8. Lia Iff PA32 TOUR THE DAILY NEWS Saturday M'1V, LINZEY & DAVIES Phone 585 586 CASH SPECIALS FREE DELIVERY Nabob Coffee lQ Bakeasy Shortening 1 On Per lb per lb Blue Ribbon Tea 7f Honey 1Q 0iX Per lb 4-lb.tln Nabob Baking Fowder 4 Jp Brentwood Peas J-U An Per tin -" Per tin Prunes 2-lb. IfiC Nabob Strawberry itkn " lUi, Pkage Jam-4-lb. tin 'HZ'""- 38C S,r.r.pe.24c Fancy Santos Coffee QQn C Tomatoes-2s. l ib, bags JlC . Per tin Lemon and Vanilla -fl An . Extracts 2 oz. xUl R. A. Soda Biscuits ftp 4 oz. 15c Perpkg, gV Royal Household (jjf OP Bacon -Sliced. 9Qn nour-49s VOtf Mb cello wrap H 5 r Waterfront Whiffs Present on Dry Dock Payroll Twenty Halibut Boats Away Up To This Morning on Initial Voyages Of Season , ineua .;ivMost of them being engaged in overhaul work on ves- selj . How receiving attention at the yard, the payroll at the: PHhce. Rupert dry dock has been gradually increasing of late4iritil today there are about 125 men receiving employment there. The Canadian National Steamships steamer, Prince RUDert is still nn the nnntnnns hut will h uil euuuk wic uuuuic ui next wees. On "completion of the annual overhaul of :the Prince Rupert, similar work 'will 'be started oh the Prince Charles, probably about the middle of April. The Prince Charles will al sahave to be docked. Thp nnmln fon' government snagboat EsslngtotwfTtas iias -aooui compeiea ner annua routine overhaul!and will be leafr lng-the jrard at the first of nexf week to start her season's work ori the' -Skeena and Naas Rivers. Mean- tlme - work In preparing the yard fori'the carrying out of the contracts' for the construction of two mine sweepers for the Canadian riavyi Is, being proceeded with but onla, small proportion of the men presently employed at the yard are engaged In that Funeral Of James Ross Old friends gathered at the of the B. C. Undertakers this af the time of departure of the first Irom Allled operaUons In the Dar-ancf last groups. Next week will no "ef terlaba. first Brit- doubt see the first fresh halibut of ,st passenser Doavauacicea py aer-the season landed in Prince Runert niansksunk in St. Oeorge's Channel; Boats, tearing; ;u. $f ,noon tay ;H?'Uw l08t- aska, enroute to the grounds. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tues IS 7te Finest otL. WAity JohnDewar&Soiis. pfflM I 1 Ooatoala ia Ow lritt.ia up tmi m KTuiy sail at mldnleht to Vancouver. CTassifldjVSrinp T. Y.WVrfofe'lBlwa mP:'- , , , NrW'?Ct?"ytheht yei reached thlsoultle fort. " boat to get away, leaving on Tues- enn?6'11,0"1 Unl" steam cdena, John engine trouble The American boat arrlyed ,n Visitor has cleared for Craig. Al- i.f 4-u. . .u. .....l on her return Pachena, Capt. Oscar Sather. and The Department of Transport Dfvnllln rHV fIA.... If t L I i L ....... r wirKth. ' a- "CI"y naxwen, wmcn announces that the day beacon on iom v,,iiK.,f u. ?2nSL SiJ U BSea"i le" here ten days aBt for Vancpu- Regatta Rock in Searorth Chanson opening at m dnight tomorrow ver with scows having on board I ha? been destroyed by a storm nighttwenty local boats had clear- equipment of the Northern Con- - ed up: to this morning for the fish- struction Co. which had been used I The Armour Salvage Co.'s ser- ng grounds As announced earlier in fortification construction work vlce boat' Daly and derrick scow, in the. week, the boats are departing and scrap material from the old' with Capt. Reg Green In charge. Is l , T .f P . f UPS accordIn8 to mining and smelting plant at Any-: at present at Aliford Bay, Queen ?. L- k ( Phabet wlth 03t-have been delayed by, unfavor. I Charlotte Islands, carrying out wnjch their names commence, able weather and, as far as was work In connection with air base Tnere Is a, gap of three or four days known up to this morning had not construction. , District News -" . ternoon for the funeral of the Into ry I 1 U James Ross, pioneer resident of the , 5urnS LclRe liclS city. Members of the Masonic or-1 der. of which deceased was a mem-' p . n ' ber, were among those in attend-1 taStCr uCrVlCCS ance. I Rev. H. O. Funston. pastor oft First Presbyterian Church! offlci- Large Congregation ated and A. C. Small presided at the j organ. Hymns were' "Lead Kindly ' Light" and "Nearer My God to I Thee." 1 BURNS LAKE, Interment was made In the Ma-! Special Easter sonic plot at Falrvlew .Cemetery Pallbearers were Hugh Hugh Smith, James Campbell, J. B At United Church There Both Morning And Evening Special Services Hazelton Church Good Friday And Easter Suitably Observed In St. HAZELTON, March Friday and Easter Sunday vice at St. Peter's Church were well attended. There ing. afternoon and evenir.z in the afternoon being more Mrs .M. A. Mvros and a carni '"Sing the Joy of Easter Day," by The church was decorated with beautiful red tulips and daffodils sent by Vancouver friends. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Casting Elettric and Acetylene Weldinc Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Ca F.njlnes Repaired and Overhauled DEWAR1 OF THE WORLD TO GET THE BEST . . . BE SURE TO SAY .h- 53.75 DE WAR'S This advertisement Is cot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government .. oi British Columbia tr . l r iiutselas dusv v During Easter Snccial Visitors And Services Arc Held At Interior Village Friday And Sunday March 30: ' KITSELAS. Mach r3 0. The Sa-1 Sundav services vation Army at KiUelai was busy were held In the Burns Lake Uni- over the Easter season with spe Hamilton, ted Church, there being large at- clal visitors and services. tendances both morn In e and eve-! Adjutant and Mrs. Parkinson Robertson. A. C. Allen and Howard nlng with Rev. Adam Crisp, the were In Kltselas on Friday, being Seen. Luther League Tea And Sale pastor, officiating. i guests of Adjutant and Mrs At the morning service there McKay. IUS othrrwtw known tVdnn mnd RohUt Mark .were Eftster recitations and On Easter Sunday there were choruses bv the Sundav School good meetings and in the after pupils. noon the Home League had a good In the evening a beutlful supper, all the chiefs being in 1 Easter stihd xinrv was staged bv vlted. Also present were Miss Sue the choir. Mrs. Helmer Eckland man of New York, who is engaged jne junior Lutner League was was reader and extra musical m archaeological work, and Wll the sponser of a tea and home cook-N numbers were enioved. these ln-lllam Beynon of Port SlmDson. Mr lng sale jwhich was held at the,cluding a solo, "Open the Oates' Beynon spoke suitably as did Chief weiropoie Hau yesieraay aitemoon. o: the Temple, by Miss Louise and Mrs. Mark McKay. Servlteurs for the occasion were Miner; duet. "Whispering. Hope." I Another Easter visitor to Kltae-Astrl Peterson, Ethel Knutsen, Mag- by Miss Miner and Thomas Smith, las was George Thomas Crow of nlld Storseth and Charlotte Myr-;and Instrumental selections from iHaielton. wang. Cashiers were Edith Mur- Rubensteln. Dvorak and ' void and Violet Wick. Home cook-, sohn by Ihvln Pennington, violin. ,v. ..... . " " ing attendants were Dagny Myr-and Mrs. Adam Crisp, piano. Mr T"fc Sl rmouuV r wang and Elvlda Sorenson. Mrs-lCrisp's sermon subiect was "The in tjie matter or nAnsitri.n ian. Peterson and Miss Johnson assisted Message of Easter." in tne kitchen. A large number of people attended and results were very factory. tanda At War 25 Years Ago March 30, 1915 Russian fleet between each group's departure PmDardcd outer forts on the Bos-with t10 to dlvert TurMah attention a space of ten days between lurnt. Drmmi, AND: fN THE MATTER OP THE "ADU1NI-TRATION ACT-TAKE NOTICE ut ttter of Ad-mloWtrfttton of the FaUte of Ui abnr Drcrtil tormrtlj at Prtncm lUipert. .Albert, on Urn lith dur ox Nomnbet IMA . . . . 'c uw (rwiira in mj J TOUT I-- by HU Honour Judc rWw on th 14th 1M0 All rrm In-Sunday owd u the boe EU' ar r Peter's Qutd to jy the amount ot Wirtr In CrtXUiri to nv forthwHh and all prr-ona hating eWou aatet tn a bore 30: Oood,E"ut rqutd to m them with Ucularly for natives. Special music in the evening included a solo by me tmrore U SO tfar of April 1940 jfHH wMeh dlMrtbutton win be mad here I wtUiout rreard to any riatma of wbkJk were , tn he notice. three services on Sunday-morn- ,.J?I!? K. BC- thu that! par-,; NORMAN A. WATT. THE SEAL of QUALITY I m GOLl; SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyo I'INK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by the ,,nlr talmon tannine company with an all the year round payroll In Prlnr Kuprt LAUREL AND ' .HARDY HERE Veteran Comedians In The Flying Deuces," Now Showing at Capitol Theatre In "the Flying Deuces." the first feature leneth i-omfdv in which Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy have appeared for over a year, the vet eran comics take to the airway as the background for their misadventures, a thrilling and hilarious climax coming in the final sequence when, as two Foreign Leglonalres umtenced to die for desertion, they take flight In an endurance ship. A snarkllne musical score is wov en Into the fabric of the comedy, the music making up. It is said, for what may be lacking In the way of diaioEue. The colorful background of Morocco and the Legion provide appropriate settings for the pageantry and torn-foolery. The supporting cast includes Jean TONIGHT OXLY 2 Complete Show i LAUUKL and il In UlK "THE FLYING DEUCES" (At 8:08 and It . I'Lt.i The French Fijhtin- u,.v J In Full Actl, will. " ... tvH tary Authorities "FRANCE IS READY" (l)ialo(ue In Kn-li Al 7;00 . k 9 vuminc ,iion, Tuc Ut.AXX, III ItHlV h FIRST LOVE official record ff..l .fc- . th rvicc "f Ci Middleton and others. Also on this nrogram. which njlk)n ,n fu 1 shows tonight only at the Capitol.be u thrllluiK .. Theatre here is "France is Ready, i.ig pictorial d". Outstanding Values' NEW FURNITURE 3-riere CIIKSTF.ItFIFL!) SUITI-W3) valqr Special 9-Piete DINING ROOM SUITK-JIW value. Special 6-riece DINhTTK SUITF$70.00 Value. 8pecal 6-riece IJUKAKFAST SU1TF-$40.00 values. Special SKAMI.KSS AX.MINSTKH CAHPCTS-Sh Bxl0 2 iW valuf' 8peclal - ItAKUYMOIti: MATS-8Ue 27x54. $8.00 rarne. Special CNTKItritlSK ClltCUL.TOR OIL IIWTtll-$39.00 value. Special l-rirce IlKDUOO.M SUITl- At iti:ssi;it At IIITKKS. KITCIIImV KANOLS Large variety to bargain prices. Night or Day PHONE S69.50 S99.50 S55.O0 S31.50 $34.51 8 S75, Used Furniture Bargains S39.50 S6.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Creen 916 TIIIKII AVEttI Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to S-30 p.m. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Ilupert Co. Ltd. mi,,,h co"bMI 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Dank Bide Fresh Shrimp IIOAT W.SX Dallr at 4 P-M. TKOTIEK'S DOCK