PAGE BIZ TfTI D4ILT KTWf RESCUING NAZI AIRMEN AFTER NAVAL-AIR HA TTLE IN THE NORTH SEA Expert Op'ical Service A Oar Mmlril 7!"" Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving ) CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest in eye-wear Anna Neagle rhone 261 for Appointment In Max Heilbroner J EWE LEU ; THE STORE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Basement Floor for China, Cut Glass And Novelties of All Kinds Whifflets From The Waterfront tonieht and will sail earlv to morrow morning on her return to Good angling at Klew Nugget 1 r 1 A i f ..Ill cruiser Nelrls. About fifty good cutthroat were taken, the most of them at Salmon River. ARRIVES ON ISLANDS JUNE LIST I LIST HERE MANY AT C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade- Number Of Interesting Booking lalde. Cant J. Williams, is due In For port at 3:15 this afternoon, from Capitol Theatre Are Announced tne soum ana win san ai iu p.m.' on her return to Vancouver and waypoints . An lnterestln5 list of film book- '. lngs for the month of June Is an Union steamer Cardena, Capt. n"nced by D. O. Borland, mana-ti, i, i -t of it. a ger of the Capitol Theatre. They, Willi UUUtlt 1 UUC 111 pw .-w - a j j t.. include i such notable nroduetlnrn as s "Another 1 Thin Man." "Bala "Gulliver's Travels" and 'Young Tom Edison." The list is as follows: June 1 Rex Harrison In "School ana oamiuii mver ui viicitvuic 1 for Husbands" and George Brent Channel was enjoyed by a party ... n . anfl Tea Kflranrtn In "lHntn In consisting oi ur. n. u. Large, ur. N. M. Carter. A. R. Nlcholls and Diamonds." Joe Scott which returned to port June 3- 4 and 5-John Stein- Wednesday night from their trip beck and ,Henry Fonda to "Grapes: rfnnm Iho .9c nn tio Irvnl Ot Wrath." June 6 and 7 Kay Kayser. Ed-1 ward Everett Horton and May Robson In "That's Right, You're Wrong." June 8 Basil Rathbone and Vic. tor McLaglen In "Rio" and Charles QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, May Ragles and Martha Raye In "The 31: Sergeant Alex Dunbar, pro- fanner's Daughter." vlnclal nolice. arrived her aboard June 10. 11 and 12 William th Prince Charles this week from Powell and Myrna Loy In "Another Duncan, Vancouver Island, to take n'n Man " up his headquarters In charge of June 13 and 1 Joan Blondell the newly created provincial polic and Melvyn Douglas In MAma2lng district of the Queen Charlotte Mr w"liams." Islands. ConsUble and Mrs. T. T. June ls-Jane Withers In "High Stewart left for Prince Rupert Sc1001" a"d Sidney Toler In where ConsUble Stewart will re- "Chan ln City of Darkness." Join the city force. ! June 17- 18 and 19 Nelson Eddy iand Ilona Massey In "Balalaika." ! June 20. 21 and 22 "Gulliver's CUTTING IT SHORT Travels." BERLIN, May 31: (CP) Efficient June 24, 25 and 2ft Mickey Germans have cut the official greet- Rooney In "Young Tom Edison." Ing "Hell Hitler" down to its essen-1 ' Uals. some saying "Hitler" but mostly it's "'tier." i EVER TRY IT? Five tnousanc r-t.. laprt NEW YORK, May 31: (CP) people read the Daily News. It Curling your toes "round a rolling pays to let them now what rot pin Is good exercise. Lillian Russell, have to seU. stage and radio actress, agrees. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TSS. CATALA EVERY TOES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY. DAY, 1:30 pan. 10.jO pJn Due Vancouver. Thur. pjn. Due Vancouver. Monday a.m. If Convenient. Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Acent. Third Ave. Phone SCS COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 116 If vou nave somethiiitr to sell, a ri PHONE m 111 this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer Inl Lhticity, .... --w- KITVVANGAi nArtar. n-WV. tk.n VANDERH00F Dr. W. Ross Stone of Vanderhonf Handyman Home Service Painting, Repairing-, Gardening Light Deliveries Have that neglected Job done now. Phone Green 620 for the Handyman. Passed by the British censor and radioed across the Atlantic, a British destroyer Is pictured standing by to pick up the crew of a Oer- man Heinkel bomber aftesthe plane had been shot down by the war snip in a navai air auei. presumaoiy in uie norm eea. a iiieooai from the destroyer Is shown, centre, carrying the Nazi airmen to t he destroyer At right u a column of smoke where the bomber Kurnprf onrl can lr Letter Box Editor. Dauy News: i ".. ..... .. ., . Here is my first appearance im , , , . . . Hundreds Of People In Interior, ... . ., ... or "lt e h Villa, For Empire And Victoria Prlntf Day Celebration, .mJf fr endf Wl" n0t,Cet?" ,,etler- . ' a Dafs-rrinnr tn nir vm anri (hair fit KmVANGA. May 31: One of the biggest celebrations ever held along the Skeena River was that at Kltwanga in observance of Em-J lem 0f pre-natal and maternity 5 care. MRS. ANNETTE Mac DONALD In Flanders fields. Dewey. B.C. Is at present on a trip of a week'Editor. Dally News- ' ".tfn,daJs to the toian of the, tOiM RtLALLED ? Taitla Lake region, many 0f whom At this critical hour it is inanir-'f nroAln,, ,,and ,n ncedi,ng and cnalning to recall the f of of professional attention. i memorable line. wntUn h . i " " M fcV ..... ' loved Canadian soldier who Rave e s George Killer of Vanderhoof ha ki- n,. , J . f . ? . ... ! iuc iui iiiiiaua. ut.-Vall. JOnn n f been very Ul recent y with an at- V tack of pleurisy but is now mak-! if mg a satisfactory recovery. IN . FLANDERS FIELDS tSaI??0, ha!.bee,? aPPomted m Flanders fields the ww poppies i roadmaster for the 1 ne of h . ISJJ? w.iS??al a,lways bft Between thc cross?s' row on . Itween Waleott and Finmnrp fp T-v.. , ... . . ..'J iPslurnbo is w,u known all aw ,r"-our 'acc' ana ln ine!i fte lln- from Prinze Ru'nert eU The larks, still bravely singing.'? s"'s'fc. ward, He succeeds D. Denen who fly has retired from the service. Scarce heard ami th. . k.,, 1 5 V B)UII l-TV SV . - IN the si pkemk roriiT of bkitimi We are the dead: short days ago ? ix proiiVtV " ' ,eU flawn' sunseM? In Ibr JUIIer r th. glow. Art" Loved and were loved, and now In the MatUr of 11., t;.(,f of nrn n . UC Jamin rsun. In Flanders field. TAKE NOTTTTR tVtft K ... Tlf .. . 141. a ,1 -1rM1 you from falling hands we IWUl annexed of the Esut of the late throw IBenJunln Fymwm rvra., . .. . . r Ott, of PrW"-R"pvm?e S " ! a u pnww inittoti to ve lki Eute' If ye break faith with us who'? rorthWft kod .11 peraon, haying' ;eM to ov mid Estate ur re-'We f hall not sleep, though poppies wune into ruling vhlrh I hll make Htrtbutian or tueh, Ertat hartog regard only to cltlnu I DATED ait Prince Rupert. B lth Oaf ot My A. D. 140. NORMAN A. WATT Offlotal Admlnlaitrtor. When this poem was first pub- THROW OUT " ...v .... II . . . . . - - !i mm tur; c. thu,,lshed "Punch" and afterwardsii Kiddies' Dresses L.. Aft- . . . . . 7Z: i ",c .preM -wrougnow f Krassieres "iii-isii empire, some memoers en nt of the present Parliament werei V-vv DlOUSes nving . in the United States; they may never have seen It r: 11 Others are now perhaps too old or I? Vjiraie too young to remember it . . . . .'f Jaice up our quarrel with foe." Toronto. Advertising' is an liivestment the. 5 THORNTON PURKIS; thieaten the government's hold, on Parliament. On March 35. however IRENE With ItAV MILUsj At 7 :i ,d ADDtll NKWR and CARTOOS COMING SAT fiorie llrent, Ina Mirast, -AOfeniure In luBB to choose h, the Seetlni, :i Lees ejpui annual Lab'c p - -- PIIUHM MIT': the day before Savage died, th during Savav I T r I W I IN ( 1 pftrty "P"1 J- A U. eoJotful. H- than a year 1 .. - Hy J. C OKAIIAS1 Canadian Pren Correspondent ADOIT CONSCUIITION WELLINGTON. New Zealand, - lure in uaoor pontics, . wno erusad- aiiairin . w w m.iui ij, a to lur monrury reiorm anq more and tpmhe- l - rapid progress towards soctaliun. ijjpw iaiubor :,: , Fraser. the dead premier $ etoW tn? Part ttt lleutenanL teak over th nrrmler. (oqtient plea n. jtoms etc.. please remember that1 May 31: (CP) Prime MlnUter hp with little polUteal disturbance Scholarly sm we all were aborigines once upon Peter Fraer tonlrht announced " uxna Tf g,, ,t r a time. Much good can be learned that Immediate provision for P0" wUl analtered from the ,h. -r,,....' . . from every nation. compulsory military ervlce It be- 8avage regime. Progress toward Mw t j' - Dire and Victoria Davs. there be-! "egaramg pre-naui ana mater-, ing planned In New Zealand. Op- " T pre- 0, MeMia,n(J ,, ,, r. nt a full two-dav nroeram oflnUy care m lnU C0"01. we have portion leader Hamilton heart- ,piww ana me wwniry wiu con- eWW of .n.,L.t I ttve Canadians of all-the Indian AUCKLAND. May 31: CP) Ener- to BrtUIn war effort. hll w. u There were several visiting l"-111' result of mother- getlc Peter Fraser. sweewor to the Prior to Lee's expuWon. the left He W rewect'il . , . iiiNUi wirn inp m isinnm nrnvs i.a i w r ? . . v..t ... teams, all bringing crowds of sud-. V . " " iwr v. . ovcc u ficw mndbi wing naa grown in strength and at umiis itro- - . 1 1 1 1 1 i na niTiva vrnv n a r n i m. ..... --- uku piruiiti. -cwu pmnj uui umes commanaea a majority m qf man. At her daughter throueh the On Thursday five oualifvlnz " own 7 "' us members .t . i freed i from possible n.i ... er- caucttt. Many of ... the vounter mem- otchm ...... xtji . . games of baseball, softball and "e"f" 1 and frln8 f1" dlsruotlon by exptUlng the bers of ParUament were attracted Fr4r rer" footbaU were played and on Frl- r"8.h im..n"8 . C?,or,l Se leader ' e powerful left wing by IU call for an elective cabinet at th, fU day there were the finals. I tl,Jl ? ZtJl, grouP for bordinaUon. because the preent one U compos- UUr in Ur.-. Cedarvale defeated Kltwanga 8 ' "; Z Z Z, V. T . T ownrers expected removal of ed entirely of older Labor men -who he saw com to 0 In the baseball final and 9 :.Z.. .. J . r 7. .,c."" -t5"1" Savages leadership to bring a bat- held office since IMS. Onlv Stv- r.iir fnr to 6 in the softball. In the foot- Ue rival faction, and ac threat to resign unless alW ll vtgor ar Pneer days. It lll is she ball final Kitwanira At,A vi.aurmg 9ur . , RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ' r. t' " . -a-hri hilt tnlrt ti ttir. ( ' . wancool one to nothing I . "1 wwwwmv.vAVWAWMV'mvAVA w wiuikUlK lihUC vivca UlbU Liir l;ic CIC UlUiC Ulilll I1YE . . . . K ...j . , ., ..worm wun saiey ana ease lust hundred fans at the games and . . . , . ', J miim.nt tr,.v , .u.v, I" nature Intended. Oh. there are Dances were tae th rJm W day and Friday night In the De-1 L le"n ltomt tne naU"e ? au-Zln Hll I people. Even a cure for gangrene On Fridav night Mathlas Brleht. I U .kn0wn ' me tr,bea" president of the Kltwanea sDorU' ."r"1 1 nnot cUlm Indun prl- commlttee. presented the three gI"' '"PPen w be a Canadian challenge ctms fo hir n-inn.,. .wno ha' Uved near two native There was much cheering as ttie.T" J.?.e f " oWe Dur trnhi .health and life to members of the ....... V V MtWUbCUi ' ' Dancing continued until davlieht,n.?UTe nef- ume a,on yo ? Saturday morning 'aum mo"ier a"d Please help V uui siMer wanaaians Dy your kindly advice on the worthy prob- i Last Day-Saturday-Quantities Limited Gowns S1.00 A qual 1 1 y and styie that will surprise you at this low price It will pay you to buy for the futur Buy today. $2 Wool Sweaters Attractively Q-fl fifi styled but if $XUl course the rally h pp r will find tin- best selection Only a most fortunate purrhav makes thi.s possible Women's Suits Only 11 Reg to $14 95 $3.00 We must keep our mn-t moving. You profit by our policy Don't mu this. to $5 -y W qo nn $1.25 House Dresses $1.00 Ladif' Slina CI nn 5 75c Gloves 2 pr. for $ 1 !oO so 5 ZOC 1 OWCls iiiiiin avi ?1.UU 2 for $1.00 S1.50 o ror i.uu $1.00 Per set Twin Sweater Seti Colors and styles that Just sar "BUY." Pure wool too Very unusual for only $3.00 HATS $1.00 Reg. to Both straw felts. At ' v low price '; While they ' course way be s cost. Crepe Drcsici Reg. to $10 Now A "super dc 1 Every drr-s t; low price tlantf $2.00 Bathing Suit Chalce VJ- A real ba i the right i.r Selection of styles DON'T MISS OUR "4 for $1" TABLE ! $16.50 Dresses (Only 24) Kiddles' Ahklets3 pr. forjUJ Print Print Anrons Aprons . 2 for $! 1 Rayon Hose D. c l 3pr. for 4 tn .i. $3.95 Ladies Skirts J 1 . .1? 1 A .1.1 l O f Sl.W juaaics nKieis o pr. 50c Cotton Vests 4for$l. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prli.r. Itunerl" J" Neat to lleilbroner's oi'KN SATIUmiav vihiit - ----.-, W.VAVAW.V.V.-.V.....U tiukI) to llflllron