AT PAGE TWO 1 SLIPPER The Ideal Gift Yoa could not fail to be impressed with our wonderful range of slippers For Him or Her Buy early while sizes are complete AMILY SHOE STORE LI The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISn COLUMBIA PcSHshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. FULLEN Mar.agir.g-Editcr Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations M04BCK Or THE CAXADUN Ml .a S I flc;;ti rredsad V : cr 10 Ur AMorttfrnd Preaa is tbts riT also Uwi AZ rihu of wpr.fiiM-tfVTn of apecU) deaoatebea tberefs ut also iancl PA2LY EUmO.V The Squeeze On Italy - Tuesday. December If. 154 Keep Up Sports With all the soldiering and war work in Prince Ru-, pert we suggest that it is a splendid thin? to keep up our regular sports. Many of the bovs not okl enoueh to join the army are keeping fit by playing games. Others for various reasons the army will not take. Thev also need to keep fit, Those who may not have joined the army for reasons of their own or are awaiting the call for the Air Force need to keep fit We should all be ready and willing to encourage the playing of games if -only for the value it is to the men in the army. The Financial Xews summarizes tbe present condition of Italy by saying: "It may be an unholy sentiment to cherish, but we suppose that most people who have an insdnctive liking for fair plav and the doine of h'r a half-way decent manner, share a deeper sense of satisfaction over the hastening miseries of Italy. "President Roosevelt gave the Italian pohev of war-xsaking, in France's extremity, a came which will lie as long as Italian history. He called it a stab in the ha k. "55ussolmi hoped to buy a cheap conquest, an almo?;. free ride on the chariot of the Hun. "Well, B Duce miscalculated on the stuff of whi -h ihe British people are made and now she is being rerr orsely starved of economic sustenance. "Italy, presumably, shared in the loot of France, but what France had in the things that Italy chronically needs will not last the Axis partners lone, and it may be oresura-ed that Germany has doled out Italy's share with a nig-gardlr hand. "Eighty per cent of the commodities essential to life in Italy are normally imported. The British blockade of the Mediterranean, more effectual than ever as British ft4ft lim'M nlnaA r linllnn cVil sVm1lnrnrrv 11 fiitn'cr man Bersaglieri have had to fall back before the tough fighters of little Greece. Now the Greek passes are snow- covered and Italy has no troops that can storm them in winter. After five more months of British blockade, will she be in any better shape to fight Greece? STRENGTH 15 vnitt fntl Sjln CCKTENTS 26 CIS mguur tvw mm, lcmoi iwlmi TJht litupH gU dbSStM in the uvUd . . , , , i j ii . , . . this aave; usemect a not pub- no. w tuurc uui auu xigut, i& giduuau) lui caLCiiiii; 111c mrjta or cispiayea oy the U- whole Italian war effort with collapse. iSS??,3. SJSl , 1 , . ., . Government o: British Coram bia uu i r "It is almost out of the question, now, for flraziamV army to go on a great offensive from Sidi Barrani, in i r7.. jvjjl. ni buppiies nave Deen pracucaiiy cui on ana nisi vJe m iBtentkw to .prj to cfnMC Kullliuirl iv,r snrrfiv4 n vnirlr. TUn TuT:nl. ' PUfrtlif Land owiu ituutcu uj uuiicuiiii an laiuo. I lie cw uiltisil! ja Eane 5. tow DisWe. land Ee- base in Crete, plus the victory at Taranto, give the Libj'an ax D-xin a pnnc Rupert. m forces only a slim chance of going on with a full scale mJtJisir? trS Campaign. , fnnc Rupert on ttw C&nadtM ItatJonaJ "Inexorably, the British squeeze in the Western and' Tke ocuat tueSKEzsA orient Eastern 3Iediterranean tightens on Italy, and the longer it r.SJi"'". is maintained, the lighter will be the British losses in thei2ES 1SuZZs final military showdown in Egypt crci unos - "That Italy alone, despite her vastly superior num-'tbftTSL'or 'uTKf n.d. bers. can dispose of Greece this winter is to be doubted J! C'V,-.?r "'l? Italrs best alpine warriors, specially trained for a year running esaeenr caain (more f,Ui ' W ia to 1U imenec. .v niuiv.n uitcuc, nsmi uttiiimitu uj uic tiiuuiiLUiit X Jut- twn txo a 6kugs of tbe Skeena ers. Her best bpanlsh war veterans and her olumed Ko- J21 ir,7 M . ... .... ..... . ui uouzn u Tvmt ca oommencement a.nd containing Ten (10) acres more or lena. SKEENA ORIENT TOTBER COMPANY. LIMITED Georpe LUOe, A&ent. i lxxicq i9 ana aay or October. A. D. ,140. "Germany might intervene and her aerial might! would change the picture, but, regardless of the conse- TiJ Sea by quences, the Greek Islands are doubtless in British hands wimot Land at victoria, b. c. not' for the duration of the war-and Crete is 400 miles closer renrn Z & 2 to Italy than was Alexandria. ; t wv3. l J-500000 frt! " Pruc. nnloclc and balsam ui ii i i t ai.' l i i ii on part If Italy should cave in this winter, the naval strength,0' d urveyed umber ucehcea that Britain could divert to the Atlantic and the troops&T J2?iJ?bm''' that could be Dut into Greece and the Near East to sun- w aiiot-ed for re port Turkey's resolute stand would have a profound ef- Further particulars of the Chief-For. feet on the course of the war." 'SS, SSSwU" k" """"" m- THE DAILY NK'AS ST. BARXABAS CHURCH DECKED BY XAZIS mgilk JMUIVUU & MoVa al4 bombing planes on London tos fol-1 loured by a day viihoet alarm and throughout last night the capital and Thole country were still an-1 disturbed hi spite of fine clear' weather. The first, air raid alarm of the day came early this morn-, in?. j Britain wax pleased but puzzled' as' more than twenty-four hours j passed, without alarms or reports ! of bombings. i The Press Association speculated j that the lull might be caused by the Royal Air Force's blows at Germany or by Germany strategy! of massing its air force for a neay oiow xater. Warning was given by a London newspaper today of a new type of parachute bomb which the Ger mans are said to be about to use. ( Tbemissle tea sheet metal cylinder; wraa wnu wire, wnne not large, it has high fragmentation powers. BANGOR, Maine, December 10 CP State game wardens are waging a determined campaign against poachers illegally slaying -he Whitetail deer, the state's last rea: big game antaaL A. .i f: erf St Barnabas Church in Southampton i$ this pile of rubble and the church c.-e:; - ord. netting forth the hoars of divine service. Southampton, great son it eastern port 1 England has teen the target of repeated bombings by the German raiders. In the so-called HUi' Corner" of England, it bore the brunt of bomb storms before the Germans began the business of demolishing" London. HOGGISH PRICES i COPEJ.'HAGEN. December M. C Pi The price of pork in German -occupied Denmark has reached the equivalent of 20 cents a pound, the highest in 29 years. ns is tlicGin QUIET DAY IN LONDON -COVF-RNMEVr IJQl'OR ACT" (Srctlon 389 SoS-e t Application far a Cm Uresee SOTTCE a HERZBT GIVEN Out oa i! IStli uy of Dmalwr Dezt the uadmigBcd tatnids to apply to tte Liquor OoDtrol Boud fcr llorocc In trgpeet to the premlHni betnc put ol ttv buildlos knerwn ac tlv Otxnmerrtal Hotel aRmAe at the earner of Ptm Awxie and Tigtxh Buret, in the Ctty Long Loll Followed HeaTy Strafine & prine Bupm upon land deaenixd Sunday Mjht by Boyal Air " K TSiffwn (13) and Pourttro 14). Block Sine ). Seauoa Os li orfe Up 923. Prtoce Rapert land Retfa- trattoa IXstrtrt. in tbe Pnmac of BrKtaa CrIrimN'i. fcr tb a of beer by the elan or by te bottle for ceo-LONDON, Dec. 10: (CP Sunday rumpaoo on tbe premims or elwatien. nmu4 -o.v , v.-o,i DATED UHa l&tb day of Xorrtubrr ALEXANDER J PRCDBOUUZ Applicant. Raw Furs We HaTe Orders For and Require Immediately 3000 Marten, 500 Lynx, 200 Fiiber 5000 Mink and 25,000 Weasels In order to secure these articles for our customers, we are prepared to pay you more money than anyone else. We have SPECIAL ORDLRS for Dark and Dark Brown Marten and Small Dark and Dark Brown Fishers and we are prepared to pay you SPECIAL PRICES for these two articles. For Hirhest Market Prices and 100 Satisfaction, Try Your nest shlpme'nt to ui Do it Now! Thanking you in anticipation, we are. Trappers Furs B-l Standard Bank Bldj, Vancouver, B.C B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 4 DRESSERS From 3 .COMPLETE BROWN ENAMEL BEDS From 8 TYPEWRITERS Of various makes. From 1 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Just like new 1 COT In good condition at . S7.50 TO 810.00 S14.00TOS16.50 $22.00 TOS45.00 845.00 83.95 New Furniture H FELT MATTRESSES -Sizes 3-3, 4-0. on tZf Special . ? 3U JO SPRING FILLED FELT MATTRESSES CI ft Of finest quality OlD.OU 12 SPRING-FILLED FELT MATTRESSES With silk QAA ffn striped covering material 4 v & & . 0 U 8 UNPAINTED DROP LEAF TABLES Very strongly Q m g buUt. Special vD.D 2 4-pIcce BEDROOM SUITES Consisting of bedstead, vanity and bench, and chlflrobe, (h waterfall CQO TA design ?73.0U 4 DRESSERS with round mirrors. In waterfall COO SZ( design, a real snap DU 16 CHESTERFIELD SUITES In all colors and styles. From- 875.00 TO 8104.00 Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B. C. Clothiers 5 aw- 1 w ,y 16 a si if P h o n Express the Season's Greetings with The Oldest Name in Scotch Haig Haig i i 4 5 1 4RmefA .V. ! TC- cos m XXttX 26' , or. wraa. tuasa io tanui n Ktruu it nut t in, tawiui bstuo This advertisement a not published oi dsp.t6 irr L,ir Control Board or by the Government oi Brito Comb-a SERVICE OF A BETTER CLASS r (Art Iurray) "JUST TRY 99 ONCE" "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL Try Our Famous Edson Hard Coal PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. EDSON, NANAIMO-WELLINGTON, BULKLEY VALLEr Office and Coal Bunkers Trailer's Dock fttnt U Gift Boxes By Yardley of London Priced From $1.00 to $10.00 Lavender Bath Salts $1.10 Lavender Bath Powder $1.50 Lavender Toilet Water 55c, 85c, $1.10 and $1.75 Yardley Perfume . . $1.25. $2.50, $1.50 Ormes Ltd. The Rexail Store Phones II Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p-m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to S pja. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Frco FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. rbone 5H ft ft 1 i