T ' $..! M, f.ufuces" PIT A I TI17C aUiLilJLLitJ IN FINLAND Had 19.000 Killed 158,000 Wounded And March 30: It was of-ured yesterday that a .:" m the war with amounted to 49,000 3 000 wounded. For-. interest are hId hi Soviet for the v being blamed for F ai d to fight. em SS. W rt VMM IW NEW DEMO 4 ic nw nr i u ru a v a m ru eral Election I March 30: (CD-New Democracy can-: ed 10 Parliament r me civilian vote. -)-; ity of ninety with rr-porU-d This u the doubtful col-Tuesdays election. ILDING IN MARCH tailed 112.170 In Value ,.: i mits in Prince Rup- f Has h this year total I -' n month last year mt for the new Dyb-& IL in Block was taken T ' 'ii for this year to t 4"o as compared with 11 first quarter of 1939. 1 i this March were as (ard, foundation Te- Avcnue arid McBrlde h . alterations, Second '000 Ferguson, residence ll A t-.t .1 nun 1 U I till f rk . :ii annmnn nun I it" WINNIPEG, March 30.-O his way through Western Canada where he will make preliminary plans in i connection with opening of the . diets an improvement; Jasper-Banff Highway. R. J. c. . , anrsc rclaatlons. He stead of the National Parks Branch, . . . I IU. M MM Alt..... L 11 -l A M ';r' :n mai mr iu ua-iuiiawa, was at me run uarry no fto Into details with the superintendent of Banff and Jasper Na-1 "lonal Parks so that the machinery will re set u .nation for the olfieia1 railing of ti. new roal on July 1. fh.i new road, connecting Jasper ami Sanff, wind Its way through '.- most spectacular se-.tlon of the f oncdlan Reekie and prwitee to be one of the greatest mojn'aln attract! ru i urlstt have .p. had tn the CanrLar Rocklc. Mr. Stead will be In r. west f'r several wk. Old Country Soccer 3. ' t Mi Avenue East, $450. A H T uddltlon, Sixth Av-VV $400, Ml .ilirtn. roof renalrs. Run- n:v!: . $00. T it 0 renrA V nvp i will elles Report 'Ihn.. nnl 1 1 wniYAtf r r aa look bright for any South C Brentford 5. Fulham 0. Charlton Athletic 4, I. Chelsea 3, Wcstham 10. Portsmouth 1, Millwall 1. Tottenham 1, Arsenal 1. Mfdland Coventry 4. Leicester 1. Lulton 1, Birmingham 4. Walsall 1, Wolverhampton 2. Wet Bromwich Albion 4. North ampton 1. Northeast UuUerx90l3DarllngtonU .,. Huddcrsfleld 2. Leeds United Mlddlesbro 2. Hull 3. York 0. Bradford 1. Western Everton 1, Liverpool 3. Manchester United 6, Tranmcre Rovers 1. Brighton 4. Chester 2. 1 Stockport 1, Manchester City ). Stoke 1, Crewe 1. Wrexham 1. Port Vale 0. English South D Southend 4, Reading 2. Watford 4, Brighton 2. East Midland Barnsley 3. Chesterfield 1. Orlmsby 3. Notts City 2. . j Mansfield 4. Lincoln 5. Notts Forest 4, Rothcrham 1. Sheffield United 4, Sheffield Wednesday 3. 3. ilc '-hft contcnU of the report n":iprally aareed hern thnt no i nt'iirn mnvn irm nrien report which Under See- " r state Sumner WpIIp. has tfd to President Franklin D. VPU rm dir. Mn.u. ui. -. im '"ip to Euronc. President nimseir said last night, UWlH'! n ,, .... - -.uiihi, Hireling wucil ... IIUI Southwest Bristol Rovers 3. Torquay 2. Newport 1. Swansea 5. Plymouth 4, Cardiff 1. Swindon 1. Bristol City 3. Northwest Blackburn 0, Preston Northcnd Blackpool 3. Bolton I. Bury 4, Southport 0. Oldham Athletic 8, Carlisle 1. Rochdale 1, Burnley 1. Scottish West Alrdrle 4, Ayr 1. Clyde 5, Hamilton 3. Dumbarton 0. Partlck Thistle 0. Kilmarnock 6. Albion 2. Motherwell, 2, Celtic 0. Rangers 1, Morton 0. Third Lanark 2, St. Mlrrcn 1. Scottish East Aberdeen 3, Dundee 0. Arbroath 1, Falkirk 2. Dundee United 5, Alloa 0. Dunfermline 3, Ralth 4. Hibernians 3, St. Bernards i 1. King's Tark 5, St. Johnstone 2. Stenhouscmulr 1, Hearts o. Weather Forecast General Synopsls-The Pl .loud ana Ing to southwest. Tart jmlld with showers. Something To Say About Edict Japanese Puppet TORONTO Of NANKING, March 30: (CD-Barked by the bayonets of its Japanese sponsors, Wane Chlng-Wel today formally proclaimed himself as head of the new "central government of China." hmately striving for tl n Winnipeg today. He left for! ,,e o'dered an Immediate cessa h"ctivp. namely, last- the west last evening and wl'.l vis-! i: 1 preservation of our it all Important cltlea enrouie to' m extraneous and) the coast. On hi return he will. tlon of Chinese-Japanese hos lilitles. At Chungking, war time capital of China and seat of Gen eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, i Wang i order far cessation of hostilities was treated derisively by officials, press and public. IN FINAL 4 SAN FRANCISCO. March 30: CP) Northern California rivers Bournemouth 2, Crystal Palace .d"clJhJ, eiuii,L lit mc wuiwrut uraij lanu wi- their homes. The Napa River area, hard hit by February floods, was most seriously Britain Hopes That Report of German Naval Units Coming Out Are True LONDON, March 30: (CP) Danish reports of German fleet movements in the Skagerrack designed to engage the British contraband control lacked confirmation here but British naval authorities expressed the hope that they were true as they are desirous of drawing the German fleet out. Crediting the Information to Copenhagen sources, Henry Bldou, military writer for l'Instranslgeant. Paris newspaper, had reported tlu; a fleet of German destroyers was enroute to give battle to British naval units off the Norwegian coast. More German Planes Down continues low off Vancouver - LONDON, March 30: (CP)- . . t,itth over ouuhi- . . ... t,muor. ana is remind . ... ,'iwo jviesstisLiuuiuk uumuv.. . em California. The weaJ"" ' . , were shot down and a Dornler mains mild throughout Brtusn w-. dlsabled by Brltlsli umbla with unsettled ww" the Interior. ,.,n(i Island West Coast of Vancouver . . - iiih winds, snui warplanes In action over the Western Front yesterday, the Air Ministry announced. T PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTOBIA, B.C. . . r .-i primer ru clum Tomorrow's Tfdes Jlj "1 JIUPCII IUIU u.Hi lln- High ... 7:34 a.m. 17.1 ft. I Moderate to fresh 21:00 pjn. 163 ft. e t: -r.fi northwest winas. iair ana Low . .. 1:06 am 9.9 ft. . v nrnhahle showers at nlaht. 14:06 pjn. 6.9 ft. S.hI r'' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1940 PRICE: I CENTS fl AREND r if RELATIONS, OPENING ORDERED,- I T0ALLIES; ELECTION . . ' .... Ili, By BrI- Itrl. 1 1 .1 Parks ..(.. I. (tri.i.i Ttllt But rhino China ll'ltl Will II... Have C...ll.ln J ! British llrllLh Hhonwri Observers SM See No Nn Chance rhlttCt!l. Is In In Third Thick nf of r.niMlrn Campaign Tn. For flil.l Chief rment I Foreseen National llranch Oflclal Ambassador 0'B llimate Aims Of Two Nations Are Same March 30: (CP)-Slr r r British ambassador Passes Winnipeg on Way West i OTTAWA. March 30: (CP) 4 The Department of National l Defence announces that the . steamer North 8ta,r. formerly ) the Prince Henry of the Can- . adlan National Steanuhlps ' fleet, is being put Into service for the Royal Canadian Navy. SPRING IN ! WAR GLOOM Days Lengthen and Rains Come iAs Paris Not Quite So Black As She Is Painted By GLADYS M. ARNOLD Maple Leafs Advance to Finals of!.. Canadian Press Correspondent .. Stanley Cup, Lmblematic of PARIS, March 30: (CP) The World's Hockey Champ- , rainy season is ona sort of soft ionship mlsty rain which at night turns (the streets into strips of black TORONTO. March 30: (CP) 'satin V '.Toronto Maple Leafs, by defeating Though It Is distinctly more Detroit Red Wings by a score of dangerous to circulate after dark 3 to 1 at Detroit Thursday qualified for the finals for r Stanley Cup. emblematic of world's ... upon .them .. still .... Paris . . has a hockey championship. The Tor-'charm and beauty It had lost onto-Detroit game was a wild af- when the glare of electricity turn- In the early night darkness, hund reds turning about the obelisk (Cleopatra's Needle) and the fountains and then out into its Rivers In Northern Part of State many radiating streets, u ajon-Are Rising Dangerously, Families Utant play of inter-weaving color-Fleeing From Homes cd pin-points of light reflecting I in the wet pavement. At each street corner the flash At each stop and start the policeman in his new white cape and shining metal helmet steps . . ,. . , 'out from Cue siaewaiic where he ARE READY FOR NAZIS hatless (a custom never practiced in Paris) feels rather than sees the mass of the Louvre, the delicate spires of St. Clotllde and the faraway shaft of the Eiffel Tower. SWINGING (MEXICO'S Of Rome-Berlin-Moscow Axis Now LONDON, March 30: (CP) British observers today brushed aside Premier-Foreign Minister V. M. Molotofrs harsh words about the Allies and emphasized his neutrality declaration as ending any Nazi hope of a Ilome- Berlin-Moscow axis. Some sources interpret the , Russian foreign policy review as ' throwing broad hints that the Soviet wants to resume trade negotiations with Great Britain. ROME ANTI-BOLSHEVIK ROME, March 30: (CP) A source close to the Italian government said today that Italy "remains antl-Bolshevick" and insisted that a "Rome-Berlin-Moscow triangle" is not a possibility of the near future. MAY USE BALANCE ance. uauaiiy iiiu injuring 50 others e!ght oersons, where the signal light above his s " head alternately bathes his helmet 1 esieraa and face, now In a glow of faus- tlan red and then a blur of spectral green. The effect Is dramatic. Hatless In Paris The feeble light of the street lamps produces some strange lm- LOUIS HAS j hnlr fr mnnv eirls are now train hr Faycheck Helpless Victim The wind, whipping around the ( phlcally. corner, blows up the shawl and causes the old paper woman to crouch closer Into her corner. "Are you selling many?" EASY WIN Of Brown Bomber Last Night There Is the dry rattle u n fta;h us Wfiw iuxiiv, iiuutu ou. sr . t ...In .MirtnnW Vl 1 1 ! of traffic red. yellow, green add Twister H. Wes Small Scttremenl, their bit and the whirring swish as cars roll along Is discreetly intermingled with subdued musical 1 .1 .... .. ,11 4 V. U. noma wiiie use uiuii me uc- j ,,,. iiiu , ,..., IamlI,M from Clapton Orient 4. Queen's Park u8 m gan was forbidden In Paris. THIRTY DIE IN TORNADO in Louisiana, Taking Large Toil, I NAPOLEONVILLE, Louisiana, March 30: (CP) Reports wercre-ceived here yesterday that a tornado struck a small settlement.' twenty miles distant, killing about thirty persons. Pierrepart reports that tornadlc storms killed at least the gold on cuff or cap reflects JUC " ,'u"'u boxing championship the light heavyweight last by knocking out Johnny But the deepest impression of Jiight all is made by the relative silence Paycheck after forty-four seconds which darkness Induces and at the second round. Paycheck the same time the feeling that took three -nine counts In the first Hnrim. u bIIvp warm nnd round and the referee stopped the market was unchanged today at $37.54 per fine ounce, "One must, it Is the war." Parisians have become accus Executive MEXICO CITY, March 30: (CP) Amidst recurrent rumors of ai bed rebellion, four generals of the Mexican Army are engaged in one of the,' most vigorous presidential campaigns Mexico has witnessed in many years. the future course of the controvers ial revolutionary program set in motion by another army general, President Lazaro Vardenas a program under which government, la-"or and the peasantry Joined rn?eit against capital, foreign ancfj Mexican. For six years, beginning Decem ber 1. 1940, the winner of the July, 1 elections will be in a position to I Cty Author zed To Expend S9S00 Alma2an, prIncipal nlghtJbecause drivers find; It difficult 0n F"lh" Ma,n Wale.r nt candidate; the 'to see pedestrians until they are ' ' ReDUcementS fair, rough play culminating in a led the streets into perpetual day. from Ottawa by the acting city I a anti-gov"ernment aspirant. free-for-all in which Gus Marker I The automobile lights and street commissioner to expend upon nec-l and Red Horner were the prln-.traffic signs are spots of color essary water main replacements clpals. Even some of the specta- '.which give It almost a camlval iver and above the original pro- tors got mixed up in It. , FLOODS IN CALIFORNIA air for car lamps are in many gram an unexpended balance of colors. Red. orange and deep ycl- $9800 from the- $40,000 16an ' for low are favorites buti.aU shades water main work which the city , TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver . , Big Missouri. .09 V4. uralorne, 10.45. ' :5f .blusgpsemand.cTUWb .The -city. eDf- tCariboo- Quartz, 2.50 ".among them o that the Place de gineer has already made his plans j Dentonia, .OIVa. la Concorde with its swirl of cars for the expenditure of this bal- Fairvlew, .01 Vi. Gold Belt, .25. Hedley Mascot, .42. Mlnto, .024. i. Noble, Five, .00?i. Pacific Nickel, .08. ' ' Pend Orielle, 1.65. Pioneer, 2.30. Premier, 126. Privateer, .72. Reeves McDonald, .19. Reno, .35. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, 1.04. Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont, .35. C. & E., 1.96. Freehold, .02. Home, 2.46. Royal Can., .17. Mercury, .07. Okalta, 1.16. Prairie Royalties, .18. Toronto Aldermac, .24. Beattle, 1.08. Central Pat., 2.20. Cons. Smelters, 42.50. East Malartic, 3.70. Fernland, .03. Francoeur, .54. Gods Lake, .49. Hardrock, 1.09. Int. Nickel, 41.50. Kerr Addison, 2.52. Little Long Lac. 3.15. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.15. Madsen Red Lake, .44. McKenzle Red Lake, U0. Moneta. iVlllIlclil. .70. vt.w ...... . - . , - - - - - ...... . . , .. , . , electric. On rounamg a corner. " j I Noranda, 73.50. . . v u one collides suddenly with a sol- yond. Paycheck had to be ear-1 .... . v-sv4v v&vnt w.ww. nnrow frnm V rlrf IJV11 dler embracing nis gin-ume is --T. Preston East Dome, 2.20 ... . . nninnon vi 11 1 1 TAniinnv nvin wm v. short, leave Is rare ana tne aars- - -j ness offers such opportunities. .check 1874 pounds. ( Across the Concorde by thei : , 1 Seine the naked chestnuts are, AK UOU) black masses in whose upper. branches the stars become en- LONDON, (CP) The Montreal tangled; 'to'-the left and right one (price of bar gold on the London San Antonio, 2.41. Sherrltt Gordon, .93. Uchl, .70. Bouscadlllac, .03. Mosher, .07. ' .Oklend. .06V:. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 36.00. TODAY'S WEATHER DEATH OF MINISTER Head of British War Portfolio of Shipping Passes Away Suddenly LONDON, March 30: (CP) Sir John Oilmour, aged 63, minister of shipping, died unexpectedly at .his home today. He had been a Member of Parliament for thirty years and was minister of agriculture in I the 1931 National Government. Lat- The successful candidate will fix.er becoming Home Secretary, he re- tired In 1935 but was recalled for cabinet service after the outbreak of the present war. NAZIS ARE MOWN DOWN determine whether Mexico shall Commanding Officer and Several continue on her present path to-. Soldiers Killed as They Attempted ward a modified state socialism or Attack on Western Front shall swing into conservatism. In o4ther words, the basic Issue is: left I PARIS. March 30: (CP) French versus right. . . machine gunners, In ambush south However, a more conservative re-'of Saarbruecken, cut down the ad-time is regarded as certain to em- vance guard of a Oerman Infantry erge from the campaign because all attack, killing the German com-the candidates express less revol-1 mandlng of fleer and several others, utionary programs than Cardenas.! the French command reported to- Th candidates are: Juan Andreu day. antl-govern-i J Joaquin Amaro, Ti Unrfaniul.n indsnedent antl intt.imi -government; Man- MAVrl- H uel Avlla Camacho, official govern- 1 iTLUlJll 1 VJ Vl Authorization has been received , ment candidate, and Sanchez Tap-' 1 Prince Rupert Clear, northerly wind, four miles per hour; baro meter, 29.64 (rising; temperature, tomed to the obscurity and even 35; sea smooth. those who at first described it as Triple Island-Clear, northwest ct, cv.4L-. vior hood Tw.r.i. luffiihriAus have been slowlv con- wind, six miles per hour; light utiv iiu nvo v vmm i vuiv ,"o "'-- ----- don't want to stop they want toiquered by this different Paris. 'chop. irit vnm nnH t mips r.m nf Thpv ston suddenly, charmed andl Langafa Island Fart ciouay, h Harirr,c. .snmrUori hv a nleht scene alone northwest wind, twelve miles per- MRS. CURTIN i Death at Noon Today of One of ' t.; i..n.r tin.! mVil Esteemed Pioneer Women ' Death came peacefully at 12:30 ' noon today at the Prince Rupert General Hospital to one of Prince. ,J Rupert's most highly respected-pioneer women in the person of Mrs. Brigid Curtln whose residence here had dated since 1911. She had been 'in the hospital only since last , Thursday! Born eighty years ago at Stat- tpid, Ontario, Mrs. Curtain was praised on a homestead In Middle-isex County and married Patrick Curtin who died in 1907. Mrs. Cur-I tin came to Prince Rupert in 1911 with her family and had made her home here continuously since that jtlme. Her principal interest apart .from her home was as a devout member and active worker of the Roman Catholic Church. She will j be depely mourned by her numer-. ous friends in this community and j there will be general sympathy for the bereaved. I Mrs. Curtln Is survived by four I daughters Mrs. J. Lome McLaren ' and Miss Blanche Curtln of Prince Rupert, Mrs. J. B. Roerig of Chicago and Mrs. D. P. Stork of Bronx-. Till, New York. Four grandaughters . are Sister Mary Laurene (the former Lorna MacLaren) of St Joseph's Convent, Toronto; Miss Yvette Des-roslers of Los Angeles (now In Prince Rupert) and the Misses Mary Ursula and Noel Roerig of Chicago, j The funeral will take place Mon-iday morning from the Church of the Annunciation. Rotary To Be Represented The Prince Rupert Rotary Club on Thursday decided to appoint members to serve on the war services committee along with other organizations. Visitors at Thursday'9 Rotary luncheon Included Olof Hanson, member re-elect for Skecna, O. F. Cameron of Vancouver, Oscar Pearson, W.- E. Drake and Several other Vancouver m$n. J. J. Little showed some very fine pictures of the King and Queen during their visit to Canada with particular reference to the visit to Vanouver and Victoria. Some of my regular clients are I the Seine, the romantic allure pf hour; barometer, 29.66; tempera- They were all In natural colors gone" a pale street lamp against tha ture, 43; moderate chop. and Included some excellent close- It's Dead Tree Point-Clear, calm; ups of Their Majesties and. of "Do you find you can make .walls of an old church. "Why. enough "to live?" beautiful." they say. "It's almost barometer, 29.67; temperature, 38; prince Rupert's member, Hon. T. "I manage." she said phUoso- a pity to bring back the lights-" HRht swell. (D Pattullo