PAGE FOUH TWO WOMEN BADLY HURT Cranrillf, Yanfoaver a sawdust truck fatted to negotiate vantage SPORT CHAT ' Heavyweight champion of New Swdnst Trntk Crashes Into SboD. England, A McCoy, meets Joe At Comtr Of Broadwav And Louis in Boston December 15 in 'what bMed as a Utle bout Mc- .C&j, who Mves in Dorchester, VANCOUVER. Dee 10: Tra "-. 'fcnu jok a rigni 101 women Mrs W. O. McHhenny and P3 P""- Mrs. Ralph O'Brien were serjousjy injured yesterday afternoon when Winnipeg Blue Bombers took ad- of a "ast-minute fumble the turn at roe coiner of Broad- to break a tie and gain an 8-7 way and GranvEJe Street and ry over LKiawa eougn ucrrs crashed through a window inin & tor ibe Canadian Football Chanj-deiieatessen shop Mrs. Mcllhenny Pnship a year ago yesterday is reported in fair condition in Vanccurer General HcspitaL Mrs. O'Brien, in St Paul's Hospital. wiB lce her left leg. Name Of Omineca Member Cleared explanation Jp Conncttioa With Letter Is Mad In Lc;Kiature At Victoria VICTORIA. Dtc 10: CRIBBAGE DEADLOCK Old Empress and Eagles baring. finished un in a tie last nishti CP R L. wtih the ending of the first half! Maitland K. C. Leader of the Op- 0f the season in the Prince Rupert : ptuuu, in ate puuu. wmiiu unooage League, there will be a Basketball Buzz The Petersburg basketball party, which arrived in Prince Rupert at noon yesterday for its series with Savoys of Prince Rupert tonight and tomorrow, consists of tne players averaging twenty-one years of age and all former High Schools stars of the Alaskan town. The line-up is as follows: LesNy-gren. captain and centre: Normal jHeJadahl, Uojd Petersen. Vernon iHeindahl and Bill Johnson, Empress And Eagles To Play ward: Robert Consannon. George Tonight To Break Tie At End Nkhotsan. Dave Ootner and Bob Of First Half fciKias. guard, ana iuunce Rnm- stad. centre The first string and starting line -up comprises Nrgren Norman Hetndahl. Federsea. Con- cannon and Nicholson. Practically every member of the committee of the Legislature last play-off tonight between these two High School squads in Petersburg cr, ruura ui4i r wwc teams to settle the issue. The first where the southeastern Alaska iL M. Connelly, H L. A- for roand of the Tip Top Tailors Cup! championship has been held for !5f: ? eP? nMS" next Mon-jthe past three seasons Nvgren and u .take with a letter before the com- day with the draw as follows: Old tciT mltte which made certain charges. '-rh-y Empress ts. Operators: Canadian have claved Bh :E. T. Kenney. MIA. for Skeena 'chairman of the committee, dub-bed the charge as foul aft;r which Mr. Makland explained that Mr. Connelly's name had been incorrectly linked with the letter. If you want something, adver-i Use for it Hundreds of people get: what they want that way. (tf) BLACKHEADS Out Mwiii t'fUdi d melw tio. Gti V & If XS M y I i w Legion vs. Falcons; Savoy Hotel vs. Bears: Eagles vs. Smiles Cafe. Results of last night's play were as follows: Canadian Legion 13. Falcons 5. Savoy Hotel 7, Eagles 11 Old Empress 9, Operators 9. Smiles Cafe 6, Bears 12. The league standing: F Old Empress 6....8 Eagles jS8 Canadian Legion - 66 Bears 63 Savoy Hotel 62 Falcons 61 Smiles Cafe 60 Operators -66 A 58 53 60 63 64 65 66 70 TOYS For Boys And Girls WAGONS 2 inches long by II inches wjde. Made of hardwood, rubber tires - KIDDIE KAK Seat board length 14 inches, height of peaX from floor nine Inches. Rubber tires SCOOTER Strong, well-finished, with brake. Very popular price . - VELOCIPEDE Strong pressed steel, ball-bearing front wheeL Suit age from 3 to 7 S2.95 S2.50 S4.50 89.50 PLAT YARD Keeps the, Bttle tots safe and out of mischief, sturdily built 38x38-inches, folds up completely 09 2JA I OX) in one operation - - DOLL CONVERTIBLES 12x81? inches, handle height 24 inches, rubber tires. Each 83.50 EIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING TELEPHONE GREEN 916 THIRD AVENUE Pts 68 68 66 63 62 61 60 56 CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST r Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. . Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars .... : ' Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 pin. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN QQ AA Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1941. tJ)JUoUU Final return limit March 31st, 1941 Fpr Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or )Vrite CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada AJr Lines n & in & ! ft ft ft ft ft ft P ft ft ft ft ft ft P s ft i I BASKETBALL TONITE 0 HIGH SCHOOL v&. Y.M.C.A. 8 pjn. Petersburg (Alaska) Vs. Savoys (Rupert) Exhibition Hall A dm. 50c Students 25c Central Hotel Modern Steam-Heated Rooms, Dining Room, Steam Bath and Housekeeping Apartments Mrs. C E. Black, Proprietress FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK Mrs. James Clark Palmistry Leeds Apartments. First St, Ground Floor Green 925 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOMfc AWAY FROM HOME" R:w 15c op W Rootnr. Hot ii Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phou 28 1 P.O. Iloz 1M THE DAILY NEWS li ' i ii i SPOKANE into the lead of the Pacific Coast Hockey League last night by displacing Vancouver with a four to oQ shut-out Tic lory over the Lions. The Pacific Coast League stand ing to dafe is as follows: Pacific Coast League W D LFAPts Spokane Vancouver Seattle Portland 7 .7 5 5 basketball in Seattle and Portland respectively. The t Si tors do not carry as much heisht as the Savovs but School I look like they might be somewhat I from a scoring standpoint. There tare indications, however, that it will oe a close game. FOR BALL 6 44 35 15 5 42 45 13 P 37 44 10 According to what was being said this morning Lieut Walter Johnson will turn out this evening for the Savoys. This will be Walter's first game this season and, while he may find himself slightly out ofcondltlon, there is no doubt his. presence will be a welcome ad dition 'to the home squad. Unfor-tunatejy Bob .Houston will not be able to reach the city from his military, duties for tonight's game but he will be on hand for tomorrow night, it is "definitely stated. Bob, leading defence man here for the past two seasons' will be miss ed tonight. He is looking bettef now than evr. I IN LEAD Shots Out Vancouver and Dis places Lions From Top of Pacific' Coast Leagwe VANCOUVER, December 10 (Canadian Press Spokane jumped There will be two games, thel Intermediate Booth Memorial High J r 1 ll 4 ,1 ' ouwui itrnui uirrvuig mr loung Men's ener. Christian Association op-j FOR SALE Sedan car. Snap for cash. Phone Green 317. 290 FOR SALE Key lock safe. Apply Union Steamships Company. (2S2) FOR SALE Boat Mlnnette, 38 feet by 10 feet. Reasonable price. Inquire at Metlakatla. F. Leask. (297) FOR SALE Furnishings of suite! including new studio lounge.' Steam heated suite to rent, after Dec. 15th. Suite 9, Summit Apartments, itf.) WANTED WANTED housekeeper. Apply 610, 6th Ave. W. Suite 4. tf- WANTED 3 -room furnished apartment by December 15 or later. Phone Black 937. (2S9) WANTED 1st class experienced teacher for the Omineca' School, Rose Lake, B.C. Duties to com mence the 6th of January, 1941. Grades one to eight Salary $900 per annum. Apply at once to E, F. 'Mould; Secretary. 289 WANTED 1 or 2 room housekeeping rooms from January 1. Apply Box 54, Daily News. (292) WANTED Furnished or unfurnished suite. At least 2 rooms close to Drydock. Phone 303. (228) WANTED B' reliable person, furnished or unfurnished suite or home. Apply Daily News. (290) LOCAL girl living at home. Experienced In general work and waiting table and not afraid of work, for boarding house. Box 55, Daily News, tf FOR KrWl FOR RENT Large furnished office including heat and' light. Daljy News. tf. y y y y y y y K H y y y y y y y y y y y y 9 y 4 32 30 16!gf y y y y 8 y y y y y y y y y ments of which' are made In the British Columbia Gazette, , . i i I Ralnh WIntnn ifplrtram nt Tele graph Creek, Stipendiary Stanley Martin Carling. Pouce Coupe. Justice of the Peace and Commissioner under the Evidence Act Constable Arthur Hawthorn Taylor, Prince George. Justice of the Peace. Mrs. Rosalie Clay and Harry Charlwood of Cherry Point, Peace River Block, elections commissioners. Appointments of H. W. Dodd as Stipendiary Magistrate at Stewart and Gordon Bennett of Dawson ARROW BUS Time Table Effective Dec. 2 PHONE 459 Leaves Leaves Post Office Seal Cove AJI. A.M. 7:25 7:40 8:15 G:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:00 Sat. Only Sat. Only PM. .P-M. 12:30 1:00 P-M. pji. 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 6:10 6:30 6:30 6:45 7:30, " 3:00 9:30 ? 10:00 ' 10:20 U:00 11:30 n:45 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 :30 5:00 7;00 7:30 1030 11:00 Arraniements may be made for Special Trips or Parties All You Kiddies Kaien Hardware Appointments Are Announced Services Appointments affecting North- em British Columbia, announce- y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Creek and Alvin Holland of Fort til St. John as Justices of the Peace i tif nave been rescinded. , m y y vr. -w- Jri c jn jt: -r-?. 1 1 AND LES S BAG S BEAR WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Decem ber 10 CP His hands amputated P H. S. Pu.. seven years ago. John Tamplln re- siclst in Bra placed them with an Ingenious I "cafellte" a p equipment which enabled him to ; from coffee shoot and kill a 400-nound bear for construe: C7? Connect on which charged him the other day. or buttons With p Provincial r Government s 4 4 bricks for corrtr RIO JANEIRO, Dc iba 111 WALLACE'S .-'1 t3 Early Gift Suggestion! UnrrA Mantle. Tn a r:r : 1 ' 35c TO 81.50 Boxed Gift Stationery We -a more pleasing TO assortment. From 82,95 Fancy Towel Sets All :e 3ph- i A most practical gift 50(TO395 rnim Boxed Xmas Cards The osif cnlvA !irr1 nrrvWrm Wtf tl' suit From all needs. . 25C 8LUV - Wrapping Tissue. Ribbon Ties and String. Taps a.;d St-Pleasing Variety - We Have Our Xmas Stock so Arranged that Matins Selection Is an Easy Matter v Phone 9 THIRD and FUTU.1 BUTTER MAID - DELICATESSEN Ask About Our Health Bread Silversides Block Third Ave. rlfni? the Dafly that tbe people of the whole district are dotal W m