_— gays | to myself, says |i yhe News ig the paper to buy Says |. THE DAILY NE Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For South Chelohsin,..... Wednesday, 9 p.m. ee - een er a e Oe 5 ee : ——_— — I, NO. 68 PRINCE RUPERT, B. Gi W 2 rol. a Il scsi a a BDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1912. PRICE FIvE CENTS CHURCHILL TRIED T0 GOLDBRICK GERMANY Comments on Leading German Ni Niwinasers on Churchill’s Bluff to Induce Germany to Abandon Increase in Naval Strength The 60 constituting cent, Britain above per the construction Special to Daily News.) Berlin, March If Winston Churchill hoped by his speech in tish of Commons Germany to abandon strengthening of will be disappointed of the German morning papers. Not single newspaper considers this alterna- tive 4 few ulltra-patriotic gans have indulged in the usual abusive but the comment rally is restrained though W.B. DOUGHTY ARRIVED TODAY, He Is Attending to the Develop-|'s 'v be given tonight in the Pres- that by new the Br House » Induce the propo her navy, the Mr. surprisingly but it re- Germany, as Churehill, wide acceptance, peatedly pointed out that Mr, Churchill's figures are deceptive and wonld work out in reality not less than two to one. The Berliner Post referring to this point says: “Churchill is undoubtedly attempting to gold j brick Germany.” proposed has a sed he ynment is by a or- repli BETHANY GIRLS TONIGHT Concert and Japanese Tea at | Presbyterian Club. | Le Jack Chisholm a concert} standard, | ratio of of | BIG CROWD HEARS ARGUMENT — ON ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN | Me! P. ca 2 C. jing. general agent-of arrived this morn- Nabb, R., 0. By: Bmitth: of Creek Copper Co., in the eity, the Goose Hidden | Bay, is | oe MEETING A FROST Bella Coola Fails to Rally to to Conservative Standard. | | (Special to The News.) Bella Coola, March 19,.— Conservative meeting here called by Halsey poorly at- tended; principally by Lib- Dr. non-voter, erals and non-voters. Cavanaugh, presided. ———_— MAN OPINION ON CHURCHILL'S PROPOSITION MINIMUM WAGE BILL SEVERELY CRITICIZED heii Law Says the Remedy is ¥ is Worse Than the Disease, But the Bill Has the Strenuous Support of the | (Special to Daily News.) remedy proposed seemed worse London, March 20,—The goy-|than the disease, but he would ernment’s minimum wage bilj| wait for the printed text before committing the opposition to any attitude on the measure. Lloyd George declared there was noth- | passed its first reading last night. \It was rather severely criticized and it is predicted that it will not Under the capable direction of Dr. Kergin, Ald. Montgomery and ‘Thoma Dunn Get in Some Hot Ones Anent the Uselessness of William Manson measure through so that can resume work on —~|rush the the men Monday. The bill has the support of the labor members. Fenwick, Lib- eral, who a working collier, is the Prince George. Labor Members thinks it necessary to take a bal- lot of the men on the bili before work is resumed and that it will be impossible to open the mines on Monday. | have an easy passage through the| ing revolutionary in the bill. W. L. Barker, who has been Mio Bonar Law said the] The House of Lords have a|visiting in. southern cities, re- special sitting on Saturday to, turned on the George. Miss Du Vernet returned by Pa Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4. HARD BOILED COUNCIL | Deeds of City Fathers Dealt with in Paragraph for Lack of Space. Night before last the purehas- jing agent bylaw was passed and yesterday Purchasing Agent HE HAD A FRI TEND AT COURT TODAY Two Young Men Fined Twelve byterian Hall by the Bethe | ment of the Se ioe | iin ry , ri = avid tn Mee Mectre rel oh eae | Brooksbank took his official po-| Dollars Each for a Frolic—One Industry to Be Create °° | excetient eon. we ae eT pee Have by no Means Buried the Hatchet | father, Aldermen . Clayton; WR) is tints dhe ieee ae 1 Islands and at Prince labsent, b Ted. Morris € in ie segregated dis | CAMOSUN SCHEDULE ja nt, but . Morrison and | Prosecution of this} The first political meeting of ;was to draw all the revenue pos-! another billiard saloon propri- trict and there created a dis- grea dust will be in full PTR Se the campaign was held in the sible from the northern part of |etor were heard. The early clos-| turbance, breaking a door and a g the time the G, T. P. Old ere ah inden and Empress Theatre last night. . It SILENT WILLIAM HIKES the province and spend it in the | ing bylaw passed its second ‘lantern, Harvey appeared and g igh, the enterprise™to | f was an open-to-all meeting and southern. “The man we sent|reading and also the public paid his fine. Goodman, who had ide the establishment’ oF 4 ~ the: ein aA announde: own to Victoria to represe ‘ ‘igh scales aw ut up a gold watch as bail the, 98 ibli per a , | Ns ae alta fe h n it crowd the ann unce- Tailndite His Heels When down to Victoria t represent us | wei h seales bylaw. ee us a as : ba and iwiers, with a special 7 ment gathered, not nearly all of never did so (cheers). William] ee eft a five spot to meet his fine, : ; wire that the steamer Camosun Challenged to Meet Clay- 7 | ‘ ne pe ne the fleet taking ; 3 axa sain let datas! which could crush into the build- Aareat Haealtan Manson always voted with the} ©. E, Dewey, general freight did not appear, but a friend set- h Prince Rupert for ee F beta t or x an S ing, was an evidence of the deep ibe . government no matter what thelagent, Winnipeg, and L. GC. Druce, tled for him and recovered the rhe cannery at Queen ie ar sidinadcat Anat at ht re interest taken in the issues of Willi Joliff mM question was, (Renewed cheers)|commercial agent, Vancouver, watch deposited. Both men ( Islands is the first of oe satin , Shs 4 the day. On the platform were! fam ° e anson Thomas McClymont, made a | accompanied by A. E. McMaster, | ©@™e& into town by a recent boat. Sir George’ Doughty's fishing oon. | P{¥ine here Friday evening, en pr. K } Med OAV. (Silent Bill) was afraid to aes vi yA , ignty § 0 : ; a . |} Dr. Kergin, who presided; Nie + brief address in which he point-| general agent, Prinee Rupert, of — his coast to take actual | Toute to Stewart, and leaving this) yo ntgomery, the Socialist candi-|{} Meet Clayton at Hazelton tH) oq out that Wm. Mi hould Trunk iy : ? : : or the south Sunday morn- eee Meas h the latt d ed ou 1a m1, Manson should|the Grand Trunk, arrived on the Canada has a greater railway shape It will be ship- city for the sou iy date; Tho s Di Thomas Me- wnen e fatter announce ave demandec » sale of »| George . wav ¢ . ‘ : : r iy rif PGi aln{Hnis date; Thoma inn, Phomas : li f ; have demanded the sale of the} George. Mr. Dewey and Mr.|mileage than Australia and New & this A foe. nian |Glymont and the Liberal candi- a bw fa meeting, to which government lots of this city. It}Druce are on a trip of inspection|Zealand, or Italy and pain com- ay For row boats and launc hes | date, Alex, M, Manson. Both b o:. Renee Pda Par oites, was better for the representa-j|and will remain in town for a]bined, and more than all South Choicest liquors and cigars—/ telephone 320 green. Davis boat} candidates were cheered as they at mani DUDE sont wees live from Skeena to fall out with | week or so. American countries. Savoy House. |took their seats. Dr, Kergin in- ilent Bill immediately upon the leaders of his party bias i }viled any supporters of Wliliam hearing of the Clayton meet- fall out with his constitue a ‘ eae }Manson to take seats on the ing cancelled a meeting of He should know that his ee al| M ’ }platform and there was no re- his own, which he had. pre- life depended on the issue, | sponse viously arranged for, and Th Tits d aaiat Aa ; e j os { e ¢ ye - ase departed post haste for Al- Vereen OLE: | In the course of an able and dermere. Clayton, undaunt- ldress on behalf of Dr. Clayton, } F H | lengthy introductory he DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER 3°: THEREFORE NEVER couLD BE DISCHARGED AS SUCH—FULL STATEMENT OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES MADE BY RETURNING OFFICER CLARKE. officer,{ two men to pack the stuff from rrieved at the} Van Arsdol to Skeena Crossing, sratemi rhe News yesterday] so I sent two, J. F. Joice and J. F, McDonald, his deputy} McDonald, the former taking the for Hazelton, | papers from this office and every- lischarged he} thing exeept the instructions 1”. Clayton that he was} which Mr. MeDonald was to call edged to vote for William Man-| for. He did call for them , Mr. Clarke says that he and they now, wire Dr. Ciayton| “~ had to ‘av or any other subject; that} tions to Mr. oficer Socialists,|} ment agent dependent wired me one line there, but J ae tin ; a from MeDonald, Mes the government Uke returning I \ licer because hever re- are here from instruc- govern- Joice wire these Allison, the at Hazelton, that he had arrived heard nothing of or I then wired agent at Hazel- ton to make all arrangements with Joice for the distribution of the ballot boxes to interior points, I also wired to Joice to take full charge of this work and wired to McDonald that when he reached Hazelton the government agent would settle with him for his services to date, “The deputy Hazelton Liberals hi Conserva- Conservatives him; that he strictly impar- sworn duty to in the case he is » be lial as jt A hy lhe faets slates as fo Thad { forn and ballot boxes themselyes in Hazelton Boing to them him oy \ Mr think hing Is his Ows: d stationery, all that except Which up the send locks, with boxes ordered river, I was one man with I tried to get a pass for ® Work train from Van Marna ae of steel, but i me he did not any would be run- I therefore take (Sees roes the were returning officer Barrister Hovell., I never heard from McDonald since he left here and the in- structions prepared for him are still in this office.” al Is sao end told train would {oil eerrerccocococeoe PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO Mee ard on Fourth street: “J, F, MeDonald in bed with Big He id a little truth about a large lie. e bought bee ag nreal estate: Progressives and Empire McBride-Bowser bunch, City’s : Capacity hotel accommodation reported taxed to the is both by utmost Chat vod in pickle for the prime Pat eaptain of the Falcon 1s getting Scott 5 olice Buddy’ gO Nox and his training Salt have just dropped into The has just put up a bet of $50 that the boxing con- test "S Over ten rounds. OO pseegeee. anes ect in the Journal to a vole ment running the effeet that for a Liberal candidate Was a thrown and that to obtain anything vote away, from the provincial government! we must have a friend at court. | Nothing could be more mislead- ing. To prove this he quoted the appropriations for this district published in The News yester- day and showed that the increase} in these appropriations had not} kept pace with the growth of the} district, because Skeena had re-| cently grown more any other riding in the had increased enough to have vete of three ridings. As far as| his experience in the legislature | went the government was willing | to listen to opponents as well as | | rapidly Bhan | province; the supporters but the morning paper insisted that the MeBride government would not give op- ponents fair treatment. If that was the case we had advanced l'ttle more than Russia in repre- sentative government, Cheers, W. H. Montgomery was the first speaker. He spoke at great ed, followed in his wake, de- termined to make Manson face the music. It shows that William has a yellow streak and is afraid to face the people on his shiftless record as a repre- sentative of Skeena. The people of uppre Skeena are thoroughly disgusted with him and he and his follow- ers know it. They are sol- idly against William Man- son... None have suffered more than they through the unfairness of the Two-Man government, William is doomed in the Hazelton district just as surely as he is doomed in Rupert. — SSF length and with ability, clearly defining the issues from a Social-| ist and labor point of view. He | pictured the hardships settlers and pre-emptors had to suffer, and on the railway poliey said the dominant idea of the government }speaking in his usual aggressive | and incisive style and eliciting | —~ cheers. Wm. Manson claimed| HOW THE PATRIARCH OF ‘THE KI that he had obtained an approp- HIS CHIEFTAIN SHIP TO THE riation for this district of $551,- | ae | TWANGA INDIANS RESIGNED LOCOMOTIVE AND HOW PAT PHILLIPSON PERSUADED HIM BACK. | 000, but is was really only $3514,- — ,000. This was a mere bagatele “) am no longer chief! bush” that went snorting past lto what had been given to other| The steamboat of the bush would not usurp the chief's place |parts of the Province. Out of| has come and He is the chief and power over his’ people, so | $8,236,360 we get the magnifi-| mow. I will go away and that he would have to retire into cent sum of $351,000, not as} make place for him.” the bush to await death after the }much as the government takes With these words the fine old|manner of the most ancient lout of Queen Charlotte Islands in| chief of the Kitwanga Indians, | tribes. | taxes. Applause.) “Wm. Manson | by whose territory now the G. T.| At last the old chief was con- | has never raised his voice in the|P. steel is passing, wrapped his|vineed and returned with “Pat” j}house on behalf of his district | blanket about him and departed|to his people, whom he found all }/and has never obtained anything| far into the bush away from the|hailing the railway with delight }for his district.’ (Cheers). gleaming steel and snorting|and watching the coming of the | Alex, M. Manson, the Liberal | !ocomotives. “steamboat of the bush” with leandidate, had to wait until the} With the utmost difficulty the}wonder, Satisfied that he was | applause which greeted him had|old chief was persuaded to return still chief of his tribe the proud to his people, who are we leoming | old Indian decided to stay with Splendid eitarkainmant: A capital program is arranged for the social to be held this evening at 8:15 in the Presby- terian Hall under the auspices of the Young People’s Club, The Bethany Girls have charge and an excellent time is assured, In addition to a little sketch which these capable amateurs will present, refreshments will be served “Japanese a la Kimono,” Admission 50c, it sole CG, W. Peck, who was reported away on a matrimonial expedi- tion, returned today single handed, He visited Victoria, Vaneouver, Seattle and Scenic Hot Springs in the Cascade Mountains, Washington. He says George Morrow is doing a land office business: in Vancouver, ANOTHER VICTORY Our Curlers Are Doing Some Good Advertising. (Special to The News.) Vancouver, March 20.— ThePrince Rupert curling team, in the second game of the bonspiel last night, won a second victory, defeating the crack Vancouver team by 8 to 4. The above jubilant des- patch comes to The News this morning signed ‘Mo- Mordie, Mobley, Broderick, Benson Company.” =— EEF EO em SSS | died away. He made a long but always able and explicit argu-|the coming of the railway as a lthe railway and have his share ment on fhe issues before the|great advance for their country. | af the good it brings. people, of which only brief para- Sergeant “Pat” Phillipson had | ene graps here and there can be giv-|to go himself into the far retre at! i en here, Referring to his being|in the bush where the old chief chosen as the standard bearer of|had secluded himself, and with | THE WEATHER. | his party, he said: much exercise of persuasive Irish} ‘ eloquence, not to say blarney, For twenty-four hours ending 5 ‘ : — |managed at last to induce the m., March 12: Bar., 30,362; Continued on Page 4.) lchief to return, jimax. temp., 46.0; min, tenip., | The sergeant showed the fine 25.0, General Freight Agent Here. lold Indian that the railway would en ——e General Freight Agent Dewey! pring advantages with it to the Wanted, experienced boat of the G, T. P. arrived this morn-|chief and his people, and that the| builder, Apply O. M. Helgerson, ing by the Prince George and is|marvelous ‘steamboat of the| Ltd, the increased business coming to} the G. T. P.’s various transpor- tation concerns on this coast and up river, Grand hard times ball given| LIBERAL HEADQU ARTE OI under the auspices of the Cooks’} and Waiters’ Local 825, A. F. of} L., MelIntyre Hall, Wednesday | jevening, Mareh 20th. 3t | | — | ixperiene sant c ts r ana pres-| | wanted immediately. Sweder| The Alex. M. Manson Campaign Committee have leased the Old Optimist Building ; ser : ‘ |Bros., Helgerson Block, Bt on Second Ayve., for the campaign ———— — George Frizzell, who came in| Poon lon the George, reports a new | | automohbile delivery service to be | 2 All friends of Good Government cordialiy invited inaugurated by his firm. |