PAQE TOUR SERVICE Prompt and Efficient Service in Watch, Clock Jewelcry and Optical Repairing, Hand Engraving EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE Licencee for Numount Fullvue Frames The Latest In Eye Wear CHAS DODIiMEAI) OPTOMETRIST Phone 2Ct fcr Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for Every Occasion JAIL TERM WITH FINE Sentence, Passed In Defence of Canada Case in Police Court V influence of liquor at the time he had made his remarks. His ship wished to make it clear, how Mrs. Taylor, For Years Resident Of Atlin, Dies Mrs. A. B. Taylor, who was a resident of Atlin for twenty-seven years, her husband having been Government Telegraphs agent ever, that any further offences ot p.v such dealt with. Frears accosted local soldiers In a beer parlor and ridiculed them for : wearing the uniform. He also made disparaging remarks remark about aoou. the '.Fourteen days' imprisonment with paging If .JL. ,.v,f country and the government. -alty handed out to James W. Freers Frears expressed regret for hav on 'Rntiirrtav in rit.v nniico murt lne made the remarks, exnlalnlnz r ij ., . r j ... j , ----- - - a 1 vviiaiucrauie uamaec was done to , ; under the Defence of Canada regu- that he had been under the Influ-' the car. latlons for making a statement de- ence 01 liquor ana did not mean . rogatory to the military forces, what he said. Magistrate McClyrrfont in passing After sentence had been passed, the sentence, said that h'e was view- accused paid the $25 fine and, having the case In the light of certain ing already served the time lm-cercumstances, one of which was posed, was released. ' that? accused had been under the W. O. Fulton prosecuted. Riding double on a This happy couple is guaranteed an income as long as they Jive ' Hien Jack Alarlin quit work, lie immediately legan to receive a comfortable monthly income from liis life insurance. Today, llic Marling live liappily In their litlle home, and they have enough money to take an occasional trip. Best of nil, they have no financial worry about the future. They have an income that will continue as long as either lives. The Martins are typical of thousands of Canadian men and women who hare safeguarded Iheir future through their savings in life insurance. These thrifty people, in every part of the country, face the future with confidence. Their sav ings in life insurance not only protect their families today but also build a comfortable nest-egg for their later years. U7X ANOTHER STORY OF tIFE INSURANCE IN ACTION ,Tr. la .r, d,Ml, ,.,f If.. Mm.J UmS POLICYHOLDERS RECEIVE 70 OF LlfE INSURANCE PAYMENTS By owning life Injurance, you don't have to "dm to win". It's a significant fact that last year, nearly 70 of all paymenfi by life Insurance com- panies operating Jn Canada, were mado to living policyholders. They thus received the benefits of their own life insurance during their life-time. ' ONI OF A SERIES OF MESSACIS SPONSORED IUIFI WSUIANCI COMPANIES OFERATINO IN CANADA tained fractured noses and other in-1 Juries requiring hospital treatment1 BRITISH FILMS MELBOURNE, Australia, June 24: (CPl Britlil films shown In Australia last year were more risque than the American films, says Film Censor, Creswell O'Reilly. V THE DAILY NEWS Monday, FINANCING OF CHEAT WAR EFFORT PROVIDED FOR (Continued irom Page One) INCOME TAX UP With drastic Increase In Income taxation reaching virtually every earner, almost prohibitive on automobiles and several new taxes, Col, Ralston asked tremendous sacrifices of the Canadian people for war purposes. The new tax on automobile Ihprn. nasxrd awav on Thursday of start. nt tan ner cent on manufac- ,., r 7L Z 7 " Percem Biea. 1 a kind would be more severely ",ngie persons earning over $1200.; , a ien per cent tax is imposed on : all Imports on value for duty) at! Eighth Avenue and McBrlde Street ; Brltlsh prererentlat tariff. Friday night. Joyce Berg and Lome1 excess proflts tax h ralsed Wanamaker crashed Into a Roujm fifty per cent to venty-nve Bros, taxi car. Both Both children children sus-L, sus ft 4 VCilb. Tobaccos To Pay The cigarette tax Is raised from $5 to $6 per 1000, on manufactured tobacco from 25c to 35c per pound, on cigarette papers and tubes from two to five cents per hundred. On raw leaf tobacco there Is a new tax of ten cents per pound. Cigar taxes are doubled and the tax on matches is increased one-third. I cent on pronographs, cameras, rad tos and radio tubes. The tax on carbonic add gas used In soft drinks la Increased from two to five cents per pound and on niDDer tires and tubes, now two and three cents a pound res pectlvely,.get a flat rate of five cents. v There Is no change In the sals tax fate and widely felt apprehension of a tax being placed on gasoline was not realized. Tariff changes are almost entirely districted to technical amendments to facilitate the administration. IX Tllr fl I'HMMH rut ht or ttruTint coi.1 hiiia i i'hoiiiti: lm thr Mullrr .f Ik l.1.rU Art" Am4 in the -llallrr ml tfc Kaiat of fmt-rlrk S. Mack,.. !),.,.,, rll.te TAKE KOTICB that by ordr of HI. Ilon-.r. W. E. Klhr. md the Ird dy f Jun. A. I), me. t - appointed AdmloUlratur of lh ettitt of Mrlck S. Hughe, deceaaed. and all piirtlc hnrlnic rlalmi agalnM the ld entate are berehr required to rurnlKh ame, properly verified, to me on or before the tth dr ef July A. D. I SIB. and all partlea Indebted ' tlw ette are required to pay the xnv.unt of their lodebtedneti to me forthwith. me lin day of June. A. n NO nil AN A. WATT. Offlrlal Admlnlitratnr. Ttlnca Rupert. B.C Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL llulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal UulHey Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZED I'KINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different plant Food Contains Vitamin HI The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life, , Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. Slalkln JX (P.R.) Ltd. SMITHERS Dr. It. B. Brummltt and family 'left Saturday by motor on holiday ifor a month. While In Van:ouver they will Join with other members of the Brummltt family In celebrating the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brummltt, the parents of Dr. Brummltt. Thomas Walsh, long time resident of Terrace and village commissioner at that plate but now last week at Victoria where she had tarers" value up to $700 and Increas- ' Welta where he Is In charge of lived for the past twelve year with es sharply to 80 per cent on value me ,oince oj wir uwniniwi um-her son, Norman Taylor, purser of over $1200. Col. Ralston said It was ernment Telegraph Service. pftM-the steamer Princess Charlotte throu-h Smlther on Thurs-whlch designed virtually to prohibit pur- was In port Saturday after- cnase of hrfh priced cars and con- d"y mroute to Terrace where he noon. . The funeral took place Sal- serve foreign' exchange." wU1 spcnd Part of hU acatton urday afternoon In Victoria. i Income tax rates are Increased so vLsl"ng ld fiends. Mrs. Taylor was seventy-three sharply that a married man with years of age and was born In Mont- no dependents paying $36 on a sal-real. Two months' illness preceded ary 0f $3000 at present rates now her death. - pays $I95i The exemption Is re- Predeceased by. her husband In duced twenty-five per cent and 1928. Mrs. Taylor leaves six children rates are Increased sharply, to mourn her passing Norman A new national defence tax of Taylor of Victoria, Mrs. Harry Mab- two per cent flat rale Is Imposed on ley of Comox. Mrs. Walter O. South- an salaries of over $600 If unmar-am of England. D. B. Taylor of Van- ried and $1200 If married. Increas- couver, J. R. Taylor of Campbell 11.7 "1B inc tn 0 thr wiree nor rvnt IOT fnr saiariM n The Smlthers Brass Band played concert at the Bulkley Valley District Hospital here on Sunday afternoon. The band, under the leadership of John Gray and consisting of 25 members, makes a practice of playing occasional concerts at the hospital for the bene fit of the patients and staff and these concerts are much apprcct- RECRUITING FOR SOUTH Infantry And Machine Gun Men Wanted Home Guard Must Be Men Who Have Already Served Captain J. T. Harvey has opened a recruiting office in the Armories building and he announced this morning that he was taking on men for the Infantry and machine gun sections categories A and n ages 19 to 45, for southern units. Other so-called sumptuary taxe& Captain Harvey also has auth- lnclude a new impost of ten per prlty to sign up men who took part In the last war to act as a home guard. These will be for categories A, B and C for men up to and Including 50 year. These men are required at once and arrangements are being made to send them south for training. in about ten days time CaDtaln narvejr win make a recruiting tour through the Interior as far as Bums Lake. TiMitt'.n jm HeaU-d lender will ha relved by the niatrlrt Koreatar. PHnra Rupert, not la'er than noon n t k. tin. j. t June. lo. fr the purcha.e of Ucnr-e Xinm In lUthleaan Chaanel t rut :.JI M fet of Kfrw. CeJ.r. Ilrmluck and Kalaaeo. TWO 111 tnn will h. .11 A m ... . W WT4 fit rrmoral . of timber. rurthrr Bartlmilara i- roreater Vtrtoria ! ik. ......... Koreatar. Prlnre Rupert. BC, lUnarr I Cameron rvMn at- CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM IUTIIS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Raths Mrs. C K, Black, Proprietress CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, R.C.Ph.C. Wallace IJlock, Phone 618 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyc PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by th 0nl nimon canning company with sn all tho year rftand payroll Ln Pllnea Rupert jBIiWaaBaaaaaBBaMBBBaK. Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Dinners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 22 Seventh Ave., W. Phone DLACK 733 ! i 1 1 3 CAPiTOi exciTEMEHT! l the life ol the Un $arumifflaBtowa youth itie fettimeijrejttrjrkijffi, A MAGNIFICENT PICTURE! NOT SINCE BOYS TOWN SUCH POTENT, HEART-WARMING DRAMA! yROONEY in hit lintft rolt iinc "BoyiToa . . tru, txcitlnj Jrima el Tkomi EJiiOn's boybooJl Tht JJ!p,t,-who w.i (ctrt J ly nil horn lorn i,, (ore lit won the clittti of tht otii ... nil itory of court jt nj tnumph ii a (lorioui icrttn cri 1 vtrasai (At 7 41 and 9 5) ADDKll 3 Stooge In "YOU NAZTY KrV "ASM CAS f'LEirr "l'lrTE SMITH NOVKLTV Showing TonlthU-Tuev-Wed, Shows Nuhtlr 7 MU) in pori inn morning irom 8:30- returning ju!h hr:: to 10 am. enroute from Vancou- ;royage of thf wawm &i rtt to Skagway and other Alaika aka tourut ru:r ( S Rfia polnu. C. P. R. lamr Prtneea er rrlnce Rupert, apt S4 UiiH, Capt 8. K. Oray. had a Lean, arrived in port ! j't toUl of 1M pajsengtrt on board f morning from Skatrvir udic of whom lxty-two were round trip, Alaska polnu. taiimi w ij: tourttU. There were elren mi. i for Vanrmiter i r-e. r. leengen for Prince Rupert on Uie Powell Rlter The Prtnw hr JreMeL Two went north from here I brought In IM rMnpn tl on me rcssei. fiTe dliembarked here ' New Hosiery Shades ,Are Nature's Shades by Kayser. Bouquet A soft wine tone as drticate and frth as a bouquet picked from a country Plumage Especially harmonious with blues, kmc tones, pastels white. Brunct Smoothly adaptable Burnish An important style accent on sport and resort wear Orchid A medium wine one for perfect harmony with your frock of deeper colors. Verve to a wide range or Wfar tnls Usht wine tones . . . bclgea, with any of your bIuM- better costumes. There are sUll other fasclnatlnz hosiery hades by Kayser. but space limit our Ust. Come lu and see them. Sheerest Wisps of Chiffon 8hecr. Dull Finished Crepe Other Weight, from ... 7.V nndll U1 tic to IL11 GIRDLES MrhHder heen. Snug fitting with gait-r .strap SSSn' at U8hl We'8ht An e"titlonal Mall Ordrrs Promntlr vilint nn.n c.ii,nii Mtht ! RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I . "In lhe "tart of Prince Iluperr Cw-.jJi r...... I S ..Yir.r N"1 10 "ellbroner'a - Phone nil t W I autwAV I I ITUMSMfM I L. mot i a 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental ' Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way S.S. "PrlncoM Adelaide" every Friday 10 pro-, To Vancouver Direct . , ... Princess Louise Princess Charlotto rnnceM11" June 1st. 15th, 20th June 3th, ,22nd Juiie"1 To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau ana BKagwaJf June 3rd, loth, 17th, 21st, 24th, July 1st. 6th Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets anil Itmrrvnt Inn a f mm . W. L. COAXES, General Agent Prime Ituprfjjl