PAOC TWO ,M-J YOUR ER SHOES ARE HERE hailies While Shoes in All Styles ami Designs .Men's 'Campac"-By Gutta fi9 5ft EQ OS T4.0U IVrcha. Priced Ladies' Sun Kay ami Bar Q-f OP to QO CA $4.tV Hex Sport Shot Priced Child's Kunnfru All colors Priced 75c ,0 81.50 AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCK RUPERT . Bill TISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue 11. P. PULLSN - - - Managing-Editor Nevn Department Telephone - Paid In advance, per month . 1 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the BrtUvb Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance , By mall to all other countries per ear . Classified advertising, per wurd, pr lnserUon Local readers, per line, per Insertion AiUcrtUlng aud ClrcutiUon Telephone 93 Member of Audit Burt a ol CUvulations PAILV EDITION Friday May 31. ISMO. BDITORIAIS AUSTRALIA TO THE FORE The peotuV of Australia have been aroonf? the f irst .50 3 00 9.0C 02 WON I)ERFlTL RETREAT 'From aU the information that has come to hand the rvtreat of th British and French after being baxed up in Flanders HU prove to have been the most spectacular re treat in history. Cut off from the rest of the amy am-frow the chief source of supply and without proper de fences in the way of artillery the men foujfiit a splendid rearguard aetion, embarked the greater part of the troops destroyed srefc impedimenta as they could not take away and anihl a withering bombardment reached comparativ safety ia the owes seas and at points as the high cofnman ortiered them to go. The Bi itish navy piaved a spectneufar oart in this e' frt Mea v re hmded from the ships to help hold bad the ejKWjy to whet is descried as a ierfectly orderly matter and inatiaed to set avmy with comuanttivelv few hs offer to take care of some of those who are the chiof su ferors. from the war. Children who have lost their pa: onts or who otherwise itad themselves alone in the world are to be adopted or temporarily cared for by Australian parentr who have no ohiWren or those who find they can take one w more. Australia has been doing great things in buying war certificates, almost everv uersun in thi i their training in Canada, and also doing her Mirt in Red Cros ami other v. ar ser ke activities. It is a splendid roR work an! -fthv of all praise. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J SartU Proprietor -A HtWK AWAT FROM 3e ap 90 Rcvxm Itat J& CoVJ Water Prince Rupert. RC rboe m in Our Faraeu Edtvn Albert COAL Battier VaUej Cl NaaaiBM WeRinttoa Oil BulaWy VaUej Wheat and drain SEEDS and FC&T1L1EER3 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Pbeoe Si and US CUssifitO FOR SALE- TroUing boa: about 39 feet. S h.p. Palmer engine Quick sale cash. Enquire Fiaher-menl Cv-p- Store. Cow Bay. (130) ld&St UM. Sh nl sitnfttmr th inikn.w .tll e.. roR SALE a FOR SALE Jhei direct to England so that there may be no dt-1 Phone oreen s m n n'min uiem eiiecuve in tne war. She t? raistnt' 1 ""r'1 ., .iuics jui.- ui wuicii win compieie P()R RFV1 AHvd East X tots RENT Fully furnished house July and August- Phone Red 441 LOST LOST Ohvssea In case Inside case ts C H Bristol and Dr Harry Please leave at Dairy New. LM PERSONAL NEW Stockmc Out) opea at Stf le Shaft SatoUady w expasin to callers. tX) Wanted WANTED women to join Annette Stocking Club ir TnK.DAII4Y.NKWa 'A SWEDEN'S ANSWER TO AIR RAIDERS A Swedish &an crew a shown on the doublt . .. ut.-aircui: gun during a workrnit Sweden is believed to have moro anti-aircraft guns than mam other nations And the guru are the WWi best, made In Sweden s own Bofors munition pla i Reeentlv the Swedes shot down several Oer-man planes that violated Swedish neutrality On tlu- me island of OoUand. where this gun to located, two German planes made forced landn and were burned up by the erewa. PREPARED FOR GAS Citltens Iiutmctetl In Variety Of Odors As Paris Completes Huxe Safety Caverns For Air Raid Alarms es. Ov in To the restrictions placed on the sending out Onbomb . . . . -i laHr the .'-. v .11 i ti after the ?ws, wwen nugnt oe vanrawe 10 tne enemy, it has ueen ffiewk for s ta reaitie the tremendous movement thai has beea ioit cm and by the time the story is fully toJd it wiB be m blHwy. We are lad to know that ihe ? am rre troo an sailors eowiuctefl themseiV m lh, meanume energetic pro-accoifnDc; to the traditions of their respective races. It lugaixia is bein carried on by eonvet tea v hat ought have bean a disgraceful defeat i: 1th Defence organ;iauon to an outittawding event that will be the admiration of , I . workl By GLADYS M. ARNOLD Canadian Press Correspondent PARIS, -May 31: lCP The French capital has oeen rushing to completion Its emergency measures for the safety of iu ettteen. should the enemy make an air attack on Parte. Construction of gas-proof air jrald shelters in the underground railway station haa been under 1 way since the outbreak of Imm tin- tie in September. 1939. The first two at the ataUons, "Mateon Blanche" and "Place dea Fetes." densely populated areas of the city, are finished and now epen to receive between 4JM0 and &JB6Q persons each In eaae of alarm. They have been made her metically gas - proof. Air - tight doors whieh slide perpendiealariy Into the roof can be dropped into place in a few second. The air pumped into the shelters paasea through a coal filter whieh elim inates every trace of poison gs. In a few days others with a eapa- lettjr of SftUNQ persons wUl open. At the beginning of the war the Adergroend railway trstem was ready to receive 39&GW persons and assure them shelter against had been inspected -alert" of Seoteeaber. 193s. and trasuformea. Baeh of the ia now being fitted with airtight doors. learning Odors Brochures, leaflets special exhibition cars and roonu. lectures and free course inform the pubUe of what they must do in case of gaa ; attack and the different form the . danger may take. t Gases may be reeagsitted by their odor. CUteens are encouraged to tram themselves to reoogolael odors the Boy Scout observation tests being reowrunended. Bspeel-; ally are the shelter and "block"' chiefs in each district urged to train thefRsetve. It u their duty In ease of "alert" to warn th imputation, inapect the shelters in his btoet:. see that everything Is in order from the wet blanket hanging over the door to the ctliser. who habituMiv fortets bis mask They attend special courses and In turn naaa their knowledire on to those hf"!ilfM large Not all gaeaa have the odor of mustard There are some which smell like garuc; others like essence of almoc&s. some like ger aniums or musty leaves. One par ticularly dangerous kind sneU like ghocoiate Parents are asked to train the children to recognn- odors and for this matches mav be obtained which, when lit. give off different odors Always In Mind Instinctively, wnen the Parisian turns out the light, he goes to the winds va osMna the enrtalm and shutters to take one last ksk at the city before going to bed Instinctively too. his last thought is btfort dropping off. especially if the night is ean. with a little mist o a tow thm clows -celling, "not bad night for an alarm. " Aato-maUeaHy he wonders where he kut saw hh gas mask and flasb-Nht The cstaf moonlight nights are mufrocal "Orte tssafine the city woald not be hard to find for the haa made It possible to read in the street. It seems that every building stand out so plainly that even the architect s nam' must be vtstofc. On the other ham;, there is the comforting thought that airplanes too mtght be vtstbre: that thousands of soldiers with delicate instruments for seeing and hearing are alert every minute of the night they give the signal which bars the route and protect.' Parti like rings of steel Stanley W. Collon CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone CIO THE SEAL QUALITY 3 oin' Fishin1? GOLL SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PLVK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon fardf kj tb nl Hlnwn rnnini enm&tny tth in all th Tt rn4 Trtl In Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Cut-Throat Trout caught on fly or spinner opens May 24th and closes Labor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishing Tackle SEE US FOE DETAILS Kaien Hard riioxr 3 ware o. Bex ss fKitkatIa Teams 1 Welcomed Home Softball and Football Parly Feiel FolluMlnr Return 'llfrpni Port 1 Slmpioh KITKATLA. May 31:-FnMnwin thtlr return from Part Slmtwon where at the Victoria Day eeWbra-tlon they defended their aoftbili and football championship titles the Kitkatla players and unort-ers. the party havrnt numb-red about one hundred In all. were tendered a party by the Excelsior Club ladle. Ed, InnM. manager of the foot ball stab, presided and. In his eapaelty aa teaattnaster. made a speech extorting the Rood soorU-marwhlp whleh bad been d Isolated at Port Slmoson. He exnreased the hope that the KltkaUa team would be able to travel to Port Simpson a-ata to defend It title Joe Innea. manager of the oft-bflll team, alro spoke mentioning In addition, to-the pr: buuiv, u iit.iicn at Prim, b last Saturday when th, r defeated Prince Ruper 1, of 7 to 1. Other speakers wen- jj; Tl rnnrn mKia behalf of the ladle r tr qiub- Hey Br.,w , wfeefilen 1M t txrw"., Joe Innk. president m . honorary president (!;,.' 0mblc. Henry Co!;,. -ntuailMr J a me Lew. Shearman. John Neioi, las 8har Aflat midnight th v enjoyed Indoor game d Do you Ex-.- v I! P ft Chif- r.. B .Hid lfk. nosr. niscs rim p.w LONDON. M7 31 DrttHh BrefsMtliu ( .,,, recelva: in It mall ew;. bn Jfw the Cor i- 1 he Indian Ocean with , tV twtfrw,. Hbilrt"n 1- the H program sheet KEEP COOL WITH KELVINATOR Only Kclvinator haa the "POLAR-SPHERE" Within tliK mall umren unit lies the family health protection, economy, long troable-free effklent operation that makes KELVI.VATOK the mot dependable kerranl yet IK I y i tjb "nai KELVINATOR is silent never requires attention KELVINATOR is Irigcer KELVINATOR has Extra Features Check Kelvinaler SIZE and PRICE. It the ItefriteraUr BtV t" 1914 for Years to Ceme year gaaranleer On Erarramieal Eay Term USED FURNITURE 2 Large Cabinet At 3 Buffets At . 6 Wath Stand S12.50 S16.50 S9.00, S12.50, S18.00 $1.5083.50 2 Kitchen Table-Q ff A Bed Spring- CO flfl O.DU OVU Each Prom .nd ud I .Nnrsery Rockers-Each S Kltehen Range FOr burning eSKtl or wood. From, up .. I C.CM. IWycle At EnXlhh Pra From 1 Drewee At At 1 Ire Refrigerator At 4 Extenlen TaMc From and op 81.50 815.00 815.00 88.00 $10.00 Sr . 810.00 f It.Gaage Dvuble Barrel lUmaterle. Sbet Can- 20.00 810.00 S5.00 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Mose BaDdlag. Third A venae. Prince Rupert Hoar from S-21 xjn. to 13 pan. Fbot GEiXN" Si