1 t "I Monday. November 25, 1940. " .THE DAILY' NEWS 'FACTE THTO TtolftlTISH COLUMBIA DISTILIEDYCO lTn HHwlW II If" ' ' " ' " il ISfc 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES' i "RUPERT BRAND" BRILL FILLETS Cclophanc Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. RUPERT trtJTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Other varieties of RUPERT BRAND Frozen, Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above Stores Packed By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Print Koert Co. Ltd. 25i9u Th! dvrtnemnt It not nuWl.l.J J.-i, n . . . rw,J Control P- Bo.rd J l t V "wpwyea oy the Lquor or by At Gov.rnm.ht of British ColumbU. fcMVUNft. STANDING lAll'IK' LEAGUE of 'hf ladle' Bcw'llhs Lagne ts as follows: j fi :ind!n-r In Hi sWbnd fitiartt i feivj? Swinfiei? ... 5 l 'g, Eanh- .. .; 4.. 5 -3 ; 3. Ancettfs ...... .3 , 3 3; Knox Hotel 3 3 -3, Styk'te- a "3. 3 . S!. 3. 3 '3 Lurkv S: rites 2 .. 4 . 2 Bluebird 2 4 2 lOCKEY SCORiS NATIONAL LKM.irv. Saturday Ec.4trn-2; Rangers 1. Americans 1, Canadians 3. Chlt-afto 1, Toronto 0. Sunday TOrolt 1, Boston 1. TW-ohto. 4, Chicago 2. PACIFIC COAST Saturday VflhKitiv 5. Seattle 4. Sunday Portland 0, Spokane 4'. Every now and then wc wish to call the aUtnm.n Wtmmiihlie tb Hie fait that our Wial K Oureoa w Mjj;., . 3 hnt nriinopifinn "ft JP tYdy The ,.i ci, . 0r w not: ' Voult LIKC IMP IAJ1U T"hEYTEATyou run can (iii(kly j,rvt. Uiis ( Vuiir own pluming satisfaction jiy Philpott Evitt & Co. ! td. Pre -Christ mas SALE 1 STARTS Nov. 25th to Dec. 5th AT ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING -:- THIRD AVENUE Phone Green 916 Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Britun Colombia I "" I! II Just say "Three Two please." J. A. Hlnton sailed last night on the Catala lor a brief trip to Stewart on business. lng north. Gordon H. Jolllffe, well known Quen Charlotte City merchant, is a bushiest visitor" In the city from the Islands, having arrived on the Prince Charles last evening. Mrs. J. llaan of Queen Charlotte JCity and Mrs. J. Mathers of Sand-splt ar Queen Charlotte Visitors In the eity, having arrived here on the Camosun last evening. They are on their way to Vancouver. . Dr. R. G. Large will iprovld the program at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club this Wednesday. He will show moving pictures dealing with A. Pyper, Port Clements hote'l a tiew car with them. : DANCE J EVERY SATURDAY J BOSTON HALL, 9 O'CLOCK J Mrs. James Clark Palmistry Leeds Apartments. Firs St, Ground Floor Green 925 CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 646 FRESH SHRIMPS Dally After 4:30 p.m. .BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK For Ladles and Gentlemen's TAILORING m t.lee J We Cover Buttons for Your J Dress By Your Own Cloth jt 'lpanlnc. Pressing. Kenairinr t Basketball tohite Savoys Vs. Y. (M.OA. Exhibition Hall. 276 Typewriter and office repairs at Balllnger's. t)t. and Mrs. W. S. Kergin, who! A photo of the family makes an, have been on a trip to Vancouver ideal Xmas. gift. Have It taken now and Toronto, were passengers : while you are aboard thfe Catala last nieht return- Studio. together. Just say "Three Two please." return home this evening. Edward Pongs of Massett arrived in the cily on the Camosun last evening from the Queen Charlotte Island for a brief visit to Town. He will return home this evening. course 01 a vacation trip, Tney win. then,. Mrs. Bert Lowan Is lcavln? on to-fproceed to Edmontoh,and the Peace TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Housework by hour. Blue 334. 279 ! FOR SALE Confectionery and variety store as going business. Showing nice profit and books open to buyer. Good teason for, selling. Apply pally News or P. 6. box 938. 281 Announcements All advertisements in this cot-!umn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Catholic Tea.'Mrs. Couture's, November' 28, Hill 60 Tea November 30. Rebekah Dance, December 4, Oddfellow's Hall. ' Eagles' Bridge, December-4. Second Searchlight Auxiliary Dance, Armouries, December 6. Red Cross Tea, Legion Hall, Saturday, December 7. Game dinner, December '11. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Legion Hall. December 12 S.O.N. Christmas tree arid dance December 26. Moose Hall. 3dAv. Phone Green 9G0 P.O.975 l Ctenulne llognranjr Dance, Odd- -Aa a?11ows wu' Pnpr 31. Attempt To Bomb Samos Islands In Aegean Sea Fails machine"' ATHEN, Nov. 25. The Italians It made an unsuccessful attempt to 1 bomb the Samos Islands in the Aeg Norton Youngs sailed last night i Big shipment of housedresses for ean Sea yesterday, on the Catala for a trio to Stewart $liC0 lust arrived at the Dollar . on bepartmerit of Mines business. Store. "(Expect Bulgaria Bensbiij 278 To Sign Up Soon A. Cl Small, local manager of the 'Rtrne ls Expectinfc Important Dom- Swlf t-Canadtan Co., returhedto (he city 'on the princess' Nofah yesterday mrtrnlnft from a trip to estlc Changes In This Balkan Nation ROME, Nov. 25. Informed Italian source arc still hoping Bulgaria will sign up immediately with tha jaxis. important domestic changes Arthur Robertson, Masett saw- In Bulgaria are expected here. mfil operator, arrived in the city- cn the Cairfosun last 'evening fcr a LMnim(l(,mAi brief business visit to town and will innOUnCeffleni. Of New Envoy 'ut Made by President Roosevelt From Hyde Park Saturday HYDE PARK. Nov. 25: (CP- E. S. Richardson of Tlell. fisher- President Roosevelt's announcement les Inspector for the Queen Char- Saturday that he would apooiht lotte tslahds . Is navine a trie f visit Ksar Admiral William D. Leahy to proprietor, is paying a brier visit to to the city, having arrived from the the Viy. France, ambassadorial the cltv. havlnff nrrlvpd from the I 'post In succession to William C , Queen Charlotte Islands on the Ca- lng. S Bullitt wa? made through his sec- , mosun last evening. He will return Iretary. at Hyds Park. At Puerto j to the Islands this evening. Basketball tonight-Savoy vs. Y. "lc' herct hl ,s '.Governor.. Leahy announced he ht-1 is,,rKiHn trn CJL Exhibition Hall. 276 Mr. and Mrs. tommy Chrhtoff ,M annoIntmcnt and family returned to the city on v ... , j, . . .'Istatln" 'thnt h ws nt ?he disposal j the Princess Norah yesterday mom-' feii of tn6 Silent lor anv duties he In? from a holiday motor trip to "ln;Ha"ef sPendi.nS the 'ttight wlh him. to undertake. Iviinnni.,.- t,i,M im ;a visiting in the city, are leaving 'on- the Eraser" Valley. They hrcught JL "!! HOTET ARRIVALS George, their next stop in the Prine Rupert F. Godwin, Dundas; F. A. Riid- .night's train for Ottawa where -he,' River after which, they -will i?o on to cliff, E: Johnson and G. W. Dawk- ndnt"- ,to meet hr husband, before Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. olas- ms. Prince Rupert; w. Rothwell, he leaves for England on 6versen.i.sey will be outside. for six weeks bat. Winnipeg; A. Attree, Terrace; Dun- service Mr. Lowan was formerly with Bulger's and Is now an instruc tor In the Air Force. Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water In Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses for Beds Harbor View ALEX PKUDIIOMME Proprietor Mrs. Glassey does not expect to return to Atlln until next spring Jack Clapperton Junior Is Killed Young Prince George Man Is Raid Victim In England Air Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clapperton of Prince George have been advised that their eldest son, Jack, '23 years of age, was killed recently In an air raid In England. Deceased was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clapperton, early residents of Pilnce Rupert, both of whom are how dead. Jack Clapperton Jr. left Prince (. , George, where he had spent most of j his life, a couple of .years, ago and, 1 when war broke out. Joined thej I army, being invalided out of the' army when he was injured while driving a transport. He was engaged as an air raid warden when he met his death.1 ' can, K. Kerr, Terrace; Col. and Mrs. George P. Vanler, Montreal, IABYS COLDS Relieve misery fast externally. Rub on Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 THOSE WISHING Gift Premiums For Christmas Will Please Leave Orders Before December 1st Mussallem's ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Skate To Reduce Skating Every Nite 7-11 Saturday 2-5 p.m. Gents 40c Ladies 30c Students 20c Children 7-9 15c IDORA ROLLER RINK TRAPPERS- Trappers, don't be foolish In selling your furs at the waterfront. Bring them to my store and let everybody bid on them. The buyers pay 30 per cent more when Geldbloom Is present. Goldbloom The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" RJes 75c np 80 Roome Hot ti Cold Water . Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 111 James Denholme of Tlell arrived In the city on the Camosun last evening, being here to meet and return home to th Queen Charlotte islands tonight with Mrs. Denholme and son and daughter who have been vbftlng at Ocean Falls. A. R. Mallory, postmaster, stipendiary magistrate. roadJoreman"and general factotum of the Qpen Charlotte Island town of Portf Clements, arrived in the city batthe Camosun last evening from tHcls-lands for a brief visit. it A MADE IN CANADA m Better UghtingjnJhaJiorae helps, children so much In home study end reading. 100 watt. Edlsoa'Mazddfldmps give the proper Jighi necessary 'fa prevent eye-irraSruVGet a carton at your dealer's, today. LAMPS 1 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC ?,0m,W Something NEW! Discovered in England By Our Wholesale Buyer He found two girls making beautiful -gifts from real parchment hand decorated in colors. He thought they were so good and so different that he supplied the money ,'to make upt a very large order. We were fortunate in getting a good variety. They include such items as Bridge Pads, Telephone Lists, Recipe books, Enapshop Albums, Guest Books Scrap Books, Household Memos. That' reminds me, P. C. Albums, Bridal Books, Knitting Notes, Etc., Etc. Prices range $1,50 to $2.50 John Bulger Ltd. sea When you, want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable Taxi Service PHONE 13 21 Ilour Service at Regular Rates AAA , yJ THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF; CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals MercUry, Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimouy. Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. B.C.