P Canada At War 25 Years Ago NEWS FOR Tilt: HOUSE r May 31. 1940. TUB DAILY WKWB 74 ! TOWN lit' on :if. iw ha 1! xv .,f Assembly here FOR THE TRADEMARK LABEL-ENDS FROM PACKACESOF SALADA TEA j.i vmu.i is Send 10c and the labal-end, ihowlnr the tta-pct trademark, from any packet el 'SALADA' TEA or Tea Bag to 'SALADA STAMP CLUB, 461 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario, and you will recti 100 all-different Stamps with a large Album and a lltt from which you can choose thousands of Stamps FREE, FOR SALADA TRADE-MARK LABEL-ENDS. Name. Address - . Town- 5W Death Notice sovtf signs on bis property will includes a map. ' N. Z.'S NATIONAL HYMN DOLLA Saturday FLnit.ll. SILK HltAPEKY DAMASK u s wide, sunfast colors of rose, rust. . red eggshell. goW. green, blue Prtc- below regular selling Q-f (1(1 i: Day. yard SILK CURTAIN NETS -v. silk curtain nets In various pat-Lialu honey shades, values up to ftr Dollar Day. 61.00 U for NEW FLUI FY HOT IAKHUESETTK lies wide, all sunfast colors, two-tone of row. green, blue, yellow egssMell mauve Dollar Day Special. 1 QQ Mi', for 1UYON IlltOCADE m nood quality rayon brocade. 15 good 'i-.s u choose from. QQ i ir Day. 4 yards for COTTON citEn: 1 ' ion crepe. 30 Inches wide, good quality. iude.s to choose from. gl ' QQ i i ir Day. 8 yards for (liraS SILK and WOOL HOSE ' strong stocking over the knee In fawn Hi" only Size 5 to OVi- $1.00 I'.urs for r LADIES' IUYON SILK VEST AND iiloomek sirrs V : . and bloomer sets. Raysucdc non-run i'1'iy In tea rose and white. Sizes small, "Uum and large. S1.00 i-' liar Day. set V LADIES' I1LOOMERS, PANTIES and VESTS voNuedc, tailored garments In tea rose white Sires small, medium and large. a, Day J QQ uments for HOYS' CATAL1NA LA ST EX Swimming Trunks Satin' tastex swimming trunks tor boys axe G to 16 in shades of Royal lllue. Maroon, Forest t? QQ (.reen. Dollar Day, pair 'ARE TIED FOR LEAD Three Teams Are Now On Even "Terms In Ladies' Softball I League n at Fraser sec Windows For Numerous Other Items of Outstandinj; Value nEDSntHADS Fjisiuh Jasne bedspreads, printed In as- sorted colorings SUe 66x8. SI 00 Dollar Day. each NEW HOMESI'UNS New designs, fast colors, reversible, 30 inches wide. Your choice of six different patterns. Oood heavy quality. ?! ft A aA,u u Dollar Day. 4 yards for Manufacturers Surplus Stock TOWELS 300 dozen Turkish towels positively lower Utan pre-war price You should look this special over to appreciate value. Towels for every occasion and you would be well advised to lay In a slock. All priced In groups for easy buying. Special window display. Dollar Day Special 2 Towels for - 3 Towels for 4 Towels for ... 5 Towels for S1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 LADIES' SILK HOSE Delustered silk hose, all new spring shades Perfect merchandise. New stock just arrived, all sizes Dollar Day. V $1,00 3 pairs for TEA ami GLASS TOWELS Assorted colored cheeks, size 16x30. Hemmed ready for use. v $1.00 8 towels for CIIILDKENS SLACKS Neatly trimmed navy blue drill slacks. Sizes 6. 8, 10, 12 years. v $1.00 Dollar Day pair I In the first game of the Ladles' Softball League last night the leading Service Club tasted defeat for the first time this season at the hands of Grotto by a score of 31 to 4 while Whirlwinds won over Velvets 17 to 16 In the second game which was a very close and exciting affair. A large crowd witnessed the games. Cookies. Service Club and O rot to are now tied for first place. O rot to started going had the misfortune In the second inning to fall and sprain her; the news. sons, uoa ueiena New esisna. "i-in: LOCAL NEWS NOTES Daseball. Sunday at 6:45. Tomorrow Rose Day. Ilill Proceeds for child Jwelfare. Orotto Field, Johnson, Yaman aeka. Robertson, Thomas, Nlshi kaze, Ratehford, Glass. Bird. Service Chib Higglns. Barber, PhilHpson, Ballinger, Thomson, Smith, Robertson, Williams, Mo llis Tich did heavy hitting for the Leod. winners while Vlnk and Flewin' Score by Innings: hit hard for the losers Batteries 12 3 4 were CowsnTI and MaeNtill for the Service Club .. .0 0 01 WBLLINGTON. May 31: (CP) wfc'riwtr- and Bond and Rowe The New Zealand government has frr th Velvets, inurehased eoDfrteht. Derformine Umnirex were Melbourne Bus- May 31: (CP) faivd production rights and words v and Bovo Ourvlch and score-parliament may land music of Thomas Bracken's k "er was Dominic Montesano. hn intal- regarded as New eaianas na- wnirtwmns - "fUK i;nanaier tlonal anthem MaN' r,wili Hmt rroxford veivei Orotto 2 1 9 13 The league standings: W Orotto 2 Cookies 2 Service Club 2 Whirlwinds 2 0 6 T 2 4 DAY & Payne's Stores Close at 6 O'clock Saturday SUrERSILK FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY New spring shades on hand. 3-thread chiffon, all pure silk and guaranteed ringless. very sheer. Sizes 8 Vj to 10. ft ft Dollar Day. pair JX.UU WHITE BLANKETS White blankets, part wool, finished in singles. Double bed size, nice soft warm quality, extra good value. Ot ' Q CT Dollar Day, pair PURE WOOL STEAMER RUGS Assorted colors, 100 per cent pure wool. Fringed ends, very useful for bed OO CQ or couch throws. Dollar Day. ea. OUIE.VT HOSE Canada's finest stocking Full Fashioned, pure thread silk, seml-seice weight. All new shades. Sizes 8Vi to 10V. 7f i OK, Dollar Day, pair LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS All the newest styles In satins, crepes and novelty cloths. Values up to (P-f ft ft 51.75. Dollar Day. each PJ..VU BED THROWS Good heavy weight throw, large size, bordered. Orey and fawn. O-f "70 Dollar Day, each - VAse7 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Assorted check patterns, blue. rose, gold and mauve. Size 70x80. St 1 00 Dollar Day, each TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 Inches. Silk mixed table cloths, assorted fast colors. St I 00 Dollar Day, 2 for 7.UU 75 PAIRS Ladies' Slacks 100 per cent pure wool tailored slacks. Sixes It to 20. Finished with cuffs and inside pockets. Three beautiful new shades, Orion Blue, Apollo Green and Redwood, .Regular price $3.95 pair. Dollar Day Special, pair $2.95 Mrs. James Denholme and son. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durhan . who have been In Vancouver and The fire department had a call Sechelt since last fall, will arnv ankle while running to first and at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon to in the city on the Cardena tonigh was replaced Ijy Lamb linda Field a bush fire at the. rear of the Pi- from the south and. after spending niAi hr tuu.ai haw hmin oneer Laundry. No damage was two weeks here, will proceed to their TOOP-Passed away at Queen gJune by eon,, four Umea, done. . home at Usk. Charlotte HOSpiUl. April 2S, ttiO. flh. alan mrlMmM In .mart Mary A. O. Toop, widow of the late trt-e ptay ,n th by WlUlam Toop. In her ever.t -ninth Vuckovlch LeClali e. James. lng aown a n, and throwlng vr. Survived bv two brothers. , to first .. ...i, vhfnw th ,u. u hall ,.. veivei Rowe, Bond. Chenoski, , inn DrlUth anuadron UlUgn MClAMian OI irocnu. Aioeria, l third na.r r. Rnhrtn JmIuih fleet In the Adriatic. and John MeLellan of Part Cle- and Yamanaeka for Orotto and V,n- ubmanne torpedoed BrHments. and one nephew. Robert Mc- Win lams. -MeLeod and Thomson! Score by innings: viNbip Majestic off Dar-' Lan f Vancouver. for Service Club. 1 2 46 lost Auxiliary crutier j I The Issue In the second game Velvet 3 0 t,.n. .nnlr h. vnlnaton ' I'OT ()' GOLD FARAWAY brttmn WV,lrl-nH anA V.lv.f . ! Whirlwinds .5 0 A I till ( - ... ' n I VtlVIMII R.ver Thames, 243 lost. SIX-IN-ONE PIANO YORK May 31. (CP) :nren. orchestra leader and 'reney r i ha.s tnvantad a' m i.ntd piano wttieh taieor-.111 orvan. piano. cymb-iUn, .(! harplschord. was always In doubt. With Mrs. CANBERRA, May 31: (CP) James, a newcomer In town, at There ts burled treasure near this first, ttie Whirlwinds have been capital. A grasier alarmed at the strengthened and It looks like this uepreclaUoo of Australian etir- is going to be a tough team to barfed a thousand golden contend with. Lecialre and Vucko- Blake, Gomez, Dickens. 6 T 316 017 George W. Kerr, formerly of tx.i. city and now of Vancouver, and T R. Rogers of Toronto, who havn been in the city and district for th j past week looking over mini:;-properties, are sailing tonight bv the Princess Adelaide on their return to Vancouver. Mrs. T. E. Brooks of Terrace leav- les on this evening's train for a trip to Regina. Mr. Brooks, who arrived with her on last night's; train from Terrace, left by the way freight this morning on his return home. Elmer Palmer, manager of the J. R, Morgan Logging Co., arrived In 031 1 the city on the Prince Charles yes- Iterday from the Queen Charlotte Is-Pct. lands and sailed last night on the! .667 J Prince Rupert for a business trip to j .667 Vancouver. .667 1 John Dybhavn, Norwegian vice-' .000. consul here, announces that the j Norwegian government Is request-gy, j tng that all Norwegians In Canada I trhn ara itnHai AmtM1eAs tl4Mtw ev e4V UilUH WUlJJUiOVlJ UUUWtiJ jduty In the Norwegian Army be-tween the ages of 21 and 45 years register with the nearest Norwegian , consulate Announcements All advertisement in tola coJ amn will be charned for a full month at 25c a word 1 Oirl Guide Association Tea, Mrs. ,J. R. Morlson's, McBrlde Street, June 1. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Wm. Lambie, June 5. Hospital Auxiliary Home June 6. Tea, Nurses'! P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display, Oddfellows' Hall. Friday, June 7. Rebekah Hospital Dance. Oddfellows' Hall. June 7. Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale, Mrs. Murvold's. June 13. i Anglican Tea, Nlcholls', June 13. Mrs. J. W. A Navy Auxiliary Tea .and sale of home cooking will be held In the R.C.N.V.R. Barracks. June la, 3-6. Canadian Legion Picnic, June 16. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Mrs. S. D. Johnston's, June 20. Cambral June Hall. June 21. Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June 23. Presbyterian Tea, Mitchell's June 25. Mrs. J. R, If you ve someinmg to swap try a Classified Ad. f I THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin n The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. H. Malkin Co. (P.R.) Ltd. Swimming Pools Prove Popular The Gvro swimming pools l!8 Ant grcuiu: r. . Ed 2-lb. box Golden Loaf Cheese Each PAOE THRCT these fine warm days. Equipment at the Tarlous playgrounds has been erected for the season and Is befeie made zood use of. At the and of June supervised playground activities for the summer months at will be commenced under direc- ' Jamek. are sailing tonight oy the Mori CrJt na McClytaiont Park Hon of Nell Ross who U coming 60 prince Charles on their rwturn to are centres attraction for hund- from Vancouver to again take 'Tlell after a brief visit to the city. ttfa Qi viinct Rupert children charge. Miss Kay MacMlHah Is sailing to- Mrs. W. R. McAfee and daughter, night on the Princes Adelaide for Mary, sailed last night on Use a vacation trip to Vancouver. Prince Rupert for a trip to Van- couver. Tea and Home Cooking .In th- ' Lutheran Church. Saturday, June Sergeant Major w. J. uassew.. ai-lst, from 3 to 7. ter a visit here on military duUeu. -.iiit b th Prince Rupert last J. D. Scott of the Forest Branch hU tnfn to yUM. service here sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vaneou ver and Victoria. i Major M. J. Crehan of the Irish ! Fusiliers, after a brief visit to the .... n,.w,;X,n an on city, sailed by the Prince Rupert ' lt night on his return to Vaneou- Keith.' are'sall- to town and B. Richardson from the very beginning of the ing tonight by the Prince Charles first game and never let up un-1 on theix return to Tlell altera brier. Ul the end. Nlshikaze of Grotto 'visit to the city. ANTHONY EDEN VISITS It.C.A.F. IN ENGLAND 6 lssssss fKUHflHr "LaaaaHBSssssssssssssssssY flBasssssssssssssssaal jtsssssspaKJ i 'LaHSSvaasRBslsmgBiLaltssmB fWSIslrBaB sssssssssssssssla' 1 KKjtMjSaSKKBm Ba SaSaSal0BaBaBaHBaV aBaBaBasfl ssssssssssssssssshsssV IssssssMaaP aLaLaP'Ct''Bl jw a fc; .i.ipected members of the R.CA.F . ui.dt rgoing extensive training In England. LINZEY & DAVIES Grocers FREE DELIVERY Phone 585586 Hudson Bay t'offee-Per lb 40c 65c Blue Ribbon Cocoa 4 n iUU iz-lbs tin .Malkin's Best Honey 4's. Per tin L. & I). Tea Per lb 55c 60c You will be Delighted First Grade Butter 3 lbs. f or . . . 89c jooooaoooooooooatKKoowDt.oowoooKmooooooooooooooJ COTY "AIR SPUN " FACE POWDER With each purchase we offer a remarkable Goty "Tandem" Tester containing a generous supply of Rouge and Lipstick. A selection, of seven shades of powder. All for 1.00 Ormes Ltd. ZTiif. Pioneer Drttqjpiats The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. ocM;s3aaaaaaoaoaaoaaaaCHKKoaoaaoooe.oaaoaoooaaoa