THE DAILY NEWS. crosses a desert, then it crosses NOT THE G.T. P. the Andes, while the last 200 RUTHLESSLY NTED: alles Gaim Se) over high Sai PICK UPS THAT ARE SNAPS THIS TIME land, Many short tunnels had to Seana DESECRATED .diate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections Sir John Jackson, head of the 7 . i oe ‘ee Submit your Hetings. High R Shida English firm which built the line, peeiactancets B aoe ot io: t e Yous. si “a ghest Railway in the World| says it is the highest in the world |Gathedral of Pisa Pillaged b ee Bainter isting: For Sale Lot 40, block, 16. a aria” Tok au” balance Just Completed in Bolivia— The line gives Bolivia a much Vandalistic Menitntencte nie Sites casper Se Pretty Steep Grades Down) Shorter route to the Pacific coast. of Bishop Stripped of Rich|]| For Long Lease —AND— " es ore There—Cost $13,750,000. It was constructed for the Boliv-| Robes. in the City — lilies ian and Chilean governments in — . nae Second Avé Pt PAI [ULLO & RADFORD Messages from Chile announce] @ccordance with treaties signed| Burglars succeeded in unlock- ata oan Snape S Telephone & that the great railway across the! in 1904. ing the doors of Pisa Cathedral oo a f Andes from Africa in Chile to La ———__—___——_——_—-- - the other night and stole many Porcher Island weccicns | — Pas in Bolivia was completed on| Canada has the largest con-| valuables. These included three Snap Wanted q ; ; soc Monday when the rail ends near} secutive wheat flelds in the world| ancient lamps and a crucifix of 146% Acres 5-Room : Canadian General Electric Company, Limited | /}):% chie-Bolivian frontier were] 900 by 300 mites, solid silver. They stripped the|| Fine Harbor | For a Square Deal | ,)/0¥%¢ | nining ane Comteabting foctttaery joined, The line is 270 miles in Canada has the most prolifice]corpse of Bishop Ranierie of a Close In i riectrical Apparatus of every description Se ae the” ik: saa eae ee aa hrs gro shad "Ther SE eseenenpetietietarate. Soniirnnenaeligeegies $13,750, s The work as| world, ring and across and chain, They ” Graham Kearney, Mgr ook oie taken less than three years, de-| Canada has the largest nickel| also damaged paintings and altar .- Agents New York Life Insurance Company .. Phone 245 ’ e spite the difficulties presented by| mines in the world. pieces in a nattempt to detach aa the nature of the country which Canada has the largest moun-|them from the frames, and scat- ey the line traverses. In the first] tain park system in the world, of|tered the consecrated wafers on fifty or sixty miles the train way] over 15,000 square miles. the floor. The cathedral has been Find It Through a News Want Ad. closed until it can be consecrated again because of the desecration. TIMOTHY FOLEY ON THE PEACE Railway Bullder Believes Great Communities Will Settle on Peace River, a Tributary to Prince Rupert Trade. = — =——_ Planks in the Liberal Platform Abolition of the poll tax. . Exemption of improvements on all lands paying taxes to the provincial government. Readjustment of taxation. The raising of the exemption of incomes limit to $2,000. Provincial department of labor and free labor bureau. Thorough inspection of all industrial premises. Complete prohibition of Chinese labor. A comprehensive system of industrial insurance Extension of the scope of the workmen’s compensation act to cover all hazardous employments. Complete prohibition of Oriental labor. A minimum wage and an eight-hour day for government and government-aided work. immediate construction of railway to Peace River, the island and the interior. Construction of government-owned elevators. No public land for speculators. improved methods of preventing timber waste. ae SS SSSA ING SS OX Sao Mr. Timothy Foley, of the the great Canadian railroad firm of Foley, Welch & Stewart, who makes Winnipeg his headquar- ters, is thoroughly conversant with the development of the en- tire Canadian west from the Great Lakes to the coast. “There is a great work of col- onization and community building to be carried out in the Peace River country in the next dozen years,’ said Mr. Foley. ‘Settlers are already rushing into that For Quick Sale; Owner will dispose of the follewing LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, Skeena Land eee of Coast Hanged. Take notice that 1, CAROLINE JOHNSON of Vancouver, B. U., occupation married woman, intend to apply for pena wo purchase the following described lands: Commencing at &@ post pianted at the southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south 3U chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 60 Chains to the southeast corner of Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains along south line of Lot 3062, thence north 3u chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence west 40 chairs along south line of Lot 3065 to point of commencement, contain- ing 560 acres, more or less, CAROLINE JOHNSON, R. Carr, Agent, Dated Dec, 23, 1911. Pub. Jan, 18, 1012. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that Kathleen Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation spinster, intends to ap, for permission to purchase the follow described lands: Commencing at & post planted at the witness post of the northwest corner of Lot 635, Range 5, Coast district, distant 13.73 chains south from the northwest corner of the said lot, thence west 40 chains more or less to the east Dank of the Hocsall Hiver, thence southerly along said east to mouth of Falls River Slough, thence fol- lowing bank of Falls River Siough easterly and northerly to point of commencement, to contain 40 acres, more or KATHLEEN AGNEW. Nise Agent. country in advance of all indi- cations of completed railroad communication, and in a_ few years British Columbia and the prairie provinces will enjoy the added prosperity resulting from the opening up of a great new section of the Canadian west.” Lots in Section 2 Equity $787.50 401.25 750.00 CONTEST Lot 1 and 2 17 57 & 58 Block 16 16 12 Price $2100 1050 2250 )) { } { { ( We can offer good terms on the Equity Call and see us G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. SECOND AVENUE oD Prince Rupert Lodge, LO.OF. Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. Prince Rupert's leading hotel— Sevoy. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 3rd Ave. Workshop Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts . Scott Augustus SSS Dated February 1, Pub. Feb. 10, Prince Rupert Land District—District of Coast. _ Take notice that J, Lemuel Freer, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker, in- tend to apply for permission to pu the following descrived jands: Commencing at @ post pianted on the shore in @ northerly direction from Port Nelson Cannery, marked L. F,’s S.B. corner, thence 20 chains porsi, thence 20 chains west, thence 2u chains south to shore line, thence east along the shore to point of Light and Power For all Estimates given for wiring and ftting for electric light, power, bells, phones, water heating, etc. Stock of lamp shades and gen- eral electrical supplies carried. -AT THE— coming soon. WESTHOLME —BY THE— Prince Rupert Athletic CORRE SEEN containing 40 acres, more or jess, LEMUEL FREER. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. { { \ . i i ° 4° Dated Dec. 7, 1911. THE ATRE Associa ie, LOVE W. G. BARRIE, Sec. | paied,Dec,7, 391 ulton 6t. an ve. = \ . o es7 a1 Skeena Land District—District of Cuast yi pte SONS OF NO ay Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew of \ Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation civil en- ——= Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7 gineer, intends to apply Tor. permission to } p. m., at 319 3rd ave, All Nor-| purchase the following described lands: } j ; ; Commencing at @ pos a \ wegians are welcome. southwest corner of “Lot Ras, Range 5, )) Coast district, thence south 40 chains more ) 4 or less to east bank of Hocsall River, thence { FOUGWINS VSR ans Re norshery . tl 4 wester oo mouth of Falls ver Sloug! Xl OP, OWA . Zor 2% . MONTREAL. A SPE( [AL I y then following bank of said slough easterly | A ve ey a Say Pe 9 to point of commencement, to contain 6v ( Jax Kaa C ’ weer x ‘4 acres more or less, wwe MW @ THE STANDARD is the National —_—_ AUGUSTUS W. AGNEW. Ae ae Dated February 1, 1912 Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion |Dressmaking and Repairing Pub. Feb. 10.. . ce || of Canada. It js national in all its|Cleaning & Pressing Work Done Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ume HOPE Tak ice that 1, Michas Beganis, cook, 800 : : e It uses the most expensive engrav- |533 8th Avenue Prince Rupert} ,- Wittonia, st iad ae apply for per: ings, procuring the photographs from aa eee | ission tO purchase the fo owing de- scribed lands: Commencing at & post planted on the north side of Williams Creek, where the Kitimat branch of the G, T. P. » crosses Williams Creek, and about tem (40) chalos from the creek shore, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 30 chains, thence west 40 to point of commencement, containing 120 acres, more or less. MICHAS BEGANIS. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct. 31, 1011. Pub, Dec, 9. ell over the world: Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy is thoroughly independent, A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Co, Limited, Publishers Reserve your seats early Tickets on sale at Orme’s Drug Store Do not fail to witness this exhibition The event of the season WHO DO YOU WORK FOR? Do you have anything left for yourself at the end of the month, or do the grocer, the butcher, the baker, the coal man and so on get it all? If so, then you are living Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, clerk of Victoria, intend to apply for permiseine to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at & post plesve on the east boundary and about five (5) chains from the southeast corner of Lot 4484 thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west 30 sheng, $0 point of COMMERCONEDK con- taining 1 acres, more or less. 7 PAUL CURTISS, Fred E, Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct. 84, 41011. . IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS JOE BAYLEY | \ | ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS Thurs., March 21 CONTEST TO COMMENCE AT 9 p.m. wrong. Did you ever think ub. Dec. H. R, Love, Prop., rene Rupert of the “ nt 8 oven af Skeeua Land District_—District, of cassiar. Up-to-Date Equipment. Work an escape from is high cos e Dotice that Js ng . Prices Right. Engine Work of living? of Vancouver, osoupalien reel ten to pare chase the following described lands Buy a few acres of land where you can raise your own vegetables, and some to sell besides; where you can supply your table with poul- try and eggs, where you can grow your fruit, where you ean have a cosy home in the fresh air and sunshine, with and General Repairing. Shop, Hays Cove. Agents for Imperial Gasoline Motors. Phone Blue 259 P. O. Box 957 Commencing at & post planted about seven miles distant and in en ont direction from the Naas River, ani ui eight miles north of Aiyansh Indiep tneace Bree AeRN, Sua eer tadase eighty chains, thence Wess ERY chains to point commencement, JAMES EWING MACRAB. H, P, Rutter, Agent. Dated Oct, 34, 1941. Pub. Dec, 14, | New no rent to pay. ea = —— == | This spring is the time to LAND LEASE NOTICE " —<—<————= . Beier iy Ox act. See me about 160 acres on _ Porcher Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range Island. $15 per acre, 2,000 §$| prane peice Mic’, Stcuption tian Gand of e e in the Bulkley Valley, $7.50. | ger, intend to, apply fox parmiasion to ” . : 0 e Let me write in your next CH = rae ot Cie, ont planted 1-4 mile mission es Sl @ Insurance Policy. #11 miles saat of Prince Huvert ; BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS eon an te salwar thease New Knox Hotel le runce the Biiciern GEO. LEEK fredeto Sets oe Sanaa i as site BEDS 5 Ul'|% 618 Sed Ave. Prince Rupert ee a wiheERED CHRISTIAN GARDE ) ese i. te Jan. aaa FF FEED DDG ELSE ILASDLDSSSSS Sem aa|| FIRAT AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER? Pub, Feb. 8, 1912