN EGYPT Possibly we have all read the Bible story of the famine in Epypt dee to one f the periodic vagarie? of the River Nile. One-of the rulers of that country bnilt graineries and stored the corn and sold it later at a. jrood.profit. Todav Canada Js the granary of the Empire. The Royal Bank, in its monthly bulletin, draws attention to the need there will be for food pretty soon. The people of a number of devasted countries will have to be fed and today Canada has something like three hundred million bushels, almost one comnlete year's crop, stored in elevators ready for shipment to the places where it may be needed. This is first and foremost a food insurance for the Empire and, if it is not needed there, other countries will be able to hare in the store. The writer of the-bulletin urged increased consumption as a national dutv. Canada has the capacity to produce and, undoubtedly, preparations should be made to increase the output next year for all the food will.be needed and needel badly. Famine is. possible in ome countries unless those ?bl( to do so produce tcr the full. MacKenzie s Furniture USED FURNITURE TRADE-INS 3-piecc Chesterfield Suite .$15.00 1 Chiffonier $3.00 1 Bed Stead . . . . $3!a0 .'Buffet 515.00 Phone "5 327 THIRD AVENUE TIIE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Silver- Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and iZinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail, B.C. Defeated Beavers Saturday Afternoon To Capture King Edward School Football Championship sin the replay of the-final of' the iKlng Edward School Football League Saturday afternoon the Wanderers managed to win from the Beavers by four goals. to three. It.was an-exciting-game and gave the Wanderers the school football championship. I The 'Beavers had the Abetter of the first part but there was no or.o in the forward line able to shoot. O rails ton saved well from Davles but was later beaten by Bud Pierce who took advantage 'of slack defence play by the backs. Husoy spoiled Davles' shots several times. Holkestad cleared but , Pierce got -a second goal-and -then Davles added a third -with a high ishot. 'Being three goals behind did not deter the Beavers and E. Pierce got-a counter. Beavers played up even harder -and E. - Pierce got a second goal. Holkestad, Prince and Bond all played hard but a moment's slackness gave Bud -Pierce a chance and he beat Ormlston 'from close In. Beavers came right: back and E.i Pierce got his third, Play -was 'fast .until the end but neither team - was. able to score again. Teams: Wanderers-4Leland; sTeng, Jer-ttad.Bugg; Elliott, -Davles, Het-b; Macintosh, Dixon, Matsumoto. Bud Pierce, D. Scherk. Beavers Ormlston; Bond, Holkestad; Menzles, Holkestad, C. Pilfold; O. Anderson, Murray, E Pierce, B. Prince, L. Hucoy. J. Haugan. - For the Wanderers Joe Davies ,was the best. Teng and "Jerstad were good while Hebb also played well. Forward: Bud Pierce who got three goals, D. Scherk and Matsumoto were the best. The '-Beavers were well -served by Ormlston who played his usual eood game In goal. Bond and Holkestad were safeibacks.vPrlnce was a very good halfback -with Pilfold also doing well, leavers were weak forward with Red Pierce and Husoy the only dangerous ones. Ladies' 'Softball League Schedule Is "Being -Revised On account of a number of games In the Ladles' Softball League .having to be postponed because of unfavorable weather, the first half schedule has been revised as follows: June 124-t-fierv.ee Clnb vs. Cookies; '.Orotto vs. - Velvets. -June '.--Service Clob vs. Orot- to; Velvets -vs. iWhlrtwinds. July ;1 .Velvets ivs. Orotto: Cookies vs Service Club. 1 July 4-Whlrlwlnds vs. Orotto: 1 Velvets vs. 'Cookies. July 8-Cookles vs. '.Whirlwinds. ClUSSlFllO nPORSALli FOR SALE-i-Piano In good condl. tlon..'$60 cash.'Phone Oreen 836, afternoon. (154) FOR SALE-Two iwaterfront lots. Crippen aubdlvislon. Digby. Cheap. .Telephone Black Ai2. (149) FOR SALE New 8-foot punt. A nap. Phone 572. (tf) WORK WANTED CAPABLE woman .with knowledge of home nursing desires posl-: tlon , as companion to Invalid or elderly , person. -Best of refers ences..Box 7,DailyNws. (148) iEOltKENl FOR1 RENT 'July and 'Au,gust, 5-room' house, fully furnished. Rent $30 or board owner. Phone 761, Ask for T. Sorenson. (H9). THKiDAILT NTCWB WANDERERS ,CALL OFF 'WIN TITLE Junior Chamber of Commerce Still Ready, However, toiCo.operate lit. Civic Centre Project At a -meeting of-the -Port Day committee of the Junior Chamber " cf Commerce & -letter .was readt from theTrades and Labor Council .in ..which Uiat body stated it felt nnKta in sinraf a in Jinv Prtrt Honor. W. K:i-.hr made ih 3rd u7 .1 AA. I). Ml. I .p., polnlrd Aaijnlalrator of the estate of: Marln Qffyii. deoeaaed. and alU par-tla .bavTJwef l.lmrariilniit thvldi iai arvrrtx required to furnlh '"" Prapwly verified, tn me an ar rd all lma Indebted to the n-tate at? required to pay the amount if tneTPMndfbledneai to me forthwith. ,b"- r f Juae, a. n! uh fl'HiHM A. WATT. I ()ffloti .dm(n4tralor. Trlnee rtupert. riX!. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Ztretll Proprietor "A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince RuDert.i.B.C. rhooe-ZSI iP.n .lWiv IM Tony Galento Is Outstanding Of Challengers MILWAUKEE. June 24: (CP) Tony Qalento Is rated by the National Boxing Association as No. 1 1 Challenger for Joe Louis' world's heavyweight iJoxlng title Bob Pastor is rated second. WW. "''Am - - J riA Arpn .1 f .1 J rUUlDALL IIJ.NIUIUKH3 ,1 DRY DOCK vs. NAVY Local Sport j - ,, . -t ... . n,lK,oM .hi, Mx.mlii tn the vy """eta "'X ' - J , . -,, -.. state of nation?! emergency and the v" ...I demands It Is making on the pock- ;V i ' T. m f .h. wi, .Rie. U be as follows: Margan; Mur- l r.n- I ray and-Bonand; Scherk. Dav4e mi... .u. r, c. bi.i .,.and Ronalds; Campbell. A. Smith, uic weep oca ruut.ran,.., . n . Union, cannot, therefore, partlcl- 'decided to abandon plans for Port Keays Day this year, stating, moreover, that It was thoroughly in sympathy Brown; spares, spares. Cameron and. The- City Football League game now set for this evening was one with the Trades and Labor Coun- n, tt.hieh t h n ell's attitude to the matter. rtPiayed last.week. Rain. again causae Junior Chamber of Com-'ed 1U .postponement from yes-; merce had intended to devote anyaerday-u h lhe first, game In the surplus which might accrue from revked cUy lcaue hdule. the Port Day celebrations to the , . civic centre committee's fund and We !is t,a4t nt it stresses it a,stUl willing. to co- the tntih" VoUponttntat operate In every way with any plans f;afcouPle of deferred City Soft-whlcb, ba" UagUg amM may now be In progress to finance that project and erect a - suitable building. i tiik orriiF.Mi: roi iit o-..luiuTiiii oi.rini i iMiimiTi: I" Maltrr .f Ike -1 Jatlal.lralUa Art" . A la IkrnMatierr ikeu Kale.r Martta !-.. a. . - . r.mnH, rraet. lalealale TAtCtf NOTIi"K lhai'hv ,rrf ( Hll mmwmm 'Krcjili Ucal Itaw and J,a.teur.7.M. AliHc VALENTIN J. H. BULGER Optometrist Kojal Sant ni1i I!)ORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private -Parties Wed Thurs FrU 711 2.4:30, Cll on Sat. MON MAMSHIRS .'LTD. Steamers Lea fa. Prince Rupert for Vancouver' 'TAS. CATALA KVFJIY .TUBS- T.8.S. CARDENA PltlDAY. DAY;l:0p.m. 10:10 p.m. - Due'VancoaTer.Tburs.iD.m. De Vancauver.'Mondsya.m. If On venlent, Pleane, Purchase Ticket at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets rrom FRANK; J, SKINNER Prince Rupert 'Agent Tblrd. Ave. Phoe5M MTYf flrmr? rrr y- r n vT-vt Smoked BLACK COD .Smoked iDaily 'Ganadianiish WQM Storage PrlDtt- Rupert Co. ltd. Rrltlsb Columbia reds under Fine niunrnni Tuns 91- ffTPI .MMCIIitii. Eleht Communist newspapers In 24: CP.Thi, J Australia have been banned and ! city may see a or, , "' the Acting Minister of Informa Ing. A governme r tlon. sir Henry uuiiett. saia oinerttesiea mat Au.Mrj.j b, -"I-publications were under observa- vessels of from 8KC w" tlon. here and In 8 (i It's a SALT Used Radio Bargains $ anyone can afford 4-tube 'Detrola" Table Set .4-tube PliUro ' Mantel Set C-tube De lortst Crlej" ManlellStt 7- tube -General Electric" Mantel Set 8- tubc "General Electric" Mantrl Set . - - 10-tubc All-Wave "Victor" Conolei .Model GUbeTrotter 7 controls "7-tube "I)e Forest Crosley OonoleMdt 8-tube lUdlo-Phonograph Combination, "De Torett Crosier" Console complete with 20 Records USED BATTERY Complete With Batteries 4-tube-Victor Console 4-tube Spartan Mantrl Set Viking Mantel Set Vlctot All-Wave Mantel Set 2 Bij; Uph6Lstercd Chairs Left from 2ortly Piece 'Chesterfield Suites- IS5: $109.00 IMapIelFlat'Top Desks QQ (IX .Regular $14.50. Special .. ?O.UO 2 Night Tahles Regular $9.00. Special . $5.95 KM HIM I SUM 1 UtSI 11 MM ! HIM SETS cut And Many Other Good L'ed Sett for Every Flare and Evrrv ftn 1 GUARANTEED Slcllae' Bros. Serviced Evrry Set in lint Han! -Sliape rilicr.il LOW for quick Sile-ACT sun You Cannot Duplicate. theeValue-iAII ScU Sobjett U Prlo rSale SAVE DOLLARS on th ese 1M- RARHAINs ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE .MrKMft Ilnllillnr TKIr.t It.nu. wlnm tlimert Hours from 8i30.a.m to5!ao .m. Phone Clltr;EN,, SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling it OCEAN FALLS d POWELL RIVEI StcamenLeavcs PrinccrRupcrt .-Every SATURDAY, 4 p.m. -MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains, Leave PrinceiRupcrUor thcKaat Monday, Wednesday, iFriday, fi p.m. AIR.C0NDITI0NK SLKEWNR OAK I For fares, etc., call or writ City Ticket Office, 528 3rd A. V-39-40