!!. a k n ti c f I 1 B B X 2 a B 3 S 3 3 a t SB e 8' e 9 s e fc S X t. t t I 1 II 'FAOT"TWO RUBBERS If you need rubbers of any description we can certainly look alter you. From Velvet Overshoes to Daby (iiimboots our stock is complete. , We Have Just Received "KARWASH" A new lightweight hip pullover a& light as ordinary rubbers. Fits right over your shoes and does away with iuml)ersom leggings. Priced F $3.75 AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. I'MNCF. RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert "Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H.'P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations MEMiltll OK THK 'CANADIAN PKKSS . Th Cnntdlon Press U Exclusively cmUUrtl to use lor republication or U new dnpatctirs credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also tiie lor at news published therein. ' All rteltia ol ruabhca.Uon of special deaxttclMa therein are also reserved. 'Al'LY EDITION A Red Herring - - Monday. "November 25, 1940. EDITORIALS . It was,ib?olutely necessary for Hitler, to do something arid do it quickly to offset the breakdown ot the Jtahan offensive against Greece. The loss of prestige during the past week has been so great that, if nothing were done to offset it or to set people talking about something else, there was grave danger that the Axis might lose its grip. That is why Hitler has been so actively engaged in mak ing Balkan nations toe the mark. It is a gesture but little more. Financial Resources When the Marquess of Lothian said that Britain was alnmt to come to the end of her resources, it probably meant that pretty soon she would not be able to pav cash on the nail for goods purchased from the United States. Credits vould have to be given if the supply of war mater- It seems evident that there is a break developing between Russia and Germany. Both Stalin and Hitler suspect each other. Each knows that the other has no conscience and is only out to grab all he can. Each is only using the other as long as it suits his purpose. If Hitler could afford to do so he would throw over Russia at once and seize Ukrainian territory. If Stalin could do without Hit lev, there would be no collaboration. Stalin has no use for the present German administration or for any other except his own and. that he uses for his own advantage. Eastern Texas Having Floods Basements Flooded Bridges Wush ed Out and Roads Inundated Around Palestine I H. BULGER Optometrist KoyaJ Bank IU4f. Senator George lis New Chairman Is New Head of United States Foreign Relations- Committee in ! Succession to Key Pittman PALESTINE, Texas, Nov. 25. j WASIHNGTQN, DC, Nov. 25. Basements ot this eastern Texas Senator Walter F. George of Georg-clty are flooded, bridges have been la has been chosen chairman, of the washed out, roads Inundated and United States foreign relations com-other amage and Inconvenience mittee In succession to the late caused by heavy Tloods over the Senator Key Pittman of Nevada week-end. who died recently. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNB U7 Letter Box POUT CLEMENTS SERVICE Editor, Dally News: In your Issue of November 5 you report a statement made by Mr. Skinner, agent for the Union ' Steamship Co., at a meeting of the I Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-meraelo the effect that "TheTpHople 1 of PoYt Clements had not lost-fuiy- jfaliiiig Tram the ship not-calling ex- 'cept that they did hot See the s'h'lp." We wish to point out to Mr. Skinner a few facts of which he i.s apparently unaware-. j First, ay regards seeing the shio, this is the least important Item. The jpeople tf Port 'Clements are not aborigines. Most of them have seeh innny vntfeh larger ships and have long ceased to be thrilled by ,the advent of a bit of a coasting steamer. Second, the two general stores at Port Clements have both lost much bu iness through the ship not calling. People who used to opcnd 1 money here now are spending it at Queen Charlotte City where they have to go to meet the ship. Third, the Port Clements restaur ant has dlso lost most of its busin m " a ...rll URr"- -.a DHED; iaj was to be kept ujx This would mean a change in the? ?SSwS necessarily accepted. cSh method of doing business which must be approved by the j Tnders should be ai united btates congress. When we consider that Germany has been in an even worse financial position ever since the war commenced, we need not worry about what is going to happen. If Germany can carry on without much ready cash, Great Britain can cerfainlv do so. . An Evident Break - - - FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 pairs of skates. SjJs 7and 8. Call at 130, 4th Ave. FOR SALE Trolling boat 28 feet long, 10 H J. engine. Box 46, Daily News. (27b) SEALED tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Tuesday, November 26th, for the purchase of the Cottonwood Cafe building and contents, exclusive of ground rights, Hyder. B.C., formerly operated by David Allen, deceased. Business affords splendid opportunity as wage proposiUon. Premises and contents may be inspected by calling on David Ged-des, Stewart, B. C. The highest or any tender not adressed Of ficial Administrator, Prince Ru pert, B.C. and marked "Tender." NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. tf FOR SALE Sacrifice for cash one of the best built residences in town. Up to date In every way. Owner might consider small property preferably rn Vancouver or New Westminster la part payment Write to P.O. Box 534, Prince Rupert. B.C. (277 1 FOUNU OWNER of grey Stetson hat lost night of Legion banquet may "obtain It by catling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement, tf. FOR KEN! FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. Phone Green 733 or call at 520 8th Ave. W. between 3 and 5 pjn. or in the evenings. (231 FOR RENT-including News. -Large furnished office heat and light. Dally If. LOST LOST DunhiU lighter in or around Bowling Alley. Initials L. V. Reward. Box 50, Dally News. (278) WANTED WANTED Loan on 20-ton motor vessel. 3ood security. Apply Box 49, pally News. (278) LITERARY ANYONE wishing old English ladies' magazines can get a few at the Dally News. No phone calls. 275)' port THE DAILY NEWS Monday Novemb?r ess as this was mainly done en boat days while pebple were waiting for and arriving from trie ship.. Fourth, the beer parlor here has ! lost a large portion of Its business as much of It was done -on boat days, many of its passengers call ing there while the snip was in PASSING OF CRAIGAVON. STATESMAN fireat Irish Imperialist Had lonr Kerord of Office VLsited Prince Rupert .BJtST, November 25 Lord Cigavcit, Premier of 'Northern Iryanrf, died yesterday at the age of sixty-nine. As Sir James Craig, loto uraigavon paid a visii to Prince Rupert hi 1926). CONVENTION CONCLUDED In r. Ampnts tip i KKioecrflie .,.t- i -.-. he community share the sentl-telected circuit choral union dlrw-! ments evnresr?d in this letter Trusting that this Is not tak.r? 'in too much of your valuable ajwee, nnd thankin" you A. S. WARD. One of the MossbioYs. tor and Peter Lien aso:late direc tor. An aim is to gmdually build up large choral union which In due time will be in position to meet In one of the coast cities and give sa cred concerts Jointly. Resolution tf Loyalty Resolutions adopted at the clos "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL Try Our Famous Kdson Hard Coal PRINCE RUPERT FEED GO. EDSON, 'NAXAlMO-vVELLINGTOX, BULKLET VALLEY Office and Coal Bunkers Trotiers Dok Phone 58 B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 12 Reconditioned typewriters C9fe ft A TO QM ff flft Of various makes. From .UU 3X.UU i Connor Washing Machine In good shape. 64f) ffA A real snap t&AdU 1 Late Beatty Washing Machine tZ( ' In perfect condition 03v Complete $14.50 iTCitchen Ranges Complete with 61 A jflA TOggA fA trtl burners. From 1UVV 9u"UU New Furniture 1 End Tables At - 12 Coffee Tables All walnut, latest styles . 3 Chesterfield TabJes Walnut, nicely finished 20 Table Lamps of newest-colors. From i $2.45 $10.50 S1.95TO 83.95 6 UnpaHited Drop-teat TaMes Very-strongly made up .. Cn painted Tables With folding leaf in centre, Special 6 SUdi cehes Can be made Into double or single bed JL!.... $675 S7 75 S39.50 3 DRESSERS Waterfall design with roond 699 Cft mirror. Special .- ?2a.DU Phone BLACK 321 Not Door to EC, Clothlert THIRD AVENUl and endow with courtage' and wisdom our governments and all In high authority who, under Ood, are leading our nations during thesa mast difficult and perilous times In our national history. "We gladly and spontaneously give expression to continued , in'd ,H" t.XCH,n S r on uest,fd. loyalty, the - .'uilct Fifth. Mm tni businesses at Port a measure oi aevotionand Of sa?rl- , cuiivmucu oatuiuajr ai Lti iiyjn uim and ana ficial service, to the end that the Queen Charlotte City have been,dan evening nd Willi great vcjv Merest. guuu Special until- forces tff i evil .. and . darknes, , . may , be hard hit as previously many car- jervlces at St. Paul's Lutheran subdued and the will of God, piace loads or passengers came to -caraiv Cmlrcri veiterda'y mdfnln also " r. i"11 r" the ship from the sduth and other nad a large feonsregirtlon. pointsron. this Island. Also manjr nponlo from ihp rimn on Moresby The theme far discussion was Island and often four or five car-leads u?ed to leave the ship at Pott Clements to' go south, saving much time and frequently unpleasant travelling artfund the coast The above are only a few of the losses of birsiness sustained by Port Clements through the ship ceasing tr call here. Perhap they wi!l be sufficient to convince Mr. Skinner fliig nfc- to- ckmr?." "Thi final fiPsllun was held Srifi- the Text Luke 15: 1-23. All Uva s tastors present, and al'.i lay dels-lc wmi -..is wiiywu uy i. -effeb-llvs hi th-"CT- w crwce ates 6ok jtaU ;-l conducted by the local pastor, brief dlscusslohs - ' jaddresse by visltlnr. pastor.? and Saturday evening, Uie church .beautiful choral and solo selections Was everflriwmg. Mus'Jl "contrl: by several, "buttons were piwiired by the Varclen Singers, the lo:al Siring Band Slners. 'KctMiikan Cnurch riTaf'!rii!MSaU:a.r 'lUTBinata f.'lvlr T?rl STiinrtP mid Pdstar Ode hat we have lost more than hist pardi tendr ana batltone. r?.v;e mt eemstne snip. lively. Inspiring and effectivr ad- t In nart years a very great doal of drecce were rlvsn bv BI.hri I! L shipping business has been done Foss Rev u odegaard of KHzhi- cbtiti "XM IMfMZM.xtLZWZMfMt'M from this-nort and no doubt will be tan and iev. Thomas Knntsen of ialn. We feel that iUs very noor Petersburg as well as laymen who' . ,, , w t -iJ' to tnke away most of the tcoIt part Petersburg. Alaska, bask-ir-all business left to u$ Just becnu.'c ' , I team will be here for a series with h?f Is not verv much doing horr, It "was decided to hold the next the locals on tJecembcr 4 and 5. It u the present time. -annual circuit cbnventicn at Pe-jis annnuneed by Walter Fergu.nn. Now, however. Ihe shin Is ca'Hng tersburg, a year from now. Rev. j secretary o'f the local Association, here on alternate trlns. This is bet- Thomas Knutsen of Petersburij thar non but not uf Helen a was elected president for ncxt ;wwn,1f, moon aim- Wr team will be het-this Sutardav feel thit we should have the year, Rsv. B. Odegaard. Kitchlkan, -ame ernsirtornMnn a thP .;,, i vice president. Ed Sunde. sesre- a game with Savoys of the io.-al nort on this Island. tary, and I. Feness, Prince Rupert, Senior League, The malrritv of the membei. of lc- Basketball Buzz iwasurer Pastor Otoitf Tonisht Savoy, mrtt YJiC. local military services. On the 8i- voy team wHl be MacPheo. Holke- Don't Delav tnristmas Is Only a few week arj , Villi Lnnuf it nt. vkimiiio.. caiu1 today, f'lllrtcnrvt f .... PINO, KALS, TAGS, tit Pajrty full .e ( .0, 'hoppins nnj (: !!.. v.invonienc DIBB PRINTING Company May Interfere With Jap Plan stad, MiEgan. Stiles. Domlnalo and TOKIO. N .v fTiiih.IT Vii i ....in ... ing session of the convention In-, Intermediate eluded the follcrwlng: ithlans. We thank Almighty Ood for the . i countries He has given us, and for all the temporal and spiritual bl?ss- Ings He so.rlchly and graciously has entrusted to us. "we thanK God for our govern- ( ments 'of the people, by the people , and far the people, for personal j freedom and civil liberties within law. and order, for the sacred heritage of religious freedom, recogniz- ed.and zealously guarded by all In authority. "We pray God graciously to bless L ... i . .. i ... - Two-Oeean N'avj Protna ....Mw.. i .i u-oui wm quarters aami" " .. it; t ineiuae Lawrord. Houston, Arney. navy plan a.s an. jn ed. l .vjucipa, ouuienano. ana nor.ett. prank Knox. Uiuu.d SisS Other camp tnnlofit- nlrlr truti I-. -nu.. v.... . --- aij vfc vi, HUB u... 1. 1 kv4 (School vs. Frsser Street; Ju.-.lor. the Japanese pr .. :.,ti rraser Kireet vh. Bee s News Sand; lent. High School vs. Scy- Try a TJall? New, VT. u BUTTER MAID DELICATESSEN Now Open For Business ALL VARIETIES n l i mm in looked meat and Sausages Chicken Pies & Steak Pies Silversides Block HOT WATER BOTTLES $1.00 and $1.50 Ormes ltd. Pioneer DmqSf'ts The RexaH Store " W Open Dally from t w- tiU 10 M-Sunday, and Holidays from 12 to 2 ! 1 to I P-- oooooooooooaaooooooooooaooooocaoo